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Our Ref: 29N.


An Bord Plean<lla


Your Ref:

Alan & Cathy McGrath

County Wexford
2nd October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
An Bord Pleamila has received your recent submission in relation to the above mentioned proposed development and will
take it into consideration in its determination of the matter. A receipt for the fee lodged is enclosed.
The Board will revert to you in due course with regard to the matter.
Please be advised that copies of all submissions I observations received in relation to the application will be made
available for public inspection at the offices of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County
Council and at the offices of An Bord Pleanala when they have been processed by the Board.

If you have any queries in the meantime please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the above
mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,




Tel> \uuu. IK'JU ~7~ 17S l.nColl

M Srji<l M:M>ilhhridc,

llailc A1ha Clialh I.

Llllhrc.ul Grc;~,am "" \\ plc.m.1l~ 1c \\cb

Rinmhph<"l lwrd" plc~u.ol~ 1c [m.ltl

t>-1 M:orlhnn>u[!h S1n:c1

Oollliu I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Paul O'Neill
National Paediatric Hospital Development Board
C/0 G.V.A. Planning & Regeneration
Floor 2, Seagrave House
19-20 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed for your information is a copy of submission(s) received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.

If you have any queries in relation to the matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board.
Please quote the above mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with
the Board.
Yours faithfully,


'1\:il tull K5X XIIIII Tel

Glau Ailitiil 1K'lU ~75 175 LuCtll

Sr:iid M:uull>hridc.

ll"il~ A1h:1 Clialh I

l...oiHhrc~m Gr~~,jin W\\ w

plcanala ;~.: \\ch

R iumhphu'l hurd I!! pkanala i~ Em:ul

!>I Marll><>rnu~h S1rcc1.

!Juhlin I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043


An Bord Pleamlla

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Dublin City Council
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8
5th October 2015
Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric
Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

eran Somers
cutive Officer
Direct Line:Ol-8737107

Tc1l (Ill) K~X XI<KI 'li:l

Gl.n \11i1iil I!!'J0~7~ !H lnCI!l
Sr;i1d 1\I.L<lllhhridc.
llailc A1ha Clialh I


L"uhrc.1n Grcil,illll 1c \\'ch

Rftnnhphn'l h<ml '' 1>lcana.1 cc I m:ul




Duhlin I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Fingal County Council
County Hall
Main Street
County Dublin
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamlla reference numberin any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

: cutive Officer
Direct Line:Ol-8737107

Tcol (01 ll'illllltKI Td

Gl.u> \ttitul 1!11~1 'H l~'i l.nC.oll
1>-1 Sr:iid !lt:ouill>hritlc.
Baile Atha Cliath I

Laithn:;ut Grc;l'atn "" \\ plc~n.tb tc \\dt

Rinmhpht"l hnrd plc;~nal:t ic [mat I

IH Marlhmmt!!h Slr.:ct .

Ouhlm I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

South Dublin County Council
County Hall
Dublin 24
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamlla reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

ADHOC/ PA0043/02

Tcil IIIII K~!l KllK) Tel

Glau \illlill 1!11.10 .:!H 175 LuCJII

Sr;i1d Mauilbhridc.

ll:ulc \tha Chath I .

Laithn:an Grca-.un 1111\1 plcanala ic \\'ch

RiumhpiKI'I hurd '' pkanala 1c Email

f>l :>.t:.rlhurnu~h

Duhlin I

arlborough Street


Mr and Mrs McGrath Pl


_ .,___,

Kilmurry Gorey Co.Wexford


Re: Planning application for the new Children's hospital StJames' site
The Secretary

As the parents of a chronically ill child we are, once again, extremely concerned about the plans for
the site of the new children's hospital. Our child has been sick since 2004, he has serious chronic
conditions and makes at least 12/14 visits to Our lady's Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin per year,
these visits are as either an outpatient which would be a day visit or, if he is acutely unwell, as an
inpatient, which means he could be in the hospital for 2 to 3 weeks. We travel up to the hospital,
with our son in his wheelchair with all his medical equipment, from Gorey co. Wexford. Public
transport is out of the question for us, and many families like us.

Once again the new site poses huge problems in two main areas which impinge greatly on the lives
of families with chronically ill children. These two areas are parking and accessibility, two areas
which would be paramount in getting right if we are building a new hospital.

Firstly accessibility; How will we be assured of easy access to a hospital that is being sited further
into the city centre, further into an already existing traffic bottleneck? Once we leave the MSO our
route to the hospital should the shortest most straight forward as is possible. Many families
travelling with sick children have to use their cars as these children are not able to access/use public
transport. Consider the families and children in your deliberations; maybe travel with them one day
to wholly inform yourselves.

Secondly; the proposed parking on the StJames' site is 1.5 parking spaces per bed. What about all
the outpatient visitors to the hospital? How many suitable wheelchair spaces have been provided in

this plan? At present we park, when we get a parking, in OLHSCC in wheelchair space at the far end
of the carpark, the furthest space form the front entrance of the hospital. It is totally unacceptable
that 1000 car park spaces are seen to be adequate for 473 beds in a national children's hospital.
How can this be called planning? Have the daily visitors to the hospital even been considered. Once
again I suggest travelling with us on a day visit to fully inform yourselves on the stress experienced
by us in driving to the hospital and then trying to park.

These two points alone make the current proposed site for the new, which is becoming old,
children's hospital disastrous and should on their own significance halt the process.
Yours sincerely
Alan and cathy McGrath

- 1 OCT 2015



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