Parking 3

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Shaymaa Alsahhar, Ben Friend, Maryam

Shahid, Marwa Shoaib, Trent Lintzen


Students enrolled at UTD-23,095

75% commuter school
Too much time spent searching for parking
Frustrated students

UTD ParKing is the solution!

What is it?

App uses GPS locators

UTD parking windshield sticker

GPS Receiver in each individual lot
Onetime cost

Designed to help find parking immediately

No more circling parking lots endlessly

Helps students find a parking spot faster

Survey Results

Do you feel there is a need for a parking solution at UTD?

98% of people said yes (55/56 people)

Do you commute to UTD?

85% of people said yes (48/56 people)

Majority of people are willing to pay more

55% of people said they would pay more to save time (31/56)

Competitors in our market:
Parking Panda
All help to find and reserve parking
Dont find individual spots that are available

Mostly used for:

Parking structures
Sports league stadiums

Business Model

Initial funding?
Cost of equipment/passes?
App cost for students?
Revenue Sources?
Target market?

Marketing Plan

Target: all UTD commuter students

Ages: 18-35
UTD Parking and Transportation Services
UTD Parking Twitter page
UTD Road Warriors (student program)

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