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Teacher Candidate: Breanna Watkins, Holly LaCapra, and Katelynn Jaxheimer
Date: November 17th/18th, 2015
Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________
Coop. Initials:
Group Size: 25
Allotted Time: 60 minutes
Grade Level: First grade
Subject or Topic: The Four Seasons in PA
Section: _____________________

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

4.1.1.E-Describe the seasons and describe how the change of the seasons affects living
CC1.2.1.A-Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
CC1.5.1.B-Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or
through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting
clarification if something is not understood.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
The first grade students will be able to differentiate between the four seasons by playing an active
game involving students moving throughout the classroom and identifying appropriate articles of
clothing to wear in each season and give reasoning.
II. Instructional Materials
(One for each group) heavy jackets, scarfs, gloves, tank tops, flip-flops, shorts, rain jacket, rain
boots, capris, fashion boots, sweatshirt, jean pants
Pictures to identify the different seasons
4 plain papers to cover chalkboard
(25) Teacher-made charts
III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Prerequisites
1.) Fine and gross motor skills
2.) Basic knowledge of weather
3.) Knowledge that there is a difference in temperatures
4.) Collect data
B. Key Vocabulary/ content1) The four seasons:
a. Summer- The warmest season of the year, consisting of higher temperatures.
b. Fall/ Autumn-The change between summer into winter. Leaves start to change and fall of
the trees.
c. Spring- The season following winter and before summer. The temperatures begin to rise
and this is a time for blooming.
d. Winter- Coldest season of the year. Trees usually have no leaves and a common season
for snow in colder places.
2) Temperature- Degree of hotness or coldness that can be measured using a thermometer.
a. Degrees- measure of temperature and range of cold and warmth.
C. Big Idea
1) What are the four seasons, and how do they effect the environment and you?
D. Content

1) The students will be able to learn about the four different seasons through an in depth lesson
beginning with the reading of Maisys Seasons, followed by an active inquiry. Students will
discover how to use a thermometer to read the temperature. The children will decide what clothes
are appropriate for each of the different seasons with the hands-on inquiry.

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Educator will walk into the room, wearing multiple layers of clothing including a
heavy jacket, hat, gloves, etc.
a. Educator will say: As I read todays story, pay close attention to me and
what I do as I read it.
Educator will start to read, Maisys Seasons, and each time a season is talked about a
layer will be removed, to show the appropriate apparel for that season in our state.
2. Educator will ask students: What did you notice as I was reading the story?
a. Students should respond with observations about the layers of clothing
being removed
b. Students should also explain the story
3. Educator will say: Great observations! Today we will be learning about the four
seasons and the what to wear in each season. We will also talk about how temperature
affects what we wear and what we see in the world.
B. Development
1. Educator will say: How many different seasons are there? Talk to your partners
or group members and brainstorm. Remember the story we just read. When you
think you have the answer, put your hands on your head.
2. Educator will have students share when they finishing talking with partners.
3. Educator will say: There are four seasons. As I took off the layers of clothing, the
seasons were shown, so when I had my heavy jacket on, what season was I dressed
4. Educator will pick students to answer and teacher will uncover correct season from
the papers on the chalkboard. Seasons will be prewritten. Other students can show if
they agree or disagree their classmates, with thumbs up or down.
a. Educator will continue to choose students for each layer of clothing.
5. When all seasons are correctly on the board, educator will use visuals to explain
what happens in each season. Educator can have students come up to the board and
categorize the visuals as the educator is discussing it with them.
a. Educator will say for each season: Boys and girls, I need your help to sort
these pictures into their correct season. These pictures reveal what we may
see or feel in a season. We will work together to put them in their correct
b. Students and Educator will work together to sort pictures.
c. The teacher will discuss why certain articles of clothing are appropriate
for different seasons.
d. Students will record chart in their notebooks/journals
6. Educator will say: Now that we learned a little bit about each season, we will talk
about how some seasons make you feel different as you walk outside where we live.
There is a special word for this feeling, called Temperature. Everybody say temperature
with me.
a. Students say temperature.
7. Educator will ask: How did you feel when you walked outside today? Turn to your
partners and talk to them about todays weather.
a. Students should answer about how cold or warm it was. Students will share
after talking in groups/partners.
b. Educator will say: Like today is (weather/temperature for that day), the
next season we will have different feelings. So each season has a different
temperature, or the amount of cold or warmth we feel as we walk outside.
8. Educator will pull out a thermometer and tell the student what temperature it is that day.

Then he/she will ask: What do your parents use to measure the temperature outside?
a. Students will answer with their experiences.
ii. Educator will ask them if they noticed anything beside the
temperature given on an app or a thermometer. What is the little symbol
given next to number?
1. After students brainstorm, educator will explain about the
degree symbol. Educator will say: A degree is the range of
how cold or hot it is in a special level.
2. Educator will say: Our temperatures are measured
between numbers 0 and 100. The lower the number the
colder it is outside and the higher the number the hotter it
is outside. If the degree is between 50-70 we have
temperatures that are mild, or are not too hot or too cold.
a. Educator will have line of tape on floor with
labeled temperature. Educator will say: If it is
90 degrees outside, is that going to be hot or
cold? Educator will model activity.
i. Educator will point to each spot and tell
them the temperature that goes along
with it.
b. Educator will give degrees and students will
complete the tape activity. Each degree educator
will ask what season the students think they
belong to.
i. 20 degrees (Winter)
ii. 80 degrees (Summer)
iii. 50 degrees (Spring or Fall)
iv. 70 degrees (Spring or Fall)
9. Educator will introduce an activity that shows connection between degrees and effects on
us during the seasons. Educator will hand out a teacher made chart. Educator will say,
Now that we know about each season and its temperatures, we will be doing an activity.
This activity will require you to make choices about appropriate clothing for the season and
10. Educator will explain how to use chart to record data about the activity. Educator will
say, students there will be a piles of four different types of clothing. Each pile will be
labeled with your group numbers. You will then move around with your group and decide
where each article of clothing is worn. Each season has three articles of clothing that are
listed in your chart. Make sure you dont have more than three in each season as you go
a. Educator will explain that as the students walk around and choose the
correct season and temperature, to log it into their charts next to the clothing
they had in their piles. Educator will say: Remember to use inside voices, to
work cooperatively with your group, and to sit down at your desks when you are
finished and get out a book.
b. Educator will give an example of a scarf. She/he will walk to the correct
season and demonstrate how to record into the chart.
c. Students will complete activity within their groups and educator will walk
around and monitor progress.

C. Closure
1. After students complete the activity, each group will share one item of the clothing and
where they had placed it from their charts.
2. Educator will acknowledge the students efforts for activity. The educator will state, I have
seemed to forget already what the four seasons are, somebody please tell me what they are?
a. Students will respond with the four seasons.
3. Educator will have students share with their group one fact they learned about what

happens during specific season, including temperature, and how it effects us.
a. Students will share with the class, after talking with groups.
4. Educator will then say, now that we have learned about the four seasons, tomorrow we
will be discussing in weather.
D. Accommodations / Differentiation
Struggling readers will be accommodated. We will do this by having the text, during
the introduction, read out loud so they are able to comprehend.
Students who have difficulty writing can receive help from a scribe as they fill out
the chart.
E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formative
Students will be evaluated by the charts they complete, during the activity. We will
evaluate them based on number of correct answers insertions in the charts. Seasons
and temperatures should be correctly matched to the articles of clothing.
Up to 9 out of 12 correct
Up to 8 out of 12 correct
Up to 5 out of 12 correct

2. Summative

3. Performance Assessment

Unit test at the end of the unit.

The utilization of the inquiry involving the students putting on, and discovering what
articles of clothing are appropriate for the four different seasons.

V. Reflective Response

Report of Students Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on students performance written
after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)


Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective answers to questions recorded after
lesson is taught.)

How could this lesson be improved?

How did the lesson flow?
What are some things that the teacher could improve to make the lesson better?

VI. Resources



Temperature in

How do you

Heavy Jacket
Flip Flops
Rain Boots
Fashion Boots
Rain Jacket
Tank Top
Jean Pants

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