Overhead and Gantry Cranes. - 1910.179

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Cranes whether] fixed or mobile are riven manually or by power s910.79(2)(2) ‘An "automat crane” sa crane which when acvated operates tough a prasacyele or Qvdes. 1 079010) ‘cb operated cane” 8 cane cond by an operator na cb leated on he Bridge or Woy. | so10.379(0,4) "Cantilever garry rane” means a gantry or semigenky crane in which the bridge girder or busses extend wansversely beyond the crane runway on one oF both sides, sa10.379(0)(5) "Floor-operated Grane" means @ crane whichis pendant or noncenduetve rope cartrlled by an operator on the floor eran independent platform. 1 s910.79(0x6) "Gantry crane™ means a crane similar to an overhead crane except thatthe bridge for carrying the Volley or tolleys i igily supported on two or more leas running on fixed rails or other runway. s910.179(8)2) "Hot metal handling rane means an overhead crane used for Yansporing or pouring molten material 1 s910.178(0)0) "Overhead crane” means a crane with a movable bridge carrying @ movable or fixed hoisting mecherism and waveling on an overhead fod runway strucure] s910.79(0,9) "Power-operated Gane” means @ Cane whose mechanism i riven by elec, air, hydraulic, or internal Combustion means. 1 e700) ‘A ‘blpt-opersied cane” isa erane operated om a hed operator tation nok ached the crane | sot0a75(ay8) 'A“remote-operated Grane” is a ane controled by an operator notin a pulpit orn the cab attached to the crane, by ary method ater than pendant or rope contol sste.a7s(9\12) 'A“semigantry crane” isa gantry crane with one end of the bridge rigidly supported on one or more legs that run ona fked ral or runway, the other end of the bridge being supported by @ buck running on an elevated ral or runway, ssro.a7s(9y13) "Storage bridge Gane" means @ gantry ype cane of long span usually used for Buk storage of malurial the bridge orders or russes ae rgily or nonrigid] supported on one or more legs. It may have one or more fted or hinged cantilever ends, ssr0a75(ay26) "Wal crane® means a crane having a jb wih or without olley and supported from a side wal r in of columns of @ balding. Risa aveling ype and ‘operates on a runway atached tote side wall or columns. 0.179(8)15) “Appointed” means assigned spect responsibilies by the employer or the employer's representative so10.79(0x16) "ANST means the American National Standards Int, ss1a.a79(9,07) ’An "aunliary Rast s @ Supplemental holstng unit of ighter capacy and usually higher speed than provided forthe main holst ss10.75(0,28) 'A "brake" is @ device used for retarding or stoping motion by freon or power means. 0.179(2,19) ’R "drag brake" Isa brake which provides retarding fore without external control 3910.79(2)20) ‘A “holding brake” isa brake that automatically prevents mation when power i of 0.179(0)28) "Bridge" means thet part ofa crane consisting of girders ruck, end tes, footwalts, and dive mechanism which caries the tole or woleys s910.179(0)22) "aridge travel" means the Gane maverent in a rection parallel tothe crane runway. 0.179(0123) ‘A “bumper [Gufer] isan eneray absorbing device for reducing impact when @ moving crane or Woley reaches the end ofits permited Wavel, or wihen 0 moving cranes or woes come in contact. 0.179(0.28) ‘The "b's the operators compartment ona crane. sa10.379(9,25) "Clearance® means the dstace rm any part of the crane toa point ofthe nearest obstruction. s910:17900)26) "Colectors current” are contacting devices for collecting current fom runway or bridge conductors. s910.79(8)27) "Conductors, bridge” are the eledrical conductors located along the bridge structure ofa rane to provide power to the troley. s910.79(0128) "Conductors, runway” [main] ace the elecical conductors located along a crane runway to provide power tothe crane, s910.379(9)29) “The "control braking ears" isa method of controling crane mator speed when in an overhauling cordon. 3910.79(0,30) "Countertorque” mears a method of control by which the power t the motor Is reversed to develop torque inthe opposite direction, 0.179(2,31) “Dynamic” means a method of controling crane mator speeds when in the overhauling condition to provide a retarding force. s910.179(0,32) Regenerative” means a form of dynamic bralng in whch the elecical energy generated is fed back into the power syste 0.179(0133) “Mechanica” means @ method of control by tition. ss10.79(0,36) "Controle, spring retun® means a controler which when released wil retum automatically toa neural poston. 0.179(0135) “Designated” means selected o” assigned bythe employer or te employer's representative as being cuslified to perform specie dues. 0.179(0138) ’A “dit point” means @ point on a travel motion controller which releases the brake while the motor snot energized. This allows Tor coasting before the brake Is set. 0.179(8)037) “The “dum” isthe ojindrcal member around which the ropes are wound for raising or lowering the load. so10.79(0,38) ’An equalizer" is device which compensates for unequal length or stretch of a ope. 0.179(0139) "Exposed" means capable of being contacted inadvertently, Apolied to hazardous objects not adequately quarded of soated s910.175(0,40) "Failsafe" means a provision designed to automatically stop or safely control any mation in which a malfunction occurs. 0.179(0.81) "Footwalk” means the walkway with Randral, attached to tre bridge or Wolley for access purposes. so10.79(0\42) 'A “host Is an apparatus which may bea part of crane, exerting a force for ting or lowering 0.179(0,43) "Hoist chain” means the load bearing chan In @ hoist Nore: hain properties do not conform to these shown In ANS] B30,9-1971, Safety Code fr lings. sst0.s79(9y40) "Hoist motion" means that mallon of crane which raises and lowers a load s910.179(0,45) "Load" means te total superimposed weight on the load block or hook 0.175(0)48) “The "lad block isthe assembly of hook o shackle, swivel bearing, sheaves pins, and frame suspended by the halsting rope. "Magnet" means an electromagnetic device cafied ona crane hook to pickup leads magneticaly. 0.179(0148) "Main hoist means the hoist mechanism provided for ting the masimum rated oad s910.79(0,48) ‘Aman tol" Isa Woley having an operators cab atlached thereto 0.179(0.50) "Rated load” means the maximum load for which a rane or individual host is designed and but by the manufacturer and shown on the equipment nameplates) 0.179101) "Rope' refers to wire rope, unless otherwise specified. so10.379(0,52) "Running sheave" mears a sheave which rotates as the oad blocks raised or lowered "Runway" means an assembly of ral, beams, giGers, brackets, and framework on which the erane or tole travels, ss10.79(9,56) "Side pul means that portion of the het pull acting horizontally when the hast ines are not operated vertically 1910.179(0,55) Span’ mears the harleonal dstance center to center of runway alls, 0.179(0K58) "Standby crane” means a crane which snot in regular service but whichis used occasionally or itermitely as required s910.179(04857) ‘Astop" is @ device to Imi wavel ofa Wlley oF rane Bridge. This davice normally attached to @ fixed structure and nocmlly does not have eneray absorbing ably. ss10.179(9,(58) 'A “swith is advice for malig, breaking, ot for changing the connections in an elec Great 1 sssearaencsoy ‘An emergency sop swt manual or automaticaly operated lcci oct of elec power indeperdeniy ofthe regular operating contr. 379(3)(60) ‘Alt switch is a switch which is operated by some part or motion afa power-driven machine ar equprven to alter the elacric Greuit associated withthe machine or equipment s910.175(0)61) ‘A 'main switch isa switch controling the entire power supply tothe crane, ] a910.179(0,62) 'A™"master switch isa switch which dominates the operation of contactors, relays, or other remotely operated devices. 1 0.17906) The "vole the uit wich Faves on he bide als ard cares he Roistng madara | sssea79eni60) Trolley wave" means the oly movement at igh ange to Ue rane runway 1 0.179(0.65) “Truck’ means the unit consisting ofa frame, wheels, bearings, and axles which supports the bridge girders or troll ] sa1037900) ‘General requrements~ 1 0.179(0)0) ‘Applicaton, This section applies to overhead and gant cranes including semiganty, cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, and others having) the same fundamental characteristics. These cranes are grouped because they all have elleys and similar travel characteristics 19101790012) ‘New and esting equipment. Allnew overhead and gantry cranes constructed and installed on or afer August 31,1971, shall meet the design specfeations ‘ofthe American National Standarc Safty Code for Overhead and Gantry Cranes, ANSTB30.2.0-1967, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 19106. s910.379(012) Modicatons. Cranes may Be mosfied and reated provided such modifications and the supporing structure are checked thorough for the new rated load bye qualifed engineer or the equipment manufacturer, The cane shall be tested in accordance with paragraph (k) (2) of ths section. New rated laa shal be displayed in accordance with subparasraph (5) of ths paraaraph ssr0.a79(0,4) ‘Wind inicators and ral dams. Outdoor storage ridges shall be provided with automatic ral amps. A windndicating device shal be provided which wil ‘ive a visible or audible alarm to the bridge operator ata predetermined wind velocity. If the clamps act on te ral heads, any beads or weld flash on the rll heads shal be ground of s910.1790015) Rated load marking, The rated lad ofthe cane shall be plainly marked on each sde ofthe crane, and if the cane has more than one holstng unit, e&ch hoist shall have is rate load marked on io ts load black ad this marking shal be clearly legible from the ground or lor. sss0.790046) ‘Clearance trom abauction ] 0.175(0)6300 Minimum clearance of 3 inches overhead and 2 Inches laterally shal be proved and maintained between crane and abstrucions In canformity wth Crane Manufacturers Association of America nc, Specification Ne. 61, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 2910.6, (formerly the Electric Overhead Crane Insite, In) ssro.a7900K600, ‘Where passageways or walkvays are provided obstrudions shall not be placed so that safety of personel wil be jeopardled by movements of the Gane. 3910.17900)0) ‘Clearance between parallel cranes. I the runways of two cranes are parallel, and thee are na Inervering walls or structure, there shall be adequate clearance provided and maintained between the two bridges. 19101790018) Designated personnel - Only desianated personnel shall be permitted to operate a crane covered by ths secton 1 sar0a79(0) Cabs = ] s910.79(90) ‘cab cation, 07560100) “The general arrangement ofthe cab and the location of conira and protective equipment shall be such tat al operating handles are within corwenient reach ‘ofthe operator when facing the area to be served by the load hook, or while facing the direction of travel ofthe cab. The arrangement shal allow the ‘operator a ull view ofthe load heok in all postions, rsr0.79(@)0)00) “The cab shall be located to afforda minimum of 3 inches Gearance from all fixed srucures within Is area of possible movement s910.79(002) ‘Access to crane, Access to the cab andor bridge walkway shal be by @ conveniently placed fed ladder, stl, or platform requring no step ove" any gap ‘exceeding 12 inches. Fed ladéers shall bein conformance withthe American National Standard Safety Code for Fixed Ladders, ANSI A14.3-1956, which incorporated by reference as specified in See, 1910.6, 1910.79(043) Fire extinguisher. Carbon ttraciloride extinguishers shal nat be used ss10.273(00) Lighting. Light in the cab shal be suicent to enable the operator to see dearly enough to perform Ris work 910.7916) Footwaks ard ladders = s910.379(02) Location of focbwals. s910.179(0000) Tf sufficent head oom is available on cab-operated cranes, 2 Tootwalk shal be provided on the drive sie along the entire length ofthe bridge ofall cranes having the trolley running on the top ofthe gircer. swr0.75¢0.2000, ‘Where footwals are leated in no case shallless than 4 inches of headroom be provided s910.79(@)02) ‘Construction of focbvals. 91079102009 Footwalks shall be of rigid construction and designed to sustain a dsibuted load of atleast 50 pounds per square fot. 0.179(6,2)0) Footwaks sll have a walking surface of antislip ype. NOTE: Wood will meet this requirement, ssr0.7s(e2)(09 [Reserved] s910.79(6,200) “The inner edge shall extend atleast to the Ine ofthe outside edge of the lower cover plate or flange of the ace. s910.379(010) "Toeboards and handrails or footwalh.Toeboards and handrails shall be in compliance with secon 1910.23 ofthis pat. s910.79(6,4) Ladders and stairways 9103791016009 ‘Gantry cranes shal be provided with ladders or stairways eatendng fom the ground tothe footvalkor cab platform. so10.79(6,410) ‘Stakways shall be equpped with rigid and substantial metal handrals. Walking surfaces shallbe of an antslip pe. 0..75(8)43(0) Ladders stall be permanently and securely fasiened in place and shall be constructed in compliance with 1910.27. s910.179(6) ‘Stops, bumpers, ral sweeps, and guards ~ so10.79(6,2) “Trolley sts. 0.790) 3300 ‘Stops shall be provided at the limits of ravel ofthe wal. asroa79(e,290, ‘Slope shal be fastened to resist forces applied when contacted, 0.796, 1300) ‘A stop engaging the tread ofthe wheel shal be of a height atleast equal othe rads of the wheel s910379(012) Bridge bumpers s910.79(012109 ‘Acrane shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic means providing equivalent effect, uness the crane Waveb at a slow rate of speed and has @ {aster deceleration rate due to the use af sleeve bearings, ori nat operated near the ends of bridge and tole travel, ris restricted to a tinted stance by| the nature ofthe crane operation and there is no hazard of striking ary object in ths Imited dstance, os used i similar operating conditions. The bumpers shall be capable of stopping the crane (nat including the ite load) at an average rate of deceleration not to exceed 3 fs when traveling in either direction 220 percent ofthe rated load speed. 0.179023 “The bumpers shal have sufcient energy absorbing capacity to stop the crane when traveling ata speed ofa least 40 percent of rated load speed. sa10.79(61230000) "The bumper shallbe so rhounled that there i no iret shear on ats 0..79(6,230) ‘Bumpers shal be so designed and installed as to minimize parts fling fom the rane Incase of breakage, 3910179469) “Trolley bumpers - ‘trolly shall be provided with bumpers or other automatic mears of equivalent effect, unless the Wolly travels aa slow rate of speed, ors not operated near the ends of bridge and trolley travel, ori restricted toa limited distance of the runway and there is ro hazard of striking any object in this ented distance, ori use in similar operating condons. The bumpers shall be capable of stopping the trolley (na incuaing te Ite load) at an average rate of deceleration not to exceed 4.7 fs/s when traveling in either directon at one-third ofthe rated load speed so10.79(6,10) ‘When more than one Walley is operated onthe same Bridge, each shal be equipped with Bumpers or equivalent on thelr adjacent end. 0.179633) ‘Bumpers or equivalent shall be designed and installed to minimize parts fain fram the walle in case of age, sa10379(00) Rail sweeps. idge ucks shall be equipped with sweeos which exied below the tp of the all and project in ror of the wuck wheats 0.179015) ‘Guards for hoisting ropes. s910279(6,5109 “hoisting ropes run near enough to ether parts to make feulng or chafing possible, quards shal be installed to proven this condion s910.79¢ex5100, ‘A quard shal be provided to prevent contact between bridge conductors and hoisting ropes if they could come ito contact 9101791016) ‘Guards for moving pars. Exposed moving pars such a gears, set screws, projecting keys, chains, chain sprockets, and reciprocating components which might consttue 2 hazard under normal operating conditons shall be guarded. aor0.79(ex610 ‘Guards shall be securely fastened 0.179(6,6)08) Each guard shall be capable of supporting without permanent dstorton the weight of @ 200-pourd person unless the guards located where tis impossible for a person ta step on it 0.179(018) Brakes for holt. sv10.79(008x0 ach independent hoisting unit of @erane shall be equpped with atleast one sel-seting brake, hereafter refered to asa holding brake, applied drecy to the motor shat or some part ofthe gear train avr0a79eoe100 ach independent hoisting uit of @ crane, except worn-geared hols, the angle of whase warm ls Such ast prevent the load from accelerating in the lowering direction shal in adton to 2 holding brake, be equipped with conro Braking means to prevent verspeeding. s910.79(002) Holding brakes. 0.79(012K0) Holding brakes for hoist motors shal have not less than the alowing percentage af the fill bad helsing torque at the point where the Brake is applied ss10.79(920000) 125 percent when used wit a contol braking means other than mechanical 079102000) 1300 percent when used in conjunction with @ mechanical control braking means. sar0a7a(neaxno 100 percent each i two haling brakes are provided s910.79000200) Holding brakes on hoists shal have ample thermal capac forthe frequency of operation required by the sence ssro.a7sineauy Holding brakes oa hoists shall be applied automatically when power is removed. ss10.79;0% ‘Where necessary holding brakes shall be provided with adjustment means to compensate for wear ssraaraqnean) “The wearing surface of al holding-brake drums or dscs shall be smooth ss10.79(002400 Each independent hoisting unit of @ crane handing hot metal and having power conl braking means shall be equipped with at east two holding brakes. 0.179(013) ‘Control braking means. a910.179(0040 'A power contol braking means such as regenerative, djnamic or countertorque raking, or a mechanically controled braking means shallbe capable of maintaining safe lowering speeds of rated loads sst0a79iex00) “The control braking mears shall have ample ermal capacity for the frequency of operation requred by service. 0.791018) Brakes for trolleys and bridges. ss10.79(000x0 Foot operated brakes shall nat requre an aplied forge of mare than 70 pounds ta develop manufacture’ rated Brake toraue 0.791044) Brakes may be applied by mechanical, elecical, pneumatic, hydraulic, or gravity means, asr0.a79(9(009 ‘Where necessary brakes shal be provided with adjustnent means to compensate for wear sor0.79(00%™ “The wearing surface of al brakedrums or elses shall be smooth aoroar9incen ‘Al feat-brake pedals shall be constructed so atthe operator's foot wil not easly slip off the pedal 07910180 Foot-operated brakes shal be equipped with automatic means for positive release when pressure is released from the pedal sar0ars(ocanun) Brakes for stopping the motion af the Walley oF bridge shal be of sufcont size to stop the Woley or bridge within @ stance in feat equa to 10 percent of full load speed in fet per minute when traveling at ful speed with ful load. sar0ars(neayco) IT holding brakes are provided onthe bridge or Colley, they shall not prohibit the use ofa drift pointin the control creut s910.79:0081600 Brakes on toleys and bridges shall have ample thermal capacity for the frequency of operation require by te service to prevent impaiment of functions {rom overheating a910.17910) ‘Application of woley brakes. 0.79(015K0 ‘On cab-operatad cranes with cb on tralley, a Wolke brake sallbe required as specied under paragraph ()(4) of this secon. ssr0a796n1910) ‘A drag brake may be applied to hold the wo ina desired postion on the bridge and to eliminate creep with the power off 0.791018) ‘Applicaton of bridge brakes, ss10.79(006K0 ‘On eab-operated cranes with eab on bridge, a bridge brake is requred as specified under paragraph (0(@) ofthis secon, 0.791016) ‘On cab-opereted cranes with e2b on trolley, a bridge brake ofthe holding type shall be required sor0.79(0(63H) ‘Onall fcc, remate and pulp-operated crane bridge drives a brake af noncoastng mechanical drive shall be provided 0.17919) Electric equipment = sa10379(9(0) ‘Genera 91079601000) ‘Wiring and equipment shall comply with subpart Sof ths part ssro.a79(9,000, “The control creuit voage shall ht exceed 600 vols for a.c or dc. arent “The voltage et pendant push-buttons shall not exceed 150 vols fora. and 300 volts for dc 0.79(9) 8300) ‘Where muliple conductor cable i used with @ suspended pushbutton station, the station must be supported in some saisactory manner that will protect the electrical conductors against strain, 0.79(9,890) Pendant contrel boxes shall be consiructed to prevent elecical shock and shallbe larly marked fer Wentfication af functions. s910.179(0)2) Equipment 0.79(9)2309 Electrical equipment shal be 50 located or enclosed that Ive parts will not be exposed to accidental contact under normal operating conditions. so10.79¢0,2000) Bedtric equpment shal be protected from df, grease, ol, and moisture. ss10.79¢9,20009 ‘Guards for Ive parts shal be substantial and so located thet they cannot be accidery deformed so as to rake contact with the lve pats. 391027949909) ‘Controllers. s910.79(91000 ‘Cranes not equipped with spring-retun controllers or momentary contact pushbutton shal be provded witha device which wil disconnect all motors from the line on flue of power and wil not permit any metor to be restarted uni the controle handle i brought the "oP" posiion, or a rest switch or bution is operated 191047819163.) Lever operated controllers sall be provided with 2 noich or lath which inthe “oP” poston prevents the handle from being inadvertent moved tote "or* postion. An off detent or spring return arrangement is acceptable s910.179¢9,31009 ‘The controler operating handle shal be located within convenient reach ofthe operstor. s910.79(@3)00) 'As far as practicable, the movement of each conrollr handle shallbe in the same general directions asthe resuank movements of the bad. 0.179(8,310) “The control forthe bride and woley ave shal be so located that the operator can readly face the direction of travel so10.79(@))00) For foor-operated cranes, the cortoller or cantllers if rope operated, shal automatically etura to the “of” postion when released by the operator. s910.79(9,10%) Pushbutton in pendant stations shall return to the “ofF postion when pressure is released by the crane operator. s910.79(9,)600) ‘Rutomatic cranes sal be so designed hat allmotons shal fail-safe if any malfundion of operation oxcurs. a910.179¢9,31000 Remote-operated cranes shall funclon so that ifthe contol signal for any crane maton becomes ineffective the erane motion shall tp. ssi0.75(6)0) Resistors. aor0.79c9xan09 Enclosures for resistors shall have openings to provide adequate venation and shallbe installed to prevent the accumulation of combastble matter too nea thot pats, so10.279(900, Resistor nis shal be supported so as to be as free as possible from vibration, 0.79(9)4N00) Prowsion shall be made to prevent broken parts or motten metal fling upon the operator or from the crane, s910373015) ‘Sites, 0.179651 “The power supply othe runway conductars shal be controlled by a switch or circuit breaker located ona fixed structure, accessible rom the foo, and arranged tobe locked in the open positon. 0.17919.) ‘On cab-opereted cranes a switch or circuit Breaker af the enclosed type, with provision for lacking in the open poston, shall be proved in the leads from the] runway conductors. A means of opening this switch or creuit breaker shal be located within easy reach ofthe operator. 0.79(0x5168) ‘On floor-operated canes, @ switch or Greuit breaker ofthe enclosed ype, with provision for lolang inthe open postion, shall be provided in the leads from the runway concuctrs. This dsconnect shall be mounted onthe bridge or footwak near the runway collectors. One ofthe following types of floor-operated disconnects shall be provided! 0..79(9N5)N0) Nonconductve rope attached to the main disconnect swith. sor0.a79(9xs}c0000) 'An undervoltage trip for the main Grit breaker operated by an emergency stp button inthe pendant pushbuton in the pendant pushbuton station. 'A mainline contactor operated by @ switch or pushbution inthe pendant pushbutton station. s910.79(9,5)00) “The Posting mation of al elecrc wavelng Cranes shal be provided with an overtravel limit switch in the helsing diction 1910.179(0,510 All cranes using a iting magnet shall have @ magnet Gel switch of the enclosed type with provaton for locking inte open positon. Means for discharging the inductive load ofthe magnet shal be provided. s910.179(0x8) Runway conductors, Conductors of he open tye mounted on the crane runway Beams or overhead shall Beso cated or so quarded that persons entering ‘or leaving the cab or crane footwalk normally could nat come into contact with them, 3910796910) [Etension lamps. Ta service receptacle is provided in the cab or on the bridge of eab-operated cranes, it shall bea grounded three-prong ype permanent receptacle, not exceeding 300 vot, sa10.37000) Hoisting equipment = 0.179001) ‘Sheaves. ssroa7sem(an ‘Sheave grooves shal be smooth and free from surface deeds which could cause rope damage. 0..79(m,110) ‘Sheaves carrying ropes which can be momentarily unloaded shal be provided wit close-fiting quards or other suitable device to guide the rope back into the groove when the lad is apoied again. ssto.7omcuye09 “The sheaves in the botiom block shall be equipped with clse-fiting guards that wil revent ropes from becoming fouled when the block is Wing onthe ground with ropes lose. aor0..79¢m0900) Pockets and anges of sheaves Used with hoist chains shallbe of such dimensions that the chain does nat catch o Bind during operation. 0..79(m,290) ‘AlLrunning sheaves shall be equipped with means for lubrication. Permanently bibricted, sealed and/or shielded bearings meet this requirement s910.1790(2) Ropes. 0.700023 In sing hosting ropes, the crane manufacturers recommendation shall be folbwed. The rted lad divided by the number of parts of rp shal not exceed 20 percent of the nominal breaking strength of te rope. 0..79(m,2000, ‘Soceetng shal be done inthe manner speciied by the manufacturer of the assembly. ssro.a7s¢mc2yc09 Rope shall be secured to the drum as folows: asr0.7eemc2nemne No less than two wraps of roe shal remain on the drum when the hook s ints exter low positon ssro.a7semc2nane, Rope end shal be anchored by a clamp securely attached tothe drum, oF bya socket arrangement approved by the Grane or rope manufacturer. 0.179(m)210) Eye slices. [Reserved] sero. 790210) Rope clips atached with U-bols shall have the U-blis on the dead or short end ofthe rope. Spacing and numberof al types of clips shall bein accordance wth the clip manufacturer's recommendation. Clips shall be drop forged steel in all szes manufactured commercall. When a newy installed rope has been in operation for an hour, al nuts on the clip bolts shal be rtightened, asr0..79(my29609 ‘Swaged or compressed ftings shallbe applied as recommended by the rope or crane manufacturer. 0..79(0)23¢0 ‘Wherever exposed to temperatures at which fiber cores would be damaged, rope having an independent wirerope or wire-strand coe, or other tomperature-damage resistant core shall be use. 0.179(m)2)0) Replacement rope shall be the same size, grade, and construction as te orginal rope furnished by the crane manufacturer, unless otherwise recommended by wire rope manufacturer due to actual werkng conion requirements. 910.7903) Equalizers. if load is supported by mre than one pat of rope, the tension in the pars shall be equalize. sa1a.a79004) Hooks. Hooks stall mest the manufacturers recommendations and stall net be overloaded, so10.7909 ‘Warning device. Except or foor-operated cranes a gong or ther effectve warning signal shall be provided foreach crane equipped with a power waveling mechanism, 39103790) “Inspection rs10.4780x0) Inspection classification. asroarsqnexo Ina inspection. Porto inal use al new and altered cranes shal be Inspected to Insure compliance withthe provisions ofthis secon. 0.790900) Inspection procedure for cranes in requar service is divided into two general classfications based upon the intervals at which inspecton shouldbe performed. “The intervals in turn are dependent upen the nature ofthe cial components of the crane and the decree of their exposure to wear, deterioration, or ‘matunction. The two general lassicatons are heren designated as "frequent anc “periodic with respective Intervals between inspectors as defined below: asroa7sqexcinar Frequent inspecton = Dal to monthly itera 0.1790 )X08) Period inspection - 1 to 12-month irtenals ss10.794902) Frequent inspection, The following tems shall be inpected for defects a intervals as defined ln paragraph ()(A)W of is section or as specially ceated, inctuding observation during operation for any defects which might appear between regular inspections, Al deficiencies such as listed shall be carefully ‘examined and determination made as to whether they constitute a safely hazard 0.790)2K0) ‘Al Functional operating mechanisms for maladjustment interfering with proper operation Daly ssraar9y e000) Deterioration or leakage in ines, tanks, valves drain pumps, and other parts of air or hyraulc systems. Daly sor0.79q 02,0) Hooks with deformation ar ack, Visual inspection dally; monthly inspection with cerfiation record which includes the date of inspection, the Sgnature of| the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, ofthe hook inspected. Fer hooks with crack or having mare than 15 Dercentn excess of normal throat opening or more than 10® twist fom the plane ofthe unbert hook refer to paraoraph (3) Wa) ofthis section 9104794210") Hoist chain, including end connections, for excessive wear, wis, distorted Inks interfering with proper funtion, of siveich beyond manufacurer’s recommendations. Visual inspection dal; monthly inspection with a certification record which ineludes the dat af Inspection, the signature ofthe person wh performed the inspection and an idersifier of the chan which was inspected, asroarsqea [Reserved] so10.79« 02109 ‘Al functional operating mechanisms for excessive wear of components sor0.790 (2X0) Rope reeving for nencomplance with manufacturer's recommendation. s910.1790) Periodic inspection. Complete inspections ofthe crane shall be performed at intervals as generally defined in paragraph ()(2)(H(b) ofthis section, depending upon its activty, severity of service, and environment, or as specially indicated below. These inspectons shall include the requirements of paragraph (}2) ofthis section and inaction, the following tems. Any deficiencies suchas listed shall be carefuly examined and determination made as to whether they ‘constitute a safety hazarc: rs10.78013300 Deformed, cracked, or corroded members. ssroaroqnex0 Loose bolts oF rvs 0.7903K0) ‘Cracked or worn sheaves and drums. so10.a790,0 ‘Worn, cracked or distorted parts such as pins, bearings, shat, gears, rollers, locking and damping devices. 0.790310) Excessive wearon brake system pars, Inings, pawls, and retchets sor0a79000009 Load, wind, and other indicators over thei full range, for ay sigefcantinaceurades, s910.179018K00) ‘Gesoline, diesel, electic, or other powerplants for improper performance or noncompliance with applicable safely requirement, ssr0.ar9q13yc0u) Excessive wear of chain drive sprockets and excessive chain stretch, 0.791300) [Reserved] ssraaraq(ar00) Electrical apparatus, or signs of iting or any deterioration of controler contactors, limit switches and pushbutton Stations sw10.790)0) ‘Cranes not in regular us. 0.790180 ‘crane which Fas Been idle or @ period of 1 month or more, bu ess than 6 months, shall be gven an inspection conforming with requirements of paragraph {U}2) of this section and paragraph (m}(2) ofthis section before placing I serve 0.790830) 'A crane whic has been idle for @ period of over 6 months shall be given a complete inspection conforming with requirements of paragraphs ()(2) and (3) of this section and paraaraph ()2) of tis section before placing in service. 0.7908) ‘Standby cranes shall be inspected at least semi-annually in accordance with requirements of paragraph ()2) of this section and paraoraph (m)(2) of is section 1910.79) “Testing - as10.27900)0) ‘Operational tsi s910.79000 Prior to inal use all new and altered cranes shall be tested to insure compliance wit ths secton Including the following functons s910.27900)00060) Hoisting and lowering, ag10..7900)021000) Trolley wave annne, Bridge travel aor0a790n00K010) Lit switches, locking and safety devs. 247900, “The tip seting of hoist mit switches shal be determined by tess with an empty hook traveling in increasing speeds up tothe maximam speed. The actuating mechanism ofthe limit switch shal be located so that it wiltrip the switch, under all conditions, in suficient time to prevent contact of the hook or hook block with any part ofthe tol. ss10.17900)02) Rated lod test. Test loads shall not be more than 125 percent ofthe rated load unless otherwise recommended by the manufaclurer. The tet reports shall be placed on fle where really availabe to appointed personnel so1037900 Maintenance = 0.791012) Preventive maintenance. A preventive maintenance program based on te crane manufactures recommendations shal be established. ss10.47900(2) Maintenance procedure. ao10..79:002300 ‘Before adjustments and repals are started on a crane the folowing precautions shale taken: soz0.79(9(2)000) “The crane tobe repaired shall be run to a location where W will cause the least interference with other canes and operations in the area sox0.79cn(2,0000) All controllers shall be at he off potion, 0.179(0(2300 “The main or emergency switch shal be open and lacked in the open positon, ssrearsmanno ‘Warning or “out of order" signs shall be placed on the crane, also on the floor beneath or on the hook where visible rom the Noor. 0.791023) ‘Where other cranes are in operation on the same runway, rail stops oF other suitable mears Shall be provided t preven interference with the Idle crane, so10.79(00290) ‘Alter adjusters and repairs ave been rade the crane shall not be operated unl al guards Rave been renstale, safety devices reactivated and maintenance equipment removed. 3910.179(000) ‘Adjustments and repairs. 0.791013 ‘Any unsafe conditions dclesed bythe Inspection requirements of paregraph () of tis section shall be corrected before operation ofthe crane is resumed, ‘Adjustments and repairs stall be done only by cesignated personnel. s910.79000310) “Adustments shall be maintained to assure correct functioning of components. The folowing are eximpes: sare.a7909(2)00) ‘Al functional operating mechanisms. ao10.79:0.3,0010) Unit switches, rakes. ssr0.7scncaycm, Repairs or replacements shall be provided promoUy as needed for safe operation. The folowing are examples: 9.7900(33080(8) Crane hooks showing defects described in paragraph ()(2)i) ofthis section shall be discarded. Repairs by welding or reshaping are ot generally recommended. I such repai's are attempted they shall nly be done under competent supervision andthe hook shall be tested to te load requirements of, paragraph (k)(2) ofthis section before further use. 0.791013) Load attachment chains and rope slings showing defers described in paegreph G2) (W) and (v) ofthis secon respectively, ssroarsey anne ‘Al cical paris which are cracked, broken, bent, or excessively worn ssr0.r79encsn0mn) Pendant control stations shal be kept clean and funcion labels kept legible. s910379(0) Rope inspection a910.79¢—02) Running ropes, thorough inspection of al ropes shall be made at least once a month and a cetieation record which includes the date of inspection, the signature f the person who performed the inspection and an identifier forthe ropes which were inspected shal be Kept on fle where readly avalele to ‘appointed personnel, Ary deterioration resulting in apprecable loss of original strength, shal be carefully observed and determination made as to whether further use ofthe rope would constitute a saety hazard, Some ofthe conditions that could resuin en appreciable loss of strength are the following ssr0.79¢ey(2009 Reduction of rope dameter below nominal dametor due to loss of core suppor nlrral or eternal corrosion, of wear of ouside wires. 0.70¢m01 ‘A number of broken ouside wires and the degree of distribution or concentration of such broken wires. 0.179¢m3(4)(0) ‘Worn outside wires. 0.1796m(8100) ‘Corroded or broken wires at end connections, 0.179(m(8)0) ‘Corroded, cracked, bent, warn, or improperly applied end connections. 0.75¢m8}(00 ‘Severe kinking, crushing, cutng, or unstrending 0.179(m)(2) ‘Other ropes. Allrope which has been idle for a pariod of@ month or more due to shutdown ar storage of @ crane on which itis installed shallbe given a ‘thorough inspecton before itis used. This inspection shall befor all ypes of deterioration and shal be performed by an appointed person whose approval shal be required for further use of the rope, A cersfication record shall be avalable for inspection which includes the date of inspection, the signature ofthe person who performed the Inspection and an identifier for the rope which was inspected. 0.1790) Henclig the load = ss10.79(012) ‘Sze of load. The Cane shall not be loaded beyond Is rated load exopt for test purposes as provided in paragraph (ofthis section 0.179(0)2), ‘Attaching the fad. ss10.379(912009 “The host chain or hoist rope shal be free fom Knks or wis and shall nat be wrapped around the oad, s910.179(01210) “The bad shall be attached tothe load block hook by means of sings or other approved devices. ssz0..79(0)2)(09 ‘Care shall be taken to make certain hat the sling clears all obstacles. 910.7910) vig the boa 0.17560) “The lad stall be well secured and properly Balanced in the sing or Ung device before iis Wted more than afew inches. ss10.379(6))0) Before starting to hoist the folowing andi shall be nated: 1 s910.179(e31010) Hoist rope shall not be kinked. 1 0.179(0)(3}00(0) Matiple part lines shal not be twisted around each other. ] sstosreexaxeK0 The hk al be Cup Ov he adn Sa anne 5 pee wing, J 0..75(0)33(8) During hoisting care shall be taken thats ] aor0.7s¢onsnaney “There is no sudden acceleration oF deceleration of the moving oad. 1 10.179(0,(3}C000) “The load does not contact any obstructions. ] ag10.179(0,3)0) ‘Cranes shall not be used fo side pulls except when specicaly authorized bya responsible person who has determined thatthe stabilty ofthe crane is not thereby endangered and that various parts ofthe crane will not be overstessed. snroaroavy Wile ay lee on Te ad ook ae sabe nag, ven, o ang ] 0279000) “The employe fall req at the operator aod caring ads over people | s910.75(9,)000 “The operator shal tes the brakes each time a lead approaching the rated load is Fandled. The bakes shal be tasted by raising the lead a few inches and _appving the brakes. s910.279(0,3)00) “The bad stall not be lowered below the point where les than two fll wraps f rope remain on the hoisting drum. 1 s910.179(m131000 ‘When two or more cranes are used to it load one qualified responsible person shall bein charge ofthe operation, He shal analyz the operation and instruct all personnel imclved in the prope” positioning, ciging ofthe load, and the movements to be made. s9103790m000 “The employer shall insure Wat the operator doesnot eave is poston atthe convls whe he oad s suspended ] 0.179(0)3)02) ‘When staring the bridge and when the load or hook approaches near or over personnel, the warning signal shall be sounded 1 ssx0s75¢0K0) Hoi iit sich ] 0.790089 ‘At the beginning ofeach operator's shi, the upper mit switch ofeach hoist shall be tied out under ro load. Extreme care shal be exercised the block shall be "inched" ito the imit or run in at Slow speed. If the switch does not operate properly, the appointed person shall be immediately notified 179001618) “The ast iit sich which conv ashe upper nit of Wave ofthe lad ck shal never be wed a5 an operating cnt | s910.370(0) ‘Other requirements, general = 1 ssseara adders, | s910.279(010909 “The employer shal insure that hands are free from encumbrances while personnel are wing adders. 1 s910.79(0,010) ‘Articles which are too Target be caried in pockets or belts shall be lited and lowered by hand ine, 1 s910.379(09(2) cabs. 0.179(0)2300 ‘Necessary clothing end personal belongings shall be stored in such @ manner as not to interfere with access or operation ssr0.a79(0,2)00, “Took, ol cans, waste, eva fuses, and other necessary articles shall be stored in the toolbox and shal not be permitted to Vie lose in or about the cab. 1910.179(013) Fire extinguishers. The employer shal insure that operators are familar with the operation and cae offre extinguishers prowded, [39 FR 23502, une 27, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 27400, June 27, 1975; 49 FR $322, Fe. 10, 1984; S1 FR 34560, Sept 29, 1986; 55 FR.32015, Aug. 6, 13990; 61 FR 9227, March 7, 996] (© Next Standard (1910.180) (© Reguhtions (Standards ~29 CFR) - Table of Contents Freedom of lformaton Act | Prhacy& Secury Statement | Dscaimers | Important Web She Notices | International | Contact Us US. Department of aber | Oscpairal Softy Heath Adrian | 200 Const Ave, NW, Washo, OC 20210 “ebhane: 802-221-054 (6742) | TTY ‘058.907

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