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Camila Quetzally Sanchez Segoviano


Thursday October 8th 2015

Inquiring and Analyzing

Explain and justify the need
I am a student of the IAB and in Design class we have to learn how to use Raptor. Raptor
is a program which uses flow charts to do basic computing assignments such as calculate and
show results of mathematics. I know that the objective of learning programing is to know how
computers use simple mathematics to help children or teenagers to do basic math operations with
innovative way. My classmates dont understand, neither do I these objectives and thats a
problem, because we must learn how to use Raptor by December, and its October.
This program problem is that its so boring that my classmates and my teacher at my
school in ninth grade have troubles learning and teaching it. The lack of motivation of the
students will affect their learning. The lack of this will attend to be so much harder to students to
develop different skills that will help us in a future day, so its necessary to get interest for the
class as well for the teacher to make it interesting.
The causes of this problem are diverse, they rather prefer to play or just not to pay
attention to the class. The first cause, which was already explained, may be the most important
one, that the students dont want to learn, but unfortunately its a fact that its occurring all
around most of the middle schools in our country and ours isnt the exception. The stereotypes of
coding people also affect the interaction between students so that make them judge things and
people; students think that coding is for boring or very intelligent people. Economic factors may
also affect, the lack of good equipment makes that the coding software to be archaic and boring,
but theyre not a justification for the unwillingness to learn of the students, still in our school that
is not an issue, the actual issue is the laziness in the students. This unwillingness to learn may be
avoided if the plan for teachers included the dynamic learning and as proved by many scientist
the outter classes make the students learn better and raise their chances to learn more.
The effects of the problem are as diverse as their causes, the unwillingness to learn,
causes a very low charts in the grades of students, as well as a lack of skills earned and no
valuable knowledge added into the students mind. The economic factors, which now are
highlighted by the students, creates another reason for not to practice; the lack of more intuitive,
adapted and grabbing software for learning coding. The lack of an interesting plan for the
students decrease with their attention, what I mean is that the teachers lose their attention
because of their boring classes.

Camila Quetzally Sanchez Segoviano


Thursday October 8th 2015

Who knows about it ?

Teenagers 16-18

Pre-teenager 14-15

Children 11-13

Children 8-10

Does it sound interesting ?

Does your teacher have taught you about it ?

Do you know what is a flow chart program?

Flow charts programms

Found it interesting ?

Think is usable

Would like to learn to use t

They knew about it

Camila Quetzally Sanchez Segoviano


Thursday October 8th 2015

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