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November 9, 2015 Dear Applicant: Welcome lo the premiere debating organization of Saint Louis University! Our sociely, SLU Debate Sociely, would want to cordially invite you to the Louisian Debate Camp on November 11-12, 2015 at the Otlo Hahn AVK from 6:00 a.m, lo 6:00 p.m. The event will include the formal orientation to ihe membership and. ne a our organiza- lion has to offer to you for this Academic Year. Also, the event will include series of lecture with regard debaling and adjudication, and some of the most basic principles being used. in debate rounds which include selected topics in the fields of politics, economics, sociology, education, health, gender, law and order, and rights and morality. The speakers for the event will include lop de- balers of our universily, who are also ace debalers of Korthern Luzon, and are either currently enrolled or an alumnus/alumna. Having alt of these said, we look forward to your stay in our society. further details regarding the schedule of the event and the featured speakers serve as an attach- ment to this letter. Cheers, Edsbor io oe. Castro Dorothy B.’Stiva President Adviser 30 p.m.=5:00 p.m: §:00 p.iti,-6:30 p.m. 6:30-p.iit-7:45: patie” 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m, 11:30°3.m,-12:15 p.m. “Registration Lunch Break. ~ Registratian Orientation to SLU Debate Society — : by Allan Castro and Ms. Dorothy D. Silva Zs itteduetion to Debating hy Francesca louise Villota ‘Law-and Order by Charleston E. Castro. Demo Debate a ‘Introduction to Adjudication — by Franonsea tavise Villota “Sociology and Culture ~< - by Francesca Louise Villota Gender, Sexuality and Religion —~ by Rocelle Molintas: Righits, Morals aid. EDevelepment - Closing. = NOVEMB 12,2015 Business; Economics, “Tnterriational Trade it Finance by Prysten Summer Andal ~~ Polities, as Relations and War Ma.-Shaun A. Felipe Media, Arts at Pap-culture by Risha Mae Ordas” Education, Health and Lifestyle, Technology and_ ~- Environment by Kristine Arlyce De Guzman. I 4 Debate Tips = Working Break ~~ Written Exam Return Demo Round 1 Return Demo-Round 2 - Eira Time = SaintglowisUniversity, Sockein Dorothy D. Silva Full Time Faculty, School of Teacher Education ELLE ALTA T Sed Allan B. Castro Doctor of Medicine II Octofinalist and Union Cup Semi-Finalist in the 201.3-NDC Champion, 1st Bombo Radyo Debates Octofinalist, 2015 DLSU Intervarsity President Francesca Louise Villota Masters-of Science in Public Management 7th Best Judge and Sémifinalist judge, in the 2015 DLSU Intervarsity Champion, YMCA Intercollegiate Debate 2015 Semifinalist judge, 2015 PIDC Inaining Officer Charleston Castro Alumnus Semifinalist, Ateneo Intervarsity 2015 Octofinalist and Union Cup Octofinalist, PIDC 2015 Rocelle Amber Molintas Alumnae Champion, YMCA Debate 2014 7th Best Speaker Amianan Cup 2014 Octofinalist, College of Saint Benilde 2014 abate Soctety) LUC Senior and Junior CII TIE Ma. Shaun Jeremy Felipe Senior Member Quarterfinalist, North Luzon Intervasitry 2013 Champion, Amianan Cup 2014 Semifinalist and 4th Best Speaker, Baguio Debate Open 2015 Heather Ann Pulido Senior Member ‘Quarterfinalist, North Luzon Intervasity 2015) ‘Quarterfinalist, NLIV 2014 Quarterfinalist and 9th Best Speaker Amianan Cup 2014 Kristine Arlyce De Guzman Junior Member Octefinalist, La salle Intervarsity 2015 Semifinalist, Aminana Cup 2015 Octofinalist, North Luzonintervarsity 2015 Saint touts University ‘evans Seale LUE Senior and Junio Ci Tes Lae Risha Mae “Ordas Junior Member 3rd Best Judge and Semifinalist Judge, Amionan Cup 2015 Quarterfinalist judge and Semifinalist Judge, Ateneo Intervarsity 2015 Ath Best Judge, Baguio Debate Open 2015 f - Prysten Summer Andal Debate 2015 queone? WeCcord FORD Date of Activity | Name of Activity and Requirement Weight |1) LOUISIAN DEABATE CAMP November 1112, 2015 a) Written bam Bb) 2 Return Demos November |) FRESHIE WARS azandag-acis | Applicant nwa fish tataloyé Debate Rounds _ 3) TRAINING ROUNDS plicant must finish @ totol of 7 November ere naeanae of3 1622328, 30 te and Oecember (Fy Short quiries a320 |) ore 'b) Traini

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