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Engineering 312

Engineering Graphics

Fall 2013

Assignment 27
Intro to Finite Element Analysis
We will use SolidWorks COSMOS to model stress and strain in a hook and a
1) A printout showing the stress distribution and strain in a hook, similar to
the figure shown below.
2) Submit a printout showing the stress distribution and strain in the conrod,
similar to the figure shown below.
3) A piece of paper showing your Force calculations for the conrod.
Finite Element Analysis
In general, FEA is a technique used to model the flow of some quantity thru a
volume of space. This flowing quantity" can be force flowing thru a solid object,
which we call stress. FEA can also be used to determine strain (or deflection),
which is how much an objects shape changes as a force is applied to it.
FEA can also be used to model actual fluid flow such as a liquids or gases
flowing thru pipes, nozzles, wings, and turbines, as well as weather and CGI
smoke, fire and water in video games and movies.

PART 1: COSMOS Tutorial

Start SolidWorks
Run: All Programs>SolidWorks>SolidWorks
2008 SP 5.0> SolidWorks 2008 SP 5.0
Find the Hook tutorial:
On the SolidWorks menu click
Help>Solidworks Tutorials
On the help window that opens, Click All
SolidWorks Tutorials
Click COSMOSXpress
Click COSMOSXpress Basic Functionality
Follow the tutorial directions.

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PART 2: Stress and Strain on Your Conrod

Import your conrod Rhinoceros model into SolidWorks. Use an analysis process
similar to that done for the hook. Restrain the top hole surface and apply a force
to the bottom hole surface. If you have any import issues, just remake a very
simplified conrod in Rhino and import again.
You will need to calculate the force to apply, as follows:
Use Newtons Law:
Force = Mass * Acceleration
Get acceleration from the engine time study assignment. We want the force in
Newtons, so you will have to convert the acceleration units from in/sec 2 to
m/sec2. (Google can do these conversions).
Get mass from:
Mass = Volume * Density
You can get volume from Rhinoceros
(Analyze>Mass Properties>Volume).
Make sure your Rhinoceros drawing
units are in inches first. Get the
volume in in3 and convert to m3.
Look up the density of steel. Convert
units to kg/m3.
Solve for Force and use this value in

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