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Project Rubric

Project rubric:
10% -craftsmanship
10% -creativity
80% -presentation
20% -What is it?
30% -Why is it important
in the culture?
30% -How do the people
express themselves
through this aspect
of culture?

Cuban Culture Project

This six weeks the students are learning about the culture of
Cuba. Our theme is how we express ourselves. We will learn
about food, clothing, art, festivals and other ways that Cubans
express themselves. I would like the students to create a project
about any aspect of the culture and present it to the class. Some
ideas include: making a traditional recipe, making a costume, recreation of a famous painting, model of a festival, 3D model of a
cultural object, report on a famous painter, musician, etc.
This project will require students to do some research outside of
class and work with parents. I will give a few examples of
festivals, food, clothing, etc., but students may choose to do
something else if they want. I have included some pictures of
example projects to help give ideas.

Example Grade: 100%

10%- Craftsmanship
10%- Creativity
20%- What is it? (caja china, also gave
30%- Why is it important? (gave
descriptions of what it is used for and
30%- How do they express themselves
(gave examples of how it is used to
express themselves)

This is a model of a caja china. A caja china is used to roast

pig and other meat for big festivals and celebrations in Cuban
culture. People express themselves with the type of food they
make, experimenting with different recipes and things to cook.

Project Rubric
Project rubric:
10% -craftsmanship
10% -creativity
80% -presentation
20% -What is it?
30% -Why is it important
in the culture?
30% -How do the people
express themselves
through this aspect
of culture?

Argentine Culture Project

This six weeks the students are learning about the culture of
Argentina. Our theme is how we express ourselves. We will learn
about food, clothing, art, festivals and other ways that
Argentinians express themselves. I would like the students to
create a project about any aspect of the culture and present it to
the class. Some ideas include: making a traditional recipe, making
a costume, re-creation of a famous painting, model of a festival,
3D model of a cultural object, report on a famous painter,
musician, etc.
This project will require students to do some research outside of
class and work with parents. I will give a few examples of
festivals, food, clothing, etc., but students may choose to do
something else if they want. I have included some pictures of
example projects to help give ideas.

Example Grade: 90%

10%- Craftsmanship
10%- Creativity
20%- What is it? (model soccer field)
30%- Why is it important? (told how
the sport is the most popular in
20%- How do they express themselves
(gave examples of how it is used to
express themselves, but needs more

This is a model of a soccer field. Soccer is the most popular and

important sport in Argentina. People express themselves through
action and game all over the world.

Project Rubric
Project rubric:
10% -craftsmanship
10% -creativity
80% -presentation
20% -What is it?
30% -Why is it important
in the culture?
30% -How do the people
express themselves
through this aspect
of culture?

Spanish Culture Project

This six weeks the students are learning about the culture of
Spain. Our theme is how we express ourselves. We will learn
about food, clothing, art, festivals and other ways that Spaniards
express themselves. I would like the students to create a project
about any aspect of the culture and present it to the class. Some
ideas include: making a traditional recipe, making a costume, recreation of a famous painting, model of a festival, 3D model of a
cultural object, report on a famous painter, musician, etc.
This project will require students to do some research outside of
class and work with parents. I will give a few examples of
festivals, food, clothing, etc., but students may choose to do
something else if they want. I have included some pictures of
example projects to help give ideas.

Example Grade: 90%

10%- Craftsmanship (not just a
picture, but the actual food and a
recipe to go with it)
10%- Creativity
20%- What is it? (traditional recipe)
30%- Why is it important? (told about
what it is used for and why)
20%- How do they express themselves
(gave examples of how it is used to
express themselves, but needs more
details on how it is served and why)

This is a recipe and plate of paella. Paella is the national dish of

Spain. It is important for festivals, feasts and parties. People
express themselves differently by what they put in their paella
and how it is served.

Project Rubric
Project rubric:
10% -craftsmanship
10% -creativity
80% -presentation
20% -What is it?
30% -Why is it important
in the culture?
30% -How do the people
express themselves
through this aspect
of culture?

Spanish Speaking Culture Project

This six weeks the students are learning about the culture of
Spanish speakers. The students have the opportunity to pick any
country that speaks Spanish and focus on that throughout the
year. Our theme is how we express ourselves. We will learn
about food, clothing, art, festivals and other ways that different
Spanish speakers express themselves. I would like the students to
create a project about any aspect of the culture and present it to
the class. Some ideas include: making a traditional recipe, making
a costume, re-creation of a famous painting, model of a festival,
3D model of a cultural object, report on a famous painter,
musician, etc.
This project will require students to do some research outside of
class and work with parents. I will give a few examples of
festivals, food, clothing, etc., but students may choose to do
something else if they want. I have included some pictures of
example projects to help give ideas.

Example Grade: 90%

10%- Craftsmanship (not just a
picture, but the actual food and a
recipe to go with it)
10%- Creativity
20%- What is it? (traditional recipe)
30%- Why is it important? (told about
what it is used for and why)
20%- How do they express themselves
(gave examples of how it is used to
express themselves, but needs more
details on how it is served and why)

This is a recipe and plate of paella. Paella is the national dish of

Spain. It is important for festivals, feasts and parties. People
express themselves differently by what they put in their paella
and how it is served.

This is a mini ofrenda made
from a shoe box. Ofrendas
are important to Mexican
culture because they are part of
Dia de los Muertos. The
ofrenda honors the spirit of
the loved ones who have passed
away. People express
themselves differently by the
different products they use to
create an ofrenda, such as
papel picado, sugar skulls, food,

This is a model of a soccer field. Soccer is the most popular and
important sport in Argentina. People express themselves through
action and game all over the world.

This is a model of a caja china. A
caja china is used to roast pig and
other meat for big festivals and
celebrations in Cuban culture. People
express themselves with the type of
food they make, experimenting with
different recipes and things to cook.

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

Name of presenter _____________________________________________________________________


What is it?
Why is it important?
How do people express themselves?

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