Skills Application 1-5 Kulsoom Basharat

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Kulsoom Basharat

PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
2/24/14-Skills Application #1 - C hapter 1- Questi on 3

After taking the skills assessments, the scoring indicated that I take in
informatio n through direct experiences, I have a hard time understanding theories
unless they are tangible and realistic. I do benefit from interacting with others and
learning from them. I tend to be reflective in observation - where I dont just jump on
board with any idea without fully thinking it through. I would like to digest the
informatio n for longer periods of time to make the best possible decision. In cases
where there is a lot of ambiguity, I tend to anchor myself with what I am certain of
myself, my faith and values and my boundaries. So while things are shifting and are
slightly turbulent, I stay focused o n tak ing one step at a time. I want to complete
certain goals at work and become a manager, in school I want to complete this
Masters in public administration. I want to be a great da ughter, wife, aunt, sister,
friend, and perhaps a mother God willing .

My weaknesses are many, but the one that is constant is that I cant let go of
control. Whether it is at work or home - I like things done in a certain way and I find
myself trying to be everywhere at once in order to do it my way. I feel as though
things wont be completed in the manner it should if I am not there. This is where I
worry a lot about not being able to make it to certain meetings or go to a doctors
appointment with my parents - its just an overwhelming feeling that without me
its not going to be done right / the right questions wont be asked .

My strengths are my ability to center myself through self -reflection and holding
true to my beliefs. I applaud myself for remaining true to my values all my life and

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
admitting to my faults. I try my very best to address my weaknesses and
understanding when to modify my behavior and thoughts. I believe building and
maintaining relationships are important life and relatio nship s and memories are the
only things left behind.

I want to be established and well respected among my peers and community. I

want to have the opportunity to share my knowledge on my life lessons to my nieces
and nephews and perhaps my own children. I want to be secure enough in every way
to help my parents in any possible form to retu rn even a fractio n of what they have
done for me would be a great achievement in my life.

The legacy I want to leave behind is that whether one is male or female I
want to be example o f how honest dedication to work and family can be rewarding
and how much purpose it can give to life. I want to be an example of someone who
never disregards their beliefs or character to appease society.

3/3/14-Skills Application #2 Chapter 2-Small-Wins Str ategy & Questi on 7

1. What major stressor do you currently face? Wha t creates anxiety or discomfort
for you?
a. Dealing with a Type A Personality director. He has no managerial skills
nor interpersonal skills so he doesnt know the etiquette of speaking to
someone in a respectful manner. I get anxiety when I have to interact
with him in meetings.
2. What are the major attributes or components of the situation?

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
a. He always wants to change things around from one meeting to the next,
he is never satisfied with an artifact. He goes back and forth on
decisio ns and isnt clear abo ut w hat he wants in the first place.
3. What are the subcomponents of each of those sub -pro blems?
a. Ambiguity plays a huge role.
b. Unpredictability never knowing what he will say in front of a large
group of people.
c. Lack of manners - he doesnt seem to have respect for people lower on
the organizatio nal chart .
4. What actio ns can I take that will affect any of these subcomponents?
a. Be prepared for his chaotic nature.
b. Dont expect consistency; go with the flow.
c. Demonstrate respect for everyone .
5. What actio ns have I taken in the past that have helped me cope successfully
with similar stressful circumstances?
a. Maintain my self -respect by never tolerating harsh treatment. I have
confronted managers in the past and hav e had concise meetings to
address my concerns and my expectatio ns from them. I only get to this
point when all other methods have failed.
6. What small thing sho uld I feel good about as I think about how I have coped or
will cope with the major stressor?
a. I am not the only that feels this way, there are others he treats in this
manner. I am not at fault when he keeps changing his mind about things

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
and goes back on what he says. Its just a matter of dealing with his
outbursts and not letting it get to me.

Questi on 7. I got some blood work done and thankfully all the numbers were
average. As usual all my doctors have encouraged exercising regularly. For months I
had been contemplating purchasing a treadmill and setting it up at home. So I went
ahead and bought o ne- I knew I no longer had any excuse s and in my mind I set up a
regiment. All my life - I was never into running - so I knew I would be walking my walk
to fitness. I started o n a Sunday and walked for the 30 minutes and completed 1.5
miles, since then its been 16 days and I have been going strong. I do feel a slight
increase in energy most importantly I feel good about myself and feel motivated to
take on activities/chores/projects - everything!! Since I started working out, I began
packing my lunch fo r w ork. I am forced to eat fruit at work instead of eating
chocolates and other unhealthy snacks. I am saving money on poor choices offered at
work and continuing to feel better about myself and the choices I am making to
maintain a healthy life.

3/10/14-Skills Application #3 - C hapter 6-Question 4

Using the six -step model for creating a motivation work enviro nment, I designed a
plan for managing a new relationship. A new team member was joining o ur group at
FAA and I set out to develop an on -boarding package to help transition the team
member onto the team as smooth as possible. I used the model to ensure I captured
items/topics I wanted to cover. I outlined specific areas as mentioned in the chapter
and used different artifacts to provide an idea for the tea m member.

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
1. Goals/Expectations - Linda (the team member) and I met on the first day of her
employment and went over some new hire orientatio n information as well as
went over the client work plan we set out complete for this upcoming year.
This work plan inc ludes key initiatives, activities/deliverables, assignment of
roles, and due dates. We discussed risks/challenges that could arise from each
initiative. Linda provided some insight as to what her experience can bring to
the initiatives and certain strateg ies to mitigate those risks.

Ability- I gave Linda some time to complete an informal SWOT analysis and
went over each area to discuss areas which she felt stronger and areas where
she could use more training and then areas where she wanted to grow. I wen t
over training opportunities available to her at the client site as well as within
the company. She mentioned a few areas which she could provide training in
to the rest of the team - and that was very helpful to know.

3. Reinforcement - I mentioned a little a bout our companys performance

management system.
4. Equity- I inquired abo ut what are some of the things she likes to do and her
preferred method of management styles.
5. Salience- I inquired of what she would need to excel on the job and what her
own persona l career goals were and how this current job was aligned to it.
6. Timeliness - We established an ongoing biweekly meeting to check in on how
things were going and to realign goals and expectations if need be.

Reviewing the outline with Linda allowed m e to c apture lessons learned from this
experience and to improve upon for future use.

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
3/17/14-Skills Application #4 - C hapter 3- Questi on 1

I used a dinner party to discuss the topic of trying to solve problems creatively. I
went over the steps in order to solve pro blems in this matter:

1. Gather Data2. Define the Pro blem 3. Generate Alternatives

4. Examine All the Information

Step 1 and 2: We found one common problem we all shared and dreaded equally going to Costco. We all listed things we hated about the experience without once
devaluing the great products and the benefits of having the membership. We
identified the following areas we have a pro blem with:


Presenting ID cards in the entrance

No isle labels/not kno wing where things are

Too crowded/congested in certain area

Long lines at the register

Waiting in line to show receipt while existing

Getting out of the parking area

Step 3: We came up with a few alternatives to work around our problems since we all
agreed we were not going to give up our membership. O ne suggested going after
work on a week day instead of waiting till the weekend to avoid the large volume of

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
people, parking issues, and lo ng lines. One suggested we go as soon as it opens on
the weekends to avoid all of that. The other one suggested we hi re someone to do
the trip. That alternative was not a realistic one but I captured it.

Step 4: So we worked through the pros and cons of each alternative. And decided it
would be best to either go on the week day or early morning on the weekend to avoid
the rush in most cases while we could also order products o nline to avoid the
addictive madness.

3/24/14-Skills Application #5 - C hapter 4- Questi on 2

I sat down with my eldest niece , and went over what supportiv e communication is
and how I will use an exam ple to illustrate it. I told her supportive communication
aims to create atmosphere where one can address an issue while still maintaining a
positive relationship. And I explained to her that this allows us both to grow and
learn and keep o ur relationship real and healthy. The example I use below is
fictitious, because my niece is the best and would never just take something without
asking, nor would I make such a big deal abo ut her taking a bracelet.

I went through the attributes as follows:

1. Congruent/Not Incongruent- I was really upset that you borrowed my

favorite bracelet without my permission
2. Descriptive, Not Evaluative - I felt very frustrated trying to look for the
bracelet; I wish you had just told me you wanted to borrow the bracelet.

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
3. Problem Oriented/Not Person - The bracelet means a lot to me, Ive worn it
for so long. Losing it would really upset me.
4. Validating/ Not Invalidating - Please just ask me in the future. Tell me what
you would like to do..
5. Specific/Not Global -This week not havin g the bracelet was hard .
6. Conjunctive/Not disjunctive - Please let me know what you think .
7. Owned, Not Disowned - I have decided to put a lock on my jewelry box.
8. Supportive Listening, Not One -Way Listening-What are some ways you can
think of that will allo w you to borrow my jewelry.

3/31/14- Skills Applic ation #6 - Chapter 5- Questi on 2

Currently at work I wear many different hats -not all of them fit but I do my
best to meet the demands. As a contractor working for the federal government, I
struggle every day to complete my job duties and help shape the organization I work
for. I have learned that u nless yo u are a federal employee or you have the backing
from a federal director/ manager- its a co nstant political struggle trying to build a
reputation and have stakeholder buy -in. One of the roles I have is to be a strategic
planner for a new organization s o I have been trying to standardize processes and
procedures. Staff members com e with many years of service, experience, and bias on
how things should be done rather than wanting to follow in line with newer ways
that will ensure every o ne follows the same steps.

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
Through the diagnostic survey in the self -assessment section, my numbers
were low in regards to influencing those above me in the organization. So I set out
to develop a strategy to try my best to overcome certain obstacles I face. I figured
management always wants to be presented in the best light and once I have their
vote, others will have no choice but to fall in line. Working at FAA, I researched Air
Traffic Office goals that supported the overall mission of the agency a nd highlighted
key areas my organization could improve upon. Some of the goals were about
transparency and I knew developing a communication plan that detailed who we are
and what we do would be a great way to present to other organizations within the
agency and will help establish relationships. In the plan I developed key stakeholders
we interact with and which ones we would like to interact with. I detailed key
informatio n we could exchange and the benefits of doing so. The time came where I
thought I made significant progress and wanted to present the plan to my direct
client who is the manager of this division. He was relieved that I had put the plan
together because he had wanted to share informatio n about us but didnt have the
time to put it all to ge ther. He gave me suggestions on how to add more information
in and how to present this to the director. A couple of weeks later I thought he had
forgotten abo ut it until he called me into his office for an impromptu presentation to
the director. Needless t o say, I was caught off guard but thankfully the director was
pleased and agreed with the manager stating We needed this! It felt great
receiving support fro m both of them and emails were sent to the group giving credit
to my work. I have noticed here an d there, staff members showing a little more

Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
interest in the work I do. I hope this continues and I am able to push forward with
their support in standardizing their work flo ws!
4/7/14-Skills Application #7 -C hapter 7 -Question 2
When discussing this topic with a group of people that were brought up in
different culture s, I discovered many similarities. Unfortunately I uncovered that
almost all of them avoid conflict unless pushed multiple times. They all shy away
stating I do nt want to make any trouble w hen in reality they were not the ones
that created the conflict in the first place.

They all stated, through the stories they

shared, that most of the time they think by not giving attention to negative things
and people, the matter will just go away. In certain cases, this did not hold to be
In instances where the problem became a frequent occurrence they followed
human resource policies to the very word in addressing an issue. They illustrated
respect, discipline, and were honest and f orthcoming to human resource personnel.
Mediation was the most comfortable method in which they addressed the ir
grievances. Maintaining respect for authority and fellow co -workers was important
factors when try ing to resolve a matter. Always trying to tak e an accommodating
approach, these indiv iduals wanted to create peace in their env ironment and level
set expectatio ns.
Through our discussions, we discussed the importance of communicat ing
concerns as soon as they feel uncomfortable in a situation. Also, we discussed what
skill sets a transform ational public manager possesses. He or she must look at all
sides and consider everyones opinion and right . Educate themselves on cultural


Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
differences and adapt acceptable etiquette in addressing people of differe nt
4/21/14-Skills Application #8-C hapter 10- Suggested Assignment 4
Throughout the 11 y ears I have known Amy, she has always modeled a positive
attitude. No matter what she has experienced or what I have experienced and share
with her, she always provides a realistic and peaceful attitude towards addressing
conflict, dealing with difficult people and situations, and overall doing the right
thing. She motivates me every time I have ever been in her presence and she has
proven to drop anything t o be at my side when Im in need. The word amazing and
soulful does not do her justice. She kno ws what I am thinking and feeling and is
always there to snap me out of any negativ e thoughts or dreary emotion s. She shares
inspirational stories and teachings she has learned and provides and unbiased
friendship I am beyond grateful to God for blessing me with. I consider her my sister
and soul mate and it helps significantly that shes getting her Ph.D. in Psychology!
Both of us got married and with that came t he challenge of finding time but we
promised to ourselves that we would alternate houses to meet up at every month.
Thankfully our husbands consider themselves to be great friends as well. Thinking
about how much peace she has brought into my life in many difficult situation I am
forever indebted to her.
4/28/14-Skills Application #9 - C hapter 8- Suggested Assignment 1
I shared knowledge about empowerment and how to effectively delegate. I started
off by asking what m y husband thought empowering meant right off the top of his
head, and he said it meant to give someone power. I shared with him that


Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
empowering means to give someone the to ols to help build up their confidence and
as well as giving them an opportunity to see the potential they have. Empowerment
is within the person, it does not need to be acknowledged by others. Empowering
people around you is incredibly vital to fostering and maintaining a healthy and
balanced team . There are five dimensions of empowerment: self -efficacy - which
means the perso n has a feeling of competence to carry o ut a task. I used the example
of when we first bought our home and the daunting task of fixing it up. We knew the
project of making this home livable was a series of projects that would take up our
energy, money and time, but we knew we could handle it and the rewar d was worth
the struggle. Self-determinatio n is another dimension - they have to power to choose
which action to take; they can make informed decisions based on making up their
own mind. We were determined to take on this endeavor even though many our age
would avoid, but we were determined to make this home our own and give it our all.
The third dimension is personal consequence/control, which means the person
decides what to do, how to do it, etc., they maintain power of their environment. We
had control o ver which projects took priority and which o nes would have to hold off.
The fourth dimension is meaning, when one who is empowered believes and cares
about the end pro duct. We took pride in each milestone once a specific task was
completed and we could adm ire and reminisce about the before and after change.
And last ly the fifth dimension is trust, h av ing faith that in end things will turn out for
better. We had complete trust that our efforts were not put to waste and fixing up
our house would be fo r the gr eater good of our future lives.


Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
The principles of em powerment are shown thro ugh examples of my husband and I
fixing our home :

Articulate a clear vision and goals - we discussed what we wanted to do with

the house project and expressed the desired end goal - which was we wanted
to customize the house with what we like and detailed how we were going to
go about it.

Foster perso nal mastery experiences - we broke down the large project into
smaller o nes. Every step of the way we immediately noticed the differen ce and
admired the work.

Model successful behavior /Provide suppo rt / Arouse positive emotions - We

worked together on each project in the house and learned ho w to improve
upon o ur techniques with a variety of different things. We learned a lot abo ut
each other and what o ur strength and weaknesses were.

Provide informatio n / resources - when we delegated assignments, we provided

all the necessary info rmation and materials for the person to do the job the
best of their ability.

Connect to outcomes - if there was an obstacle we worked through it by asking

the opinion of experts (my parents, home improvement store staff etc.) and
made modifications as necessary.

Create confidence -Bo th my husband and I communicated as we progressed

through the long list of projects and were encouraged by the results of our
hard work and feeling a sense of accomplishment brought along great
confidence that we can tackle anything we set our mind to.


Kulsoom Basharat
PAPA 5315
Skills Application 1-5
5/5/14-Skills Application #10 - Chapter 9- Suggested Assignment 4
Vision Statement
In the midst of dense fog, f ederal decision makers often lack the clarity that they
need to develop effective strategies, mobilize the appropriate resources, execute
efficiently, and communicate measureable results of their programs; it is our role to
provide meaningful insight from an objective perspective , enhance decision-making,
and pro duce key work products to aid our client s to carry o ut the goals of the Federal
Aviation Administration. We will take pride in our work and strive to be the trusted
advisors of our clients. As trusted adviso rs , we will provide integrated strategy,
transformation and business improvement services to help our clients achieve
sustainable success.
Team Investment
There are a number o f ways to gain commitment from the team. On e way is for them
to feel empowered that they can make a change in helping shape our government.
The other is taking an active role in being responsible for one key aspect in the vision
statement. The team members can identify ideas on how to be the truste d advisors.
Each team member can develop goals that detail how this vision will take place. The
team must recognize that working collectively toward a goal will help everyone grow
and benefit.


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