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Stephanie L Clark

Work Experience

Oct 14 - May 15

High Point Courthouse
District Attorney's Office
Grade 12

May 10 Present

Grades 7-present
I began dog-sitting in the
seventh grade, and over the
years, have watched over a
dozen dogs. I have had up to
four clients in a two week


Aug 01 - May 15

High Point Christian Academy

Aug 15 Present

UNC Charlotte

Volunteer Service

Community Bible Church

Extracurricular Activities

Aug 11 - May 15

Interact Club
Grades 9,10,11,12
I became a Board Member of the
club in my Junior year and will
be Secretary my Senior year.
Science National Honors
Grades 11,12
National Honors Society
Grades 11,12
Beta Club
Grades 10,11,12


Fine Arts Writing Competition

Grade 9

This was a state wide contest

where I came in second place
and received an invitation to

Skills/Academic Achievement

ACSI Writing Competition

ACSI Speech Meet
Junior Marshal
Being a junior marshal means
you are in the top six of your
class, and it is an honor to
achieve that recognition.


I was on the Student Council at

High Point Christian Academy
during my Sophomore year.

Additional Information

I participated in the National

Youth Leadership Forum on Law
& CSI during the summer
between my Sophomore and
Junior years and earned a
college credit through my

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