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Below are the categories of my philosophical theology, juxtaposed with Fr Richard Rohr's " 8 Cor e

Pr inciples"
The philosophical theology set forth at this site/archive generally resonates beautifully with Rohr's
spiritual legacy. These categories are addressed by all of our Great Traditions and indigenous religions.
1) right believing and eschatology (describe/orient/logos/scientific)

Life is about discovering the right questions more than having the right answers. (primacy of
2) right desiring and sophiology (evaluate/dedicate and sanctify/pathos/cultural)

We need a contemplative mind in order to do compassionate action. (process)

3) right behaving and sacramentology (norm/nurture and heal/ethos/economic)

We do not think ourselves into a new way of living, but we live ourselves into a new way of thinking.
(praxis over theory)
4) right belonging and ecclesiology (interpret/empower/cosmos/social)

We will support true authority, the ability to "author" life in others, regardless of the group. (nontribal)
5) authenticity and soteriology (transcend/save/mythos/political)

True religion leads us to an experience of our True Self and undermines my false self. (ultimate direction)
6) humility and anthropology

Practical truth is more likely found at the bottom and the edges than at the top or the center of most
groups, institutions, and cultures. (perspective)
7) potentiality and paterology

Whoever God is, is profoundly and essentially what it means to be male and female in perfect balance.
We have to find and to trust the feminine face of God and the masculine face of God. Both are true and
both are necessary for a full relationship with God.
8) particularity and christology

The teaching of Jesus is our central reference point. (criterion)

9) relationality and pneumatology

The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. Oppositional energy only creates more of the
same. (emphasis on loving energy)

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