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91240 FEC GEOTECHNIQUE VOLUME XXV NUMBER 1 MARCH 1975 ae THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS GREAT GEORGE STREET - LONDON ume AMT RA pions © w ‘London, ormation fech. Fen relation mn Arbor, eth and ech. Fén Soll for of: Soll n Engng Mum Woon, A. M. (1975). Géotechnique 28, No.1, 115-127 The circular tunnel in elastic ground A.M. MUIR WOOD, MA, FICE* Neither the ground around a tunnel nor, usually, the ‘unne! lining, behaves in an elastic manner. Never- theless, the linear characteristic ofan elastic or visco- clastic analysis has great merit particularly when, as Frequently occurs, limitations of knowledge of the behaviour of the ground do not justify greater elaboration, ‘This Paper sets out to establish the loading on a circular tunnel in the ‘elliptical’ mode of deforma- tion, making certain simplifying assumptions. The fects of shear forces between ground and lining are first ignored and subsequently introduced in an explicit manner, Bending moments in a lining are elated to a stiffness factor, 4@ higher mode of deformation of a tunnel is only applicable to problems of stability for thin linings, nevertheless, consideration of this con- ition allows the coeficient of ground reaction A to be evaluated for conditions of asymmetrical deform: Direct radial toading of a tunnel lining is related to its compressibility factor R... The component of radial loading caused by migration of water towards the tunnel is also established ‘Some aspects of application of the method are dis- cussed including the effects of joints in a lining and the benefits established on account ofthe deliberate Variation of R... The method has serious limitations but frequently serves asa first and very useful, indie cation of the relative importance of the principal factors, prior to a more refined analysis. An important point, frequently overlooked, concerns the effect of variation of Poisson's ratio of the ground as loads change, which may greatly affect the stress sistibution in the ground and, in consequence, the Toads on the fining Nie terrain autour du tunel, ni généralement Je tunnel proprement’ dit, ne se comportent ‘d'une manire dastique. Néanmoins, les caractristiques linéaires d’une analyse dastique ou vsco-dlastique font beaucoup de mérite, particulitrement quand, comme cela arrive fréquermment, les limitations des ‘connaissances du comportement du sol ne justfint pas une plus grande précision, Cette communication tente d'établic le chargement sur un tunnel crculaire se déformant d'une maniere clliptique en faisant certaines simplifications dans les hypothises ‘Les forces de cisaillement entre le sol et fe tunnel sont en premitre phase ignorées et ensuite intro- duites une maniére explicte, Les moments fiéchissants dans la votte sont rliés & an coefficient de raideur Re. Alors qu'un mode de déformation plus important une votte de tunnel est seulement applicable aux roblémes de stablité des tunnels minces, on con- sidére néanmoins que cette condition conduit & un Coefficient de réaction du sol A évalué pour les con: ditions de déformation asymétrique Le chargement direct radial d'un tunnel est reli & son facteur de compressible R.. La composante de la charge radiale provoquee par la migration de YTeau vers fe tunnel est auss!établie, Quelques aspects de application de la méthode sont discutés y compris les effets des joints dans un tunnel et le bénéfice resultant de la prise en compte des variations délibérées de R.. La méthode a de sérieuses limitations, mais sertfréquemment comme Dremiére et trés utile indication pour mettre en Evidence Fimportance relative des principaux fac- furs avant une analyse plus raffinée Un point important, fréquemment néglig, con- ‘cerne ls effets de variation du coefficient de Poisson, 4u sol lors des modifications de charges, ce qui peut ‘ravement affecter la distribution des’ contraintes dans le sol et en conséquence les charges sur Te tunnel In a day of high manipulative capability for numerical solutions to problems of increasing complexity there yet remains an important place for the simple approach, This is especially true for tunnels for which the degree of confidence in the properties of the ground, including Provisions for heterogeneity and variability, rarely justifies the more prodigious exercises in number-crunching. A special virtue of the simple method is that itean serve quickly to indi- cate sensitivity of the solution across the range of possible ground parameters, + Parine, Sir William Halerow and Partners. (© pur @) =P s0u0H Poy) Woy arya jos au, woIssItu0 ut apows e304 NaN 0 ne on jo anjea wnurpceus y= 3 n JO one, punosS Jo quawerour jeIpeL ‘Jujuy Jo ssouyouyp aanaaya Suyuy] pue punoss uoomjaq ssans seays 01004 ssougAS soysey Armigyssaxdwuo9 ujuy Jouuny Jo sopenxe 01 sniper (uonsaip erpes ut xyjns se pue) smypex umn yun UF punoss Jo vor yun 12d orem Jo. aBsEyosIp yauun) Jo spxe eona2n uo d Jo onyea spxe pequozoy tuo d 3940 six fBorson uo d Jo s820x2 (G—d) F yo anys wnwpeeu 4 jo anyea ura Buus, pur punoy® usowyaq aanssasd younsou Fuuy Jo Buys w ur syuowes Jo roqunu punos8 paqanisipun 24 ut saunssaud [Bom94 0} [eUOZHOY Jo OMe rpuum Jo quo run 32d Suyuy uF quowou! Sumpusq uwon2aup euspa:Buo] (xyyns $e) qsou ye amnssaud ypse> Jo 1u9!99}202 aayem J0p Aaqeauuzed Jo 1U2:04}909 jueisuo2 uu w us yuo w ye Jo anyea 2anseyN> ‘uyuy paruiofv 4057 Jo anyea aanoay Jpuum jo quay yun sed 2uyuy Jo vase Jo wuauTour pucsas ppunoa# oy} jo AupiSts Jo snynpou 303285 aouajaduion Uwonauny #80235 punosl s0j snjnpow s8un0,, (euury Baoye snonunuoa usuy asus (1/4 panejdax) Buyuy) 40) snjnpour s8uno, (6uuay ssans aanaago ul) wolsayoo gq squeysuos ‘g *Y 'p ‘9 'q'D NOLLVLON. Sunuyy Jo woNzoysIp Jo apour SSuquy ojqrxoy “1484 o4p Ur HOU yeasB w 81 mp ey) MoIA atp woddns JOYINY ayp O} UNOUY sIusMIAINseIUE sEaNS JOOP Jo spIose7y ‘ssaNs {yo stain) uy paqaudaayur Apsaui0oU uo9q axeg ‘s}29}9p [eqUALUNUASUI Jo JuToOde Uo “Yoyo Bur youtum ur syuowasnseaur urens Jo spuosas ywsa408 Aq papte 10U st uonEMIS yussaud IHL (961 “jsoppng_ pur aginypg) suz|sep ormouosaun 07 f4jes9Us8 souINbost0D ui pu sBuIpwO] aa1ssa0x9 01 peoy Yor suondumsse aqeqoadiay pus Axemiqae ayous osoyp Jo Auvur 3nq punoss anseI> ur ullsap jouuny jo swajgoud ama 01 soyovoudde jwoudura yeroaas axe 2124], “uonvondde sy {jump 01 pur “pompaur aip uo paseg ufisop youury 0} Yovosdde yexousd ayy ut 2ouatZadxo romINy [Si0K oafom3 Jo ayns01 ® sv ‘anbIUYSD) a4 PusTXO 0} ‘s0339 24) Joaxz09 OF yno Sas Jade SILL suondunsse Sui ‘muojun e sostuduioo ‘(¢1) uonenbo Aq ants ‘Suruy ay pue punosd ay; Waomjoq amnssaid peru! PUL Ziag ‘Zama ww pur 4 ‘o=g we sanyea ouianxa 1 UsoIz0q aanssozd sit) Jo anqea UeaUt amp 94 ‘p/se “p/u=9 18 Buruy pur punos# usomjaq sunssaid youLx0U 24) Jo anjeA oxp std axaya w dund+2 1. From the foregoing, the basic Airy ‘equation corresponding to equation (43) is = (er-*+d) cos mo for the boundary conditions that %e=or=0 where r—>co, By a similar process to that Tepresented by equations (2) and (11) Hy = 2S (C4? —1)— (4m? + 2p) co8 M0 Whence in combination with the equivalent to equation (5) the coefficient of ground reaction may be determined Me orrurgilta) = ——_ SPIE, el TM Gm =) = GP FI] In Fig. Ai plotted against m as a continuous curve applicable to the special circumstances of thin pipes and of tunnel deformations in orthotropic ground (Browntigg, and Wood, 1973) - 44) serg rn {pts 9g fsx you poo} BuN|H0M oqgeydaoe 7 ENS pu sks wg Sra a Pues uy, wan e zope (ge) wonenbe) °y JoIoy Amrasesst00 8 UH fey ehczbe) au ouuny am oy oe sau 2 onBo9 oO) 4. 3H Ke. 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Ce sofeur 7 04 voesed Zuo snyipou panos zqees8 agp) 2edqo 29 J0 Saxe 9M JO ONS A ‘Aqoreurxoudde ter pou ansereesotia punos® awdonoyuo Ur [out rene Ue Jo 249 Tats oT A awed quanto yi “Aes Jo Souy Sunejaonze poe papuwdxo we io} > 1 age sna Pu uy) So cure Deu +T =F yep ons 1u0 “gos » ponore wuusou Bupug 0 adoyu ofognsed » worturxosdde wy se sumer FO ee Paulas eno jo soquane paseaout ue so “ssougs Sul tae tou Aes Sao oe oto ah soules na} 10 so 1} “PUTED oat Pk PURO at SAEH TEN tn wean peo ap sesaHa8 yna_"poreoye Apreumeosde 09 us ey Snare ww roy eripan oq on] “Buu oxy 30} f Jo onyea oansaye Suypuodoss0> ou) ML st patna? senmaf aap 7 wave Jo Heo puodes aff ‘ssvaroul sass Buypuad oF tans dood Jo ce sear peseuout 94 To ssugHs annoys ay Save ‘sat Bunge 20) “Pus SAMS AO 2 Fiennidd 0g eu uot ayy 8 ssougns aun “sivauat Jo pasodazon sy BOTH © SHON ‘200% MINN st M. Mok wooD preciably less reased as the at the joint is 1 in equation oad around xistence of ts, say 7, we round a seg- cing parallel 1 into that of corresponds g moment in of elliptical Clay and in 1 (1973) per- f the simple sblem which n immediate reproducing. lic tests on. and strain, ding to the ot Poisson's of low per- 1d Poisson’s and 9, the assuming a stress terms 1». Where away from le than that erms merits lesigned to- acking tests resenting a ns. In the mn of piezo- ‘THE CIRCULAR TUNNEL IN ELASTIC GROUND ro ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Author acknowledges much benefit from discussions over the years with colleagues and pihers concerned with the application of these design methods. He also wishes re thank Mr Frank Cooper, MS, MICE, for criticism and comment during drafting REFERENCES Ferere RK. & Wood, W.1. (1973. Deformation of tunnel with variable ground reaction, Proe Insin Cio. Eners 88, 479486. Fesaereth K- 096), Correspondence on Morgan, Géotechnique It, No 3, 246-248, Tron eth & Johannesson, 8. (1922). ‘Shield and commresed air roosting’ Meciraw Hi oeap fh Reed, A. J.(1978). Moder cast iron tenneand shat Hoge aed seg and Tumel, Conf San Francisco, weipagg + D- (961). A contibtion tothe analysis of stress ina cular tuane. Géotecnigue 4, 37-46, Ma eas Ne Mi 190). Proc. Vith Conference of Int. Soe. of Soil Mechanics and Foundation rene, ‘Mexico 3, 363-365, Muir Wood, A. M. (1970), Soft ground tunnelling Technology and Potential of Tunnelling, Johannesburg 1, 167-174, and 2, 72-45, Mur Wood A: M. (1972. “Tunnels for roads and motorways. Q. Jn! Eneng Geol. 5, 111-196 Pane Weeds, M; (1973). High relaxation tunel lining.” Provisional peed Ser Sedge ree Pe ie galt des Ouvrage soutrain~soubncment et evtemee. ear de recherche No, 28. Paris: Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, eed Tel Cae ing MORMZB. (1972). Sat ofthe arin soft ground tunneling. 1st Rapid Exe, ‘and Tunnel Conf, Mlinois 1, 259-286. Senrans US Sree rahe Probleme des Tunnel—und Drucksolnbaues, Belin: Springer, Engi. ‘sans. US Bureau of Reclamn, Tech, Memo. 262, 1931), Schulas, H. & Duddeck, H. (1964. Spannungen ia shildvorgetiebenen Tunneln. Beton snd Stakibeton, TT, oath Railway Vehicles with the Track PIE Substructure Edited by Kl. Knothe ee ae INTERACTION OF RAILWAY VEHICLES WITH THE TRACK AND ITS SUBSTRUCTURE Edited by KI. Knothe, St.L. Grassie and J.A. Elkins Proceedings of the 3rd Herbertov Workshop on Interaction of Railway Vebicles with the Track and its Substructure held in Herbertov/Czech Republic September 19-23,1994 Supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics, Volume 24 PUBLISHERS MEE IOIPLTEIanree UNICAMP HRUOTEA DC PSK DE PHTTIRTA — guByOTECA CENTRAL SWETS & ZEITLINGER B.V 1 of Civil Engi- ns de Fer, Vol. tthe Technical sored by Office m of Railways jecled vehicles Pp. 319-341, heldhorizdat, * partie, avec es, deuziéme ress Report, Proceedings barer Sehei- 7, 1927, pp. nd ihr Ein- den Bisen- Vehicle System Dynamics Supplement 24199 pp. 7-12 © Swets & Zeitinger History of Winkler Foundation LADISLAV FRYBA SUMMARY ‘The paper reminisces the history of one of the wide used theoretical models of the substructure, the Winkler foundation. 1. INTRODUCTION Prof. Dr. Emil Oscar WINKLER was born in the year 1835 in Silesia and died in 1888. He studied Technical University in Dresden where he also habilitated (habilitation = procedure including a thesis proving the teaching qualification; it is common at Central European universities) E. Winkler became a full Professor at the Technical University in Prague in the year 1865 where he began to teach water engineering, later on railway ‘engincering, engineering mechanics and bridge engineering. Although he was in Prague only three years these years were very productive. Prof. Winkler Published in Prague two books [1] and [2] consisting of four volumes where he formulated for the first time the elastic foundation. Since 1868 Prof. E. Winkler was at the Technical University in Vienna while his successor in Prague became the well known Prof. Melan, ‘The broad field of interest of Prof. Winkler included engineering mechanica, railway and bridge engineering, He published in this area 3 books of together 8 volumes : 1. Lectures on Railway Engineering, two volumes, 1867, see Fig. 1 and (1), 2. Theory of Elasticity and Strength of Materials, two volumes, 1867, see Fig. 2 and (2], 3. Lectures on Bridge Engineering, four volumes, 1873, se [3]. \. Joa yong 7 ig 11) 1009 949 jo 08d suosy 1 ig ‘Sao1WimoG w xox oVTEEA ‘est ‘pvaa ‘MeqtedO - uTEqUesT Jog. PyoEr soeacr HAL Id Sed UF ompsespmey woposoqoOyOd worosEgOG ‘imoy wr uayH, rote OVENHVENGASIT TOVULUOA DIE LEHRE on die ELASTICITAET FESTIGKEIT Desonderer Recksicht auf ihre Anwendung in der Techni, Polytecbasche Schule, Bauakademien, Ingeieare, Maschinenbaner, Archileten, ete. Dr. B Winkler, ond. Profator de Tagieebakande am Polyucic in Prag Mit in den Tent gedracten Holsesiten aad lihograpiren Tefela 2 thet. 9 teas WOU PRAG, 1867. Verlag von H. Dominicas, Fig 2. Front page of the book [2] ag “snout aM a pu ML £3 sat 0 9) 10] 4 04 wanyan ety DM AL go £4 pur ([o] pau Aq ‘812049 s11319}209 028 PUA UL, 99 wus app jo d aradoop ‘501 TRH “Panjos oq, axon swioigord es oy snonunued, ey NS, XX syqnd sex 9] a) = pag’ Vo'a'¥ Bua, 2 pour ~ A pou ~ 104 sey 1 20H A 1) paatrap pue won, neato} Off iu wonepunos suseye we jo wonermuuoy ¢ Sy sor $ 18 Sneed pen IMENT JOP we OPT EMEA wD HS Ce =pusoypuue yoys 490/819 08 “uoxata_uoyseT a1p uoqopom soqn opagheys oAaqosiont nodal iy sete sain Stenoy sas sep pon apt “yes WeSC] Top JoyUN pazIp raRDF—R HiayUIDUaypeLA OH yong woys8924 Wop. 'd ‘qfoAYog Jap vaya YROOTI_AS tia Wap 'F ‘aqprypanay sop odjoagy ap q “sontaNpsI9N Sop juatMoMsHOUEEAL, SUP MM “SOPEY sau! Yong vap (puny puBezg yup UaqlapIyoosssansty sg ModiBuvige youoitnssunzG_ WOH cou O wOK “ORNS = au vouuoy os “f= Suryonzporg arp 3st (.-uowus -2q Wyo! ayfoayog Jap Funyoradsivag ayp yoxs Ysoy] OF ‘gor ouonaodoad yaquroneyorig oud d oxanaq uapuaypstior 20m wap (52 31g g MELA) q_aPIINg vaBIAer|Aq wauIE UL Sanrog ap wr alfonyog Zop Sumxonapury oxp seup yoous Sunzjossnvioy op uv uaA, “QIOOYL “TET swoysfsaoyoaupstuey (q ureaq 213 Jo woryayep ~ 209 — 5 ‘“ypSuoy yun sod vopssordusos — & :o104 uy sd wo} relluns w ur parade ureaq » Jo worepunoy Anisele ou azaye [2] Yooq oy) POH 29]4UIMA “Jorg ‘ZogT wo oUrES ayy Uy gig a0 ‘ay-Vy s98ed wo ,f09H,, 251 YdesPere * ,si0do01g rwurpmysSu0T,, (q ‘ae Jo seuaey Jo wuaNs, 1X “seyD “Joa yeaa ‘[1] UY poysyqnd sem 7] ‘radaaje any Jo uonoayap — A ‘woryepuna) Jo yuotyyoor— 2 In sad wojesoidusos ~ d :a1oym, urz0y 811) ut sado9qs peurpnyuo] ¥ Jo snoiaeysq ayy porpnys SPPMIAL, “Jozd Woy aunty qs1y 9471 405 paseodde uotyepuno} snes oN, NOLLVONNOS USTANIM "% aqua AvIsiavT a1 when Prof. Winkler m ngth of Materials of ry” on pages 44-45, [2] where the elastic setzung Bettung em hier onal ist, cht be: 1 wir ingigen ner D at des en Ela- Druck stat ls flr a die tekst HISTORY OF WINKLER FOUNDATION n He formulated also the differential equation of the beam on elastic founda- tion and derived ite solution n= Act + Bel + Cel + Det where it has been designed E ~ modulus of elasticity, W ~ modulus of resistance, ~ length coordinate of the beam, A,B,C, D ~ constants depending on boundary condition, 4, ,¢,d ~ roots of the biquadratic equation 24 = —4k*, aw)? ~ constant of a beam on elastic foundation. It was published in (2), First Vol., Part V "Loads with Axial Forces” , Chapt. XX "Simultaneous Axial and ‘Transversal Load”, Annexe C, Paragraph 195 "Continuous Load Proportional to the Deflection” on pages 182-184. 3. CONLUSIONS Since that time the elastic foundation has been applied to many engineering problems where the interaction of structures with foundation is necessary to be solved. That's the problem appearing in ground transportation systems like rails, sleepers, pavements etc. ‘Timoshenko [4] proved that the discrete supports of rails may be assumed as an elastic continuous foundation of Winkler type. ‘The Winkler foundation was many times improved, e.g. taking into account two coefficients of foundation (Pasternak foundation [6]), considering non-linear effects, by introducing the stochastic distribution of foundation stiffness (see (6}) and by other improvements. ‘The Winkler foundation was many times cursed and refused, but the scien- ‘iste return to this simple law again and again. I think that it shares the same lot as the other simple theories like Bernoulli-Euler beam, Palmgren-Miner rule etc. : Their simplicity wins against more precise formulations, REFERENCES 1. Winkler, E.: Vortrige aber Eisenbahnbau. Heft 1, 2. H. Dominicus, Prag, 1867 2 Winkler, E.: Die Lehre von der Elasticitaet und Festigheit. Theil 1, 2. H. Do- cus, Prag, 1867 9c reo ‘2161 ‘uaBaqUoID ‘BuryeyaRd TuoHEUIEVG] YoHPIOON onBEId ‘equapeay “wepro] uOH Zope eOIMDRIIS PHE HPIOG Jo HOHEIAIA, 77 "NAF “9 ‘WS6T ‘MODsO poq om, Buy wonspunag 2p uo soIm}>0115 0 us thou © 0 sare. “(uReomy sod AoqHappyjsoy NAP jYsOwOd fad TEACH INV ‘fe wotnida vt Aoqurpins Hope epoyeul ofooe KaowgyTd “AUREL “S “BU6I "qa “ed ws-4y qHOgg “ueeMY Hy Pouwtiand Later yo sreoyet yo wtuang ayy wo wopeend a OL. raded TayENe ayy uo preg IMVTIV SEa1 “1P-20¥ “4d ‘seer “YOURZ ‘eoReEHY pertddy wo eeasfuop [euoHeEAIET aun Jo vBuypeacorg * sey wy sean pOUEUT Pre THM, PA's ORURYOWLL “F WVNAG ‘usr “8408 4H HDT APH ro quONIE 19qy AAEIOA HT ONIN “t vanu avisiavt a

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