Tugas Individu: Menjawab Pertanyaan (Bahasa Indonesia) Dikumpulkan Selasa, 10 November 2012

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Tugas Individu : Menjawab pertanyaan ( Bahasa Indonesia)

Dikumpulkan Selasa, 10 November 2012

1. Using specific examples, differentiate between commensalism,
mutualism, parasitism, competition, and scavenging.
2. a. Outline the general characteristics of a biogeochemical cycle.
b. What are the major sources of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur?
3. a. In what major forms is carbon found? Name three ways carbon is returned to the
b. Name a way it is fixed into organic compounds.
c. What form is the least available for the majority of living things?
d. Which form is produced during anaerobic reduction of CO2?
e. Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration with regard to CO2
and O2.
4. a. Tell whether each of the following is produced during the light or dark reactions of
photosynthesis: O2, ATP, NADPH, and glucose.
b. When are water and CO2 consumed?
c. What is the function of chlorophyll and the photosystems?
d. What is the fate of the ATP and NADH?
e. Compare oxygenic with nonoxygenic photosynthesis.
5. a. Outline the steps in the nitrogen cycle from N2 to organic nitrogen and back to N2.
b. Describe nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, anddenitrification.
c. What form of nitrogen is required by plants? By animals?
6. a. Outline the phosphorus and sulfur cycles.
b. What are the most important inorganic and organic phosphorus compounds? How is
phosphorus made available to plants?
c. What are the most important inorganic and organic sulfur compounds?
d. What are the roles of microorganisms in these cycles?
7. a. Describe the structure of the soil and the rhizosphere.
b. What is humus?
c. Compare and contrast root nodules with mycorrhizae.
B. Internet Search Topic
1. Look up information on bioremediation. Name three new technologies in this field
involving microorganisms.
2. Find information on the uses of microorganisms to mine metals such
as gold and copper. How can bacteria extract metals from ore?

C. Visual Focus

MacConkey agar differentiates between lactose-fermenting

bacteria (indicated by a pink-red reaction in the center of the colony)
and lactose-negative bacteria (indicated by an off-white colony with
no dye reaction).
Figure b.

1. From figure b.If this MacConkey agar plate were streaked with well water, would
you report that coliform were present in the well, and is the water potable? Explain
your answer.
2. What process does this represent? How does it link to the biogeochemical cycles
from this chapter?

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