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Life on William Shakespeare

Born; April 23rd or 26th (we arent so sure) 1564

Occupation; play writer, actor and poet
Died; 23rd April 1616
William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd 26th of April 1564;
historians arent to positive on the date, however he was born just
outside of London in a town called Stratford-upon-Avon. Very little is
known about Williamss childhood. He was the 3rd child out of a
family of 6 children; he had two older sisters and three younger
brothers, Williams father was a successful leather merchant which
once held the public position of alderman (one step from becoming
a mayor)
William Shakespeare attended a local grammar school where he
studied Latin, Greek, History, English and poetry. The school now is
called King Edward VI grammar.
There are no real documentations on how Shakespeare lived in
however he was living in the Elizabethan era. The Elizabethan era
was the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st, her reign lasted 45 years.
So in this era the living conditions for anyone was poor, if you were
to walk out of your house it would be nothing but cobble stone paths
and poo infested gutters since they threw all their bodily waste
out the window. The men, women and children hardly ever bathed
and cleaned themselves but the rich; they did it often as they had a
higher power over the fellow villagers. The houses in the city were
clumped side by side and were always untidy. But for Shakespeare
and his family they were middle class, which meant that they were
neither rich nor poor, William attending a grammar school shows
Shakespeare is very famous for what he did, he is known for his
outstanding play and sonnets and his acting. He in fact came up
with 1700+ words and phrases we use today i.e. the word hint
and the phrase for goodness sake

Written on the head stone of William Shakespeare

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