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November 5, 2015

Wanna Get Away

Praises and Prayer Requests

Praise God for keeping the two young
men safe when they were having suicidal
Pray for Gods continued blessing as we
work to launch a Destino movement at
Pray for Gods continued protection for
these freshman guys and for Gods healing and Truth to overcome the lies that
they are tempted to believe.

Praise God for the UNC students that came to RMGA!

Do you ever wanna get away? For
students in Colorado, October always
welcomes a chance to get away and
focus on the Lord so that we can refocus on His plan for us to know Him and
to make Him known. Thats the goal of
our Rocky Mountain Getaway (RMGA)
and every year were so encouraged
by how students come away from the
weekend feeling spiritually uplifted and
excited to impact their campus for
Christ. This year almost half of the UNC
students were new to Cru this semester
and a freshman named Aaryn summed
it up well by saying it was the, Best,
Weekend, Ever! In the midst of a busy
fall, God continues to open doors for us
to reach the nearly 20% of our student
body that identifies as culturally Latino
or Hispanic. Most notably, the Denver
Destino Movement has been waiting
for an opportunity to launch a new
Destino movement somewhere close
by. When they heard that God had
been setting the stage here at UNC,
they jumped in 110% with students,
staff, and financial resources. Despite
our lack of resources, 2 UNC students
joined the Destino Track at RMGA. Then
just two weeks ago, another Hispanic
student at UNC received Christ with a
Denver Destino staff! A small launch
team has been formed of mostly Hispanic UNC students as well as one
female student leader from our hub cru
movement. A few more events have
been planned for the semester, and a
discipleship group has started! God is
continuing to propel us forward into
new unreached areas of our campus!

When the Lord is at work, we can expect spiritual attack, and this month
seems to have had its share of it.
Weve had two freshman involved in
Cru contemplate suicide and both
needed to be hospitalized and admit-

During the retreat, Brett helped lead a

group of students through The Crack
in Estes Park.
ted to behavioral health centers for
evaluations. Thank God they were
connected to students and staff in Cru
because in both situations it was their
Christian community in Cru that took
them to the hospitals and helped them
put their lives together after they got
out. Please be praying for Gods protection for these two young men.

Thank you for your investment in students

lives. They often dont realize how precious they are to God, but youre partnership helps us to share the Truth.

Brett and Darci Hullah

Cru at Northern Colorado

1502 Lakeside Drive
Greeley, CO 80631

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