Us History Review 1st 9 Weeks 2012

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US History Review

First Nine Weeks


Homestead Strike of 1892: Result of:
Impact of the Transcontinental RR on the West
Homestead Act and RR led to Manifest Destiny, how?
Effects of building the RR on the frontier
Common experiences of Westward settlers resulted in more
equality for all

Beliefs of Booker T Washington
Beliefs of WEB DuBois
Compare/Contrast the 2 above
13, 14, and 15th Amendments
Jim Crow Laws
Poll Taxes and Grandfather clauses used for what?
14th Amendments equal protection clausewhat was the
Plessy v. Ferguson
Haymarket Square Riot and Knights of Labor
Factors that led to industrialization in the US such as cheap labor,
lots of resources, government assistance to business and
entrepreneurs, etc.
Effects of mass media on events such as union activities and
Laissez faire-govt keeps its hands off; how did this apply to
policies such as business, pollution, regulation of RR, etc.? What
was the ultimate result of laissez faire concerning govt
Characteristics of unions AFL and Knights of Labor (Members,
Issues, etc.)
Causes of the birth of labor unions
John D Rockefeller and big business
Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Interstate Commerce Act resulted in
How did employers react to attempts at unionization?

Where did immigrants tend to settle? WHY?

Cultural pluralism
Effects of immigration and industrialization
After the turn of the century, immigration shifted to coming
mostly from eastern and southern Europe-Why?
Why was immigration so open in the US until the 1920s?
Why did labor unions dislike immigrants so badly?

TRs foreign policy toward Latin America: Monroe Doctrine to
Roosevelt Corollary
US intervention would be used under what circumstances?
Aim of foreign policy from 1900-1915 dealt with which region and
Panama Canal
Dollar Diplomacy
TRs policies toward intervention in Latin America were to protect
Examples of Imperialism
Territories we acquired
Rise of imperialism due to closing of frontier and growth of
What did Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary
Causes of the Spanish American War
Yellow Journalism
Origins of Progressives
Muckrakers and their literature
TRs three Cs
Women and Prohibition
Progressive Amendments
Progressive Legislation
Roosevelt and Tafts Foreign Policy

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