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Classification of research
1)By purpose
2)By method
3)By approach

Research By Purpose
Basic research
Applied research
Evaluation research
Research and development
Action research

Classification of research by purpose is

based primarily on the degree to which
findings have direct application and the
degree which they are generalizable to
other situations.

The types are:Basic Research:It involves the process of collecting and

analyzing data/information to develop or
enhance theory its purest form;basic
research is conducted solely for the
purpose of theory development and

Applied Research:It is conducted for the purpose of

applying or testing theory and evaluating
its usefulness in solving problems.
Applied research provides data to
support theory,guide-theory ,revision or
suggest development of new theory.

Evaluation research
This type of research is used for evaluative
purposes. It seeks to examine the
usefulness of a project /programme. The
purpose of evaluation is to facilitate decision
making regarding the relative worth,of two
or more alternative actions.

Research & Development

The major purpose of research and
development effort is not to formulate or test
theory but to develop effective products for
use in various fields.

Action Research
Action research is focused on immediate
application,not on the development of
theory or on general application places .its
emphasis on a problem here and now in a
local setting.
Its findings are to be
evaluated in terms of local applicability not
universal validity.

Research by Approach

Research by Approach
Qualitative Approach

Quantitative Approach

Research by Approach
Qualitative is a text based approach
Quantitative is a number bases approach

Distinguishing Features
Extensive narrative data
Many variable intensity studied
Soft data
Long span of time
No intervention-No control

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