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Deleting genes could boost lifespan by 60 per cent

Scientists have discovered more than 200 genes linked to ageing and have found
switching them off extends life.
Some scientists have shown that small genetic tweaks can make organisms live 60 per
cent longer.
After ten years of research they have identified 238 genes that, when silenced, increase
the lifespan of yeast cells. Many of the genes are present in mammals, including
To determine which genes were responsible for ageing, researchers examined 4,698
strains of yeast, each with a single gene deletion and then monitored how long cells
lived for before they stopped dividing.
They found that deleting a gene called LOS1 produced particularly impressive results,
extending life by 60 per cent. LOS1 is linked to a genetic master switch which has long
been associated with calorie restriction through fasting and increased lifespan.
According to some scientists calorie restriction has been known to extend lifespan for a
long time.
Earlier this year academics from the University of Southern California found that a five
day diet which mimics fasting can slow down ageing, add years to life, boost the
immune system and cut the risk of heart disease and cancer.
The plan restricts calories to between one third and a half of normal intake.
Last year the same team discovered that fasting can regenerate the entire immune
system, bringing a host of long-term health benefits.
When humans tested out the regimen, within three months they had reduced biomarkers
linked to ageing, diabetes, cancer and heart disease as well as cutting overall body fat.
The researchers think it works by slashing a hormone which encourages growth, and has
been linked to cancer susceptibility. Essentially it tricks the body into ageing more
Lifespan: the period between birth and death
Yeast: a small fungus that is capable of fermenting carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Strain: a variety of microorganisms.
Fasting: a period of time when you eat no food
To mimic: to have the same effect as something else
Intake: the amount of a particular substance that is eaten or drunk during a particular time

Slash: to cut or reduce

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