PA0043 Sub Association of Combined Residents Association

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An Bord Pleanala

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Tom Newton
Association of Combined Residents Association

Co. Dublin
30th September 2015
Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St

James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir,

An Bord Pleanala has received your recent submission in relation to the above mentioned proposed development and will
take it into consideration in its determinationof the matter. A receipt for the fee lodged is enclosed.
The Board will revert to you in due course with regard to the matter.
Please be advised that copies of all submissions I observations received in relation to the application will be made
available for public inspection at the offices of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County
Council and at the offices of An Bord Pleanala when they have been processed by the Board.
If you have any queries in the meantime please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the above
mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

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I' Kieran Somers

Executive Officer
Direct Line:O 1-8737l 07

ADHOC/PA0043/0 1

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Board Planala Children's Hospital

Submission Appeal from ACRA (Association of Combined Residents Association)
the body that represents Residents Associations throughout Ireland.
We have no difficulty with location ofNew Children's Hospital. We have one major
concern as does all of our Residents Associations we represent~ its vehicle access.
There is no point in building a new Childrens Hospital without direct vehicle access
This problem can be easily addressed by providing direct vehicle access from the
M50 into the New Children's Hospital putting it on a par with any other location.
This can be done by providing a Hospital vehicle lane direct to new hospital from
M50 via Palmerstown, Chapelizod By-Pass, Con Colbert Road and St. Johns Road.
This Lane as far as Heuston Rail Station will become a reality due to nonnal road
improvements over the coming years and a planned reduction of cars to the city
centre. This is also a vital part of our 03 transport Plan.
This Lane then takes a right hand tum at Heuston onto Military road dropping under
St Johns Road out bound to avoid local traffic out bound. From Military Rd to
Hospital grounds in James Hospital a distance of. 75 of one mile there are two options
I. From Military Rd via Bow Lane to Cromwell's Quarters or 2. From Military Rd
along river Cammack river bank crossing Bow Lane direct to Cromwell's Quarters.
From Cromwell's Quarters it drops under Mount Brown Rd (to avoid local traffic)
into the grounds of St. James Hospital. This new section of road is one third of a mile.
This short section of road way gives direct motor vehicle link from M50 free of local
traffic into new Children's Hospital making access as good as anywhere else. This
road link does not interfere with local traffic in any way. Access is the biggest fear
that the people of Ireland have about this Hospitals location. It can now be solved.
This Hospital site has great public transport with Luas. 03 Transport plan has another
Luas link that will further benefit this new Hospital that is essential for making the
Luas system even greater in Dublin. This link is from Stephens Green to Fatima. This
link is needed even if the Hospital is never built. This short Luas link with access to
the New Childrens Hospital for all south of Dublin. All Provincial Bus routes will
have direct access to Heuston Rail station to connect Luas to Children's Hospital.
These are additional benefits to the new Children's Hospital. Direct vehicle access
free from local traffic is most important for all especially users from the countryside.
Getting access right will have the backing of all.
Tom Newton 086 3127364 Date 25/Sept 2015
Transport Officer ACRA tu E-mail circJetransport a ..

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