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jaa hey Tost Booklet No. JBC -12R dian yffter den This booklet contains 64 pages. paPRR I / NPA-UA I Se yf TGs go FI MAIN TEST ROORLET/ yor ethan gfe Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do 40, Fe Wien yfetar # aa ae a te sa ww aT oT | Read carefully the Instructions on the Baek Cover of this Test Bopl(fet Fe wen gfetar & faoet arr ut fee Regt at eae @ ue ‘Test Book INSTRUCTIONS FoR CANDIDATES ____cteniet fore ker 1, The OMR Answer Shoot is inside this Test Booklet, When | 1, OMK Sat 37 38 Whar yey eae 1 aa you are directed to open the Test Beaklee tebe out the sara den yer at oe Ur Answer Shoe. nd fll ia the particalars on Side-l and frat Yeo) tl We fara Sidle-2 carefully with blue/blaek ball point pen only 2 The test is of 1 hours duration and consists of 150 questions. There is na negative marking 3, Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing Particulars on this page/marking responses in the | 3, Answer Sheet, 4. The CODE for this Booklet is P. Make sure that the CODE printed on Side-2 ef the Answer Sheet w tho same | 4 tis thal‘on (his booklet. Also ensure that your Test Hookles. No. and Answer Shect No, are the sume. Incas of iscrepancy, the candidate should immediately roport te matter to the Invigilator for roplacemant of bath the Tect Booklet and the Answer Sheet 5, This Test Booklet bs five Parts, 1,11, 1I,1V and V, consisting | 5, $= 1 150 Objective Type Questions, ench eartying | msrk Part: Child Development and Pedagogy (Q, 1 40 Q. 20) aia ie 3 2 Pare 2. aden at ora 1d we, rem alert ah 2150 wa 1 at ame) see FIT eee gz tr a win at hac mg a Ps ge fe TOT tae 8 rea eae fern akon at an he a weet gui ey yer sie i ge oa aE wa arr nw tty a, fan & dts 1am He fata feraremet (9.1 A 30) Part * Nathematig and Science (@31wa-20) Port: Sova Studies /Secial Seence (G31 09.30 dala (31 4, 90) Pare 1V : Language | Cingish Gainey fa onareryemfie fra (x. 31 5, 90) Pat ¥ Englishindy (0.121 0 @ (> Iy- AIM 1— (3B / fe) Ge 91 By. 120) 6. Candidates have to do questions 81 to 90 EITHER SUN (Bey ea) edz Bn 190) Part IL (Mathematics ‘and Science) OR from Part (Social Studias’Social Science) Part IV contains 30 questions for Language I and P contains 30 questions for Language Il In this test only questions pertaining €o Bnglish and Hint lj have been given, In case the language's. yo opted for as Language 1 andlor Languaj language other than English or Hindi, p a Test Booklet that contains quest Ianguage. The languages being with the Ianguayes opted far Form. 3. Candidates are required Part V (Language I) ina I one chosen as Language I (in of languages, fe A weet 318 90m a aT Cafe faa) “art wy Canis srexasyamae Peas) & aca € 1 Sart 3 ar 1 & rw 30 ea ae er v 3 orm Fe 30 mea fee me 8 1 ge ten ofecar A ahaer ait a feat cape 2 aia er Foe eT ae aT sitar wT Moreh oa ga nf sac ie fe & are Bua Fa HTT ee vitfarg 1 mann hea a anton doar dcr ay wy age Yarra ae gt es 8. Weare wa y (seer afer, rer gta et ae St ga are TAT (HTT AV) Hg ng ETA ra | 9. 3 are ta gfe 3 ge ato & fee of at 2» Rough work should be done opty in OM gue provided in ame Re Re 1 Rennes tase goN® awe sine |10 84 20 tet MR aC Ye ar AL ae ee only. Merk. your, ae Ne wiltense ari: oife BEL aoe weer by wae tas eT allowed for changing ansffers. Pfs 2 Name of the Candis capitals) HE Eereeese cree shen a a (ae ee 2oll Number fighpes (sai #) __ ae in words (zt #) pee Hee ation (in Capitals) ___ Invigilator’s Signature 7 fates 3 gee ‘acsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent Pee oe P (2) PART I/ RT 1 WS CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY / act fare a "2 Direetions : Answer the following questions by | fad ; fratetad wat % a wher selecting the most appropriate option. Brey gfe 1 1, “Socialization” means 1.0 “wanterr” a ade (1) following the social norms strictly a) wena Qx = 3 wa (2) adjusting in socioty aol (3) revolting against sociul norms @) Far (4) understanding social diversity @ aR & feox ite ar a wa 2. “Thought not only determines language, but oe also provedes it” was an idea put forward by sara ay refer orct @ afte 38 (2) Jean Piaget rae Grae ar (2) Kohlberg (3) Vygotsky y (4) Pavlov G (3) plete 3. Which of the following statem@ats uct @ Fave in relation to ‘concept formation ba chil : 7 3, we ant Waeoa-fraty & ddy 3 frafefar (A) Concepts are emotionally orden a-@ acm wen wet? (2) There is a set pats onept i : development () ecent er ws 8 Gertie ght @ (8) Concepts are not pifarchtcaHtn nature @) deere at ee falter cere ‘SEM (Pattern) at & (3) Sacral a seit verptra adi et - isis a) daernt dafer aa eel 0 ado nee ? lence of emotional |4. ate towards studies tarts reflecting in concrete vase in the Intelligence fartd & dei 9 fasted #8 ata sae walfirs sfaa 2 ? QD Hanes seat a weet az ort @ ved & vfs area eat (3) fact ar apt feeneit 9 weft ar (@) afe cere Harmen gk 5 1 (3) Main characteristic of the ‘emotionally |5. motivated children’ is their () over reactive nature (2) introvert nature (3) balanced way viewpoint, of presenting their (4) melancholic demeanour An important characteristic of ‘formal |g, operational stage of mental development’ is (1) Abstract thinking (2) Conerete thinking (3) Social thinking (4) Egocentric behaviour Principle of reinforcement is associated/th (@) Pavlov (@) Thorndike (3) Kohlberg @) Skinner The most important tycton Qg teaching process is iY CA |e. ite Oo (2) punctuality expipi teacher and students 2) mastery i by the teacher (3) teacl wo aegis of the syllabi ) Sar fe fears (2) wre @) 7 firme wae a (4) Sm Reet air sera @ a wafers 21 sae frem-arar 2 aaa nel ase CRs ua faenfiit ae xetie wr ay ict (2) Freeh ara fase arf (3) Roeé - feel dare Tea a wr wh aa 10. un BR 13. 14) ‘The best way to inculeate moral values in children is () to give moral lectures in the morning assembly (2) put across a situation and ask students to take a decision {3) demonstration of moral values by teachers and elders (4) teaching students to differentiate between moral and immoral Which of the following factors is a basis for the ‘child-centered education’ ? (1) Individual differences (2) Child rights (3) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (4) All children are equal in all respects Which of the following is least important in the process of thinking ? (1) Reasoning (2) Problem (3). Generalizations (4) Memory ‘The major responsibility of a teacKer (1) prepare lesson plans, Q accordingly (2) organize as many sible (3) maintain striet dig (4) provide leat as per the different students Which of the fol the process qf lea ae ae 9. 12. 13, a a (2) ferent a ww site wat fale oF & (3) feerét vd ag are wefira cool (4) fereanfieit t Aftewar site aan a ST Oo ) AT, @) @ free at wad er farted @ @) wetter aan ser ait aah agEK grt 2) Faia Grarrert a sds ae (3) Bek AAMT FAIL WAT 4) fof a fat sir staat & oat tat a aes aet a alsa 4 fefefsd 3 3 ata ead pare weal ¢ ? @ 7a a apied 2) tat a tet @) Feat a shar sho (4) Wea at nfs Reefer 14, 15. 16, 17. ‘ ‘The most appropriate way of explaining the topic “Purification of wat y @Q) demonstrating the process with the help of a chart (2) asking the students to make a model of the purification plant (3) taking students to the plant where the water is purified (4) reading from the text-book ‘The most appropriate logical predicate for the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation should be (1) assessing more than one aspect of| learning (2) maximizing the assessment, opportunities (8) promoting the holistic nature of human personality (4) imereasing the burden on teachers A teacher uses a dice labelled Desffide, Predict, Explain, Summarize, Decon: and Evaluate Bach time afer a topias completed, the teacher throws the dice and asks students to answer a question b; the location of the dice. ‘The teacher (2) conducting formative assess: (2) provoking thoughts (@) diversifying the students (4) finishing her/his ea lic status of teacher a) e 5) Mae Be 17. GE, di, afta sik pris @ | saw si gaia «8 war ee F we a feat we smarts wer ay sat 23} fernftrat @ aed & 1 Frere Q) Swe ar alee (2) feafiat & faa wt steer a (3) ferent fara wien a fafa ae we @ aah oe det ius a ona a ee ware Rest 3 Rees sh awa an mReyef faataar aia-a @ 7 GQ) Feat % sft daersiicar (2) faeftat & fea ana sik af (3) front a semasit a a (4) Rene ar anntrs-satie er P (6) 18. plays a significant role in the development of personality (2) Heredity (2) Environment (8) A blend of heredity and environment (4) Number of examinations 19, Mohit likes to teach children and is preparing hard for the entrance examination for B.Ed, He is motivated. (2) intrinsically (2) extrinisically (3) actively (4) intellectually 20. “Logical mathematical intelligence" is associated with (2) two-factor theory (2) group factor theory (3) hierarchical theory (4) multiple intelligence theory 21, ‘Activity based teaching’ empha: (2) disciplined class (2) completion of activity in due ti (8) active participation by ce a (4) taking examination 9f es mplgtion of cfafafe & ara aa} ae ster a activity On @ 22. A teacher togk hedYass ol Ko ational |" , rire or tH es sve Tet () Prarea § tara fren S seraret secre wart & fag 2) wea acer % fae aed at sae sara art & fer, (a) fama dest 9 ghftwa frase ac & few, @) wel a aati aver ae & fare 23. 24, 25. «ny There are three polio-affected children in a |23, class. During the games-period they should be (1) seated in a corner so that these children can enjoy the game (2) encouraged to take part in the games appropriate for them, with other children (3) allowed to take part only in indoor games (4) forced to play with all the students of the class According to Kohlberg, ‘Children approach |**" thinking about right and wrong’ (2) differently at different ages (2) in the same fashion at different stages @ 4) as per the context as per the instructions given by the parents ‘Emotional catharsis’ means a @ @) Bringing out emotional rep se (4) Increasing the abdiy © emotional represgign Presence of at between Suppression of emotions Feeling highly depressed already learnt skills @d ndQgkills results in Negative R&S) (2) Positiy randfe @ ares ay Zoro B SZ 26. iN) aan) de ae Gfet-wm #1 de Re ay we at 8 dan antec arg 3 ae 3a wea 3 aa sham Sei F & fae steetea se) ae safe (ind ferar at agafa tt aa} at “"® % Sie 7 1 ae ads a fam aya @ 3) (4) aaa & fae ed % at ¥ aay a) BR aee fate & aga featur’ a ori @ ai a Grr 2) Fea oe sraeTET mEAE aT @) We oS ae fare Oy Wines oa a wes wo a a at agra vet & a8 oT gh ahd ak am ated 7 Ga ae St sata ar oer @ Fen ART Taree steer amigd ate We sae a 2) (3) co) 27. 28, 29, 30, 8) 27. A teacher normally assigns different tasks to the students. He/she believes that (2) students do not like assigning same work to all the students (2) it promotes competition among students (8) there are individual differences among students (4) the students will not be able to copy each other's work are involved in thinking. (1) Image, language, —_ imagination, proposition (2) Image, imagination, —_—_concept, proposition (3) Imagination, proposition language, concept, (4) Image, language, concept, proposition Continuous and Comprehensive is (1) Teacher-centered (2) Student-centered (3) Assessment-centered (4) Performance-centereg w @) ition and grades and collaborative a) (ay by teachers to “cover” 30. we fees amram: fret at seraigy art Saved ¢ | ae ae Parana aoa GQ) fed ae aa ad mi ar al vag adi aa (2) ae faerfaat & yfreri(a (3) faenfaai # defers stax (4) feanit w @ ame at a wat CD Prensa (2) frends (3) wera: (4) Frees saree waeet aar 7 frafataa ¥ a waa ay agar ee? () sft sit ReY am ae (2) Sits seer we Heaters after (3) frenfeat & fare airs rey @® at a og act & feu” frei a afte Fae ie) Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER from Part II (Mathematics and Science) OR from wtenféat at wet 31 8 90 a at aT Faara) ar arr an (arabes a70rT7/% Part IM (Social Studies/Secial Science) Bart ey PART I / HT IL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE / 7frq @ fas Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. 31, The value of [2-3 (2-3) a5 @ -5 w@ + @ - 32, Which one of the following statements is not true ? (a 64 = 8 (2) JO-4 = 0.2 (3) 0 is a rational number (4) 243 is not a perfect cube 10 _ ee) 33. The value of the expression 3 a) 2-1 @ ® @ ° fader: fresteatear weat & wat afar roa fe 1 a1. (2-3(2 a 6 RS o> a) 32. a ate ae ar att? a= 8 (2) J04 = 02 ) owe fia den a 243 wm pi wr aa ze 2310 _ 9301 a a) 2-1 @ 2-1 @) PAD FOR ROUGH WORK / and 2 B= ZEB = 90°. Then 4 El by the criterion a) sss (2) SAS (3) RHS (4) ASA ay ompft ¥, 22-23-43 25 é met Ww 2, As 5 @) 100° (2) 120° ° (3) 130° (140° a densi bv) wares urs = x x 2x 3K5 Bx9x5x5 Lem) @ fa. 52 2) Pu 3? x 5 () a xo x 5? 2 xo? x 58 4 ABC 3K A DEF #, AB = BF, BC = DE 7a 4£B=28=90°2 | Wa 4 ABC 24 FED AA watraman seta 3 & sss @) sas (3) RHS (ASA 6 a ROUGH Work / ws are & fare ome Oo S 44, 45. 46. 47. a3) In 4 PQR, side QR is produced to a point 8 and exterior angle PRS = 100°, If RP = RQ. then measure of Z PQR is (2) 50° (2) 10° (3) 75° (4) 80° The value of 64 jap en @) 6367 @ 61021 (3) 6-221 (4) 61121 A polygon has a perimeter of 16 cm and an area of 16 em®, The shape of the polygon is a (1) triangle (2) square (3) hexagon (4) rectangle which is not a square A square field whose arca is 36 m4 rectangular lawn whose width is side of square ficld have the sa The area (in m”) of the Jawn ii a) 24 2) 32 (@) 48 (@) 64 Oo 44. 45. S Pea eee OPQRA, WT QR a fey s aH ag Wy ait ara a7 PRs = 100" #1 ae ARE ny @, az pqrat am @ (50° (2) 70° (3) 75° (4) 80° ° 1 6 8+ a5 * Got Set (6167 (2) 6-105 (3) (4) 12 ee i a my UH ara St at ze ze we serena, faaat ated ante aa Ay a 2 8 8 am vow ta a (4) 64 ACF FOR ROUGH WORK & rd & fe ome S P 48. 49, 50. (4) Circumference of the base of a right cireular |48, cylinder is 44 cm and its height is 15 cm, ‘The volume (in em’) of the cylinder is 22 (Take x= 2) a 70 (2) 1156 (3) 1540 (4 2310 Radii of two circles are 8 em and 6 cm. The radius (in em) of the circle having the area equal to the sum of the areas of these two given circles is a9 (2) 10 @) 2 (4) 14 A box with inside measurements cubes of the same size. If the cubes is 25, then the side (in c er of 60 cm x 30 cm x 24 cm is fullet seba ly cube is @ 6 © @ 9 @) 12 @ 1 49. feet aga dea} aren at oh ge St to es tt aE FRC, (Be ee 2 va (770 (2) 1155, (3) 1540 (4) 2310 C ° a att a As oe aa ge at fe i fart et fee ng ie * % aun @, fae 1 E (aA CC). ssecsooeasenee aaa cast} ue d aga & ei a xa gar 81 a wi at ge don 5 a, dots at gor (HR) @ a 6 @9 @ 12 ‘ @ 18 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ! é E 6 Distance —> (DB is moving faster oO @ a and B are moving at the same w BR awwe (3) His not possible to find out the relative] A IRB wht Re speed of A and B from the graph 8) Bat ata gi oma wer (4) Als moving faster @ da mit aa we 66. Phosphorus is kept in water to rit can omen @ purify water IK Fa} fee (2) make water soft : ag 50 8 fae (3) prevent its contact with oxygen attra % ae Gas uss 3) ba fre (4) denature it at a se a met & fre of ) (farpfeeszer) 67, The calorific value of a fuel whose 1 7 rss produce 6700 kl of borer SH Sat FT 2s frm xem completely will be wr a ae 67,500 fect Ye Hen safer (1) 45,000 kag wag, wee (2) 30,000 kiJhkg () 45,000 fret geyfea (8) 1,01,250 kdkg 1,01,250 kgid w w ip freedom to students to carry ity on their own stantly so that students results without making any 68. (2) 30,000: Pret yey/fem (3) 1,01,260 fare Spa/fioor (4) 1,01,250 Fara war aa 4 faaidat at cere aqua By fer afefatir ar sreitsa aed ara we fer a ara é a. fem Ret & am ade wy a ufafata et % fare feenfiat at agar (2) feafirt at witw sen sit set at Fe a Havram a, aniewhy sueray at (9) Faenfirdh a oma wea 8 aR aA fre got carton Bar G@) Bem ft Bar aie Rent fet ate rod) fq se often st ara aC we 69, 70. a. 72. 2B. (2: The best way to make students learn a topic in Science is to (2) ask them to take turns to read the topic aloud and then explain its meaning create a situation which prompts the learners to ask questions and help them to seek answers. discuss the topic in detail and write main points on blackboard discuss the application of the knowledge based on topic in day-to-day life @ @ @ Biosphere reserves conserve Q) wild life (2) traditional tribal life (8) forest resources (4) All of the above A prokaryotic cell is characterized by (1) well-defined nucleus (2) absence of nuclear membrane (3) presence of nucleolus (4) relatively young age in comparison eukaryotic cell matched ? (1) Estrogen — Male @ @ @ ing, rolling 1) 72, static, rolling 69. 73. fermfiat mri fe & we wae at Frafefiar & ata-a tra wel @ ? () utr — yer eit @) tacit — ware-afrar (3) defer ~ oféai a yee soees aT (9 faa fren — weet ate Giefe, Site ak ait ator an rafter # @ ahaa wd aga wae ? (Def, elite, ai (2) dete, wii, efter (3) afte, wi, alate (4) ai, tite, aefe 78. 80. 81. SY (@) A myopic person wears spectacles having (23) Which one of the following is a fossil fyel ? 78. (2) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (2) Liquid Hydrogen (LH) (3) Polyethylene Terethalate (PET) (4) Low Density Propane (LDP) Which one of the following statements about |7g, myopia is incorrect ? concave lens (2) Myopia is caused due to elongation of eye-ball (3) A myopic person cannot see nearby objects clearly (4) The far point of myopic eye comes closer Washing the rice many times using (Rend amount of water before cooking leads Er (1) oss of vitamin ‘E” 7 (2) loss of vitamin ‘B (3) loss of the water-soluble (4) loss of the surfach\erotel A Merry-Go-Round wing “Ata non-varying speed of 10\his. IMmplies that. 81. () it is moving Bu uni velocity Oo (2) it is mort Sas @) it oak speed a actin distanve covered by swings jet to each other is 10 metres frafefad Ya aha wire (: a? yaks dqm te Ghee 2 fetes Us (eR UH) (3) iferufacta Rade (Hea) @) oe ese writen & at ¥ a ahem oa arora & 7 a) aretfrar saat aa} al ce 2 % dtieer & arm fe fea ae Free a apt wd ta wa a dia sta a qa ey a oe & a yee aaa a) afi wer aa veh & ag an oe Q) faeries “& ae Ol ore 2 (2) fates ‘a ae a sre @ @) wefada srteetem aE a at (4) aad ae ae et ee amdtet HA-a-aS7s) 10 mvs Bt arate ae ‘pre ei gaa fateard ae @ fe @ Fe war an ay er @ 2) ae WaMA OT a ee (3) ae wae nfs Soar er a Gea & ate fet ms aa at ue areafas Gi 10 thet @ 74. Which one of the following alloys contains non-metal as one of its constituents ? ay (2) @ (ay Amalgam, Steel Bronze Brass 75, When white light passes through a prism, the colour which bends the least is w 2 3) Indigo Red Orange (4) Violet 76. A student exhibits the following three traits, A,B, C. According to the three domains of (22) m4. testetar #2 att pees auem % wa H srerg eet 8? (Re faasr wea ater tae ® (a) w °O a sare at TST wart, at wat aret oe a a @ 15. personality, 4 fra freafetad dz qo A, B,C yea A B CE 2 cafe aie Of & agen, Does not. Tells the Acew A B c weet | ome NE eae ata wae water while iar Zmpi> at ee a | wera aa | at sacs wet using it correctly ae vaie ve wen] we aa e | ae une era tine aie leT | Maney een a ae o ‘homotor 2) itive, C-Affective @ C-Affective (ay 'sychomotor 77. Metallic @ees ad an nature, @ ) AAI, Bree, CaP 2) ASHER, BATES, C-mETaR 3) ASIrTEs, Barta, Care )ASRIATRRE, B-ATaTERS, Caria 77. wepfer Heater ata até (sat (2) srretter (3) arta @) sranif 82, 83, 84, 85. (a) Which one of the allowing iy most, appropriate with reference to Science and ‘Technology ? (1) Science follows scientific method while Technology does not, ~ (3) Science is more creative than Technology Science is open-ended while Technology is goal-oriented (4) Science was present in ancient times while Technology was not ‘Historical Validity’ of Science curriculum is necessary to a @ view science as a social enterprise counterbalance the scientific validity of history far wa marist & det a ata waities srg @ 7 82. fara denies aft at a wats wart Gar aun aaa (3) fag yes are fe ate meget @ Oo @ fear ‘safer ar a A date ahi at artet a (3) ensure the correctness of dates of, a gitar act & fae scientific discoveries in the past fax wa} fae fe etea owt (4) prove that history is as natural in natu agit 3 faa at ae apts @ as science a Ue ae ate-isTa srt ead ‘Inquiry Based Curricula’ is b: 7 % anette 21 (D _ Deduetive reasoning ()) Fenrir aor (2) Inductive reasoning (2) STATE OTT (3) Heuristic reasoning (3) Ghee wh (4) Analogical reasoni @) FER wT ‘Science Cun yuld 35, ‘faa weeaal a stea eet aTfee, (1) develop sti york (oF long hours (38 al wm arf act a amar feafae (2 ‘content with a al suppler Mt pedagogal to be followed by (2) fava at frengreta wri a ‘agte sor fa at fered go orarr ae @) fa et at & fay fai a AT-AAT AAT @ , iam faa ws ae aren yale aye 9 fetta ser { 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. (2 Which of the following is among the principles proposed by the NCF, 2005 for the development of curriculum ? (1) Making examinations more flexible and integrating thom with classroom life (2) Ensuring that the learning takes place unhurriedly to relieve the stress on students, (3) Ensuring the preclusion of controversial references in the content (4) Updating the level of learning to the international level ‘The largest gland in the human body is () Pituitary (2) Liver (3) Adrenal (4) Pancreas Which of the following is present in the Acid Rain ? (1) Sulphurous Acid (2) Nitrous Acid (3) Carbonie Acid (4) Carboxylic Acid Which features adapt polar bears tA) extremely cold climate ? CS} A (2) A white fur, fat below skin Thin skin, large eyes, xAvhite Small eyes, st¢epg ites large paws White body\haws x swit xtra gills for respingvion of smell Which ofthe folloying’ ‘Blectrie Fuse’ oo @) @ w used in place of an 5) P creel faafat aa & fae ata eRe, 2005 % sat Prafafed ¥ BI 86. 87. a) fe (2) fern AN 88. faefefad 4 8 ahem ara ? ‘a er @Y) aRe oR ef anit ara Nv aaifatees orc ji. sia ah sory Hae} arc ae ey ate ah farina at @ ? a) ww, Gas te ae, ce a de aaa (2) veel wa, aS ais, we @) B2 ata, ma a, whe eA (4) Hie wk, det} faq Wi, waar & fee afatte fit (retest) ‘aad wp! a ome frefafed 4S farce saat fear stat & ? () Ser Terie ae aR aT ster THT 2) wy sive fer @) onuaang. fag aren yeas fer ‘90. th aot a Ber caer P (26) Candidates have to do questions 31 to 90 EITHER | weigntiey 9 eT 91 #90 WW @ a from Part It Mathematics and Science) OR from | aga) ar samt nit (RIP Re) Part Ill (Social Studies/Social Science), aades PART II / WPT LI SOCIAL STUDIES / SOCIAL SCIENCE (arnre 31erer / faa) SI. According to archaeologists, during the [s1, querafadi SR art # sin Paleolithic period, ‘factory sites’ wore waa ® (1) places where the food was stored a @ i at a (2) places where stones were found and @ 2 my ard a ak aq people made tools (@) places where clothes were made from @) arat at ara a aed a the animal skins (@) caves where paintings were drawn ° sel Rent atone ot 82, In which of the two Harappan sites has |g, aha a woes wa a at evidence of the ‘fire altars’ been found ? yar ee? ( Mohenjodaro and Harappa W ) denied ott ager (2) Harappa and Kalibangan (2) ego oh ain (3) Kalibangan and Lothal "4 (@) asin oh dea (4) Lothal and Mohenjodaro (a) thea ik ates 98. “Megaliths’ are 33, “merase? (Banter) & () stone tools used by ple ) yramorets sei aro rear fre Te (2) burial sites aay sits (3) remains of co @) ira (4) sculptures Yershipbed by farappan @) wag sk game } ante People 4) Reais apa arr yt oF art afta 34, A tax was tefmed d)‘bhaga’ during the sau aR a Mahajang i@ What was the rato of A+ ERIE are & Gar we ate a a a ‘of the produce eH eG oT) wr tae dt? seg am sat Ta a Leet sae a sat see BH eat a) (2) @) 4) 37. (a7) Which one of the following classes was « |36. prominent supporter of Jainism ? () Brakmanas (2) Kshatriyas (3) Vaishyas (4) Shudras Who among the following believed that only |36, those who lefl their homes could gain true knowledge ? @) Mahavira and Parshvanatha (2) Mahavira and Buddha (3) Vedie sages (4) Buddha and Makkali Goshal ‘Shrenis’ were (1) Coins issued by Kushana ruk (2) Degrees of Vedie education (8) Associations of merchants (4) Parts of temple architecture (2) Rulers of Aryaura (2) Rul pe ers of Dakshingpe a a? RETA we fafa 4 8 fer meet at Toh fear ra weg wri a ae se wet aa at aga at aE a} 2 Q) arbre wee P (28) 39. Aryabhatta, the great astronomer, way a member of the Court of () Chandragupta 11 (2) Samudragupta (3) Kanishka (@ Harshavardhan Rulers of which dynasty had been called as the Lord of dakshinapatha ? a (2) (3) @) Chola Vakataka Satavahana Shake 41. Ashvaghosha had written the biography of Buddha — ‘Buddhacharita’ in which of thy following languages ? @ @ @) @ Pali Prakrit Sanskrit Apabhramsa 42. ‘Hanafi’ and ‘Shafi’ are a @ (3) Islamic schools of Islamic school Islamie 43, ain kings VY 40. aay 42, ner Saas sreiag weer a cy Seer fa (@ rc) (elas Sy wv ey ‘fae wer 1 TET aR ‘Sat er? a @ A) OTe 2 (3) () orpie ere sik aa * QQ) ar % gets freer 2) aRgeen & serfs Peres (3) aie & geente fee @ tar St geatie eal ust & aft aot ar ter afer a a) FR Farr (2) @fre Terra seer aaAT (3) Ban 8 ase war @ Tait aie ar 44. Dehliwal’ was 46. 47. (29) P () a resident of Dethi (2) a coin of Dethi (3) a fort of Delhi (4) a type of woollen cloth ‘Delhi-i-Kunha’ and Jahanpanah’ are (D Titles possessed by the Sultans of Delhi (2) Canals built by the Mughals (8) Cities built by the Sultans of Delhi (4) Designation of higher officials in the ‘Mughal period factories (2) to confine native traders for it in their trade Prevent their entry into the b clubs (3) to corner Indians and dogs so 4 YY (4) to imprison those who yprd their companies (Kala P, Devanas, Chhipigardand angree 47, (1) People engaged process of making clothes O (2) Officials working withVthe Bast India @ @ (3) Reet 4 ser sifteanitat & yam ‘Black towns’ were established in India by |46, z BRL MRE hay TT’ (Black European companies rarer at af (1) to use African sloves for working in the as Hoan 0 3 fay amie ent ) @ 46, Gece eT sik LO CD Reet ‘sufiral gre fafa seta ae fee wry anata om wo de ama age Pet 38% ere (3) aia car gi at ak aa & few tars sam fafew aed Ho wae + at (@) 58 35 (re wh) ser ot at art % faree & Ghar, fect ait, inte Q) Fa FF Sh aise A ener cafe @ & fea eh S we an aa ae aia (3) BRIT Ra FRR arf @) afagtad arent sasnfret 48. 49. 50, 51. (30) The East India Company wanted to secure the control over North-West and fought wars with Afghanistan (2) as they wanted to reach the natural political boundary of India estublished by previous rulers (2) to control the trade route passing through Afghanistan (3) to counter the Russian expansion in Asia (4) as they wanted to attack Persia to yet the booty Vernacular Press Act, 1878 was passed to (2) allow Indians to print newspapers and wart set at ai sae oy 2) 3) «@ fe , 1878 _ fee ar at magazines aS fae @) allow Europeans to print. newspapers a wee wd fet ome and magazines in India fag qed a} ome 22 fae (3) silence the voices of those who wi V7 3) Bier aaR & ones at arty ag critical of the British government % faq (4) allow printing in vernaculgf Tan, @) aalpeR Tait # errt at arufa BF fag Khilafat Movement was started if} : 7 50, Pereira sicher | (1) unite Muslims of India : ae on (2) co-operate with the aa) the oe ae x eee fi H national movement, 2) wea sider 7 ate a wed RF (3) protest agate ill eted out Faq to the Khali ef Te 3) ga % weier & sf aoe omen} (4) counter Muslim League Which of the@llowhkQ\is true with reference te 180° B and 180" 4Mongitude ? 51. fave vita act & fey, (4) aRerr cir seit ar faite wet fee iso" Wi sik sor ikaw Quine & ay H frafefiad 3 & ata-u wa @ 7 Q) art weg F feuds g @ a wre () Gt wg a iso ae & 4) ei & ate a a wa fen eit? 52, 53. 55. (31) P The elevation of land is measured from the level of the sea because (1) major part of the Eerth is covered under water (2) the level of sea water keeps changing with tides and obs the level of sea water remains the same everywhere @ (4) it is a tradition started in Spain and followed since then Dakshin Gangotri is (2) origin of the river Kaveri in Southern India (2) meeting point of the Ganges with the Bay of Bengal a research station established by India in the Antaretica @) (4) Origin of the river Ganges in the state Uttarakhand Stacks are formed by a) @ @) @) rivers sea waves snow wind ‘The correct sequen; the atmosphere of Yhe away from the Earth ( Stratosphere Tropa ere, Mesosphere ‘Troposphere-tratqsphere, Mesosphere Stratosp 3) jermosphere, p @) @) @ seta at ste eax aa 2 anh oh yea ar often am a a 52. a TR FSH eR wR & Ata oftaia aa wear @ RR oa eR WF é eG el @) @) @® 7% Aa mM we a ra oe atirer aa e UE w (2) @) @ wR ae ey a ot ea ye & apica fetta deci ar wal wa 2 () WRMsE, anise, Tener @ diss, wratisa, worica @) TIMisa, ae agisa, qenisa () afefsa, werisa, aprisa 56. 87. 88, 59, (32) Which country possesses no known mineral deposits 7 ao @ (3) (@) Myanmar Poland Switzerland Denmark ‘The brand ‘Amu’ is a successful example of ap @ @ a Butter Industry Public-Sector Industry Co-operative Sector Industry Private Sector Industry ‘Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future’ is development. i} @ @) (4) Superficial on steep slopes is Resourceful Supportable Sustainable @ @ 3) aw Mulehing Shelter Belts Terrace CXiivat) Tnter-exppoi a) of birth and death rates 56, 57. 59. form te 8 aig ora afin fay my (Rafer (2) tits (3) fracas cm YY O° ‘srg 6 Waa saree 8 | a) Fe) ia wet we ye sea af dae ay alia faa sora el aA we Faat igen eat (feat wl) ama a aaa STAT a 2) @ a Seren frofts sa ae t () Sy, fet ae area ar det ( SARReT sara () SRRer far at duane ae (pattern) @) A Ay RF aT 61. 62, 63. G4. 65. (33) Law on a subject in the Concurrent List of |61. the Constitution can be passed by (2) Central Government (2) State Government (3) Both the Central as well as State Government (4) The Supreme Court ‘The Cauvery river dispute is between (1) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (2) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu (3) Kerala and Karnataka (4) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka ‘The Cooked Midday Meal Programme’ was introduced for the first time by (1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Odisha (3) Andhra Pradesh (4) Tamil Nadu Advertising promotes (2) Social equality (2) Social inequality (3) Social justice (4) Only the utility India being a secular stat (1) intervenes in thé religiows matters (2) does not it (@) maigtay in Feligious matters py vt at get aA | fama ao BT RA Peat ST BAT e 3 war @) 1 Aa ) FR a oe wan ahi @) sa rey area va fara 8g Dati wee 2) sig wea (2) erate arama (2) aff ae a pete ad ar @) dee & agen ‘dailies gl we am é @) wit ee at cee far 2 66, Which of the following is u ‘Public facility’ ? 67. Drop-out rate of the girl students from 69. ‘Rule of the law’ means 9° 70. On how many val joes the Panchayati Raj = (34) (1) Public health care (2) Public protest (3) Public schools (Public Provident Fund disadvantaged groups ix higher due to (2) Parents’ apathy tu their study (2) Early marriages (3) Poor socio-economic status (SES) of their families (4) Absence of girls’ schools (3) Electronic Voting Machi (4) Election Vehicle Monitors (2) rule out the possibil (2) rules and Jaws democratit\xociel (8) rules aq ladQ\apply’ freaking ispensable for a to all (4) rules ard\tke sikXections of laws syster a ay Two (3) jar 66, Frrafefad % & ate-tt Co tie ere, Sours (2) oF oS 3) 4) ey pl fafa 67. afar at a, i Prone aie sem 81 vee 3 aff seth 68, Full version of the abbreviation EVM is EVM a wi wy? (1) Electronic Vision Model (D ‘1) Electronic Vision Model (2) Extended Values Modules (2) Extended Values Modules (8) Electronic Voting Machine (4) Election Vehicle Monitoring loo, ‘org & wre’ ar onl Q) arp ast ah area ae & @) Siti core foe fm ote ag 8) oe ere (4) fam arya & soe & 70. Sart us ere fe ert we arf at 2? Oe @ a (3) ar © aR n. 72. 73. (35) It is important to reinstate the significance of the Social Sciences by Q) highlighting its increasing relevance for a job (2) laying the foundations for an analytical and creative mindset (@) highlighting the need of the knowledge of social phenomenon (4) emphasizing the values that are needed for an onderly society The curriculum of Social Sciences should reflect (1) interdependence of social phenomenon with Sciences (2 domination of the national interests over local perceptions (3) the need of cultivating the civie sense in the Indians (4) integration of the _perspectiv. women with the discussion of historical event undemocratic idi (2) loaded sudgmengsn a (8) telling them, w agreeing with it it towards what the P 71. & or arias fag a at GF sfafen sen ase @ 1 tam & fae gaat aga Sar RA (2) farcworer 3k ite Piece ee an deca wy una & fre afm aa ay” oe fore wea affair Si water ? () 38 we} setecifes feat a sea ara fault a ages Fe warn Pi eet veh a ate ot safes vbr a at @) Fe wan fe ae sey aes Re wate @® wa ta a ate aka a wer gf afes dea at ren at ace 8 ye free at 74, 6. OE socio-cultural events (36) A Political Science twxt-book refers to the inoquality existing in the USA under the topic ‘Equality’ to @ @) show that it is a global phenomenon show that even the USA cannot control it prove that the USA is not a model democracy prove that India is the most democratic nation of the world (3) w Historians and archaeologists are sometimes compared with detectives because (1D) they write about the secret ‘that took place in the past they serve as secret agents for tracing treasures of the past ‘they take clues from various sources while investigating about the past they disguise themselves as detcetin missions @ @ (4) While teaching ‘Tequality’ following would be the best sui w @ Discuss as it is given in Highlight. the inequality facd people Talk on topics like chao) ‘ide and dow system ete. 9 WX) Highlight the offs 3) 4) tional provisions should be help of rememnpere mnenionies fstinction should be there in political 4. 77. aor fier at meee ® sieria dys su Rit # & an A ded sat cat & 7 (yb 78 efter ey ata sree 2 (2) ae weer ‘ atten Wa frdfa a ae (3) 7B fee, aR afer a Oh ane fa ar we wa ot @ tai oo age a me oa wa sefat aRe & ‘orm’ vq way frafafad 3 a attar sam waits saa @ ? @ OR 4a at scr do fe Te 3 fem ae feat er SaaROT a Ba wel ay @ aN aT @) 3 geen ait wa weer one we wat 1 ania Scr (Fara ay 3% faq dae wast at eR FM ferera vert wee () frifet (ro BR) a ger J wt veel fefrat at ag ae aay (ae & sem sit we at ene fete wer aie @) awit sk ae S ome agua & war Ho vensi a oifva eet atch staat a fara aor afer 4) Tories sik annfr-aigire seat a sia scar arte 78. 79. 80. Me (37) Which of the following would be better suited to enable children to express their views on public issues ? (1) Scrapbook @) Chart (3) Wall magazine (4) Flash Card History text-books have a box ‘Elsewhere’ at |79. the end of each chapter (2) to attract the attention of students (2) to make the chapter interesting to students (@) to increase the general knowledge of students (4) to relate contemporary. developments around the world with each other In History text-books many sources have been given in each chapter (1) to prove the creative talent of authors (2) to prove that more than one source always better (8) to justify the selection of topic (4) to encourage students to yporh sources and derive interpre! st. British period official record anni writing objective Histor) hec: rd (events in these are “hot mentioned in chronologigal on¥er (2) they contain only superficial information Oo (8) the British, their subjective view and feelings of the people’ 4) the for producing a ure ros}) 78. ura RoR Tel am ond faaK aa Ree am & fie aha dem @ ? a ara @ ae (3) fift War (3) Ra an wr SiR seat fore (dl am wa oh fda wa a frend a tenes a 3 fare Giiew acta ward siftéea aegfae after & fowl Yo ween ae a eat wits ) ef ated Fo eapit a aemgaK secka aa fren rent ) wa Saat oat yet & (3) Bewi 3 oma aise feR fais fer 2 att cafes at crest at ster at @ 9 Sac few me at ger ack aR WA fae # ~ 83, 84. (38) Cumulative record of the evaluation in Social [82. Wfre fea # ypaiaa Fy i Science should arr ate (1) have attendance and medical records of the students a) fafa at Reate 2) have a record of incidences of a indiscipline shown by students (3) have a record of _—_ progressive development of students’ interests, 3 aptitude and social adjustments (4) have a record of students’ behaviour on wo any specifie day Which one of the following is against the 4 3 shea amie far & spirit of pedagogy of Social Science ? (1) Malsing connections to students’ lives (2) Aligning outcomes experiences to impor (2) Making students appegin tests as possible any (4) Designing experiences _thab st students In Class VIII a tea ‘Local Self-GoxernmA e-the chapter ing students Soe from empirical to rational A aren % fee @ 7 frat & daa 8 wary TART meet vom & aa syst a er ae @ @ wat VIL? fre frafidl & srk ota & ga ait aeia 3% ar var fikettat wt a ern em ser a ver YR ae E a gee ore ae derni ga cea at Ae owe a at fre fee frwegr a ' API SBE? ag aoa at ak wer @ fee at sik 84, w @ (3) Sfafead @ fafear at sie @)) aaa & afta at sie 85, 86. i (39) 85. Introduction of | Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation has made the evaluation system (2) more reflective of the entire personality of a child (2) complex by incorporating too many details (3) vague as exact rank of the student cannot be found out (4) more comprehensive to analyse the performance only in the scholastic areas To teach ‘Multipurpose River-Vailey Projects? which of the following would be best suited ? (2) Discuss the harmful effects of dams on ecology (2) Take students on a field trip (3) Give students project on the topic (4) Deliver a well prepared lecture C While preparing a lesson phon a ‘Resources’ what will be Qur Akgk step (Select teaching aids O° (2) Frame objectives ° (8) Go through Jany times @ wee fons en ‘Vane! sew we-dea aa eT oT een wtart aen ae? GQ) Reeor-arefiet ar a -seeat ar Frater (3) maw at ag aR eT @) wer 8 98 waa dan eer D P (40) 88. Remedial teaching cannot be done for |88. students, dyslexic (2) gifted (showing lower than average performance (4) showing above average performance 89. ‘Micro teaching’ is (1) teaching by observing minute behaviow of students (2) organized practice teaching G (3) micro managing the royfihe tudent in the school (4) teaching students in small 90, Leaming progess Ja Sgcial Science | gq, classroom show} as} (1) study’ ct-b¢ thor ly and mark importakine (2) make notes the discussions held in trevless C) (e) all the questions given in the @ fn the learning and on the responses it requires of them sores Ree fear ST We | fathers w sferareret sitar weft ech ae a Pres weft A are (2) @) @) rt 3 ye ered or acter aa Re Ig (2) frgorarans aria ae (3) frre 3 fait a feret a qe wie (@) Be agi # feat a vert annie fagrr aerate A drat st sfeansit F ferenftrat at @ wo veges a om a wi ak neayl tad a fea aa rae Se ariee aa He art vebt x aes ar & Fore wear eT spare FH ofaq me wit wei at ac & fare seat arf det sit sat attire sfatraeit wom wear afer @ @ @ (at) P Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if they have opted for ENGLISH LANGUAGE - I. P (42) PART IV LANGUAGE I ENGLISH Directions : Read the poem given below and «nswer [98, Superman came und the questions that follow (@. No. YI tw 97) by selecting the most appropriate option. (1D) helped the m (2) did not help ‘Twas the night before Christmas, Q And all through the kitehen, ae ae ‘My mother was cooking some delicious chicken. (4) bu All of the sudden, ‘The light bulb broke, 94. ‘The can replace which of these wor And my mother randomly started to choke. Ina flash, Superman came. My brother thought his costume was lame. And instead of rescuing the day, He ate up my dinner, And he flew away 1 Santa burnt the house with dynamite and flares, I guess I was on the naughty list, next year, TH 91, To introduce the above pégm cher should a @ @ @ 92, The night bef) [e) read the poem aloud discuss about oma) d_ Santa Claus: tell gkout ¢) hed 1as is also spoken of ) 97. 3\Nuigh beige Christmas oe of Christ w lomly fiw away in a flash (1) Santa Claus (2) the servant (3) a crook (4) @ poor man ‘The speaker feels that Santa burnt the house because (D he did not get any dinner (2) the child had been naughty (3) Superman went away without meeting him (4) that is his job Both Superman and Santa were doing (1) what they always did (2) things against their basic nature (3) alll this to have fun (4) these things because the boy had troubled them (43) P Directions : Read the passage given below and |98. Heights of Abraham aro answer the questions that follow (@. No. 98 ~ 108) by selecting the most appropriate option. oy one natural featu; Heights of Abraham are cliffs. These are one of the outstanding natural features of the city of Quebec in Canada and were the scene of a famous battle. Major General James (4 not near St, Lawrence ri Wolfe (1727 — 59) was only thirty-two years old when commanded by the British Prime (2) cliffs scaled by Abraham (3) known for their French o& minister, William Pit, to capture Quebec from |9% Capturing Queber: woul ° the French during the seven year war (1756 — (1) be easy 63). The capture of the city lying on the banks @ open the wofGer oAirowing the of the St. Lawrence river in Eastern Canada, French forces would open the way for the overthrow of the French forces in North America. For three months in the summer of 1759, Wolfe a attempted to overcome the French by frontal attack from across the river, but the defenders held an almost impregnable position, Wolfe decided to make an attack from the rear in the early, dark hours of September 13. He held his army across the river above the town and surprised the French soldiers guarding the small cove which now bears his name. 7) came the highly dangerous task of scaling ¢he cliffs — the Heights of Abraham. By sun} Wolfe and his army of 4000 had achieved thr goal and were on the Plains of Abraham up in battle array and ready to fight, (2) Adverb (3) Adjective (3) be difficu Before Wolfe's audacious pla carried to its successful conglusioy and the great French ‘Com lay dying in the batt success was his, Woll contented.’ On the other hal he was fatally woundegs)Mon\ ‘Thank God ! I shall not ESP 00 the surrender of Queb Ss (4) Preposition 102. The opposite of the word ‘impregnable’ would he (2) vulnerable (2) undefeatable (8) strong (4) weak P (44) 103. The word frum tho toxt that means ‘reckless and daring’ is @ @ @ a frontal successful audacious contented Wolfe because w @ 3) @ 104, decided to attack from the Montcalm was not there the front was impregnable it was casy the cliffs were easy to climb 105. Spirit of patriotism was exhibited by 2) William Pit (2) Major General Wolfe (3) French commander Mont (4) Both Major General W ‘commander Montcalm Directions : Answer the follo selecting the most appropriate o} 106. Which of these is of grammar Z aa vy Tmiportance for is in an original way and 108. A teacher whould help the 7 ire rich imagination und ability think out of the box to develop the learn\ of (2) telling stories (2) generating new, (3) speaking well (4) critical thi 109. While ashi silently written task w e @) et Dhel @ to consult a dictionary for fanding difficult words ak the learners to write the summary jical cohesion devices are words/phrases used for connecting ideas (2) vocabulary (8) structures ( _punetuation 111, According to NCF-2005 a teacher should (help in enriching the learner's imagination (2) develop a learner's self-worth (3) expose the learner to at least two Tanguages (4) concentrate on making learners learn the text thoroughly 112, When a teacher uses ‘Realia’ to teach ’ vocabulary and grammar she o (2) is using role play as a learning device is using real objects, actions and actual life situations @ @ is using computer technology is teaching through true stories (45) 113. A multi-dimensional curriculum is one which (1) caters to teaching of many subjects (2) ensures an all-round development of the learner (3) spreads in various dimensions (4) covers comprehensive content areas 414, To create and sustain interest in learning (1) learners should not be labelled as slow, average or high achievers (2) learners should be told stories (3) involve the students in activities (4 make them teach each other 115. Which of the following descriptors can be used for assessing the learners’ writing skill ? (Q) Their reading ability (2) Thoir pronunciation and spelling (3) Organization of ideas (4) Handwriting CO 116, When a teacher asks the Qamnd the actions of a chardier XQ 5 have just read she expedt\the (2) understand facts as sth inVhe text O (2) evaluate O° (3) read in bey ge) ines (4) go beydgdthe 2 117, 8. As a facilitator of learning the tea should @) aim at Gnishing the syllabus in (2) load the learners —w information about the them(ot it (8) explain each lesson in detail (4) provide enough oppePtynities(®) expose the learners to use the language During dramati ‘a teacher uses ‘empathy’ as of descriptors for assessing the ledAers, she is assessing their ability to a the character @ ‘skin of the character (3)_apPeecighe the character criffpally analyse the character summative assessment should have of the following qualities ? ) Be reliable and without bias (2) Test mainly structures (3) Have very few grammar questions (4) Test the full year’s syllabus Poetry recitation helps learners to (1) learn proper intonation and stress (2) understand same sound words (3) learn rhythm (4) learn rhymes (47) am av Wo we ferdt Gian Taker ae Patan we (nL 91 @ 99)I91. smyfrs wr i aera on wan? oa at rare ae Fraser are 1 4 me a ea be nde otk am amet are aaa & fore ag auth A wah 81 a agers Feeney me asta ane a &, ott 8 eat a} awe oh ae 2 fe ei ant sures Fa wer we 1 Reece TA ay aE oat at & fed 8 wage & ar wet ghar oat a wh ges wat 9 semen, fraten sit watts eo a am a aA a sie 81 ew semen oa AER & ai Ea ae ferme aed 8, St ae at od fe ego fo aod ah Ba ue oe eh a fat moneriia, weal-deaa, sora saa aity Beg a md Oa # fee’ ok aed frog arate dt 8a ea ae at ga da € ate ands itt aeahit art ar uae 8 ee Beta & fore Reh fared aa wad 8 Wye Ta rs aE ad ta wr @t att sar aan Oy, otk es Fuad al aa Ti aie sag see aay eT aR ae fe vas 9 a Ie SY ot watts Sit BYES fer oma fran fire Sars art md secre 8S 96, GQ) tim ga weg ath as wre wit (3) thr aget & feat a ¥ a) oo oem wa} wert & abi at @ fe (4) 3H ame are fey weit ah fear 3 ys $8 a atte 2 a wag (2) mds, tee ait seit a (3) 3§ sre ae a @ semi deft 1 omaha a Fre ar 2 apr owt | G) Tega & @) fee age a @) Qe 3a aves aad a (4) thm ota a P (48) 97. ‘arab on facia 100, mont oe ot pad (yt @ m€ a a 2) TERK yale oo) wt @ pa @) ot at 98, ‘aa at aaa e 101. fe ati ) SFR @ (2) safer ow 3) wat 4) arate ens at 3 1 Hug do @ a wat 99, fea wee H ga) aaa ar itr aie? > Se (paren Zz fk ti at wh ate i ei oy He wa ” se SY 4) tai a aa oe Foe HE —— wis ‘sta oc cpa om oa fide: ate at atewah ag (). site feert (ia 100 8 105) 9 ware afer ate fen (3) HT a oa TT a he go 4 (4) ae Ber we 104, ‘fea’ ar facia @ (1) safer safe (3) arte was (4) afer Sam a8 wt 105, eae’ a avd Hg 3a @, cy fret & ates att eee (3) SERTT (orients serene ‘sts (FT (49) Rider: Preteatias wet % sae 23 & fore wand afera| 110. Frame aie 1 106, am 4 Tey & fae ot at ae at 107. 108. wor gar waits aeyel @ 2 Q) wei at der (2) sfre dual a want (3) 8 We St aad Feds} mh], wae a) Bi we A arias wr a ge Renta 3 vet at tiegit ar fare ad & fer sat @ () setae wat are ga ger @) Tega 3 afates wea arnt suey a @ aah sit fra oka 8 gg cont aoa aT @ weal Fries a xfaea acer Sed wares eR aaa afer a age? fet * sma Rae a ria i) meee tee emer ar fase ysirare, at eee & 1 (3) fara eafefors faensit & () Feat ae a at 113, a Daddy, Taal -wermit fant arieT, are ferare ante (arr st eatery aftr sie 3) wT a (4) # P . Fan ams aaa! at wath fit a ava 8 a) Trea fear (2) SepIR aT ARTA (3) AT HL Were 4) Fee st fren A feet WY oe meta aon a afore gf Bt wari sk sem met Fata fag aH aera 3 2 /ffearph aie at ad ater ay wel a1 same Bar (2) fara fwd a |B uct a1 wed, wat acm aaa tr 3) SIERO & few ar fader a (4) St-wanr a ane ye wary Bar ‘sericea! a1 per ates Zt Q) att at ae @) ween 4 af @) TREE a a () SR sre, feat at famed ile amafrears & qh snes afieatis 3} strat er P (50) 114, Fe a are-ge thet ot art erent a om ae (a ag aR wae @) aT & fray ag wat oat seh a deter va ae aa a aT yeaeie war ae a ART 115. HT Oy fara?) a deifre (2) marmete @ Ae witget @ 116. asi-feerr Sf arqare-farty () WGA St peer ae (2) Iga at Sten at (3) TIGHT at TER 4) wa aT et ze 117, s-Feraer FNatuat pee EEE Pet woh afee t oO a) waTefr O° 119? 120, (Dat shat FH aes (2) Hare ey a, wre 3) Fe syste sire at ott @ (3) fata (4) ARNT Tet SET fafa aeidit @ get safe @ vera aed & SRT SET alee aes eee afte sig fred & ae wifes vated z) aney y neq wat tar verre Fo ferar @ er ara ae @ @ oo) co) (51) r Candidates should answer questions from the following Part only if they, have opted for ENGLISH LANGUAGE - IL Ga wen frafatad amt % WS aaa wt & af adit ma 2 faaet sist gr a PART V LANGUAGE IL ENGLISH Directions ; Read the passage given below and and thousands die tare caught answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 121 to 127) by selecting the most appropriate option. Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals, But that is changing fast. One of these animals, the black rhinoceros, lives on the plains of Africa, It has very poor eyesight and a very bad temper ! Even though the black rhino is powerful, and can be dangerous, its strength can't always help it to escape hunters, Some people think that the rhino’s horn has magical powers, and many hunters Kill rhinos for their valuable horns, This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list. ‘The elephant seems to represent all ig strong and wild in Africa, It once fo natural enemies, but is now eydai Killed for its ivory tusks, Wh careless about the land, there species, joins other animals, such American @pcodi Ip-South Ar@rica; destruction of the rain i = ens many animals, Unusual nals as the howler monkey and the are endangered. Beautiful reat green macaw and the Parakeet are also becoming extinct, losing their homes in the rain forest, dey 121. 122, and shipped off to otic pets. ‘The giant panda of ANA is uw fuscinuling and unique 1. YetGhore ure only about 1,000 still I wild, The giant panda's diet consjgts’ mai the bamboo plant, so when boo forests die, so docu the pant ‘ina now making an effort to prot pecial creatures from becoming tunately, it is peoplo who cause problems that animals face. We ‘pollute their habitats, We hunt them 8, tusks, furs, and horny, Wo dostroy fals that get in the way of furming or ding And we remove them from their watural habitats and take them home as pets, (extract from Gone Forever by Barbara Reeves, internet) To introduce this passage, which of these activities would be suitable as a starter for the above’ passage ? (1) Showing a small audio-visual clip on rhinos, elephants, and if possible, pandas (2) Showing of an audio-visual clip followed by a discussion (8) Showing pictures of the animals they are going to read about (4) Telling the students about the animals they are going to read about ‘The first’ paragraph has words like abundance, magical, dangerous, valuable, therefore a teacher could aim to teach (1) adjectives (2) nouns (3) conversion of nouns into adjectives spellings (53) > 125. Which of these can be used as an example of 127, Which of these activities. would @ complex sentence ? meaningfully extrapolative ? (D Africa was once filled within abundance (Yuan, the Panda meets Furry, a of Wild animals, bear from North America. The) (2) Some people think that a rhine’s horns discussing about the proble have magical powers, their families and friends o think they tell each ot! (3) Beautiful bir: i Hh en - sshd Gs like the great ba dialogue between the two anit macaw and the golden parakeet are also becoming extinct (2) Do a Project on the gudanger, (4) And we remove them from their sisetsen natural habitats and take them home (3) Write a letter fipnd telling as pets hinvner aboutn(Gw wahumens une responsible fou dying out of wild animals, 124, Brom the questions given here identify a} a) rien rf on Wd theme Save our slobal comprehension question based on the wildlife above passage. (1) How does the rhino escape from hunters, in ‘Spite of the fact that it has. a very poor eyesight ? Wve rare taking], Ei Vee re pr (3) Why have certain ‘species of animals papal omfortable nest of his own in become endangered ? tfive.\WPhe sparrow used to fly to far off (Which country is working towards Pes to/pick at grains from so many fields, Cia Ps. At the sunset he would return to ting pandas ? protecting pandas ec ine day, the sparrow ate bis fill, but 25. Which of these questions is not a vah pote not return to his nest, because of the ie Directions assare given below and lanswer the by selecting 4 vy rains which continued for the whole tht. The sparrow had to spend the whole question ? @) Write @ short note on the wild. lia hight in a big banyan tree, u little distance Africa and Asia, away from home. are (2) For what are the rhinos huni ‘The next morning, when the rain stopped ild a and the sky became clear, the sparrow returned to his tree. He was astonished to find a rabbit occupying his beautiful and comfortable nest The sparrow lost his temper and spoke to the rabbit, “It’s my home you're sitting in Please quit this place at once.” “Don't talk like fools,” replied the rabbit. “Trees, rivers and lakes don't belong to anyone. Places like these are yours only so Jong as you are living in. If someone else oceupies it in your absence, it belonge to the Rew occupant. So go away and don't disturb ‘me any more.” (2) Im South America the threatened by (4) What has been the bij certain animals beedghing 0 6. A suitable title for the sage @ @) @ “ 128, (54) But tho sparrow was not satisfiod with |180, this illogical reply. He suid, “Let's ask a person of wisdom und only then our case will be settled.” Ata distance from the tree, there lived a wild cat. The cat, somehow, overheard the discussion that took place between the sparrow and the rabbit. The cat immediately thought of a plan, took a holy dip in the river, and then sat like a priest and began chanting God's name in a loud tone. When the rabbit and the sparrow heard the cat chanting God's name, they approached him with a hope to get impartial justice and requested him to pass a judgement in the matter 131, ‘The best way to toach this (make the studonty ret al (2) ask the student ft silently while you writ ons on the board (3) have the gtudents drafhatize it (4) nave tn(Cegpahes Se it und explain it To mal @ leathers use thoir skill to eval ho Suld be asked to a e g\presentation on what they have ‘The cat became very happy to have both of them in front of him. He pretended to listen: (ay /se the- actions of tho sparrow and to their arguments, But as soon as the right tt rabbit ‘opportunity came, the cat pounced upon both . : of them and killed and ate them together with ) Yaave a group discussion to analyse the great relish. Presuming that this passage of the middle school texts, w best way to introduce it to th 132, (2) Tell them that stories ent kinds and this one called ‘fables’ (2) Ask the st fat their observatign of 3) @ 183. jow the animals live in the forest ), life skills and values character of the cat have a group discussion on ‘Quarrely do not solve problems, they only aggravate them’ ‘The story can be divided into (1) two parts — 1 ~ the fight; 2 - the judgement (2) three parts — 1 - the beginning of the problem; 2 ~ confrontation; 3 - end of the problem (3) four parts — 1 — the sparrow hunting for food; 2- the rain, 3 — the rabbit, 4~ the cat (4) no parts at all This story (2) uses animals to tell us about how human beings behave (2) is about sparrows and rabbits (3) tells us about life in the forest, (4) tells us that cats are not friendly (65) 184. ‘The sparrow thinks the rabbit's reply to be |198, illogical because (she made the nest therefore it was hers @) the rabbit was foolish (the rabbit had no right to enter her nest (4) basically all rabbits are illogical 135. ‘This story should () be read at home and discussed in class (2) be used for motivating the students to |189. read more tales from Panchtantra (3) enable the teacher to relax while the learners enjoy reading it (4) not be taught Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option 196. Which of these would be a valid ‘Learning Objective’ for teaching a drama ? (1) The learners will be able to speak fluently with correct stress 1 intonation © The learners will be able to offectively (3) The learners will be able to underéfan what is drama ) (4) The learners will have an on to dress up in different cost 87. To identify and meagun the schools conduct proficiency Qet @) conduct aptitugeterg O (3) keep record rl Ds activtios the learner way {rivaled (4) seek 9, jus teachers teach the ir One of the main objectives of Conti and Comprehensive Evaluation is (1) conduct more and more testl fone academic year (2) to test every uspert of oa development (3) de-emphasize memorization (9 to make sure the [WarRess dnt forget what they have le Language evaluatiog aim at (1) assessing hYMement of the learner in|toffns of grades oy learner's language @) learner's knowledge of the nguage concepts are taught using al life situations they are (D/ easily understood and used ) not learnt well (3) being taught naturally and so enable the learners to use them easily (® being taught in the same way as the learner's mother tongue For story-mapping of a narrative text the learners can be asked to (2) answer @ question which has the story in jumbled order (2) make a flowchart depicting the sequence of the story (3) draw pictures of every sequence (4) draw a map of the locations mentioned in the story 142. 143, 144. 145, (58) ‘The curriculum und tho teacher's execution |146, of it should help (2) the learners to become thorough with the curriculum (2) enhance the learner's self esteem (3) the learners to get good grades (4) the learners to become communicators ood 147, ‘The skill of introducing the lesson (1) depends on the ability of the teacher (2) can be used only if the students are receptive (3) makes the ~—_teaching ~ learning environment congenial, —_ereating curiosity and motivating the students (4) makes the lesson interesting According to NOF-2005 ‘across curriculum approach’ for teaching means (2) using English as al instruction for all subject’ (2) breaking down ba English and other sub(é (3) having a separate English which go@\p subjects (4) treating EXgish’ 4 in the\Qurici eee wn should (1) meast learner's ‘language _y"( Oo 150, ied to achievement in a syllabi 1 fo identify the learner's proficiency translate from his mother tongue into English Acquisition of vocabulary is WN @ (2) @) @ For enabling k critically. cramming more words learning big words, learning words the power to uf them a learning word famil oO nts to gain mastery Ae teacher should expose the learner age inputs eck the learners fur all the wad _yiolding tively toa fculum should enable the learners to " This involves ability to learn information ability to find fault ability to carefully analyse and evaluate information ability to think frecly Select the skill that is a component of speaking skills ay @ @) @ Skill of speaking formally Reading fluently Production of correct English vowel and consonant sounds Ability to listen carefully Which of the following is not taught as part of vocabulary ? a @ @ a Homonyms Proverbs Prefixes Collocations P (58) IN unt V ast TT fed Freer: are at gan Protein reat (oH, 121 S[las, Saw Be heen a art frenét 198) 9 wat aera freer FAT | w 7. or ah were er sera 2 fe Sea Oe a at © va dats, ww, Aron sk ger ada] MRR i lll ae ca see mega at mend BA) gy ta aad sang &O an @ | amt on a ee aR Ferre aon a 2 fi ae ah Gfact & RG ax wa 124, ST ait? TH 3a ay HT TT BS, saa TT aK ay . we, fawat wa sel wa wet, sit Pee ger # Q = ah fever @ 1 af ge seme 3 wom ferarera Hf Teli i fon ane @ a dae org de om wet st i slid 2@ 2a afee fh ga san % fare at fray i eT PAR Hoe AH a, weg | MEANT 3 gO 8 ae ES ge wei eae Gar at wae sae agg MY) sta ar 2 fer wer are) Bart, yet YE oy fen det a aiee orca ata ft ster at st 251 Faery, fara w ferare fier Ree . wi. dae 3 org fren —@& wm so Wwe @ @ @ ae ay 122, gull ai fren afore % fav a year aa fra a @ wy 2 Faafieat at aS orga wa 126, ‘fears’ an aifaede @ (a) Fern + sera fra 4 aa (3) far 4 sree faa + ore 127. age am fact @ a) wie (2) are @) BF 4) Fa ize, ater we ‘Gea’ a via 2? () WaT (2) FAraR-oF (3) 7 wht (69) fier: aie 3) veer Fates west (2h 109 & 135) 3 at afer frarea xe 1 Fl @ Preivoner feminist ‘err ea 3 fare ova-are Fe aver a ae su ue ame ai on ame bs gw fren ot ee ine at oa AA Eh af a, we we it Fe aed 3 fre ae orem ww aa sega chet @ 1 gfe ae ont 81 @ waar a fe ga mas aera a ore saa7 ant wes Fears A av ars ae wk, at uw aah 2g em, seit watch BA Ma 2 | see fg ae us ta ogea aa, A sea wa aA sitre wa we AR ee 2 aU aA Wore at soy 8 ae ga are at adhe & ror wetter a1 ae 1S se Gear wet fra | Wa at sean sh age nt 21 er gah ant a P 190. (gf ace ort #3 rem a fra ath Frat cra 2 CQ) rated (2) aa feta (3) Tests @) wrt 1 132. ER ORS He aM 21 wma ae ae ted | matte fee awe dr a et saa) ents wafreh ot wartt aah a OY gm © 1 afer ara ear faafea ont ae Danes Fae ara, red ag are-smeat aaah ame A | 4 ‘Test aT ord 2 waar 29, feeiaaen a ae a uy (2) ame wie 3) oie CG). Fa sR a eas | f cui am é ° 135, Sa al sean sh acer ort? are a eg (2) feet a ore ae a a ase @ CL) Bear-fareraor (3) Paice tt y ate (2) Bear Farge © frit ye wr @ Pre P (60) Fier: freer eat & srt 23 3 fie wr? afer | 40. er-weT & stat Hat ae Pret AE a? C) 136, Sar-atye 4 stew ve aad aM erage #7 (2) serene (Beeps area 2) ane srprat i fefad ofteats aT wi Octea (3) faft ari frie at sfetirar @ a oe & aie ee ee 137. Fase % at Fase war shea a] &? a) a So were & @ oe 7 : D ) BH at wal) & Vo arena a sera ait @) WA ok ae & sive & Rae 7 were @ (4) Wefrai F wer ¢ 149, ym one war ah fet sath 1 gw eR aa Peat fey vara aca afer 7 () FR eA (2) wheres faensit ar oft (3) reer aEBTAT 4) 8% WIT 144, sfear-fremy Hatem wa sa wa a aT watt? () Ae-ebet at wear (2) water 9 of (3) awa at wert 4) tam (61) P 145. agaist yout arch wer 3 ae-free ay a Bem safer? C) tifa: atc ve ae ta ay @ strane ater x # aa tar alee (8) ER anda ae ofa saa Sar safe @® Fei a are eh & fee @ seat ate 146. om Sefer? at sen TER RET 2 | (DT 2) FaSPahghia sae (3) fore ga ae gat (© watt tar 148, Fare A ata at walt CD far orf a re year @ gaa @ we x @ ‘whe deme omyts rey 199. Tell a arctan sae HUF 8 ae aE? eos a PT @) teal a vee @) Fe A Patel wits amt we 3% ara Ba a) () wal at af fat ae at guar ar fear (62) SPACE FOR ROUGH W: we orf & fire ome (64) 1 READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS : ‘Out of the four alternatives for ancl question, only one circle for the correct answor is ts he darkened completely with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the OMR Answer Sheet. ‘The onswer one marked is not lable to be changed. ‘The candidates should onsura that the Answer Sheet is not folded, Do not make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet, Da not write your Roll No, anywhere else excopt in the specified space in the Answer Sheet. Handle the Test Booklet and Answer Shoot with care, as under no circumstances (except for Gigctepancy in Test Booklet. Code or Number and Answer Sheet Code or Numben), be provided ‘The candidates will write the eorreet Test Booklot. Code and Number as given in the ‘Tost Booklot / Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet, Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, mobile phone, electronic device or any other material except the Admit Card inside the examination hall/toom, Each candidate must show on demand his/ Admission Card to the Invigilator. No candidate, without, special permission of Superintendent or Invigilator, should le: her seat. ‘The candidates should not leave Hall without handing over their the Invigitater on duty and sign Sheet twice. Cases where a signed the Attendance Shoot deemed not to have handed 0. and dealt with as an unfai other set will Use of Tafeulator is prohibited, ‘The candidates Rules and Regulation: fed to their conduct in ‘AL cases of unfair means Regulations of th No part ofDhe ‘Ted shall be detached any circumstances, m‘of the test, the candidate er the Answer Sheet to the the Room/Hall, The allowed to take away this Test 4 10. a PS 2 12, Paraferfent fader vara 8 oe sete: res & fey Ry mm a 5 ~Y). fam, oMR 3mm wa & GS-2 Ae om we Ayana ala vie Qa, am fra aed aah re 38 aaa va wth] afer a eM ap a one sem ard ory frre 3 aad ter aren agers set wa a faulfea pit & fale OFA a fer den ye varrgte sein at, wie fea a 3 Gey ate gfe we ame aa a at feta a agaa) gad coe fiery, gt gat sre | ata LAK we FH fag Te whe yer aa aT ae aa @ eifind-va Fa 1 Day/sten evans A wae ar fore Reet Fae ano, aka at eeateftea, TH at “oa, tae Sr, wegiten cree a feet io) nae a uh a aA a Sen we aE ana a) 2 Aw sete wihadl, feign a aren vaeearE feng i onteras a7 fide a fate agate & fer ate sheet area ear a BE caries Fates a ata ame fee fae fle 1 gare eer ise Feat hil le alot Fe GET | nf Fret ated 3 gud ae eva oe eae FEE fag ah ag Hat orem fi saa son wa al Chere @ site 2 A NET A PTET AT STE | eazis / erate oftrars wr sea aa 21 vee elet H saraeor & fey wage ae exh Grea ue fatead] go fratia @ 1 sgfan are & wt ane & ‘taren ahd 3; Pret ct fara 8 argent ae | fae cram ote gferar ok sae os I AE aT Te wat vwdigr mara OA we, wien we / Hit vied BBE aC ua weft wh stage wie @ 1 wife med aor ger wl gfe wt aT ard #1 :

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