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Foreign Policy

We Need a New Approach

A New Age in American Foreign Policy

The past 8 years under President Barack Obama have been a wreck for American
foreign relations! Recently, our country has been pushed around by other nations, and we
will not stand for this passive foreign policy any longer. The United States must be a
facilitator of peace throughout the world, sitting down at the table with other world leaders
to reach stabilize our increasingly unstable world. The last thing our country needs is
another liberal leader; our country has been abused by other nations, and the Democrats have
done nothing about it. It is time to be a leader.
Upon entering office, a few ultimatums will be created in regard to our countrys new
relationship with Cuba. Our goal is to continue relationships with the island nation,
contingent on the following occurring:

The Cuban government releases all political prisoners.

The government institutes free and fair elections.

The government allows the creation of labor unions.

Freedom of press is granted to all entities in Cuba.

When the following OCCUR, our nation will continue to pursue renewing relationships
with Cuba. These caveats should have already been made! The Obama Administration
failed the American People.


Israel & the Occupied Territory

We are loyal to our great allies in Israel. We must keep their national security a
priority in all of our foreign relations decisions. In the best interest of our ally, upon entering
office, talks will begin with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian leaders. It is in
the best interest of Israel national security to end the conflict in the occupied territories.

The tensions in the Middle East must be deescalated as quickly as possible. The civil
war in Syria has been continuing for far too long, creating several new issues for global
security, including ISIS. Obama drew a red line, promising intervention if chemical
weapons were used, later going back on his word, claiming that chlorine gas is not a chemical
weapon. This passive policy must change. We will not put troops on the ground. Instead,
talks must begin with Putin and Al-Assad to end the violence in the country and unite the
people of Syria behind a new leader accepted by all. In doing so, the militaries of the regions
will be able to work together and eradicate ISIS in days! The cancer of this terrorist
organization must be stopped before it grows too large and topples government in Iraq and
The Iran Deal must be renegotiated to allow random facility checks without warning
to the United Nations inspectors. The current deal allows the county several weeks notice
before these inspections occur, stipulation that allows Iran to hide any evidence with great


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