Mini Unit

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Alix Cooper- Section ABC

Mini Unit

In my three lesson plans, I had one overarching question to tie them all together. What are the
five senses, and how do people and animals use them every day?. This question relates to the
grade one science curriculum and their senses unit, where the students have to learn not only
what each of the five senses are and how human beings use them, but also how animals use them
in the wild to help them survive. Although I chose not to do any of my lesson plans on the way
animals use their senses in the wild, the overarching question would be used for the entire unit
which would eventually have one (or more) lessons about animals in the wild. For each lesson,
my outcomes change as well although I always have one that says Students will describe the
sense of ______. This outcome is especially important because it allows the teacher to know
whether or not his/her students truly understood the sense that was being described. For my
lesson on sight, I also have two different outcomes to be sure that my students not only
understand what sight is, but how some people are required to live without sight. I want to be
sure that I comply with SLO #6 in the senses unit: Describe ways that people adapt to limited
sensory abilities or to the loss of a particular sense. I feel that although my lesson on sight is
based around blindness and the use of braille, it would be wise to do another lesson on other
senses that can be impacted. This would include a portion on color blindness, what it is like to
eat while your nose is plugged, or even that some people are unable to feel pain. My other two
lessons, touch and taste are focused around the students identifying different objects using that
sense. I also included SLO #2: Identify ways that our senses contribute to our safety and quality
of life. I think it is important to have students understand that our senses are there for a reason,
and it is to keep us safe and to identify the objects around us.

I chose to approach my lessons in the way that I did because after meeting the class that I am
about to teach this semester in my practicum, I know that I am going to have to implement
various things into my lessons to keep their attention. My students seem to be very hyper and
dont seem to want to just sit and color pictures all the time. Although I do incorporate
worksheets into the end of my lesson for summative tasks, it is not the only or the main
component to the lessons. I want to make the five senses interesting to my students and not only
explain the concepts to them, but show them how each sense works in every day life. By having
an interactive component to each of my lessons (students writing their name in braille, students
using the sensory bags to learn textures, and students eating various healthy foods to learn about
taste), the students will be constantly engaged. I also wanted to make sure that I had something
for each type of learner in my lessons. I have group and class discussions as well as a lecture
for my auditory learners, I have an interactive activity that they can do for my kinesthetic
learners, and PowerPoints, smartboard activities and worksheets for my visual learners. I want
to make sure while I am teaching these lessons that all students have the tools they need to learn,
and as their teacher I have to make that happen.

Hopefully each of my students will learn about three of the types of five senses during my
lessons. I hope in the first lesson that they not only learn about sight and how it helps them, but
also about how some people live without sight for their whole life. Students will learn that even
though some people cant see, they can still go about day to day life with the help of their guide
dogs, and various people. I want my students to understand how people who are blind can read
using a secret code (braille) and how the blind use the braille to communicate with each other.

In my second lesson about touch, students will understand the sense of touch, and how there are
many different textures. They will learn about how each object can be described by their texture
and shape, and will participate in the sensory bag activity to understand the meaning. They will
also understand that some things shouldnt be touched so that we can stay safe. They will learn
that touching something that is too hot or cold can really hurt them and that their sense of touch
will keep them safe. The students will also learn that we do not just touch with our hands but
wherever we have skin on our body. My final lesson plan on taste is designed to help the
students understand the four tastes- Sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. It is difficult to explain each
sense to the students without having them use the sense they are learning about, so I will be
bringing in healthy treats for each student to try in order to identify their different tastes. I want
students to understand that our taste can keep us safe too, and it is necessary to not eat something
if we feel like it tastes funny. The purpose of the dark chocolate in the lesson for the students to
try is to get them familiar with the taste bitter, which helps humans identify poisons.





Direct instruction is when the teacher

presents information or explains the
concept to students. It includes
questioning. I use Direct instruction in all
of my lesson plans because I think it is a
good, clear way to explain to students
what I need them to do during the lesson.
Being so young, grade ones need
someone to explain the concept to them,
because they cant read it on their own if I
handed out a document explaining what
they had to do. By giving direct
instruction, I am ensuring that the
students are hearing what I am saying,
and by questioning students after the
instruction was given, I am ensuring that
they understand the concept and what
they have to do.


I use demonstration in my second and

third lesson plan for the senses of touch
and taste. The teacher will demonstrate
both the sensory bag and the taste activity
before the students can participate in the
activity. This models skills and engages
students, although the demonstration
limits student hands- on practice for the
moment, I be sure that my students will be
able to do the task as well.
Demonstration may also lead to class
discussion, which is the next strategy I




Whole class discussion allows the teacher

to lead an examination of a topic, question
or issue. It promotes student interaction,
and models desired skills and attitudes. I
used whole class discussion in all three of
my lesson plans. Whole class discussion
allows the teacher to promote student
interaction and formatively assess
whether or not the students are engaged.
It allows teacher to assess whether the
students have understood the concept
and promotes oral communication among
the students. It is difficult for all students
to get a chance to answer, which is why I
have numerous questions to ask the
students and I plan on only allowing them
to answer one question so the same two
or three students dont answer all the



I use whole class reading in my sight

lesson when the teacher reads the story
The Secret Code to the students. I used
this strategy in this lesson particularly
because I wanted to introduce the idea of
Braille to the students through something
they would be interested in. This strategy
appeals to visual learners, which interlinks
with my idea that I want to have
something for each type of learner in
every one of my lessons.


With this strategy, students repeat a

certain procedure or skill while obtaining
assistance from the teacher. I use this
strategy in my lesson on taste when the
students and teacher will complete the
assignment together before the students
have to do it individually. This builds on
students sense of recall and
comprehension of the activity.



The Secret Code- Dana Meachen Rau


I used this book in my first lesson plan for

a number of reasons. First, I love
childrens literature and I truly believe that
it can be incorporated into any type of
lesson, even science. Second, I knew
that I needed something to catch the
students attention and I knew that a book
would. Third, the book has a really cool
name. As I am teaching to a class made
up mostly of boys, I needed a book that
would catch their attention not halfway
through the story like most books, but
right at the beginning. I wanted my
students to get excited about the idea of
learning a secret code and being able to
write their name in that code and I thought
this book was a great way to get them
excited. Fourth, I chose this book
because it doesnt show blindness as a
weakness. I wanted the students to
understand that some people cant see
the way they can, but I didnt want them to
feel as though a blind person has a worse
life than they do. I wanted them to
understand that their lives are very
different and thats okay, and that
everyone has a different way of doing

Senses- Grade One- Edmonton Public


I used this resource because to be

honest, I knew absolutely nothing about
science. I am a music major who hated
science all throughout school and I was
horrified at the idea of having to teach it.
When I came across this teachers
resource, it was so perfectly laid out that I
couldnt help but love it and know I had to
use it. It had the perfect amount of
information I needed to create my lesson,
as well as a good amount of ideas for me
to use for the students worksheets.

Master #11, #5,#17, #18 - Edmonton

Public Schools Senses Grade One

I am not afraid to admit that I did use a

few worksheets from this resource, I didnt
want to re-invent the wheel and try to
one hundred percent create things on my
own. However, I did modify many of the
worksheets to meet my own, and the
students needs.

Braille Alphabet- Created by Teacher

This braille alphabet was created by my

TA Mrs. Williams from Ecole St. Marys
school. She gave it to me as a resource
for planning my lessons and I thought it
was a great thing to give to the students,
especially when they are trying to write
out their own names in braille.

Teacher created cutouts- Created by me For some of the Master worksheets, I

created a different sheet with pictures and
words for the students to cut out and glue
onto the pictures. I feel as though this will
help the students who have a more
difficult time writing. The students are of
course encouraged to write the words in
rather than cutting and pasting if they

Smart Notebook

I used smart notebook to create an

interactive version of Master #17 to do
with my students. I think this will allow the
students to get an idea of the worksheet
before they actually have to do this
themselves. I think that it is important to
incorporate technology into these lessons
so that the students have something
different to do than stare at the teacher,
and then at a piece of paper.

My Brain

This sounds like a weird resource, but

many of these Ideas for my lessons I did
think of myself. I used many of the
worksheets in the book, but also changed
it so that it would be more interesting and
more interactive for my students. For the
taste lesson, the suggestion for sweet was
sugar, and for salty was chips. I wanted
to make sure that my students werent
eating junk food, especially since there
are so many natural foods that incorporate
one of the four tastes (Sweet, sour, bitter,
salty). I used my own ideas to change the
activities suggested to better suit my
needs in the classroom.


CONGRATULATIONS! You have officially learned about all 5 of your senses!
Now you are going to tell me all about them!
Now that you are an expert at your five senses you are going to create a model of
yourself out of paper, crayons, scissors, and glue!
On the following piece of paper using your school crayons, you will COLOUR in
the outline of a person to create a model of YOU!
You will then CUT out your person and GLUE them on the piece of colored paper
Then you will CUT out the different 5 senses from the list. You will GLUE them
where the belong next to your model!
Next, you will WRITE a sentence next to your model on the lines. The sentence
will say: My favorite sense is________, because ______!
You will have all of NEXT science class to complete your model! Dont forget to
bring your SCISSORS, GLUE, and CRAYONS!
We will then be PRESENTING our models to the rest of the class! Remember,
when you need help: Think about it on your own, ask a friend, then ask a teacher!



5 Senses


All 5 sense
words are in
the correct
spot on your
model of



Lets talk
about it!

Some (3/5)
Most (4/5) of
Few (1-2 /5)
of the 5
the 5 sense
of the 5 sense
sense words
words are in
words are in
are in the
the correct
the correct
correct spot
spot on your
spot on your
on your
model of
model of
model of

Student has
Student has
stated which
Student has
sense is
Student has
stated which stated which their favorite
not stated
sense is their
sense is
but has not
which sense is
favorite and their favorite
said why
their favorite
why without but has not and needed
and why.
help from
said why
lots of help
from the

Student has
made their
model look
Completion themselves,
and has cut
and glued it
onto colored

Student has
Student has
made the
made the
model look
model look
Student has
not completed
but has not
but has
their model.
cut it out and
forgotten a
glued it on
key part!


No score is
there is
evidence of
based on the
of the

Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Sense of Sight


How does your lesson

scaffold to your
performance task?
Lesson Outcome:

This lesson will be the
Overarching Question:
fourth lesson in the five
What are the five
senses unit for grade one
senses, and how do
science. This unit scaffolds
people and animals use
upon itself continuously.
them every day?
This particular lesson, which

focusses on not only the
GLO: Use the senses to
sense of sight, but also the
make general and specific loss of sight, requires that
observations orally and
the students have been
by producing captioned
taught the sense of sight
before this lesson can

begin. Meaning this lesson
Students will:
scaffolds on the previous

one. In order for my
(SLO #1) Describe the
students to be able to
sense of sight.
complete the performance

task, they must be able to
(SLO #6) Describe the
recognize what each sense
ways that people adapt
is, what each sense does,
to a loss of a sense of
what part of their body
recognizes the senses, and

why each sense could be
(SLO #6) Describe the
useful in every day life. By
uses of braille.
teaching the students this
lesson, they understand
what the sense of sight is,
Lesson Description:
which part of their body

recognizes sight and why it
For this lesson, the
might be useful. This would
teacher is working on
allow them to complete
teaching their students
their performance task.
about the sense of sight
as a part of the grade one
5 senses unit. The lesson

What core assessment

concepts inform your
design choice?

In this lesson, the teacher
would use mostly
observation, and
discussion with the
students. The teacher will
formatively assess students
learning and
comprehension about sight
through observation during
the discussion about the
secret code Braille.
Student participation and
interaction during the class
discussion will also help
the teacher evaluate
where they are at in their
learning. The teacher will
be able to assess by the
end of the lesson whether
there needs to be another
class taught on sight in a
different way to allow for
more students
comprehension. The
teacher will also collect the
students names which will
be written in braille for the
end of the class. The
teacher can then choose to
either summatively assess
the assignment, or to use it
for another piece of
formative assessment to
ensure understanding.

will start off with some

recap of the precious
lesson, where the
teacher will ask the
students if they
remember the different
parts of their body that
are used to listen, smell
and hear. The teacher
will then ask students if
they remember what
part of their body they
use to see. (Students will
point at their eyes).
Teacher will ask students
to cover their eyes so
that they can not see.
Teacher will then explain
that the lesson will be
focusing on not being
able to see. The teacher
will read a story called
The Secret Code to the
class which will be used
to introduce the idea of
braille to the students.
The teacher will then talk
to the students (using a
PowerPoint) about what
it means to not be able to
see, and how that is
possible. The teacher will
introduce the idea of
seeing eye dogs and talk
to them about the
dangers of having sharp
and dangerous things
around our eyes. The
teacher will then
introduce the students to
the braille alphabet so
that the students can
create their own name in
secret code (Braille).

The teacher will hand

each student a copy of
the braille alphabet along
with a worksheet that
allows them to create
their own name in braille.


What formative
assessment techniques will
you be using? What
information will you be
collecting? How will you
use that information?
Description of what

teacher is doing:
I will be using mostly

observation during this

lesson as well as class
Teacher will be leading
discussion. Through
the entire class, first by
observing the students, I
reading the story, then by will be able to assess where
leading class discussion, they are at and be able to
PowerPoint, and
collect the information I
introducing the
need to know if they are
worksheet. While
ready to move on to
students are working on another sense at the end of
the worksheet, the
the lesson. If students are
teacher will be walking
unable to discuss in class,
around to help if
are unable to do the
necessary. The rule in
worksheet, and do not
order for students to ask seem to understand the
for help is: Think hard
class discussion or the
about it on your own, ask teacher questions, then I
a friend, ask the teacher. will know that they do not

fully understand sight and

that I will need to try and
teach it a different way in
order for them to truly
understand the concept.

How does your use of

formative assessment
reflect key assessment

I will be using formative
assessment to assess the
students prior knowledge
during this lesson. I will
observe them to ensure
that they understand the
sense of sight before
moving on to the next
sense on my list for the
next science lesson.
Without the students
understanding the sense of
sight, they will have a
difficult time transitioning
into the next lessons.

Description of what

students are doing:
The students are doing a
few different things
during this lesson. First,
they will be sitting on the
reading carpet for the
story. Next, they will be
working with the teacher
for class discussion
(which will be lead by
teacher questions).
Third, they will be
working on creating their
own name in Braille using
the braille alphabet.
Sequence of key


I will use key questions
with my students during
this lesson if they are
asking questions about
the assignment (writing
their name in braille).

Can you write your name
out for me?

Can you show my where
the first letter of your
name is on the alphabet

Do you see the dots
filled in underneath the

How many dots are filled

Do you think you can
copy the exact dots that
are filled in on the

alphabet onto your piece

of paper?

These questions should
allow students to think
for themselves and to
understand how to find
the letters in their name.
Evidence of Lesson

Components (opening,
closing, content,

In the opening of my
lesson, I will be assessing
on the students prior
knowledge by asking
them to show me what
part of their body is used
for which senses.

In the body of the lesson,
I will be reading the
students a story, going
through a PowerPoint
with them while
providing facts (lecturing)
as well as giving them
time to complete their
assignment (write your
name in braille).

In the conclusion of the
lesson, I will be tying in
this lesson to the next
one, this will make the
students excited about
the sense that is coming
next (Touch)

Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 2: Sense of Touch



How does your lesson scaffold What core assessment

to your performance task?
concepts inform your design
Lesson Outcome:

This lesson will be the fifth
In this lesson, like the last one,
lesson in the five senses unit
the teacher would use mostly
Question: What for grade one science. This
observation, and discussion
are the five
unit scaffolds upon itself
with the students. The teacher
senses, and how
continuously. This lesson,
will formatively assess students
do people and
which focusses on the sense of learning and comprehension
animals use them touch, requires that the
about touch through
every day?
students have been taught
observation during the sensory

about braille in the previous
bag activity. Students should
GLO: Use the
lesson and have completed
be able to correctly identify
senses to make
the Write your name in
objects based on the textures
general and
braille assignment. In order described by the teacher.
for my students to be able to
Student participation and
complete the performance
interaction during the class
orally and by
task, they must be able to
activity will also help the
recognize what each sense is, teacher evaluate where they
captioned pictures what each sense does, what
are at in their learning. The

part of their body recognizes
teacher will be able to assess
Students Will:
the senses, and why each
by the end of the lesson

sense could be useful in every whether there needs to be
(SLO #1) Describe day life. By teaching the
another class taught on touch
the sense of touch students this lesson, they
in a different way to allow for

understand what the sense of more student comprehension.
(SLO #2) Identify
touch is, which part of their
The teacher will also collect the
objects based on body recognizes touch and
students worksheets Textures
different textures why it might be useful. They
I like to touch. The teacher
will also be able to understand can use this as summative

different textures and feelings, assessment to see whether the
(SLO #3) Describe including what they like to
student understands what
a time when touch touch and what they dont/
types of textures are safe to
could keep them what they shouldnt be
touch and what textures arent.

This will allow them to
complete their performance

This lesson begins
with the students
building on the
former knowledge
by the teacher
giving each of the
students back the
names they have
written in Braille.
Overnight, the
teacher has added
drops of white
glue to all the dots
that the students
filled in. This
allows students to
feel what braille is
really like and
allows a
between the
previous and
current lesson.
The teacher then
will start a
discussion with
the class about
words that
describe the way
things feel. The
teacher can start
out the discussion
with words like
wet or soft.
Teacher should
also write the
words on the
board as the
students come up
with the ideas.
This will help with

the class activity.

Teacher then
needs to explain
that humans feel
touch wherever
they have skin,
and explain the
basics about
touch. The
teacher will then
describe how
touch can keep
people safe and
that if something
is too hot, or too
cold, we pull our
hands away from
it as defense. The
next part of this
lesson is the class
activity with the
sensory bags. The
teacher will have
prepared a bag for
each student and
herself with
different objects
inside of it
(Feather, button,
sandpaper, Lego
piece and twig)
The teacher will
explain the rules
and then begin
the activity. The
teacher will reach
into her own bag
and feel for the
feather first. She
will use only
words that
describe the
texture to tell

students what to
grab in the bag.
For the feather
the words can be
Soft, Light, fluffy.
Etc. The teacher
will continue to do
this with each
object in the bag
until it is empty.
The students must
not pull the thing
out of the bag
right away, but
must instead raise
their hand when
they think they
have found it, and
wait until the
teacher gives the
go ahead to take
the object out of
the bag. The
teacher will then
discuss things that
shouldnt be
touched and why
it was not in the
bag. The teacher
will then explain
the assignment to
the students,
explaining that the
students are to
cut and paste the
textures that they
liked into the
worksheet that
she will provide.
The textures that
the students
didnt like or that
were dangerous
will be pasted

around the hand

in the worksheet.
The teacher will
explain that in the
next science
lesson they will be
learning all about
the very last
sense, Taste!


What formative assessment

techniques will you be using?
What information will you be
collecting? How will you use
that information?
Description of

what teacher is
I will be using mostly
observation during this lesson

as well as class discussion.
During the class
Through observing the
the teacher will be students, I will be able to
leading the
assess where they are at and
discussion with
be able to collect the
the students as
information I need to know if
well as the class
they are ready to move on to
activity. While
another sense at the end of
students are
the lesson. If students are
working on the
unable to discuss in class, are
worksheet, the
unable to do the worksheet,
teacher will be
and are unable to pull the
walking around to correct items from the sensory
help if necessary. bags, then I will know that
The rule in order
they do not fully understand
for students to ask touch and that I will need to
for help is: Think try and teach it a different way
hard about it on
in order for them to truly
your own, ask a
understand the concept.
friend, ask the

Description of

what students are

During the
students will be
sitting at their
desks participating
in the class with
the teacher and
the rest of the

How does your use of

formative assessment reflect
key assessment concepts?

I will be using formative
assessment to assess the
students prior knowledge and
build upon it during this lesson.
I will observe them to ensure
that they understand the sense
of touch before moving on to
the next sense on my list for
the next science lesson.
Without the students
understanding the sense of
touch, they will have a difficult
time transitioning into the next

students. During
the class activity,
the students will
all have their
individual bags
and be able to
participate by
pulling the various
items out of the
bags and learning
about textures.
During the
worksheet, the
students are
expected to be
sitting in their
designated spot
working unless
they need to go
get materials out
of their cubby.

Sequence of key


The key questions
would be used if a
student didnt
understand what
a texture meant
while completing
their worksheet.
Say the student
didnt know if too
hot was a good
thing to touch or

Do you think that
touching a hot
stove is a good

Why not?

Is a hot stove too
hot or just right?

Should you be
touching a stove if
it is too hot?

This should allow
the student to
come up with the
answer on their

Evidence of

(opening, closing,
content, timeline)

In the beginning
of the lesson I am
scaffolding on
prior knowledge
by allowing the
students to touch
their names after
they were created
in braille. This
helps the students
remember the
previous lesson.

In the body, the
class is having a
discussion as well
as a class activity
where the
students are
interactive with

the sensory bags.

The students also
create a
textures they like
and dont like.

In the conclusion,
I am preparing the
students for the
next lesson and
how their sense of
touch might come
in handy for them.
I tell them that
they will be
learning the final
sense- taste!

Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 3: Sense of Taste



Lesson Outcome:

Question: What
are the five
senses, and how
do people and
animals use them
every day?

GLO: Use the
senses to make
general and
orally and by
captioned pictures

Students Will:

(SLO #1) Describe
the sense of taste

(SLO #2) Describe
a time when taste
could keep them

(SLO #3) Identify
whether a food is
sweet, salty, bitter
or sour using their
sense of taste.

How does your lesson scaffold What core assessment

to your performance task?
concepts inform your design
This lesson will be the sixth

lesson in the five senses unit
In this lesson, the teacher
for grade one science. This
would use mostly observation,
unit scaffolds upon itself
and discussion with the
continuously. This lesson,
students. The teacher will
which focusses on the sense of formatively assess students
taste, requires that the
learning and comprehension
students have been taught
about taste through
about all four of the other
observation during the food
senses. In order for my
activity. Students should be
students to be able to
able to correctly place food
complete the performance
into one of the four taste
task, they must be able to
categories based on the way
recognize what each sense is, the food tastes. Student
what each sense does, what
participation and interaction
part of their body recognizes
during the class activity will
the senses, and why each
also help the teacher evaluate
sense could be useful in every where they are at in their
day life. By teaching the
learning. The teacher will be
students this lesson, they
able to assess by the end of the
understand what the sense of lesson whether there needs to
taste is, which part of their
be another class taught on
body recognizes taste and why touch in a different way to
it might be useful. They will
allow for more student
also be able to understand the comprehension. The teacher
four tastes (Sweet, sour,
will also collect the students
bitter, salty). They will be able worksheets The four tastes.
to categorize different foods
The teacher can use this as
into these sections and decide summative assessment to see
which of the four tastes they
whether the student
like and which ones they
understands what types of
dont. This will allow them to food go into which category of
complete their performance
the four tastes.



In this lesson, the
students are
learning about
their sense of
taste. The
students have
previously gone
through the other
four senses, as
well as being
without sight.
Students will be
talking about taste
buds, and how
they work with
our sense of smell
to allow us to
taste flavors.
These flavors are
sorted into four
different tastes-
sweet, sour, salty
and bitter. To
determine what
these tastes are
really like,
students will be
trying various
types of food.
After trying each
piece of food, the
teacher will be
leading a class
discussion about
each type of food
and where it will
belong. The
teacher will go
through the foods
one by one and
move the picture

of the food on the

smart board into
its proper
category. After
the class
discussion is
finished, students
will complete their
own version of the
smart board
activity on a
worksheet handed
out by the


What formative assessment

techniques will you be using?
What information will you be
collecting? How will you use
that information?
Description of

what teacher is
Like the previous two lessons, I
will be using mostly

observation during this lesson

as well as class discussion.
During the class,
Through observing the
the teacher will be students, I will be able to
leading class
assess where they are at and
discussion and the be able to collect the
tasting activity.
information I need to know if
The teacher will
they are ready to move on to
also explain the
the final activity that includes
worksheet to the all 5 senses at the end of the
students after
lesson. If students are unable
having completed to discuss in class, are unable
the interactive
to do the worksheet, and are
version on the
unable to correctly identify,
which taste category the foods

belong in, then I will know that

they do not fully understand
taste and that I will need to try
and teach it a different way in

How does your use of

formative assessment reflect
key assessment concepts?

I will be using formative
assessment to assess the
students prior knowledge and
build upon it during this lesson.
I will observe them to ensure
that they understand the sense
of taste before moving on to
the final all five senses
activity. Without the students
understanding the sense of
taste, they will have been
unable to transition to the final
class of our 5 senses.

order for them to truly

understand the concept.

Description of

what students are

Students will be in
their desks while
the teacher leads
them in class
discussion but will
also be able to eat
the food and
answer the
questions when
the whole class is
going through the
tasting activity.

Sequence of key


The key questions
I would ask my
students would
involve me
building on the
knowledge they
already have. If
we were trying to
decide what
section the apple
belonged in and
they were having
trouble, I would
ask them the

What fruit did we
just eat?What
did it taste
like?Did you like
the taste?Did it
taste like the
lemon we tried
Do you think it
category do you
think it should go

These questions
should allow the
students to come
to their own
conclusion that
the apple belongs
in the sweet

Evidence of

(opening, closing,
content, timeline)

In the opening, I
will relate the
upcoming lesson
to the previous
lesson, asking

students to point
to the part of their
body they use to
discover each
sense as I say it in
turn. I will
formatively assess
students to be
sure that they
understand what
we have learned
as a class so far
In the body, the
students will be
eating various
types of food to
understand their
tastes. I will be
assessing the
students on
whether or not
they understand
the difference
between the four
tastes (sweet,
sour, bitter, salty)
throughout the
activity. I will then
hand student a
worksheet to fill
out in order to
assess their
In the conclusion,
I will explain to
students that in
the next class we
will be using all
five of our senses
for a very special

activity (popping
popcorn!) I will
then ask the
students what
their favorite taste
was and ask them
to raise their
hands to answer. I
will use formative
assessment to
participation in
the class.

Rationale: Ed Psychology Defense

Scaffolding Lesson Plans Lesson #2- Sense of Touch



Connections to Learning Theories & Demonstration of

Attention to a Classroom Structure and Climate

Lesson Outcome:
The interesting thing about the class I will be teaching,

Overarching Question: What is that it is extremely different than any class I was ever
a student in. I thought I would be entering a classroom
are the five senses, and how
where the students sat at their desks and listened to
do people and animals use
their teachers all the times and did worksheets and no
them every day?
real activities, the way I did as a student. But when I

think back to my days in elementary school, I hated just
GLO: Use the senses to make sitting and learning at my desk. So I tried to make sure
general and specific
that my lessons were fun and interesting. I made sure,
observations orally and by
seeing as the unit I am planning is the five senses, that
producing captioned pictures every lesson incorporates sensory memory in some
way. The students will remember touching a stick, or a

feather more than they ever would if I merely
Students Will:
described It to them. I also made sure to think about

(SLO #1) Describe the sense of the development of each child. I want to be sure that
every child has a chance to complete their task and I
made it so that for the worksheets, the student can

either write down the answers or cut and paste them
(SLO #2) Identify objects based onto the worksheet. I also want my lessons to be
on different textures
motivating and engaging for the students. I never will
put them down or tell them that what they did was

wrong, instead I will try my best to help them however
(SLO #3) Describe a time when I can. I made sure that the lessons I planned had
something incorporated for each type of learner. In
touch could keep them safe.
this lesson I have a lecture and class discussion for
Lesson Description:
the auditory learners, a worksheet for the visual

learners, and the sensory bags for the kinesthetic
This lesson begins with the
learners. The thing that I am the most worried about
students building on the
for this lesson is the classroom management. It is very
former knowledge by the
possible for the students to go all over the place once I
teacher giving each of the
explain to them what they will be doing with the
students back the names they sensory bags. However, I feel that with strong rules in
have written in Braille.
place which the teacher enforces, the students will be
Overnight, the teacher has
able to successfully complete this lesson

added drops of white glue to

all the dots that the students
filled in. This allows students
to feel what braille is really
like and allows a connection

between the previous and

current lesson. The teacher
then will start a discussion
with the class about words
that describe the way things
feel. The teacher can start out
the discussion with words like
wet or soft. Teacher should
also write the words on the
board as the students come
up with the ideas. This will
help with the class activity.
Teacher then needs to explain
that humans feel touch
wherever they have skin, and
explain the basics about
touch. The teacher will then
describe how touch can keep
people safe and that if
something is too hot, or too
cold, we pull our hands away
from it as defense. The next
part of this lesson is the class
activity with the sensory bags.
The teacher will have
preciously prepared a bag for
each student and herself with
different objects inside of it
(Feather, button, sandpaper,
Lego piece and twig) The
teacher will explain the rules
and then begin the activity.
The teacher will reach into her
own bag and feel for the
feather first. She will use only
words that describe the
texture to tell students what
to grab in the bag. For the
feather the words can be
Soft, Light, fluffy. Etc. The
teacher will continue to do
this with each object in the
bag until it is empty. The
students must not pull the

thing out of the bag right

away, but must instead raise
their hand when they think
they have found it, and wait
until the teacher gives the go
ahead to take the object out
of the bag. The teacher will
then discuss things that
shouldnt be touched and why
it was not in the bag. The
teacher will then explain the
assignment to the students,
explaining that the students
are to cut and paste the
textures that they liked into
the worksheet that she will
provide. The textures that the
students didnt like or that
were dangerous will be pasted
around the hand in the
worksheet. The teacher will
explain that in the next
science lesson they will be
learning all about the very last
sense, Taste!

Description of what teacher is


During the class the teacher

will be leading the discussion
with the students as well as
the class activity. While
students are working on the
worksheet, the teacher will be
walking around to help if
necessary. The rule in order
for students to ask for help is:
Think hard about it on your
own, ask a friend, ask the

The teacher must be sure to maintain classroom
management during the time she is teaching. It will be
important to implement strong rules and stick with
them when necessary.

Description of what students are

During the discussion,

students will be sitting at their
desks participating in the class
with the teacher and the rest
of the students. During the
class activity, the students will
all have their individual bags
and be able to participate by
pulling the various items out
of the bags and learning about
textures. During the
worksheet, the students are
expected to be sitting in their
designated spot working
unless they need to go get
materials out of their cubby.

Sequence of key questions:

The key questions would be

used if a student didnt
understand what a texture
meant while completing their
worksheet. Say the student
didnt know if too hot was a
good thing to touch or not.

Do you think that touching a
hot stove is a good idea?

Why not?

Is a hot stove too hot or just

Should you be touching a
stove if it is too hot?

This should allow the student
to come up with the answer
on their own.

All types of students are thought about in this lesson.

There is a lecture and class discussion for the
auditory learners, a worksheet for the visual learners,
and the sensory bags for the kinesthetic learners.

Evidence of Lesson Components

(opening, closing, content,

In the beginning of the lesson I

am scaffolding on prior
knowledge by allowing the
students to touch their names
after they were created in
braille. This helps the
students remember the
previous lesson.

In the body, the class is having
a discussion as well as a class
activity where the students
are interactive with the
sensory bags. The students
also create a worksheet
describing textures they like
and dont like.

In the conclusion, I am
preparing the students for the
next lesson and how their
sense of touch might come in
handy for them. I tell them
that they will be learning the
final sense- taste!

Rationale: Communications Technology A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson (at least one):



Describe how communication technology

used in the lesson/s, will promote student
engagement toward the identified learner
outcome(s). This should provide a strong
rationale for using technology.

Lesson Outcome:

Students will identify whether a food is
sweet, salty, bitter, or sour using their
sense of taste

In this lesson, the teacher will be using an

interactive smart board lesson to help the
students place certain foods into one of the
four taste categories. The smart board screen

Lesson Description:

In this lesson, the students are learning
about their sense of taste. The students
have previously gone through the other
four senses, as well as being without
sight. Students will be talking about taste
buds, and how they work with our sense
of smell to allow us to taste flavors.
These flavors are sorted into four
different tastes- sweet, sour, salty and
bitter. To determine what these tastes
are really like, students will be trying
various types of food. After trying each
piece of food, the teacher will be leading
a class discussion about each type of food
and where it will belong. The teacher will
go through the foods one by one and
move the picture of the food on the
smart board into its proper category.
After the class discussion is finished,
students will complete their own version
of the smart board activity on a
worksheet handed out by the teacher.

will be divided into four, with the words

"sweet, salty,
bitter and sour" written in the corners. At the
bottom of the screen will be pictures of
various types of fruit, vegetables (a pickle),
chocolate and popcorn. While the students
are tasting their food (to promote their sense
of taste) the teacher will ask guided questions
about which category each food belongs in.
Why does lemon belong in the sour category,
where does banana belong? After the
students and teacher have discussed as a class
where each item goes, the teacher will be
moving the picture into its designated
category. If the students come to a unanimous
decision that happens to be incorrect, the
item that the teacher tries to put in the
category will bounce out and go back to the
bottom. This activity helps students visually
see which category each item is put in. This
will significantly help any students who are
visual learners as well as keeping all students
entertained. As a teacher, you could make the
decision to have your students be the ones
who go up and move the objects into the
categories depending on the behavior of the
Describe any potential downsides to using
this technology.


Description of what teacher is doing:

During the technology part of the lesson,
the teacher will be leading the discussion
as well as moving the various items on
the smart board to the correct category.
The teacher will be using the smart board
because the lesson is for a grade one
class. It is a concern that the students
will either not know how to use the smart
board, or will get jealous if everyone does
not get a turn to use the smart board.
Therefore, it is easier to allow the teacher
to be the one moving the objects on the

Description of what students are doing:

The students will be sitting at their desks,
answering the teachers questions and
participating in class discussion. If
necessary, the teacher will call on a
student who has not raised their hand to
speak yet in order to be sure that all
students are engaged.

The downside of using this technology is that,

like all technology, there is the chance that it
wont work when you need it to. There is a
chance your computer will break down, or the
smartboard will stop working, or the
calibration is off and you are unable to move
the objects. However, in order to have a
successful lesson, a teacher must take risks
and a smartboard activity is perfect for this

Sequence of key questions:

The key questions I would ask my
students would involve me building on
the knowledge they already have. If we
were trying to decide what section the
apple belonged in and they were having
trouble, I would ask them the following

What fruit did we just eat?
What did it taste like?
Did you like the taste?
Did it taste like the lemon we tried
Do you think it tasted salty?
What category do you think it should go

These questions should allow the
students to come to their own conclusion
that the apple belongs in the sweet

Evidence of Lesson Components

(opening, closing, content, timeline)

In the opening, I will relate the upcoming
lesson to the previous lesson, asking
students to point to the part of their body
they use to discover each sense as I say it
in turn. I will formatively assess students
to be sure that they understand what we
have learned as a class so far

In the body, the students will be eating
various types of food to understand their
tastes. I will be formatively assessing the
students on whether or not they
understand the difference between the
four tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salty)
throughout the activity. I will then hand
student a worksheet to fill out in order to
summatively assess their knowledge.

In the conclusion, I will explain to
students that in the next class we will be
using all five of our senses for a very
special activity (popping popcorn!) I will
then ask the students what their favorite
taste was and ask them to raise their
hands to answer. I will use formative
assessment to observe participation in
the class.

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