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Modern Reform



1. The Economic Value
- The idea that bringing in new waves of immigrants will be possible for the U.S.
and will lead to greater prosperity for the nation.
- Immigration to the U.S. actually increases the job prospects of native-born
americans because immigrants make business more profitable by spending
money in the U.S.
- Allowing more immigrants to obtain legal status means that more people who
receive public educations benefits will also be paying into the system.

2. Social Attributions
- Immigration has a positive effect on high schools graduation rates on native
born americans because if youre afraid of immigrants competing with you for
low-skilled jobs, youre more than likely going to work harder in school.
- The United States can expand in population and increase the standard of living
and per capita income.
- Offering legal status to immigrants will strengthen Social Security, not hurt it.

Against Immigration
1. The Economy
- The immigrants could potentially bring their impoverished ways into the U.S.
and cause our economy to fall.
- The national economic freedom existing will dissipate with more immigrants
coming into the country.
- Illegal immigrants are taking over the open jobs that Americans with
citizenship should be having.
- It would cost more money to allow more immigrants access to the United
States and provide them with citizenship, therefore, putting us even deeper in
national debt.

Against Immigration
2. Social/Population
- By allowing more immigrants inside, the president will be increasing the
likelihood of dangerous activity occurring in the United States because of the
high rates of criminal activity among them.
- Voters hold back on the expansion of welfare programs and benefits because
they believe that the immigrants will take advantage of them.
- Allowing new immigrants into the United States a majority at a time creates a
vulnerability as a nation towards actual terrorists or terrorist behaviors.

Works Cited


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