Aet560 Communication Plan Speaker Notes

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Volkswagen Communication Plan

Presentation Speaker Notes

Dave Fuller
Dr. Gregory Dlabach
November 9, 2015
Slide 4

In the initial phase of the communication plan, approval and buy-in from top
management must be a priority. Volkswagens leadership must be on board
with any change is to take hold within the organization. In this stage of the
communication plan, using benchmarking from similar automotive
manufacturers should be included in the communication. Benchmarking
showing other companys profits rising while Volkswagens has been slipping
can help illustrate the need for change. The change agent must also show a
clear link between the proposed changes and the overall goals of the

With Volkswagen leadership convinced change is necessary, communication

with the employees is critical. Starting with creating a sense of urgency to
the business is an initial requirement. In this case, profits are falling and fear
is wide spread of the organizations instability. Staying in constant
communication with employees is a priority throughout the communication
plan launch. Management all the way up to the CEO, needs to be part of this
ongoing message. Using various communication channels such as web
meetings, emails, internal social media sites, as well as media rich face to
face meetings are effective in not only addressing concerns of employees,
but decreasing rumors and gossips that can create added resistance to the
needed changes. This communication must also be two-way. Management
must encourage feedback from employees through message boards, surveys
and other ways that employees can relay honest feedback to the

organization. It is critical that this feedback be addressed and shared with

the organization to encourage further feedback.
Throughout the process it is important to share success stories with the
organization. This shows employees how the changes are benefiting not only
the organization but the employees as well. Communications must also be
tailored to show that these changes are not the end all for the company and
that the company, through this process, will be better suted to implement
change in the future as the rapidly changing business climate dictates.

Slide 5

A number of new and existing technology tools will be necessary to

implement the communication plan for these changes. An internal social
media tool, similar to linked-in, will be implemented. This tool will allow
employees and leadership to discuss the progress of change in the
organization. By discussing both positive and negative aspects in a
community setting will allow for two-way communication on an as needed
basis. This tool will also help in creating more effective two-way
communication within the organization that is critical to avoiding the current
Monthly video-taped town hall meetings will be scheduled and posted on
the internal website. Showing the CEO and other top executives explain the
progress of changes, and answering questions from employees will provide a
forum to discuss issues related to the changes as well as provide an
opportunity to inform employees of success stories.
A training program including modules on ethical conduct will be mandatory
for all employees. These modules will need to be added to the existing
online learning and development courses for employees.
An online hotline will be created and monitored for employees to report
unethical behaviors in the organization without fear of repercussions.
A new employee bulletin board will be created for employees and
management to post success stories on change as well as ask questions of

Slide 6

Throughout the change process, evaluation its effectiveness on the

organization will be undertaken. The mandatory online ethics modules will
be monitored and the results shared with not only management, but the
entire organization to increase transparency. Both employees and customers
will be provided with online surveys. Employees will be able to share their
opinions of the change process as well as the overall work environment.
Customers will evaluate the organization from an ethics and communication
standpoint. The electronic employee bulletin boards will be monitored daily
to evaluate progress and monitor employee satisfaction at the organization.
Finally, the ethics hotline will be monitored to evaluate any increase or
decrease in employee complaints over a set time period.

Slide 7

Generating feedback for continuous improvement within the organization will

be accomplished in a number of ways. First, surveys, bot electronic and mail
form will be provided to customers and the general public. Questions
regarding how the public perceives Volkswagen products and the
organization as a whole will be included. Surveys will also be provided to
employees to answer questions anonymously regarding their workplace.
Determining if communication has increased between departments and
between management and employees will be one aspect of the survey. The
second aspect will be to monitor the progress of the culture of ethics. How
employees feel about their workplace and being able to communicate honest
feedback concerning the ethics within the organization will be an ongoing
process built into the culture of Volkswagen. Finally, a program will be
launched to monitor employee retention related to the phases of the change
process within the organization.

Slide 8

Negative responses and communication will happen in Volkswagen during

this period of change. Those unsure of the impact of change on their jobs
will act with trepidation and may resist by communicating in a negative
manner regarding the changes. Employing two-way communication to
insure these negative communications are addressed is key. Allowing
negative responses or communication to fester unaddressed can build
further resistance. Effective two-way communication channels will assist in
bringing these negative communications to the forefront.

Understanding the behaviors of individuals and the tendency of many to

provide negative communications will also help address this issue.
Using certain strategies outlined by Kotter and Schlesinger can be helpful in
addressing these negative communications as well. Negotiation and
agreement can find change agents working deals with those that are
resisting the change. Agents must be cautious that results are merely
compliance and not support of the change. Manipulation and co-potation ,
while manipulation can work at times, agents must be careful as individuals
that feel they are being manipulated may resist even more. As a last resort,
coercion may need to be employed. For the good of the organization,
managers at Volkswagen for example, have the responsibility to remove any
employees that refuse to complete their mandatory ethics training. In this
case, there is an immediate need to coerce the employees into engaging in
the change.
Change leaders must also provide timely feedback and responses to
negative communication. These negative communications, when
unanswered, can be added to by other employees and grow more negative
when allowed to go unaddressed.

Slide 9
A communication plan is a critical component within the change process for an
organization. For the changes required in Volkswagen, the communication plan will
perform the following:
Establish the need for change to leadership, Provide means for employees to clearly
understand the reason for change and the impact on them, Provide employees with
the step by step process involved in the change, Keep employees abreast of the
progress of change, Provide tools for two-way communication, Provide a means for
evaluating the effectiveness of the change process

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