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Hannah Graham

Foreign Policy- The Moderate Stance

What We Believe
The Moderate Party believes that we should do everything in our power to
maintain a strong, superpower presence in the world while still remaining unilateral and
We advocate a strong national defense, but try to avoid a strong national offense.
In the case of conflict, we will exercise all possible means of diplomatic measures and
sanctions before resorting to boots-on-the-ground combat. That being said, we are more
than willing to maintain our dominant position in the world and will exercise any means
necessary of maintaining our natural rights and our liberties if they become threatened. I
believe that the U.S. has a moral obligation to take military intervention to protect the
lives of people around the world if they are threatened by their government.
The defense budget does not need to be cut, rather, reallocated. Its nonsensical to
have a military budget of nearly $700 billion when the next powerful military only
spends about $140 billion dollars a year. We should reallocate this money gradually in
order to maintain our powerful status, but perhaps reallocate our money to domestic
infrastructure (ours is very poor) or even other domestic issues such as education or
healthcare. We can still maintain a powerful military while improving our experience at
Our goal for U.S. foreign policy is to contain, deter, and defend against threats to
our national interests. I do not look to make an enemy with Russia, but we will not
continue to tolerate oppressive and erratic behaviors from their leader and will remain
strong in increasing economic sanctions if necessary. We oppose the Iran Nuclear Deal,
and believe in harsher regulations and supervision, however, we currently see Pakistan as
a bigger threat and will work toward a nuclear deal with them as well as a revision of the
current legislation involving Iran.
While we look to maintain a strong military presence in the world, we also look to
maintain a strong humanitarian one. We should work alongside other countries to ensure
peace, prosperity, and democratic values in places such as African regions. For example.
helping African countries expand their access to energy and manage their new oil and
natural gas resources is critically important for U.S. national security and economic
interests. Some of the military budget can be reallocated here (see third bullet) Helping
other nations develop is an investment for us, and will maintain allies and perhaps
advance our own mission.
We support fair trade and are working toward global food security for all.
However, not at the expense of our own nation. Free trade means unrestricted,
uncontrolled access to our economy, tariff- and duty-free, for goods made for $4-per-hour
or less. We cannot compete with these wages so we are forced to choose between going
bankrupt, outsourcing nearly all of our manufacturing or simply selling out. Therefore,
we oppose the the TTP trade agreement.

Hannah Graham

I oppose outsourcing of U.S. jobs, as American-made business is an ideal that I

hold dearly as a proponent of sovereignty.
Why We Believe It
As a global superpower, I believe the United States has a moral
obligation to be both tough and tender in their foreign policy beliefs. We believe
in active humanitarian efforts as well as a strong national defense. We put the
United States first in all aspects, mainly the working class Americans working to
survive and thrive. We believe in only exhausting American resources and the
lives of troops after all diplomatic measures have been tried in a good faith effort.
The United States needs to have an active role in the world, as I stand with the
principle With great power, comes great responsibility. I favor fair trade, as
long as it doesnt compromise the business efforts of American people. Defense is
a very important aspect of our countrys important status, however, the budget is
at an outrageous amount. Some of this money needs to be GRADUALLY
reallocated to humanitarian efforts and the domestic welfare of the U.S. I
advocate an active foreign policy, but never at the expense of our own nation and
never compromising our own individual sovereignty.

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