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SPED 311 Curriculum Based Assessment II

Name: Heather Jobling
Date: November 5, 2015
School/Setting: Oakwood Intermediate 5th/6th Grade CASL

How did you account for reliability and validity with this measurement tool?
- In order to make this test reliable, I had one of the para-educators take it twice at the same
times as me, to make sure we were getting the same results and that the test was easy to use.
Each time the para took it we would look over our results and they were the same. She told me
the test was very easy to use. In order to make sure this test had validity I never told Alex when I
was observing him. I just did it quietly as I sat at the desk, and allowed him to act how he was
acting. Therefore he didn't have the chance to change his behavior as a consequence of me
observing him.


On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized

aid on this academic work.




- Basics Info: Alex is a 12 year old, male in 6th grade. He has brown hair, brown eyes and is
average height for a 6th grader. He loves talking about golf and working towards getting all 3s
on his daily report. He hangs out with some of the other students in CASL outside of school,
His family is very hands on when it comes to his education. !

- IDEIA eligibility: He has autism and speech impairments. He comes to the CASL room to
work on social skills. He gets in class support in all his other classes. !

- Social: Alex is very friendly and does what he can to please. All the other students in the class
really like him, but he can make random noises that sometimes bother his friends. When he
talks to people he sometimes says Do you want to swing?, instead of asking if he can
swing. When he walks in the hallway he says hi to every teacher and knows all their names.
He gets excited when he sees his friends and if he doesn't know someone he tends to go to
them and introduce himself. !

- Learning: Alex comes into the CASL room for social skills in 5th period. He is in general
education classes for all his other subjects. In his other classes he gets in class support to
make sure he stays on task and is getting the accommodations and modifications that he
needs. He learns best with one-on-one instructions. Without them his mind tends to wonder
and he does not complete his work. His favorite subject is social studies and he gets
extremely excited to go. !

- Academic/DLS areas: Alexs reading level is slightly below grade level. He is able to read the
passage, but has a problem comprehending what happened in the story when asked
questions about it. He does fairly well on his assignments when he is working one on one
with a para and is focused. His grades drastically drop when he is unfocused. His goal in
math this year is to be able to multiply by 2 and 3. He can currently do it with a calculator but
struggles without one. He is doing well in science and social studies with his in class support. !

- By the end of the 6 week period, Alex will be able to make it through a 10 minute period in his
seat without any inappropriate outburst 4/5 trials with 80% accuracy. !

- Say: Please stay seated in your chair, on your pockets and complete your work without any

- Use the symbols below to track how Alex is doing

- (+) = independently, correct, no verbal prompts
- (~) = correct/self corrected, or 1 verbal prompt needed
- (-) = incorrect, or more than 1 verbal prompts needed


Trial #2

Trial #3

Trial #4

Trial #5



Stays on


Finishes his
work without


Goes the
entire 10
without an

Trial #1

Stays in his
seat for the
entire 10









I observed Alex in each of the five times he was in Mrs. Williams CASL classroom
during social period. I also had one of the para-professionals observe him during two of
the social classes, so I could make sure the test was reliable. In this period five students
get to work on different social skills that will help them, not only at school, but also in the
community. Every time I observed Alex, it was during the first ten minutes of class when
he was supposed to be sitting in his desk like the rest of the students working on his
assignment before they started their group activity. I chose to observe Alex during this
ten minutes because he tends to have a hard time staying in his seat without making
inappropriate noises and distracting his classmates. A weakness of this assignment is
that it does not take into consideration if Alexs peers influence him to make the
inappropriate noises,or to get out of his seat. A few times while I was observing Alex I
noticed his peers would tell him to make the noises, or would ask him to get them
something even though they knew Alex was to remain in his seat just like they were. If I
were to redo this assignment at a later date, I would add another area to the chart that
allowed for me to say if students encouraged Alex to do any of the unwanted behavior. A
strength of this assignment was that I was able to select what information I gathered
about Alexs behavior to what Mrs. Williams noticed about Alex in the morning. This
helped us come up with ways to calm Alex before class started and other ways to
prompt him during class so we could get more of the wanted behavior. Another strength
was I felt the rubric was very well designed and easy to use. I was able to easily mark
what was occurrences during the first ten minutes of each social class. !


After I did the first trial, which Mrs. Williams expected to be bad because she had gotten
calls from two of his other classes that day saying he was off task and kept disturbing
the other students. She was correct. Alex, had to be reminded multiple times in the ten
minute span that he needed to remain quiet in his seat and that making noises was
inappropriate. She told me to continue to observe Alex the first 10 minutes of her social
period to see how he did the other days. After each period, I would explain to her my
results. We found a pattern. If Alex had had a bad morning, or class before, he would
not be able to focus during social period. Mrs. Williams and I decided that we needed to
find a way to let Alex calm down before he started his work each period, so he would be
able to focus. !
After observing Alex during class, it is evident that he has good and bad days when it
comes to sitting in his seat and controlling his outbursts. When he is having a good day
he can usually stay on task in his seat without outbursts. However, when he is having
an off day, he tends to get out of his seat more and has many inappropriate outbursts. I
talked to Mrs. Williams and she says she can usually tell when Alex gets to school
whether or not it will be a good or bad day. On days he seems to not be in the best
mood she typically allows him to swing for a few extra minutes in the morning to calm
him down before he goes off to his first class. After taking these notes, and realizing that
the days he did worse in class were also the days she had marked down that he was
having a bad morning we decided to allow him to swing for a few minutes when he gets
into Mrs. Williams room for first period. This should allow him to calm down some and

get rid of some energy, so he can control his outbursts in class. Mrs. Williams also made
a colorful sign that she hung on the wall in front of Alexs desk. He looks at it every time
he comes to class. It should help him remember to stay in his seat without any
outbursts. She also added a column on his behavior chart and if he can go through all of
his classes with minimal outbursts and staying in his seat he will get an additional
reward. !


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