Elrn Lesson Plan 1

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Name: Brooke Kellen

Title: What is a PowerPoint?

Summary: I will introduce to my students what a PowerPoint presentation is.
I will also tell them why it is important to know how to use PowerPoint.
Learners: 2nd Graders who have some knowledge about Microsoft Word.
21st Century skills:
--2a: Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others
employing a variety of digital environments and media.
--2b: Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences
using a variety of media and formats.
2.CP. 1.1-With assistance demonstrate the ability to work with others when
using technology tools to convey ideas or illustrate simple concepts.
2.CP.1.1-With assistance, use a variety of technologies to communicate and
share an idea.
2.CT.1.1-Demonstrate saving and retrieving a file to/from a specified existing
folder with assistance.
2.IL.1.1-Select from several teacher selected internet sites to locate
2.NC.1.1-Describe the progression of technology.
2.SI.1.1-Describe ownership rights of technology created work.
Materials Used by the Teacher:

Materials Used by the Students:

Reference books from Library.

Technologies Used by the

Smart Board

Technologies Used by the

Search Engines
Timeline of activities (Instructional Procedures):
Depending on the knowledge of technology my students have I will first start
out by reviewing and asking them what they know or remember about the
different forms of technology. These questions may include: What they know
about the computer like basic turning on the computer, using the mouse,
searching the web, and saving and using word documents.
After that I will have already prepared a sample PowerPoint that I will show
them on the smart board. Depending on my classroom and where I am
teaching if I have a smart board in my room and they have laptops I will
present my lesson in the classroom and we will work interactively, if not and
we have to go to a computer lab where there is not a smart board I will
present my information first in my classroom and then we will go to the
computer lab and they will put the information they used to use.

I will show them all the ways they could change their basic formats and fonts,
how they could type in the different boxes, add titles, insert pictures and
change the backgrounds and themes. We may have to go over this
information three or four times but I will go over it until I think they have a
good hold of the concept. Then I will split them up into groups of two or three
depending on how big my class is. I will explain to them that they will be
working in groups to create their own PowerPoints. I will have previously
gotten some different books from the library on different subjects such as
cats, dogs, flowers, birds or other things like animals or places.
As a group they will decide what they are going to do their PowerPoint
presentations on. Once they have decided we will either head to the
computer lab or get out our laptops. I will also explain to the students that
besides the reference books they can also search the web on some of my
teacher approved sites.
I will let the students brainstorm and get to work, depending on how well they
are working I will determine if we need to extend this activity to more days. I
anticipate that they will need at least two or three class days to complete this
project. Before they start working I will hand out a rubric which they will have
to follow to get a certain grade. While they are working I will walk around the
class asking questions and seeing if they need any extra assistance.
Assessment Plan:
I will use my rubric to determine how well my students understood my lesson
on learning how to use PowerPoint.

RUBRIC: PowerPoint Presentation

Titling and Saving of the PowerPoint correctly


Name of the group members stated on the first page of your



Title/ Subject Chosen also stated on the first page of your PowerPoint


List at least things about your topic


Have different fonts/Colors


Incorporate a background or theme and insert picture


Overall understanding and cooperation of PowerPoint


Present PowerPoint to class


The assignment is free/ mostly free of grammatical and spelling errors 10/
Have a page for site URLs or names of the books used.




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