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Motivating People via Job Enrichment

HTM 312

Before we Begin...
Think of the worst job you ever had?
If your boss doubled your salary at the
time would it have helped to motivate
you to stay working in it?
Hold that thought!

Job Characteristics Model


2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reser

Motivating Potential Score (MPS)

The MPS is part of an overall Job
Diagnostic Survey developed by
Hackman and Oldham (1975). It is a
tool that helps to indicate how
enriched a job is for the person
performing it.

What is MPS?
It is the Motivating Potential Score
(MPS) of a Job. It measures the
motivating capacity of the work itself in
each job.
MPS scores range from a low of 1 to over
300. Below 100 is considered very low
while 125 is a base level for a reasonably
good job.

Why did MPS come into existence?

Frederick Taylor and scientific management
broke jobs into their basic elements to
establish mindless jobs on assembly lines in
manufacturing plants.
It is still with us today so you can hire those
low-skilled workers for majority of jobs.
MPS is way to determine how enriched a
job isornot.

Dimensions of MPS
The assessment evaluates job for the
following dimensions:
Skill Variety
Task Identity
Task Significance
Feedback from Job Itself

Definition for Dimensions

Skill Variety is defined as:
The degree to which a job requires a
variety of different activities in carrying
out the work, which involves the use of
different skills and talents of the

Definition for Dimensions

Task Identity is defined as:
The degree to which the job requires
completion of a whole and identifiable
piece of work, such as doing a job from
beginning to end with visible income.

Definition for Dimensions

Task Significance is defined as:
The degree to which the job has a
substantial impact on the lives or work of
other people -- whether in the immediate
organization or in the external

Definition for Dimensions

Autonomy is defined as:
The degree to which the job provides
substantial freedom, independence, and
discretion to the employee in scheduling
the work and in determining the
procedures to be used in carrying it out.

Definition for Dimensions

Feedback from Job Itself is defined as:
The degree to which carrying out the
activities required by the job results in
the employee obtaining direct and clear
information about the effectiveness of his
or her performance.

Lets Take the MPS

1. Row 1 and 2 Chipotle (taco, burrito)
2. Row 3 and 4 Sushi chef
3. Row 5 and 6 Owner/operator of food

Calculating the MPS

Let us begin to calculate the MPS for
your job:
Skill Variety = (2-4 + 3-1 + 3-5*) / 3
*Note: reverse score items such that:
1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 5=3, 6=2, 7=1

Calculating the MPS

Task Identity = (2-3 + 3-3* + 3-9) / 3
*Note: reverse score items such that:
1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 5=3, 6=2, 7=1

Calculating the MPS

Task Significance = (2-5 + 3-7 + 3-12*) / 3
*Note: reverse score items such that:
1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 5=3, 6=2, 7=1

Calculating the MPS

Autonomy = (2-2 + 3-8* + 3-11) / 3
*Note: reverse score items such that:
1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 5=3, 6=2, 7=1

Calculating the MPS

Feedback = (2-6 + 3-4 + 3-10*) / 3
*Note: reverse score items such that:
1=7, 2=6, 3=5, 4=4, 5=3, 6=2, 7=1

Calculating the MPS

-Add: Skill Variety + Task Identity + Task

Significance = _____
-Divide that sum by 3
-Multiply that sum by Autonomy then by
- The MPS for your job is?

What Have We Learned?

If a job is low in MPS it means they are
not intrinsically motivating for those who
are hired to do them. You are going to
have to work very hard to keep the
people in those jobs motivated to work to
the best of their ability each and every
It also means you are guaranteed high
turnover in these positions.

What Have We Learned, cont...

It means the people in those jobs are
going to bitch about their pay.
It means it is going to be difficult to keep
the people who work in these jobs to get
what they want the most feeling that
what they do MATTERS to those who
manage and visit your hotel.

Thank You!

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