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(The purposes of evaluation are described in Article 12 of the VCCCD Agreement)

DATE: November 10, 2015


Location: Ventura
This form is your self-appraisal report, which is designed to record your own
assessment of your performance. Provide this completed form to the division office
before the committee meeting. The primary purpose of evaluation is to assist in the
continuous improvement of faculty performance in service to the students and the
This form should be completed and forwarded to your dean. Use of electronic word
processing to complete this form is recommended. Space is provided below for
each topic/question. If additional space is required, a blank page has been added at
the end of this document.
1. List those activities and/or recent accomplishments which have contributed to
your professional growth. For example, courses you have recently taken,
participation in professional associations, conferences or workshops you have
attended, papers you have delivered or published, community involvement, etc.
1. CSUCI Community College Counselor Day 2015 (February, 2015)
2. High School Counselor Exchange (February, 2015)
3. FYE National Conference (February, 2015)
4. MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory Training (March, 2015)
5.Counseling for Student Educational Planning (April, 2015)
6.VCCCD Counselor Conference (May, 2015)
7. Cal Lutheran Counselor Training (May, 2015)
8. CSU Counselor Conference (September, 2015)
9. Career Caf, Exploring Majors Webinar (September, 2015)
10. Strengthening Student Success Conference (October, 2015)
11. Achieving the Dream Webinar (Ocotber, 2015)
12. Financial Literacy Course (April 2015 - present)
Observation of experiences:
During my first semester (spring 2015) and leading into the fall 2015 semeter, I
have been fortunate to attend many professional development opportunities.
Attending the FYE National Conference and the Counseling for Student
Educational Planning conference at Norco Community College provided me with
insight on how different institutions of higher education have built FYE programs.
For example, I learned that many programs begin with a small pilot number to
help learn the pros and cons of their program. While upscaling is important
Faculty Self-Appraisal

Revised April 20, 2007

institutional leaders all advised to begin small, collaborate with institutional

faculty, and have administrative support.
The other workshops, webinars, and conferences I attended contirubute and
strengthen my counseling toolbox. Whether it is a university transfer conference,
a webinar on exploring majors, or further understanding how I can continue to
strengthen students success. These professional opportunities always remind me
of the importance of collaboration and life-learning. As a counselor, there are
many details that need to be captured in order to help students complete their
educational goals. By attending these professional development opportunities I
am able to connect with collegues in the field who have specialized knowledge in
their area. I am greatful to the counseling department and student services
division for supporting these professional development opportunties.

2. Cite the goals and plans for professional improvement you listed in your last selfassessment report and describe how you accomplished those goals and plans, or
why you did not.
Not applicable. This is my first self-assessment report.
3. What are your goals and plans for professional improvement during the next
three years, and how would you successfully completing these goals improve
your success in working with students.
In order to strengthen my skills as a counselor over the next three years, I plan
to continue developing my skills by taking advantage of professional
development opportunities and by observing and learning from seasoned
counseling colleagues.
Over the 2015 - 2016 academic year, my goal is to continue to grow and build a
sustainable and institutionalized FYE program at Ventura College. As FYE
counselor, I will collaborate with the VC Promise by outreaching and targeting
students who apply to the VC promise and place into developmental English and
math courses. This also includes collaboration with English and math faculty in
order to help build a summer prep academy for students in developmental
courses. In addition, working with assessment specialists is also crucial, as this
is a department that can connect students to FYE. I want the program number to
grow into 300 students for the 2016-2017 academic school year. I will continue
to help coordinate the FYE extended orientation by connecting and collaborating
with VC academic and student services constituents. My goal is to align the FYE
extended orientation with fall semester registration dates which will help
students have a hands-on experience on how to register for classes on their
myvcccd portal. This academic year, I will participate on the Student Learning
Outcomes Committee, my role in this committee is to collaborate with faculty
member Nathan Cole and help build a faculty SLO Handbook/Guide. This is my
first semester on the SLO committee, I find it to be an important role because as
an educator I want to make sure that I always keep in mind and assess what I
expect my students to learn when I interact with them. I am also teaching
Counseling V01- College Success this semester, where many FYE students are

Faculty Self-Appraisal

Revised April 20, 2007

enrolled. I plan to continue to develop my teaching skills during the spring 2016
semester. Additionally, I am doing extra hours in general counseling to help
develop my general counseling skills. I am also part of the new student Group
Counseling Sessions task force, this task force aligns closely with FYE and acts as
an excellent forum to help promote FYE to first-time students.
In year two (2016-2017), I plan to continue to refine my role as FYE counselor by
serving a larger number of first-time students. I want students who are
interested in Ventura College to know that applying to FYE is crucial to their firstyear success. I particularly want to strengthen my practice as a career
counselor. For example, I would like to become MBTI certified and learn different
techniques on how to help students understand the importance of career
development and its essential function to completing educational and personal
goals. After attending, Strengthening Student Success Conference it was very
clear to me that as a community college practitioner I cannot think of FYE as a
small boutique program and up-scaling is a necessary means to creating strong
student success measures. Additionally, I will continue to promote and
collaborate with the counseling department by recommending and assuring that
first-time students enroll in counseling courses during their first academic year.
FYE students will benefit from enrolling in these courses because they will have
access to crucial student success procedures through counseling faculty
teaching these courses. Continued participation in new student Group
Counseling Sessions and Pirate days would be essential to the growth of the FYE
Moving forward into 2017 2018, I plan to continue strengthening the demand
for an FYE program on the VC campus. I plan to do this by continued
collaboration with different student services and academic divisions. FYE will not
be a successful program if it is not an institutionalized mission. For example, I
want to be able to work closely with Learning Community faculty, counseling
faculty, counseling course instructors, outreach, the VC Promise, community high
school partners and any 3SP related activities. I plan to continue my
development through researching articles, attending conferences, workshops
and webinars that will help keep me up to par with current counseling
perspectives and changes.
4. This question is for Full-Time Faculty Only: Part of your full-time teaching
assignment includes five hours per week service for instruction-related studentsupport activities. Please describe the activities you engaged in since your last
evaluation to meet this requirement. If you served on college committees during
this evaluation period, what were your contributions and/or professional
development outcomes from that involvement?
continuing professional development
writing of grant proposals and
sponsorship and support of student activities
recruitment and high school
participation in budget development
registration advisement
and employment interviewing
activities of faculty governance

Faculty Self-Appraisal

Revised April 20, 2007

college and district committees

preparation and updating of course

department and division meetings
community outreach and interface
curriculum development
articulation and matriculation
5. What can be done by the college to help improve your services?
My role as FYE counselor continues to develop. I feel that having the continued
support of my department colleagues is crucial to my professional development.
I was fortunate enough to be housed in general counseling when I arrived to
Ventura College in spring 2015. This helped me develop relationships with
counselor and other student service departments. I feel welcomed and know
whom I can go to when I have questions or concerns. I hope to continue to have
this support as I work towards creating a program that supports student success.

Please retain a copy of this form for use in your next evaluation. A copy of your
evaluation form and a summary of your student evaluations will be placed in
your personnel file.

Faculty Members Signature

Faculty Self-Appraisal


Revised April 20, 2007

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