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Chapter 7 Lecture

Human Geography: Places and

Regions in Global Context
Sixth Edition

Geographies of
Wendy A. Mitteager
State University of New York, Oneonta

Key Concepts

Economic development
Carrying capacity
Sustainable development
Division of labor
Fair trade
Economic globalization
Flexible production systems

Figure: Chapter 7 Opener Migrant workers in China boarding a train home.

Patterns of Economic Development

Three types of changes
Structure of regions economy
Forms of economic organization
Availability & use of technology

Gross domestic product
Gross national income
Purchasing power parity

Apply your knowledge: What kind of statistics besides

GNI provide an indication of international disparities in
economic development?

Patterns of Economic Development, (contd)

Figure 7.1 GNI is one of the best single measures of economic development. Use this map to
compare the core countries with the peripheral and semiperipheral countries.

Resources and Development

Cultivable land
Carrying capacity
Industrial resources

Figure 7.3 Deforestation of rainforest in


Figure 7.2 Major sources of energy are

unevenly distributed.

Resources and Development, (contd)

Figure 7.4 Some countries are fortunate in having a broad range of cultivable land. Others
must rely on exploitation of one major resource for economic development.

Resources and Development, (contd)

Sustainable development
Ecological footprint
Reliance on fossil fuels
Rate of growth in periphery
Institutional framework

Figure 7.6 Promoting local economies

Apply your knowledge: Provide examples of renewable

energy projects in the U.S. How can they change the
ecological footprint? How might their growth be impeded?

Economic Structure
Primary, secondary,
tertiary, and quaternary
Division of labor
Manufacturing value
added (MVA)

Newly industrializing
countries (NICs)
Foreign direct
corporations (TNCs)

Apply your knowledge: Consider a product you own and

map out the products development through the primary,
secondary, and tertiary activities.

Primary Economic Activities, 2002

Figure 7.7 The geography of primary economic activities

Chinas Economic Development

Figure 7.B The city of Shenzhen

Figure 7.C New affluence

Figure 7.D Real estate boom

TASKS (from page 216-238)

What factors can explain differing levels of economic development?

Define the following
Sustainable development
Carrying capacity
Ecological footprint
What is the international/ geographical division of labour?
What are trading blocks? Neoliberal policies?
Describe and explain the patterns of international debt.
What is fair trade? Give an example.
Copy Rostows model and explain it.
Explain how levels of economic development can vary within
regions mention core/ periphery and agglomeration effects,
deindustrialisation and, government intervention and growth poles.

Economic Structure, (contd)

Trading blocs
Neoliberal polices

Figure 7.8 Manufacturing in South Korea

Figure 7.9 World economic forum in

Switzerland, 2011

Economic Structure, (contd)

Figure 7.10 One reflection of dependency: the index of commodity concentration of

exports, 2002

Economic Structure, (contd)

International debt
Elasticity of demand
Terms of trade
Ratio of prices

Import substitution

Figure 7.12 Cocoa production, Ghana

Apply your knowledge: Determine the current debt of three

countries. What main factors have contributed to each
countries debt?

Economic Structure, (contd)

Figure 7.11 The 2008 debt crisis

Fair Trade

Figure 7.13 Fair trade coffee in Uganda Figure 7.14 A fair trade shop in Canterbury, England

Stages of Economic Development


Figure 7.15 A model based on the idea of

successive stages of economic development, now
regarded as overly simplistic.

Regional Economic Development

Regional inequalities
Geographical path dependence
Initial advantage
External economies
Localization economies

Apply your knowledge: Identify an example of localized

economics functioning in your own community. What
industries are clustering together and how can this result in
cost savings?

Regional Economic Development, (contd)

Webs of functional interdependence

Agglomeration effects
Backward and forward linkages
Ancillary industries
Cumulative causation
Backwash effects

Apply your knowledge: Identify and research three cities

that have experienced a backwash effect and the reasons
for the backwash effect in each locale.

Regional Economic Development, (contd)

Modification of regional
Spread effects
Import substitution
Creative destruction

Figure 7.18 An abandoned Packard automobile

plant in Detroit, Michigan.

Regional Economic Development, (contd)

Government intervention
Growth poles

Figure 7.19 The London congestion charge was

introduced in 2003.

Apply your knowledge: Identify two regions that have

experienced deindustrialization. What industries were lost?
Did they experience creative destruction? Has government
intervention played a role?

Globalization and Economic Development

Figure 7.20 The impact of containerization on

world trade

Figure 7.21 24-hour trading between major

financial markets

Globalization and Economic Development,


Figure 7.22 Banks in trouble: customers in line in Santa

Monica, 2008.

Figure 7.23 U.S. President

George W. Bush addresses the
nation about the financial crisis on
October 10, 2008.

Economic Globalization
Global assembly lines
and supply chains
TNCs and globalization
Flexible production

Figure 7.26 Nestle is the main food company

for Disneyland Paris

Economic Globalization
Just-in-time production
Vertical disintegration
Strategic alliances

Export-processing zones
Homogenization of
Experience economy

Figure 7.27 Principal maquiladora centers on the United

StatesMexico border

Wal-Marts Economic Landscape

Figure 7.E Wal-Mart locations in the Atlanta metropolitan region

Apply your knowledge: Consider the eateries you dine at

most often. Are they locally owned or chains owned by large
corporations? If they are chains, research what business
they replaced in that location.

Geographies of Office Employment

Back-office functions

Clusters of
specialized offices
Offshore financial
Figure 7.30 Workers at a call center in India.

The Pleasure Periphery

Alternative tourism

Figure 7.32 Ecotourism:

birdwatchers in Panama

Apply your knowledge: Choose a popular tourist location

and list costs and benefits of tourism for this place and its

Future Geographies
Availability of
Expansion of world
Globalization of
High-speed rail
Smart roads
Smart cars

Figure 7.34 Energy-consuming goods: in an Apple

Store in Beijing, China

End of Chapter 7

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