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Lesson Title: Money: Building Our Own Playground

Grade Level: First
Teaching Date: November 10

Name: Andrea





a. Goal:
Students will be able to count with nickels and pennies.
b. Objective:
Given six differently priced items, students will correctly buy two
items without exceeding twenty cents.
c. Standards:
1.CA.3. create a real-world problem to represent a given
equation involving addition and subtraction within 20.
P.S.4. model with mathematics
P.S.5. using appropriate tools
P.S.1. persevere in solving problems
a. Time: 30 minutes
b. Materials: Laminated pictures, poster board, Velcro/sticky tack,
laminated/coin money, group mat, independent worksheet
c. Space: Students will be at their desks for the majority of the
lesson. They will sit on the carpet in the nook for the closure.
d. Behavior: The behavior system in place is a green, yellow, red
chart. I will also be handing out tickets to students who are doing
a great job. I will use chimes to control noise.
Anticipatory Set [4 min.]
a. YouTube Video - Coins by abcmouse
c. Review amounts of penny and nickel
a. Today we are going to use nickels and pennies to buy items in
order to build our very own pretend playground. It is important to
know how to count money so we know what we can buy at the
store. We cant buy a 20 dollar movie if we only have 15 dollars.

Plan for Instruction


Adapting to Diverse Needs

a. What will I do?

i. I will give countdowns to the whole class for Eric. (We are
going to move on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) I will remember to give
reminders to Eric in order to keep him on task. I am moving
certain students to different seats to divide up ability levels
for each group.

Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

a. Mini-lesson: (5 min.)
(Go to the nook)
Before we can build our playground, we need to review our
money and how we buy things. Can someone remind me how
much a penny is worth? [1] Now does anyone know how much a
nickel is worth? [5] (Draw on board) Lets do an example. My
mom sent me to the store with 20 cents. (draw 10 pennies and 2
nickels on the board) I have to buy one chocolate bar and one
gum ball. I have a choice of three different chocolate bars and
three different gumballs that are all different prices. The
chocolate bars are 5, 10, 13 cents. The gumballs are 7, 11, 16
cents. So if I said I wanted the 10 cent chocolate bar (cross out
10 cents in picture), do I have enough money to buy a gum ball?
[yes] Which one can I buy? (The 7 cent gumball show on board)
Okay so lets say I really wanted the 11 cent gumball (cross out
11 cents). How much money do I have left? [9 cents] I see 9
cents left. So that means I dont have enough money to buy the
10 or 13 cent chocolate bar, so Im going to buy the 5 cent
chocolate bar. (cross out 5 more cents) How much money do I
have left after buying a chocolate bar and gumball? [4 cent] Are
there any questions?
b. We do: Example problem:
I am going to show you what you will be doing for our
playground activity so make sure you are listening and paying
attention. Lets say for example that my group is in charge of
buying the slide and the playset. The three slides are 6, 12, and
15 cents and the play sets are 8, 10, 17 cents. (Lay out pictures)
First I need to pick which one I want to buy. I want to buy the 15
cent slide because I like curly slides. That is 15 cents so I am
going to count 15 cents and move it into the first circle. (Move 15
cents into circle 1) How much money do I have left? (5 cents)
Which play sets can I buy? (none because they are all over 5
cents). So instead of buying the 15 cent slide, I will buy the 12
cent slide instead. (cross out 12 cents and draw in circle 1) How

many cents do I have left? (8 cents) It looks like the only play set
I can buy is the 8 cent one. (show on board) How many cents are
left over? (0) If you have any extra they will go in the extra box.
If I had bought the 6 cent slide I could have bought either the 8
or 10 cent playset. So as a group you will have to decide which
one you want and which ones you can buy.
c. You do: (10-15 min.)
Instructions: Each table is going to be in charge of buying two
items for our playground. You will only have 20 cents to buy both
items and you cannot go over 20 cents. Just like my example,
you will have 3 choices to buy from but you may not be able to
buy some of them because you cant go over 20 cents. This will
all be in an envelope that I will give you. Once your group has
sorted your money into the two circles, you will put a thumb up
in the air. I will check your answer and then you will build your
equipment on the playground. After that you will do a quick
worksheet. You may begin once your group receives your
*Ask questions about the directions. Ex. When do I put a thumb
up in the air?
Tell students about noise level reminder here - chimes
Activity: Students will be given an envelope to start the lesson.
(This will include their group mat, money (2 nickels, 10 pennies),
and pictures. Each group will work together to figure out which
two items they can buy without going over 20 cents. Once they
have accomplished this, a teacher will check it and add their 2
items to the playground. They will put their materials back inside
of the envelope before moving on.


*Once the teacher has checked their answers she will give the
group their worksheet and instructions. You are going to
complete a worksheet just like what you did together. You have
to buy gum and a sucker without going over 20 cents. I want you
to draw a picture of which one you bought and draw the money
down here. I would like you to draw your coins just like the
picture on the worksheet. Once you have finished, please turn it
into the tray and sit in the nook until everyone is done.
Check for Understanding


a. How will I assess?

i. Informal assessment, walking around, talking with groups
b. What will I do if students dont understand?
If a group doesnt understand what to do or is confused, I will
give more explicit instruction to them. I will model and explain in
more depth with the group. If the whole class does not meet the
objective, I will reteach the lesson on another day.
c. Assessment: After completing the activity as a group each
person will do a worksheet on their own similar to the activity
they just did. They will have to buy two items that do not exceed
20 cents. They will illustrate this with pictures on their paper.
After completing the worksheet, they will turn it into the tray and
meet in the nook.
Closure (5 min.)
a. We will meet in the nook once all groups have completed their
group activity. We are going to meet in the nook in 5. If you are
not finished with your worksheet, you can do it as soon as were
done. We are going to talk about our playground now. (briefly
What is your favorite part of the playground?
Tell me what your group bought.
Who had extra coins? Why?
Who tried to buy something that was too expensive? What
Did you feel like you had enough money? Why?



Formative Assessment
a. Observations during group work, answers to questions,
Summative Assessment
a. This is an enrichment lesson, so there is no summative

1. How many students achieved the lesson objective? Why didnt they?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?

3. How should I alter this lesson?

4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students participating? Why not?
6. How did I reach learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms:
b. Multiple Intelligences:

7. Additional questions:
Were students able to stay on task?
Were students overly talkative?
Did students work well together?

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