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Imannia (as moderator )

Yoga Aditya tama (As presenter)

~Good morning. Ladies and Gentlemen

~Welcome to this session
~In this session we are going to listen to Mr. Aditiatama to talk about the exotic tourism

places in Magelang
~The objective(s) of this session is to introduce the unique tourism places in magelang.
~It is a great honor for me to introduce our speaker today, Mr. Aditiatama.
~Mr. Aditiatama is a Head of Directorate General of Tourism
~Before that, Mr. Aditiatama was at UGM University as a lecturer in department of

~Mr. Aditiatama graduated from the Faculty of UNNES, in 2000 and his masters from UGM in
2004 ,and his doctorate from HARVARD university in 2010
~There will be time for questions after presentation
~Please address the questions to the chair. Mr. Aditiatama will be happy to answer your questions.
~Now, Id like to invite Mr. Aditiatama to give the talk.
~Thank you Mr. Aditiatama for an interesting presentation.
~As I can see, there are main issues that can be raised in the presentation.

~Now, its time for questions and discussions.

~If you have any questions, Mr. Aditiatama will be happy to answer.
~Please raise your hand if you have questions.
(Can I call for one question from the left/ center/ right of the room?).
~Yes, madam/ sir. Please (stand and) stale your questions briefly.

~ Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, that ends this session.

~I wish to thank the speaker for an interesting presentation and the audience for a lively discussion
~Lets give applause to the speaker and the audience.
~Thank you.

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