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Theoretical Basis of the Impulse Turbine

The Pelton Turbine is a type of impulse turbine which works upon an

incoming jet that provides a momentum to the buckets and include the
original water wheels. Within the impulse turbine, the static pressure is
In the Pelton wheel, runner (a series of buckets fixed around the
circumference) is being struck by a high speed liquid jet. (Figure 1.0)

Figure 1.0
At any point in time, only 1 bucket is being struck, unless multiple jets are
used. The incoming jet is divided into 2 equal parts by the splitter ridge
found on each bucket. The divided jet is reflected by the bucket. (Figure

Figure 1.1
Theoretically, maximum effect is achieved at angle 180 but it is
practically difficult to achieve.
Component of force exerted by the bucket on the fluid in the direction of
the jet can be determined by applying momentum equation to a control
volume of liquid. In the equation, the movement of the bucket itself with a
velocity Vb away from the jet is taken into consideration. Here, absolute
velocities and relative velocities are distinguished. According to the

coordinate system and sign convention in Figure 1.1, the momentum

equation can be derived as:

F RX = pQ(V 2 XrV 1 Xr )

V 1 Xr

- Relative velocities between the fluid and the moving bucket

before the jet strike the bucket

V 2 Xr

- Relative velocities between the fluid and the moving bucket after

the jet strike the bucket

For incoming jet

V 1 Xr

V 1V b

Liquid after deflection by the bucket

V 2 Xr = ( V 1V b ) cos

is the efficiency of the turbine

After substitution, we get the equation

F RX = pQ[ ( V 1V b ) cos ( V 1V b ) ]

Q= A V 1

It can be written as

F RX = pA V 1 [ ( V 1V b ) cos ( V 1V b ) ]
pA V 1 (V 1V b )(1 cos )

The jet of fluid exerts an equal and opposite force on the bucket.
The rate of work done is the power generated by the force acting on the
bucket. This is to force X bucket speed.

power= pA V 1 V b (V 1V b )(1cos )

-------Equation for Power

Pelton Wheel Turbine Theory

Output power, P of the turbine
T = Torque of the rotor,
= Angular velocity
The Torque is
T = (Q VT R)
Q = Volumetric flow rate through the turbine
VT = Tangential flow velocity
At inlet and outlet, the tangential velocities are

VOUT = (V1 - VB)


+ VB

Relative to tangential direction, the angle of relative velocity vector is

defined as


is the loss factor,

Therefore power is defined as

power=pQ( V 1V b )(1 cos )V b

Proven the pelton turbine obeys the equation of power of the impulse
turbine above.

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