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Assignment EKC 474 Effluent Engineering

Answer all questions

1.0 Physical treament
[a] Derived and discuss the equation used in the settling of a discrete particle [8M]
[b] Discuss how the following parameters affects the terminal velocity of a settling particle
[i] Non-spherical particle [8M]
[ii] Different transition region (i.e. laminar/transition/turbulent) [8M]

[c] Show how you would determine the terminal velocity of a sand particle with an average diameter
of 0.02 mm, a sphericity factor of 0.75, specific gravity of 1.85. The water temperature where the
particle is settling is at 30 C. State all assumptions made and discuss your answer [10M]
[d] Discuss how the sludge from both physical and chemical treatment processes are handled?

2.0 Chemical coagulation and precipitation

[a] Explain in detail the removal of phosphorus via chemical precipitation. Draw a schematic diagram
how chemical precipitation is incorporated into the treatment plant [10M]

3.0 Advance treatment process

3.1 Adsorption
[a] What are the principles behind the development of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms? [8M]

3.2 Ion Exchange

[a] Describe how ion exchange are use in the following application
[i] nitrogen control [8M]
[ii] heavy metal removal [8M]

3.3 Membrane unit

[a] Discuss in detail two other factors other than membrane fouling that could cause lower
membrane performance [10 M]

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