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AUNICIFAL =e TNE LIBRARY. / (A Burr o> “ne PUBLIC LinmaRy Lev aagoentEiSoubyaY 609.0. LIBRARY i 7 SUPPLEMENT TO THECALIFORNIAt QUTLOOKSREE AL XL No. 19 Los Angeles and San Francisco, November 4, 1911 5 Cants--$1.00 a Year Containing in Full the Report of Bion J. Arnold on ‘he Transportation Problem of Los Angeles With an Introduction by Bho Pps _B-Gibbon ° mission, which at that time consisted of, Sess sioddard Jess, M. HN fhe members ‘or years 1 have believed that the City Eos Ren el ind ice the bereft trom iu th Beeete Shen the Banat Casal is opened ¥ psu youaed BOTREY, BION J. ARNOLD. Chief Engineer, Board of Super- Pitts Brameery Cheago ‘Trac: a member, by a, communication outlining 3 plan made to thst Board on the 16th tos SRO Sas ein gce aoe geet ‘Taroop Fayre EMCI te Board WT GEecAy CSR, Bean af Throop Polytechnic Tot agp Se Wein Bikey otee"ot Mee Amel’ Lot" Angcien ice, the Board, 1 presented’ it to” the City phe mace of ee, rapes. Seely Bo iy wSon a ak Be hy eae ind ah Stet tl Fe ‘i lin va ict tie fag 2h a forded o i somiitiee to make it it the joard plans for the municipal terminal sani Hi st cesar aL de ie een rai eee panne so [ast {ng and, submitting complete plans for the Wkae“ucvelopment of all, the transporta- Snterests of the city including. urban, rcban andsteam ‘ges. AB 8, tee mm upon Mr. Lissner's part, ton wich it produced, the gommiee peared 3 conmiaton fhe Sty" Coane recommending the employ sem of tre best avalale munieigal tant rent don expert. to. investigate the trans Rertation conditions of the city and its Prove sedan make recommen Rlons of a plan or plans along which these Interests ald develop in the fare, The ‘Gay Coupent received the suggestion of th Socfminieation favorably and. as a result Suthorized the employment of Mr, Bion J- ‘Aenolds the famous, municipal, transporta- on expert of Chicago, who bar planned the svcet rallway systems of Chicago and Piubueg: sone of he. consulting engi neers inthe new subway development just Snuertaken by the City of New York, in- SSiving s probable expenditure of one hun- dred million dollars, and has had in char the! making ‘of tensportation plans a projects for many other ees, agiving him thie. commission and oute fining’ the work which it as expected that he should do, Sir. Arnold. was asked to Submit "A Scheme or outlined. plans, for the handling” and fature development of ur municipal transportation systems based Gpon the assumption of transportation Stace for a city increasing from its pres- can be handled to the greatest advantage forthe commerce ef the ty." AT‘ fe" result of this employr-er, Nv Arnold s short time ago submitted Cv Committee having the matter in chai cr the Feportillesteated by fen maps, whrwi i+ ce Teproduced in oll.” Avearelul sty jv tht Feport wll show that in it Mr. Avot ats complied very fally with the. reqests the Committee having the matter. m fares, nd that in. doing 40:he hay outbned 3. Ee population at 360000 fo" population velopment of the transportation iotet ST eae a tne million people within of the City of Las Angeles within ’Se x1! Shenext ten to iteen, yentee™ dn doing ten years which draws a magnifiern! pie:ure Inf, he was asked spectically to furnish = of what these interests should fm eho Wt ‘Wpirsc TA gencral preliminary teheme or become, plantar a System Sf municipal terminal "Afr. “Arnold's report, while ree sss Fallwaya, general inthis matter, wives test yaya. general, preliminary scheme Guthined plan which should 25° 4¢ yvare or sion Tot fiture development’ of other go by, be filled in by the Joint | Mavof Sakays now exising'in the eity, and. the clizens of Los Angeles and se pst "TRIN "general preliminary plan for Sele corporations that tere Jo fe counting abi"cocordinating all the trans~ and the business of the ‘city with ths portation systems of the city so that they: portation—Thos.-E. Gibbon. PRELIMINARY REPORT UPON THE Transportation Problem of Los Angete . In my study of the transportation problem Fayed vhat Lean summaetze my prelim hose given im the commission intrast Municipal Railroad: eenger Stations Grade Crossings Freight Handiin Local Street. Railways Interurban Railway Hines Rete om Mal ity and Distriet Planning X' Comprehensive and. Construct this report T have endeavored st Ta making the original intent of developing der ‘the following headings, which are practically coinc thee fe comm ito met preliminary program for a com nok only for Los Aazeles, but for By BION J. ARNOLD OCTOBER, 1911 transit facilities must the people devote to telligent and ele of Los Angeles and inary eonelusions Stretching from the mountains to the #22, populated Perous people, enjoying Ehtclent transportation ‘reflect a once the amount of atténiion wis this problem. If public control has beew the alomate result will bea great comms The benests of comfortable, “avid! Ind MUNICIPAL RAILROAD ‘The fanction of the Municipal Ri business section of Los Angeles, which vs twenty miles } "5" the Paciie Ocean, with the new city-owned harbor at Vii ‘The fundamental treet Congestion the Facife, Gees sive Transit Plan Msc“ one to confine myself to tiveen the municipal nd equitable basis, toad ie to connert the ain ceed tae pect maa aot fe eras the iden that eventually. the right service will be distébezet road and all foreige fines upon sone Laticble prehensive transportation fhe entire surroy diate needs this rapidly the growth o fen yenrsoso th for_*solation. oF pramiporia will ve ints effect fticliy provide for the continually tmereasing a Pret peed ot over i Snntricied_develepment rinciples upon Pea Bice completed artangement and to drscover the ut trate transit requirements of the communi ar'forming a conception of sere ee Shave made a'atudy of the remarkable growth which Aig piace and of the nator Fehulivare affecting owing community popultion in the di “Poding district. T-have aimed to bring out funda ‘which to build rather than to discuss the ae well ae ite sme: ne future City of Los Shauences which, by their combined ive transit needs of the population throughout T find that over two-thirds. of ct has occurred within the last tbat are pressing: fat the problems are not only new, on of both passengers and fecight is the ver. ile blood of the district, ape ampere ote to an. sre of 2 ean ano elites too fa itaene Efganee of actual meets iin a burden the eam of unproductive investment wich is cuinda- "The problem is to find a balance which will suto- Gemands of the wed hr years at nothing hich ie tol Furthermore’ there Sffects sue cost of living more certainly than transportation, and the ‘welfare of the ity to secure ‘providing for the ” be neglected and the rgely ‘on their ‘people of any district depends c vary cost. But dea portation at the mi ‘efficient." the “elty beautiful” must not Roads should not be permitted tomar the Be eae 2s eh on ogres, ofthe Gy ad, Cave acted with the growth, prosperty and appearance of the commur nthe development of ‘The location and. constrvetion of such a railroad becween Los “Anarcles andthe sea is comparatively easy as there ate Ee emai cet ina ifteutice of any moment to be overcome con be. located through. compara fhe maximum grade can be kept down to four-temths ci xe "The ar “The Pehtat jens ly inexpensive tevsory out urement of the tracks in and about the b cher Weel will nstaraily be a part of the harbor design an Rat affect, to any ymarked degree, the final decisions i these etsis it actu Bnd Suber! partsof the teaneportation system im and abst bu" Angeles. Seventrance of any road from the harbor into the ity its however, fen detal of the greatest gation, for both studied, the tle? affected by the Tocation of ste additional tare the most favorable entrance to the Satbedl iow grade route which it available between the city ard 2h Ratbor; in fact, the entire situation contains unique fervuren whic Appear, more advantageo Ro enterrisg seradal stages of Present plans should not only: ff building, but provi wportance to the eiiire 1rans\ fassenger and freight transportation will ly line. Fortunstely tm tal iy connect with. ‘as the subject is more thoravyht! i fof this character must necessarily pus: thea if fdevelopment in order to be successioi and af 1 Ee a eco pate Lise vende or fare be made for fursre grow! thou Sven that which cannot definitely be foreseen at the ycesent ti “Aiter a carefol study of the situation, T would sugeest the lowing pian “Ese aetna ac | s fee hntf-way from Slauson, Avenue in the ici , THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK . Wilmington. This right-of-way should be a least 280 feet in width in ordet so, provide fur eght Fallon tracks and two automobile Inghteays. “This ine and atto-speedway should be located theough= fut the entie fength 40.28 to avold grade crossings so far as prac. eable, fori is this feature that will contribute the greatest pote of immediace advantage to the plan, In fact the enterpris Strongly on account of its ansomobile possibilities, for Los Angeles needs an automobile apeedvay with ail crossings eliminated and this proposed highway between the eity and the aea fa most for tunately focated, bath for pleasure and business, On such a road there would be no necessity for a low speed Limit and. with (wo Weide roadways (so that travel could be directed im opposite direc- tions ‘without interference), the maximum of safety could. be 35- sured, ‘The automobile truck is being developed rapidly and it is not bnreasonable to expect that a large part of the tonnage between Tharuor and local delivery and collection points will be handled means of the autoctrack, The cost of handling freight at the terminals is the largest part of the cost of transportation when the ice is comparatively short. st has been claimed that, with our ‘ordinary railroad facilites, ater the coat of loading and wnloadin freight has been taken care of, the tion’ adds ch a comparatively amall amount to the fotal cost tha iis practically immaterial whether the goods are transported one ‘peal ‘recta whieh trom actu Side ot the ve featculath ity population, Outs ie lrg and within the ‘County there. was ‘an about a city block such year, thie be ‘more or lees true of the city populsth « but the ‘growh" of Glendale, ‘Pasadena, South owns In the Gan Gabriet "There is no" “congestion of the shire city anda onalty te istrite near the ‘at the city where there. may be found chenpar’ rooming houses, but there, will ivayn be a dleriet just outside of the Dud Ih tho outlying district, tu treble -xosid atl be toom for erowth ithe within mile or fity miles, The cost of moving goods between any point Ih'Lon Angeles aad the harbor termingl wil be made up fabgely SiGe ANCE Bata htt endo ther tae tesa af aaa Bie ate ol Uke autetuck wil rake he posible wo deliver war nevehoue ira fo seo aetoy an hue ee ot Toe cacente sf inrscale transla” the Shaady nneeaie neal echt uomobie i it ici ia proving the oseees iyo tie topored arrangement Feit be impossible for the city of Los Angeles to build, mafntalt'and'ova's Hgnway trough {he county, ai oa fe Bracable on account of grades locate the Btoponed sights Bey isike to and acta a he “shoeattng cis hi cone neke"Loy Angele tn Witton and Sta Bec il prob SS" ee teanSble co make ote arreteement woth he “eseaty tehortict secure tits eomnecting Hake Tae bulldog of mate iiorgughfare ofthis character wil Edd 80 much vale the cots iy" thfough which ie pases hat fshonld not be imponsbie to tteare tent eng of ihe viaheob-waya trey nom seth Sgntck way wonld'sabe pout St tnd fhe secon of the county whieh ‘portation facilities, and. would make’ avaiable a number ol eal sites for model industrial communities such aa are in great favor in. ‘Earope and are now being introduced outede of Se tern cities, ‘York er arge tli a ow ackrn t “ 4. The auto-highways should be built in strips and, section go that the repair of any part of the road. will not stop the trafic £0 IMlow the case with 40 many of the country roads. The park: iRg'cam brace with tres andy a east once i each mile, an Over~ je o, derground. crossing. of artistic design, may be pro ‘etd, Oy cntaslly. The stations should be designed to cross’ the, Tettotiway: with convenient access to each track and fo the auto BERie gtectys on each side without crossing any track or road mo grade a4 the whole theory of the design must be to provide Gee Highest speed with the mazimum of salety. and convenience With srigho-way absolutely fe’ of grade crossings and wide enough fort cght standard. gauge railroad tracks with abun~ Uist provlons for stations, turnouts and delivery tracks, i+ an- Seluobasle to anticipate. thit this equipment wil be devoted ex: » Gashedy iene handling of freight. Its ultimate maximom use Sein parts at least for highspeed passenger traffic, for ite Tatural destiny’ would-be to, supplant the present passenger carty~ Tarttacks now being electrically operated south of the ty diatpeesent four. tack elects line on private right-ol-way from Ninth Street to Watts: a distance of about six mies, runt For Nwhae in all probablity ‘will develop to the future in Ghoul dittict of the ity. These tracks are mow at grade and. SPA dine ate operated at thelr maximum possible speed there wril'be Constant, and: always Increasing, danger of crossing acck Teme” Ay thin district eventually. must be served with 4 large either of switch tracks which mast be at-grade if industries are Te be'cncourngeds it would appear to be the wive Blan to leave these Watky'te’theg are and use them as the main artery for industrial Frege delivery and collection, together with an adeqsate local lecttic passenger service, using two tracks for freight and two tracks for, passenger business. The through high speed. electric passenger traffic could then be transferred to the tracks occupying Bie mentepally contealied vrighteof-way, and. thus the freight problem andthe patseager problem would be solved at the same 'S. There stil remaing the problem of finding a suitable en-¥ trance into the city north of Afcot Park. The frst section con Siting of s four track division about one and one-half malles in Mength from Stauson Avenue, north to Jefferson Street, show i my opinion, be ether an elevated road ballasied, so 48 {0 avot fofserand bul of reinforeed concrete of artistic design: ot sh be located im an open cut, which it practically a aubway without a Foot "An elevated ‘rapid’ transit ine through ‘this, district. would Increase average values very materially within the territory tibu tary thereto, ahd therefore there should e but Hite oppotion 40 its Construction, but it is possible, the property owners would prefer to pay for the extra cost of the “open cat” snstead, in which cas, Pout favor this latter typeof road "From Jefferson Street north to the vicinity of Pico.and Main Saree another section of shoul one and attcnths miles het the opts cut or a subway would be necessary, probably the latter, skthough in. this climate the minimum ot subway. construction thonid be adopted. From Pico and Main Streets through the back- iness district the subway aystem is the only prac- Ueable rapid transit method, This section should extend to the Plaza, a distance of one and nine-tenths miles, making the munie- ipal high apeed four track terminal to be eventually provided from lauson Avenue to the Plaza, about five miles in length. It must be understood that ‘this proposed terminal construction is one of the Ine sepy in the development ofan adcauate transit pan, snd it should ‘not be attempted until the ‘density of the trafic would jantfy the investment. 7 THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK Toad tracks on San Pedro Street will become the mucleus of ty 6, The above program’is bated upon’the assumption 1b3.-j working agreement mill be possible between the city and thc cm Dany desining to. enter the city with its interurban Eity’should remain, in my opinion, in complete control 0’ surface rights along its main thoroughiares, and this can fe cov by the clty building all subway structores under its own sisccts ats, Plating the use of these: permanent rights-of-way to. 9% oper atin Company for a sufficient return to provide for interest on fb Snd Yor a Sinking Fund of say {% per annum, which w tite the investment inside of ity years With am assuzed rior ent of this kind it would te possible if the City Charter permittes. for the city ¢o Bnance the expenditure by issuing bonds out the debt Hmit.and thus the city’s credit could be used to secures? these transit improvements without adding to the city's actualy debt burden. 4 7." should be ‘made impracticable to attempt the duptict tion of the present.apur and switch tracks in the city and vicinit. An interchange agreement must therefore be made with the preset i failroads for the use of these tracks for the delivery and colle tion of foreign catload freight. The three railroads have an terchange agreement of this kind among themselves ime, hich involves a. switching charge of $250 per car for th elivery to or from each other's Hines=so_ that theoretically ever Shipper has. access to. all lines irrespective of his location, practice, however, itis often claimed to be difficult to secure em Puts" ior lonting if the shipment is to be made over a line fore\ to'the one upon which the shipper is located, There would irith not. only the present tines, but also with all future freig. Carrying lines—both steam and electric. , ‘Phi complete interchaege agreement which will make ever inivideal spur track part of one comprehensive terminal ism Unveary problem, but {s really the frst requirement for the mos Sticient freight handling arrangement for Los Angeles. é Re 'As Tae as the municipal road i concerned. there afé. numer of ineations along San. Pedro Street where local carlond Gelivery tracks ean be putin, and it may be that the only wag. srork out the ultimate comprehensive terminal scheme will be Establish these freight delivery sub-stations as part of the moni Sfal system, But the first effort should be to” establish the fag that the ety hae sbficient standing im the form of rights-of powers of regulation, contiol etc, to become an equal partne Bn'interchange agreement which practically will combine’ all of t present and future switch (racks into one union terminal rin developing the network of spar tracks which must 1 provided to verve the industrial district, the use of the electric loc Frotive ‘vill be found desirable, if not absolutely necessary. Ty tracks of the municipal railroad on Sam Pedro Street should Cauipped for the electrical orerstion of freight service, and as 3 SSure leading off from these main ine tracks ean have a mug Shorter radi than if built for ateam, locomotives. it,will be four, that the switeh track system depending on San Pedro Street Service can he made much more fexible than the steam line awit System. Advantage ‘showlé be taken of this fact to deliver ts Shes in the rear of all buildings 40." to keep the main thorough fares free from reight cars, “The advantage of electric. operat Will be one of the {andaniental reasons why the municipal ai fon freteht terminal—the other fondamnental advantage being th fact that these municipal tracks can be built and operated at actoa Cont and thst a8 the terminal becomes more valuable the increase Salve, or “the tmesened increment,” will not be-eapitalized. PASSENGER STATIONS. Bach of the three transcontinental lines entering Los Angel =the Atchison, Topeka and. Santa Fe Railroad, the Southern Pi Gif Railroad, and the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Rai fond, have tieir-own independent passenger terminal ann | ‘The‘Areade Denot of the Southern Parshe ts located nearest 10 th Center of the city, but it i old, unsightly, inadequate and hardly S‘credit to either the city ee the company. ‘The Santa Fe Station {a more modern and sufficient, and although not quite as favorab! located, it will probably be considered by its owners as eaual to th demands of their business for a number of years and considerabh Advantage would have to be demonstrated fo get them interest ina Union Depot project. ‘The Salt Lake, being affliated with t Southern Pacihe, would. probably be glad to abandon their frapv depot on, the opposite side of the river and join the latter undet fnvequtabe aramgement in any proposed station and terminal lng Provements, "hay plas which are made for depot for the Squtherm THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK : Growth of the Community Tocaiten, ue ahaged portion showing the time sonee tinutes of the local surface ayeteme and the Slrelen Incloving the ‘numbers Indleate the timo distance Im minuter from the downtows terminate of the Interurban systema, ‘With the elty aystem, it wil be teen that Iityateates the advantage of gh speed ter= Uictate canatantiy’ slower speeds but” It aw the possibitien of Dprenensive nigh speed. terminal for ail the Interurban cars, Provige such'a terminal and there i no Teason. why" poln from the elty'e g Invthiniy minoten Uné the "resiue Ghirtgeminute TImle. Beyond. this limit the pment of the territory willbe more by the building of Urban aymtem of transportation then by the extension of the pretent wurface street cat facie and the Salt Lake roads would naturally include some con- the development of the riverbed itself ay a railroad right-of-way Peas and the Sat ate conde ceca atc any oSSnttental cams [sa fatre posit which peed not seriously afet present plane Fee te scores Penetrtan sete ncecand i comsice. Any elevated stratareyenehng the rivet, Rowevet, thou e #9 Fone aoe eee onan st este bep St minds, decgaen tat 2 subaurace or fower tack terminal could be bul eee re ee area onsen ar ste a eation one *go'se to parallel and double the upper track capacity a Some tne sta fa oeeeaP Read? Bt Sea fhe sine gomtipuens ta ihe_ i the diane ftare ; [bat USE arse ermtoel Vahdnge at Siate'and ‘Main i the Arzade Depot site should be favored by the rairoxls | alStreets. A station plan, if worked out in’ connection the and a Unicn Station arrangement can be agreed upon, then the city. } apoweets 5 Ast Pg eltcmnen on ape iieeerban nes shoul ‘adopt the plan'so admirably worked out several pens S40 ‘foropesed, erated of sary een a IE aan enent bythe Mucnal Ret Commision aad Me Charis Mullogd Rob icy tik ischion. Be i eee ta G UREN pmoach tovbe secured by ite A adequate for ether [eet 0m. sion, not to encourage the fay and staigttening Filth Steet irom Los Angties Sireet to Cen- | rai Sate i tS cdagen etn alase foes coinal Staton Stns tral Avenue’ i'a Union Station is not possible then tu would at- ieee ape stem Pa nkad Geto. araiey Yo se. pete etter to encourage the Southern Fact atd Salt Lake roads Fee ie cneeamaes Ae ctne a splendid station adjoining se Seats nba of te’ present Pace Elcetrc ternal bul Aon tatla the arangeme . «WPT Fashe oer eiFtme"tie bed of the Los Angele River may Union Depot at the Plara qe tis CUE or aS Le trite tansconnienal tiie, bal TC all of the competing tansconinental team roads can be Sete Bee ea EAB toc tke cancion at broupt to consider Union Depts independent of the Arcade ay gma oF Ge ewer tae ee in petecSng Tans” ack theme most natural thoyght ia regard to ths combined ravoad Ste eerste vata and hee Bis capense gill gos entrance fo the ety Isto have one grand monuonenta portal with Ariel ul Me esetae nts Me yee sry alle, apyropriate seing of open nace pathways and serounding tad itech seare "i the food pers which ow gy oats Balas 4 anne sored it il be potable to take care of the exce i x off by means ofa covered conduit in such a manner that a right- district with plenty of main arte 0 EET OTe a aide wil bevel sod ip a Such should be eany of access fem the siret rlray apne andar Se een iden ese akan of fromthe. Ucoary inthe cake of os Angeles shold bea mixing chamber Foe ey pera ike Stay the vier does or ceatnghouse between transcontinental and interartan parson: | AH eoeteet met inet setter makes ie usta for tating care of ger trac not run inthe digection that maker 1 usa fr Hing ari 5cy Ft docs not take a lengthy study of the plan of the city and | Uo tte he Wong the ott eee oe fer ta, anmporation egoemens to anove fn here om Be | feway to the city should be convenient to the huriness Heading tovand. from its it | 6 TEECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK which is adapted maturally {0 fulfil the requirements of 2 grand Central depot and transfer station and this Tocation is in the im= mediate vicinity of the Plaza. The Diava was the exact center of the original Spanish grant tothe llson Padres of oe faut each way Irom ihe central point, and this original area of twenty-eight aquare miles consti fared the city limits of Los Angeles up to the year 1809 and wat ot materially extended until the year 1896. The Plaza. was the Starting point of all-roads which lead in various directions, fol fowinglin their meanderings the natural topography of the country ‘Then the street plan of the central part of the city was the outcome Of efforts 10° pafaiel these original main highways. The rexult is ‘hat there is no one site in the entire city which can, De reached {ly fom so many diferent directions fs tha original Plaza, and {$s modern transportation naturally follows and accentuates primi- five pathways, 1 would be but natural to have this original center tthe alder ten come into ts ot athe permanent porta! of the Rewer city mhich has grown up about Wut‘ there are many other reasons for favoring this location fora Union Station, flere fe already the beginning of a splendid gris a administration ‘center“wih the ‘Court Vous, Hal of cords, Post Office and Custom House forming an imposing group of monumental buildings and-a crystalized sentiment that i this part of the elty should be located. the new City Tall Further~ nore: the business section, in Seeking unobstructed sites for modern Buildings, has been growing away from this original center, If Walues of property in this vicinity are not maintainea by means ‘pubic improvement of this character, this part of the city will ‘suffer from slow paralysis and Los Angeles is too young and active 2° fo aod wtch-a contingency in any ofits par fhe natural lay of the land at this point allows for » double UNION STATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. ‘Main Waiting Room. deck sation with the traine on the lower level, while the broad Streets and’ posible open spacer will allow for aubisurlace sbway agtng rage achat minimum expen 0 w preatest opportunity exate here forthe. planning of center of civic beauty and uacfulness, which would hardly have Sh'equil in all the eflrte being made by the eiiee throughout the Country to surround their public Dalldings with imposing set: araporation i the fundamental of wa eek ould find. ths splendid: opening for a portal which will allow the ety NOPriT lari ee SP aa bagi et oe Pie edi Ole eat nite Th fer Bie hc a erat toe fo erin aa ie Shee hace ceeds wet at aT putting Se front yard fw order and of creating auch a favorable Spee a ee i te Leh ome Saturday, November 4,1! all the longer, I cannot bat point out that in the developmen iis Biasa center will be found a great opporturity GRADE CROSSINGS. “There are three kinds of grade crossings which it i desirabl eliminate, a5 they are am inconvenience tovrehicle trafic and 3 Sunt menace to hile, Or the three kinds, 1 would class the crossings of the high electri interurban syatem as the most Jangerous, the team fe Hace nd sitchin ‘helm incoancrtat apd continental passenger t rade su the feast just ASaigeneral pe f would say that'ie-wil not one be desi: ‘but should be eompaltor the electric interurban roads the thy without a single grade crossing and the methods ol Complidhing ths eet are discarsed im separate part of Fepott. ‘th freight tracks and switching spurs, however, I helieve the cost of complete. grade separation would be so large as t prohibitive under Los Angeles conditions. ‘To compel this fen either by the city, by the railroad companies oF by the It {es alfecied would be loa hesvy'a financial handicap, an there S"ompromise most be found Fortunately, matursh concitions of topography present a f¢ able solution. ‘The steam roade Toitow the lower Levels alone rates courees and infustiat-develonmen!s have. taken place Tiguous fo good shinping facilites. Retail business and Teside sought the higher levels along the banks of the original © "This makes it ponible by continuing the bridges ove! ‘et and! present railtoad tracks, to provide tong viaguets fo) tran hiehtays spanning te india Yreght tracks, which Femmin on the aarlace a8 at present Y oold suggest that the frst viaduct of this character be ‘on Fourth Streq from Main Street crossing the municipal tal Wicks on San Pedro Stree, continuing over the pretemt Sout [ace tracks on ant comaious to Atomera Steet: connectine the present viaduct over the Santa Fe yards, which already er the fiver and ig bull over the Salt Lake railroad yards. Wf Staduet was fo be continacd over the lowlands on the e23t st The'NNer'te a prover grade on Fourth Street in Boyle Height mbroken elevated Rahway would be supoiied from hil to Overhead. srueture shoule be amply wide to. accnmmodate Sieet ear traces 4 sell to provide a highway for autor andar eet wehices ind dent ; onder to aveid the pessiblity of damage to neonerty alon seth the eight of the overhead roadway should he sachctt ii be pout ocr ind deliver goods rom the cen Randling goods iy and cut of warehoures and factories located ¢ the viaduet, Add to this advantage the privilege of switehing {oad freight to and from the buldings on the lower or resent fevel and ine double decking of the street will become 4 Met aGvaniace which will grealy'add to, rather than detract from ‘alae of al contiguous property. Hf the Fourth Street wiaduct proves its usefulness, the Street viaduct over the Salt Lake tracks, the river and the Sant ifacks fan be continued ir a similor manner ‘nother connection between the business center and the ea part of the city scrovs the river and tracks can eventually be PHed'by building a similar vinduct fo vehicles, pedesttiane Sree cacs on Stith Street; extending trom Aisin Sizeet tof ‘Avehtug, ths in time, providing three main highvrays feom the nese ditrict to Boyle Hes! irom all of thesy elevated roadways, inclines, with not excee a four pet cont grade, should lead to the street level ah conve Selnts "a acesuny ofthe diference in levels beteen Nisin S Ehd Los Angeles Street, tke viaducts would leave Siain Street ut very hile rite In fact ie the nafural depression which * place between Main ‘Street and ‘Los Angeles Street which hese suggestions reasonable. Were it not forthe topography = place theta and neat Stil woud ery: rabahly cen Scatfered in all directions around the retail district, ba Tower level between Main Street and the river now forms 4 na industrial distiet whieh fs next to the steam road track alone Danks of the river” This contiguity of warehouses, tracks and fnakes it practicable to reverse the uamal order of track lev nd subway streets as found fn other cities and to elevate the raving the secondary streets and switch tracks on g this provfing avery acceptable compromise Yo complete grade ration, at arconeierabe less expense Beyond, tes iit ot che wey indanil diet ther several bad grade crotsings. Followitg the precedent already 4 Sromberahighnay bridge over theralrond ach om srith the foregoing tuggertion to earry the main highway: over Throughout the wholetsis, warehouse and’ manufacturing tectic the city it wos! appear best to standardize the practice of the find eliminate ts'1 rule, By carrying the streets over Tn connection with grade separation of the passenger ty ings, ts greatly increasing. the present {aeiitie THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK a "erm blic Liorary Los Ary the City are to the north H TERRITORY ANNEXED GITY OF LOS ANGELES cau ane TH REPORT OF BON J ARNOLD LOS ANGELES TRANSPORTATON PROBLEM ory CONC Scace or mives ot contrat gsvernment, In'tme ta Greater Lot Ange! s THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK tracks, the city will be called upow to pass upon the pl Passenger teritinal for at least tne: Southern Pacific and Puke thas within the not far distant future. One of the fist cone erations. governing the approval of these plans should he the zntire clmitation oP she pastenger racks erowsng any stcet a rade. ‘If this requirement is insisted upon the grade crossing dai er from all passenger tain movement will be removed as the Sam HE tracks are slong the river and tn-time may all be crossed by the onituation of the ver bridge, ie expense of grade separation by means of overhead street via: auciohl eared’ by the sarod’ eampaniey by the iy and the local street car company. In Chicago the plans for the Climination of grade crossings which have been mainly completed, Exiled for the expenditare of $150,000,000 in round numbers, which Shows how important this problem of grade separation may become. IG an improvement which cannot be much longer delayed in Los Angeles, and if the steam railroads are not called upon to remove their traces from the city stecet level they should be expected {0 contribute liberally to the compromise plan of elevating the main thorosghlares crossing the industrial district. "FREIGHT HANDLING, ‘The industrial efficiency of any city depends in a large measure upon the convenience and adequacy of its freight terminais. In the Bailing of Los Angeles the ireight tracks have been located con ‘yeniently,and at the nresent time cannot be’said to be inadequate— The scriois problem ie to provize sufficient future facilities, a8 e357 fof access a4 the present spur tracks, ‘Frere are at present inthe eity ten miles of team track for less than car load fretght, and separate spur tracks aggregating sixty-five ArTegie PLRLATD STREETS ADRS ERSEDPESE, rate Tt ese coud rt ace ey raph tet Seas aes ea acorns ci ee Sa ae ae aa ay dea ae at fe ar Pit feou'thustrauons*Sf the potelbilier of the srustc Jenes miles in length for the purpose of connecting factories and ware- Rouse aeetly with the valvonds. There is plenty of room for the Extension of suitch-track systems, but the conventent opportunities for aiins are ivgely aay from the husigen dpe There a histiey, however, trectly contiguous to the fetal streets which Has heeofore ern wed gel or reedents and rt snes purposes, bt which is naturally Sdapted for wholesale business an Foanulaclories if only had the advantage of eat oad freight de very: to supply ths district with freight service will require the tye af some of the city streets for railroad tracks as the reaching Stresch patel of property over 4 private right-of-way is becoming Snore: expensive year’ by year. ‘To thus turn te streets over 10 vfvate tasinces tea serious step, and cam only be justified by the Tel tat ts the rat doty of the ety to foster Rs own indasris. si‘these industria tracks were required fo be elevated or depressed the expense would prohibit the proposed use of this district for Industral purposes. "To remove the objection to the use of the Srcets for relght cat switching it would be. possible. to limit the movement of the care Targely to might hours. As this district srl naturally cease to be a residence section and the cars would Be handled by elecric locomotives, there Fem ‘very Title objec Saturday, November 4, 1911. ‘op arta athe ar nn sr Fae ee reg Aame'a Suge faved og lal eae oe meg es aaa ee a eet are ade eek ar Sed Ge eter Sas ise ie Geog ge tsa, te peregcmm feces, Hea amare FS Weg ie eae mat etal ance PA aon frvey es tara raed agence ee Set teehee hadi Sec eid emer male sep eee an ee car en a et Reser cea lai dh erat i enaece” tole ie ane ae eee I a tes Seppe deed ee eth ms uch ah Su fiat nal eye, Exch a epee phe going trucks and the present system of loading and unloading will Se ee Sh ey eee tse see he eee Ne er GigE Base fea in andor ee sma tata eects as Gun gates Meant a cen y Se a a at on ih ata eng ae eter LN wet ects at pemnon, ee dota deans Med gosta and i ee aki an oT tees cee eo ee er ee teat eee haere tee oh abe So ete Cea ep ptt tase carer oe raga Brevoniion, feel A, mR ee tit a senna Be ace Pome sites eh pel ore ih a rant a eee eta socio Hoe Renee ed sail gh abaya commas al a Fee ae ie ed a ee ea elta tui eae Tenipriaion probe ta ie mandingo meena SSnmaniy 0 U imeor ae on sien aT thes foray weer ft Chars mio, ot Ola tate ee Pee creche otha ents ma cen Secon and alge a rie CR or Nee PE lama te AB etn i fect tacea ohe, Gheig creat a a, eal Seen ene ee ee la at of ie oes ease aie cand dgryobeny Rd sag oe 9 ta mab or oer mega rad guns re eed hen ait See tet Ral evc hea SOE er ee sige eiaeh alent actande as em tn See Ee canine ene nt ey he Set adopted in LOY Ange hgh cen ODN TN Moar he oa Nae bead cree, Mebcay Breton feat get and ta ie alone Base Bier ge computa a aan oh ae iis, outed comme he St ate atta Teri eth ta sy Atle ten Wee aed Pace hatha oa bee et te rae crane and ae i, emp emma Sen fa Tee Aes nee attend ee Beppe he er Ng we temsadttathag! Soot is, caren ae eh fn eee ane cents IE host devine forts thaw cork ne A ENE ect ose teen fen ema gael ahctaMghad sera tant os lls Ueted ita he I ee an Rr ns cee eee ae te ea rere a Sere athe ee att fae ill uta thors srg an oa aan ean a eho Se rere or Oy Peat One a ete! Pee semen ee loath a a oat fared ge teste tle taal! tartan aon aE re eee eee ite ea i ee incor Regt ihe adeattes of i sapeeman and pode eto eee Fron ee meen NL ashe ne hood kt eAb MS MAgTna tate ple alle eet a MES aod et caea at bec tons ote ed at eS ee Esa Rea ate ey hhead “‘ebiele.highwa Hin order to reduce the cost of staple household commodities and { tbe® te’ ioeal surface lines to. the Toll advantage, There fa ne | reason. why such a. system should not ‘be extended. to dncude it express parcels, delivery from department’ stores, food. supplies, {ce,’papers and’ all other articles of every day consumption: De: p partment stores. in" other cities are now loading. U ‘ Thucks for telivery to sub-atations by ‘means of fa { may be termed the cartridge principle, thus. saving { ends of the line, and this same idea could be used «for a “similar service on the local car lines, ‘The siree: car companies use their own tracks for the delivery + 9f construction material for their own tse and thus secure a Cor T aiderable saving” The same class of equipment which they use for this purpose could be used to, equal advantage for the delivery of materials for ‘street work and-paving—and if the contractors } or this “kind of city work had the privilege. of using the. local teat tracks for carload delivery. the city. itsell would get oeneft ‘of the economy. LOCAL STREET RAILWAYS. A large part of the street, car system in Low Angeles and its * immediate vicinity is operated ‘independently ofthe electric lines serving the surrounding towns and cities. The difference in track \ gauge marks a natural division in most cases between the urben T#CALIFORNIA OUTLOOK y the elty with, a8 yet, very few elteul" Tin which would divert some at the seat {rack ta trom 41 par cent to $0 per cent In Lon’ Anesice ‘other Amerie Ings of the local system ‘compare. favorably ‘with ‘these of other American. cities of 8 The raine a about twice other citer by ood service. ‘and interurban system. |The tocal narrow gauge system is now controlied by’ Mr. HE. Hustington and 1s Being ‘operated in accordance with his policy of supplying a liberal amount. of to-date and ‘well maintained equipment: ‘The result is thatthe travel upon the city tracks approximates. very nearly one. ride for each city inhabitant per day—while in other cities of this site this ratio is about five-tenthe to sixtenths, Los, Angeles Aires the advantage Cy "steno Tuniveea ane: fers.” “one city. one fare” and" ‘which are benefits still denied to some cies and which have been obtained by ‘other cities only through legal or primitive means The present city problem ss far as concerns transit require: ments, is to do away with the present and f mngestion in the business ‘district to reach a better understanding. with, the including the building of eros: to provide a better pavemem ‘The down-town congestion is due, not so much excessive number of cars in this a io the loops and curves, the use of which has grown with the evolution of the rowing of the systems. "It cannot be said that this evolution has been haps hata tat a more systematic arrangement of the down tows outing could have been possible. ‘The maximum improveinent ‘hat the riding habie can Be , 19 is only possible, however, by eliminating the interurban electric cars fom the surface tracks and particularly {rom Main Street. ‘Aa'soon as the movement of the surface cars cam be acceler civon Stain Street during the rash hours, 2 very desided im. orenen in Ge saice an eect congo toe oan foun accton” ‘An effort should be ‘made to. pass the cata through this district in auch away a8 to, avoid the curves St street tae ferseetiony. A car passing around a curve takes fully $0% more time to dear the crossing than a car_ passing directly across a Surcet atcright angles, the difficulties of the ‘trafic. police in learing the may, for the ‘ars on curves are much greater and the testing” oP he cis op the tea of one striae that of another makes impracticable the running of cars in. pavts a igh speed. at street mtersections * mae irl Seite fee Te work aut a scheme of down-town route which by comnesting the rutes on opposite shice of the eit s0"as to form through routes, will make it possible to have nearly 21181 the intersections right angle crossings with but. very. few Curves of loops, As already stated, howevet, this great hmproee tment in. contingent on. taking the interucham ars (of the Main ‘Street tracks, which can be done as suggested in nother part of this report, in eross-town and non-paying outying districts have Tong. haul and the small amount of business could mean nothing Dut loss to the company-bat the cross connecting fines, which ARTISTIC ELEVATED STREETS. pesMalberry_ Street Bridge. Showing Railroad ‘Tracka, Harrisburgh, Pa. are tually considered as desirable parts of a aystem of this size ive been neglected in planning these circuit routes, two results should be sought — cone ta get aroute and eventually more than one route, entirely Stound fhe city outside of the down town congested disirit, and the other result fa to use parts Of theae crossown lines for the Connection of certain parts of radiating. fines, thas forming Series of outside Tops” which will make it possible 9 increase the service inthe short-haul istrict without Fanning all the ears {othe esireme ends of the liney of switching them back and tating ‘the passengers take: the next ‘ear! ‘The earnings of the Toca! Hines are nove increasing at such factory rate that it is not unreasonable. to. expect the local Company fo'mske a. considersble. addition to it trackyge coc Seareiue these “extensions should ‘be located “where they ‘wil produce the greatest gool to the largest numer. Extensions Beyond the foursmiie circle should be pat in with caution. ‘Non: paying Branches can Only be operated st the,sacrifee of possible crvice over the remainder of the system and it is quite a ques: tion in city planning whether the opening wp of new subdivisions around the periphery of a sity before the closer im sections have Been taily well built up is & good civic poiey. Beyond the Gvevmile imi ti tbe expected that enters of population wilt begin. to. gather, partielarly a regular stopping Dolnts on the rapid trans linea running intg the business. part Of the ‘main city If a tuficent number of these ‘atlets are provided there wil be comparatively ite the ‘extension of the local systems beyond. the thirty-minate oF MMecmile rads circle, as the interarban tines can reach the out ‘ng district in a tmich shorter running me. Tf t gate ib provided "with, racks entre dent of th Grades and nearly all city stops are ted, the higher pow: Ered cats should reach the five-mile circle in ftom ten to twelve minutes and in thirty minutes should teach centers fully twelve fo fifteen miles from the business center. This superior service as far as time is concerned, emphasizes the fundamental differ- fence between the city or local lines and the rapid transit or independent af the street, TSECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK Saturday, November 4, 1911, interurban tines, and_would seem to indicate that beyond a cer- {ain distance Kom the citys center the territory can best be Served by the high speed. system. ‘Fhe time is now ripe for 2 discussion of this whole question of additions and extensions to the city railway systems and the ptes- Ent_and future: felations. between. the company and. the ‘ity. ‘There are a number of fundamental considerations which, jm my ‘piston, should be. recognieed. First: The business of urban transportation nopols., Here is-one case where competition is wasteful and in fficetive, One eity—one faresthrough routes and universal fransiers are the reste of Paving one company serve the entire community Second: This monopoly should be completely under effective municipal conteol, both for the protection of the community. and iso for the saleguatding of the Interests of the corporation Melt JT. Control should tecate adequate sericea the lowest Co Should encourage the operation of the Toad at a constantly prog Fessing eficiensy and should provide extensions and. additions Secordance with public necessity and. demand. Public control means publiciy of all Gnancal and opcrating records and to. be CHective, the public offeiais charged. with the responsibility of ‘Exercising this power should be able, honest and beyond the react jal and particslaly Torat inBuence "Phieds, “On ahe. other and’ the actual investment nthe operty, both present and future, should be secure and protected Beibre Uatensions are required of fates reduced, the demands for ‘expenses, taxes, maintenance renewals, amortization of Valves tnd'a air promt to capital must be recognized. Thee ts a surplus: the elty and company should be partners and mutually decide whether the surplus fe to be teed for the extension Of the system for the reduction of the fares or for the betterment Of the service Sine length of time of the franchise or permit to vse ireets shouldbe indeterminate. The eity shuld be sh { tnd contingons Conteh of all it, stecty and thie result Ean be secured best by the company surrendering its present teries ol etminal anche Se lanka perm ecu 3c Gucing good behavior” and giving the sity the right to porchase the entite system sta fair value determined upon am agreed bavis, Under these restrictions {can see mo reason why the com munity should not continue in comparative harmony with its local public utility. transit company, nor way the company showid sot five adequate service over-a constantly growing system. If the Fivestnent v= protected, the company cam proceed to develop the property. without fear of loss or confscation, The advocates of Trunicipal ownership should see in this arrangement the slfimate ‘Opportunity for the’eity to secure the lines ata fait price without Giurtingan injltice the investors who fave dont so: nei fo ring prosperity to the city, "E Pinttact “ordinance adkering closely to these fondamental principles should prove at effective in Los Angeles as a. similar Brdinance has proven in Chicigo—although it must be understood Ghat'the greatee density of street car athe Im. Chicago creates conditions there which are somewhat different than’ those. in Lou Angeles and therefore ft cannot be expected that the “Chicago Scttkiment” wil apply inal of Ws details fo the sitvation here. INTERURBAN ELECTRIC RAILWAYS Los Angeles owes much ofits prosperity as a commercial cen- ter and it pre-eminence as a resort ety to its interurban electric System. “Located as iia, pote way between the mountains and the’ seny it-naturatly: gets the Denesl of the extraordinary. growth of population and wealth which fa taking place in all directions." It mulitbelrcogitned, howergs haf nad i not Been for the road Constructive. policy followed by the present management in Dro- Gecing. the. network of ‘lecine inet which binds together the Uiferens communities of the district, the City of Los Angeles itself suid be “ee attractive both Torbesineay "and nieasure, The tlectfc railway systems play a farge part in the prosperity ant Rappiness of the people of this entire section, and i believe it is 2 fortunate ciccumstance that the entire system ie under one cone Such depends upon the future aitiude of the citizens of Klos Angeles and the present owners of the system—the Southern Pacific Railroad ‘The continnal growth of this interurban system should not be hampered, Immediate attention must be paid to the subject of terminal facilities as the present arrangements are already over Iaded:, A suggestion has been made in another section ofthis Teport, for the ase of San Pedro Street and the handling of the Isteaiban cats Inthe lowe floor of the peetent Paci Hectic depot, but ‘while this plan will relieve at-once the congestion on Minin’ Street and provide: means of keeping the ears on their hedale, it most be regarded as but a temperaty expedient and not imanaible trol of an_ elevated ‘the present THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK u felted oe Spee Tenens Deine atthe. points ‘Spon the map. that the the’ Tocation of ewiten tracke In 1 will be, Inatailed of Suntral purposes, which ie from any of tho present steam roads. that It would not be iat ite northern end. with the ‘Pecine and fants Peo Bt Cracks of the Souther Tt the four track road of the Pacific Eisc~ tle Interurban lie Long Bench Avenue ecome, available. fort inal building and back to and across the siver, with a connece Tonia the vitinity of the present Southern Pacihe Arcade Depot tothe foue tacks of the Southern. Division of the electric inter- turban system running to Long Beach, San Pedro, Santa Ana, Whit; Nertete “her crossing the river, this extension should connect ith the Northern Division, which serves Pasadena, Alhambra and the other foothill communities. Outside of the assistance of a franchise from the city, this en- tire improvement could, be. built by the owners of the present System without the eity's aid, eredit or money, and although, the Etcktment would be considerable, it would seem to be justined. y aouid be encouraged tg work ot an fo provide this permanent way for an entrance free irom grade crossings, and at the same, time ection. running northwest nto. the city Giselose there plans for a tunnel cc From ill Street parallel t@ Sixth Street. Several years ago & funnel enterprise wae proposed to take care of the traffic {o Santa Sonica and vicinity, bat the Anancial depression caused a delay in pushing the undertaking. ‘The growth of the Hollywood district Rie opdaing up of the San Fernando Valley and the extension of the clectee linea into this district. through the Cahuenga Pa Would teem to be additional reasons for the construction of this Touble track outlet through the hills west of the business center. Now that all of the interorban lines are under one control, this Noxeta Subessriace branch. aHould be designed tor connect” with The Stites divisions of the system by a sub-way under the sizeets OF the downtown istrict’ to the Pacihe Electric. Terminal at Slaahand Male Streets. Care should. be used, howevee, im the iogation of this cross-towa subway, so that it wil not interfere wih fongitudinal subways which eventually may be located on Broadway, Spring of Main Streets. It will be a question a8 which subway should have the right-of-way on the upper level Crossings at the same level would not be advisable ‘ ‘Tt will thus be possible for the interurban electric company to be [provided ‘with high epeed terminal equipment of is own Usage construction and ownership. “These roads stiould have an Sourince Into the city entirely independent of any other transpor- ation ayatem, and if they ate to expend the millions which thig ggesied terinnal will cost would seem right that they should ROE aNong tery anahine” “An indeterminate franchise ch 48 Iuight be sivisable with the surface railway system, woul probe TEM ave av applicable inthis eave a8, on the one hand the Com: pany, would not want to part with their expensive terminals, and Bathe other the eity would. hardly care to exercise its right tO chase terminal facts only, without acqu 2 Attention should be called to the fact, however, that althoag’s the building of these terminal connections will probably ibe found Aesirable by ‘both company and the city, that this arrangement ‘imately will be found lacking in adequacy as the extensions are directly 2t right angles to the citys most probable direction of Erowth and therefore congestion at a concentrated terminal even= Eeaily wil result will take a number of years" growth, how fever? to develop thie detect, at which. time” additional terminal Facies will be needed in. any event, s0 that the proposed le ated Sad tonnel int which cine. it within helmet fee Years, wil Slways continue to be useful up to ther full capacity, And thelr building at the present will interlere in no way with, bat athena auppiement tire terminal arrangements imately there. mill be need. for an elongated. sub-surface terminal alotg the axis of natural growth and with a number of Stations for the distribution and. collection of passengers. Such Scrnina woud collet the elesre tntertrtan lincs 3 the est nd northwest at a point near the original Plaza, and interurban Fines entering the city from the south, the west and southwent at a"center locited in the vicinity of Pico and. Mein Streets. Uy ipeane of express trac paralleled by focal taeka-a im the 2 York subway, it would provide convenient outlets for interurban trate to the’ entire: busine ‘While such an ‘elongated {ciminal woud teve certain amouni of shar haa local patron: Age, ts principal function would be to p speed con ection through the city. for the electfc lines radiating to and Connecting the ‘centers of population which are now growing uD ‘THE “OPEN CUT" METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION Sub-murface railway construction in Los Angeles should bbe of the “open cut” type as far ae possible. This has been Seserited an "a subway without a rool” and is particularly ‘Adapted to the climate of Southern California. The accom ‘Panying illustration shows the four track depression recently Eonseructed through the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, N.Y. ‘Many of the homes along this rosd were built after the road vay constructed, showing the email objection to. this {ype of construction. all about the i Gan be provided only by i, The best service to, these ontying dst sera ine thnfetigna a ops on te‘exorent tanks within the city limita of Los Angeles, except the four suit" Tn the business dineite I local stops within the ety and just outside the city are to be provided in connection with the high speed. interurban service, Bis can te done best by providing four tracks for some distance, Ising two of the tracks for local and two for express sefece, het dropping down to three tacks in the more removed districts, hing he GU wae for ane-way ranthou tae nt the. ty J the morning, and away from the city In the evening af working days and always withthe crowd upon holidays and Sundays. “Sn account of the length of many of the interurban uns it will be fevnd more economical to ntore the cats carrying much Ui'tnis one-way" traffic near the central terminal during the middle ‘of the business day, and the design of the complete terminal should Inelufe provision for these storage tracke. Transfer stations “ould be provided between the two high speed terminal systems wore they intersect near Sixth and Main, andthe subway” which will serve the largest number of Patrons should be Tocated on enero Gerclopment of high speed terminals for the int w development of high speed terminals for the interurban ystems Wil have the same effet on the business center of Los Rngeles tt the moving into the present city limits of a large amBunt of the’ surrounding population. With real rapid transit {o'Pasaden, for instance, the 36000 people at present living there THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK \ \ Saturday, November 4, 1911. souk be a8, eat the shopsing center of Los Angeles the Fesidents of the city itsell now living between the three and four- nile circles,” There is apparently no way in which Los Angeles nd its sphere of taflence, both for plensure and Dusttess, ‘ind effectively a8 providing an unobstructed entrance and the interurban elecine system. The rides. perc tite people of this. district are already” very high, Sut every ime provement which will make it still easier to travel from one cen. Kee to all other centers will farther increase the "riding habit Fite remarkabie history of the building up of the towns and cities of this district and the correlation existing between the prosperity ff the community and the activity of its people which was made Possible by the splendid cletric eat service can only. be an en Eouragement for stil greater improvements. and_extensions, Sit posable: betterments, the butiding of a ‘comprehensive, Los Angeles city terminal for the interurban system wil be of the igreatest beneit Pending the removal of the interurban cars entirely from The surface of the streets of Los Angeles city, there should be an ar= angement made which will make it possible to transier from ome System to the other inside the city Linite, "The Pacific Electric >= Rom slow operates about seventy miles of track, located upon the Streets of the city (not ineluding Wilmington and San Pedro. The Sursying out of the comprehensive plan for a high speed terminal will eventvally. do away with the use of any tracks on the surface of the streets bythe interurban ears—and at such Ome the opera lon of these sireet car Hines should be tamed over fo the focal Sompany 4028 to secure ore system for the entire in ofder to obtain practically the same result without the delay. incident to the carrying out af the terminal plan, it should be Possible for the two, companies to enter into a local transfer agrees ent, covering the interchange of passengers inside the city limits oniyy and f would suggest that at the nest opportunity auch an Sgreement be insisted pon. IMMEDIATE RELIEF FROM MAIN STREET CONGESTION ‘There can be little doubt that the frst step to be taken to- ward improving the transit conditions in Los sngeles and vicinity isto ‘relieve the congestion of ‘trafic’ due Go the operation of both interurban and local surlace cars on Main Street. Fully 45.0 riders on Doth systema are delayed trom hve to forty tutes during the rush hours each day and as many more are incon Nenienced “during the non:tsh hours, due to. the “fundamental dctects of the fransportaticn -arfangements afong” Main. Street Even a paral tnt of thete defects Makes 4 formidable atalogue of possibilities for improvements. tthe interurban terminal. building of the Pacific Electric Company” at Sixth and Main Streets ve ‘bad “stub nd ter minal afrenged im such a way thatthe incoming track of he forth division of the interurban system intersects the out-gol track of the south division. All of the entering and leaving traces Contain curves directly im front of the building upon iain Street, which carries a heavy vehicle and local surlace car trate. Tie movement of the cars in and out of this building, therelore, is Hampered constantly. ‘All interurban cers using this terminal must wait their turn to ducharge and load theinpssengera and 9 proviion hos een made, by means of storage tracks, to s0pply ‘rippers or extras to'take the place of delayed cars. ‘The loating arrangements are ho longer suitable to handle crowds conveniently or comfortably fn order to take a car from the terminal waiting-room one Us stand before a closed gate until hie car js called, and asthe Schedule. becomes. disarranged during the blockade there is ‘no ‘Way of telling when any particular cat is to. be expected. Fre- hnucnily the delays ta the standing patrons. become exceedingly fedjoud and when the car does come’ there ta a general scramble Bnd contest 10 obtain a seat. The height of the cat steps above the found level latorm mates the loading slow and inconvenient, Especially to passengers wit) hand baggage. ‘The tars feave the terminal slowly. as. they. myst find their place in the. procession of local cars upon. Main Street and. at Sere gag mgreetin the entre ie of ned tafe farther layed ether by crossing tars and vehicles, or by surface care Weaving their way in or out of the file. At one place (Third and SiSin Streets) the interseeting line becomes part of the main tine jor a short distance, causing 2 double delay, which is made worse by the overhang of the eats and the spacing of the track centers fon the curves which permits only one cat ta pass at a fact that the ears from different systems and routes are prevents the moving of the cars across the intersections 1n groups bf two and three ata time, snd as it is hard to tell whether a car {going stra ad of i to turn a corner, both the vehicle {talc and the pedestrian travel are considerably delayed at neatly very street crossing "The se of a marrow guoge track by the local cars and 2 by’ the interurban system necessitates duplex. oF standard ga auntie track Feary flanges on the cars, @ conjunction with the duplex Iater= i TSECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK 8 sections and the use of heavy cars, cause excessive noise at street intersections. The delays incident to this Main Street congestion become > cumulative a6 the cars. frst delayed pick up a large share of lite P oan hour load, thus becoming actomatically slower in their load: 1B ing and anloading operations until the feault ia three or four & crowded cart on a toute followed by a number of only partly a loaded ones. As a rule the schedule provides for a liberal number ii of seats, but the Main Street difieulties introduce delays whieh ot Feduce the car supply Just at a time when the system should be maximum capacity. 1 hie desertion in nox intended ay a : 1M of the teack layout of of the presemt management as it is apparem “hat the tracks are taking care of many more cars than they ‘ete intended to serve at the time the terminal was put in opera 1. son—some seven years ag0.. The present situation ig plainly 3 io the remarkable growth of thecclty and district, with a corre Ponding development of city and interurban trafic, much larger vs Shan was anticipated. ‘ Permanent Relief T ‘The solution which will provide permanent relief from present @ Main Street conditions will be an arrangement which will elim- tem the Loe Ange Unbroken Tinen on the map. ‘The Pacine Bleetrle Comp ‘alied. the ‘by the aushed ‘outlying alates by mane of the cireult of eroe inate the interurban system entirely from the grade of fither by means of 2 subway, open cut or elevated s Giscussed at greater length i another part of this report ‘This permanent arrangement, however, will require consider able time, perhaps several Years, for designing, fi f building, and, therefore, there fe need for a temporary expedient Which will a once relieve the present transit situation, which ‘ow almost intolerable and which ts rapidly growing worse. ‘Temporary Use of San Pedro Street Of several, streets pavailesto Main Street which might be used for relief tracks, San Pedro Street with its tecently opened exten- sion to Aliso Street ie by lar the most available and denrable Avatudy of the map will show how the cars of the northera divisio of the Interurban aystem could be diverted from Aliso Street down San Pedro Street to Sinth, and thence to's terminal, using. the ower floor of the present Pacific Electric boil "The difference in levels between the front of this building on Main Street and its rear entrance on Los Angeles Street fortue nately allows for a very convenient rearrangement, continuing the tive of the present waiting-room, which can be enlarged by opeti~ jing the restatrant room in the reat. ing room can be secured by. some of the upper level space now 4 THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK devoted to express office and stores, and also by turning part of the basement, which ss not being used for any purpose at prevent, intg'a‘concourve, Seven tacks qth a capaci of three fats on tach ‘tack can be supplied. with ample. loading and unloading Sisiforms ‘on the lower level and, the two tracks on the upper evel with their platforms can also be retained. Siye ew ‘artangement will provide. (wo improvements, which wil be greatly appreciated. Storage tracks. will be possible om Whit ‘aftscan be held in readiness to take the place’ o” delay Gatotig ether words to act asa reservoir which will allow it~ Feqularites in the schedule to be removed and the cars run prac: Ucliy"on times “The ase of more than two terminal tracks wil ‘llow the cars’on various routes to be loaded slowly and it wil ire possibie for the passengers to wait for the leaving time, seated im the cars, instead of being herded in the standing” room before the gates as at presemt. Speed and comfort, two, of the essentials for Good transportation, mill thus ‘be greatly increased. by the Proposes changes Rocca Wate” and “El Molino” car could ll comings to rum on Main Street, at at present, Usnoferring passengers (0 the'througl or express'cata at Aliso and San Pedro Streets, thus raintainng the rights, of the Pacihe Electric Company on Slain Street pending the development of a permanent terminal Slaton i may’ be found thst daring the nov-rush hours the other un ime era coud lg conic te ope Math Strat, bata of ine rush ‘hour extras and the Ayers during the day should leave the ower terminal in order to secure the advantage of leaving ex ‘THE “OPEN CUT" METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. ‘Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad. ‘This is « typical “Local” Station, The platform serves the Sutide 12k acts only. “Tete ateione sre Located ut every fourth Block. actly on time and passing out of the city with but little delay fom treet trafic and ear congestion. “It will be found desirable to make a cross-connection between the tracks of the Pacife Electric ‘Company on Main Street and on Sixth Street so that cars can be trancferfed conveniently and in addition allow the El Molino cars to be run to the Areade depot ‘The. climination of «large number of interurban ears fcom MainStreet, particularly during’ the tush, hours, would. at once Femove the fundamental cause of considerable poor service during Ehat time on the local surface system, and it should be possible fot the Los Angeles Railway Company to re-route some ofits cars 80 as'to do away with the many curves at street intersections in the downtown ditrict., The lessening of the noise on Main Street by ‘decreasing the nomber of heavy Interurban cars erossing the spe ial work at each street crossing will not be the least advan- tage of the proposed plan. "As the suggested use of San Pedro Street is only intended to be ‘temporary, pending the working out of 3 more permanent arrangement, and is apparently the most feasible solution of the Present cificultes, some way should be found by the city and the allway companies to bring about this result, 'Pitet Section of Munielpal Railroad, ‘The double track on Sam Pedro Street from Aliso Street to Seventh Street may be considered as the first section of the pro- "osed. municipal railroa a connection to the tracks cf the Pacife Blectzic at Aliso Street om one end, and at Sixth Street fand at Seventh Street on the other, and a possible connection 10 ihe Seuther Baie at Third Sure, arload felt could be de ivered ahd collected to and from any spur or siding slong it length, thus opening up at once a centrally located section nearly ‘a mile in length, particularly adapted for warehouse and factory Saturday, November 4, 1911. “The city should control this important main ling in the heart of the Inddstrial district as it: has spuectrack: possibilities. wien Nil permit rairosd connections throughoat a large. territory Witch Is now. dependent upon teams and trucks or its freight Sehice. It will be apparent that San Pedro Sireet ig tn a positon iorverve both the passengers and freight tealic of the cits, the Semen at once, and the falter more and more ay the indastrial cstabisiments locate along the lines of the maim ack ahd its Sranches“Eventoally as the passenger fusiness i withdeawn {rom the surfaces tne freight use of the tracks will become: more pro- founceds “Dering ‘he peried that the interarban cars. are using tie tracks the felght should be hauled largely a night. TI Crossing of ths entre indurinal district by viaducts for sirect C43 Snd,vehisie trate in discusied in anothey pagt of this report ‘rhe building of the tracks on San Pedro Street and their tem- porary use for interurban passenger trafic iz an important Step foward the development of £ comprehensive traction program, 24d 5c consummation of this improvement, at this time, Would be the fester encouragement toward the working oot of a satfactory Permanent plan "Financial and Franchise Arrangemente ‘The possible joint tse of the proposed San Pedro Street tracks by the Imerorbam electric system and by the. municipal railroad whi'require some franchise rangement quite out of the ordinary, ind the temporary ase of the tracks by the Pacike Eleciric Cort pany during the period of securing a private mght-ot-way rrakes Hhe"sieation unique and without prec N ‘There are. apparently two. nancial snd franchise plana by regan wen these propced tasks on San Pedro Sree contd One’ plan, which might be called “the immediate municipal ownership. plan’” would be for the city to construct the tracks dwn funds "ae part of the proposed munieipal ralrond. and Unler ino an agreement with the Pacibe Electr Company for the tetof these tracks on a ental Sass. ‘the other plan, which may be termed “the ultimate municipal ownership. plan" ‘would be for the Pacific Electric Company to Soild the tracks under an ‘agreement hat the eity ia. to have the fight folporchase the sfaca ae any me at acta, cot, and that when Sula peimaent ifofway canbe provided by means Bian elevated or subesurice structure, the company will" withe raw ite interurban care from the street siviace. “Thy fatter plan sould practically bean, inceterminate franchise, Times ced a "henuse daring Rood behavion’” snd. permit for public utifites which is rapidly growing in favor, 33 E’Combines the advantages of both the shore term Tranchive and the Tong term franchise sithout their objectionable features Ie Ts not the intention of this preliminary technical report to iscust at length the comparative merits of these two plans” With Proper preenitions ether form of agreement. will accomplish the Ferult desired, and that ia to-relieve the isin Street congestion By allowing the use of San Pedro Stegct for the interurban ears a3 2 cemporsty. expedient pending the evelepment of a permanent ind independent terminal Tor the Pacine Electric system. As any Sgreement would not be 4 permanent one, t would seem that the ‘fEauic to be accomplished {of grentet importance than the method flected to secre the imprarementy ny forther arguments. as tothe “public necessity and demand for ach an rangement de Meedey 1 apPend hefewth Several photographs showing the daly congestion of cars upon Mainstreet: Sim my. study of the ttansportation system of the ‘arioue cities in'the country have found'no. worse situation, Nor tone which apparently can be corrected more readily. CITY AND DISTRICT PLANNING The making. of Greater Los Angeles will apparently be the result of won sytem of unidcacion of the present ity with ies {Stelle communities within # radius of perhaps twenty-five miles fom the prevent. center. Hut Wt hardly eems.porsiie that this fnlarged.dictrict could reach its highest possbilties” of civic development under the present form of city government. “What is heeded, apparentiy, is some mettod of conscldation, sich as the Eorough system, which will unite the present metropolitan center with the other surrounding communities so as to enable the com: Thon problems of transporiaiion, water supply, sewage and. street Plans to be co-ordinated and centrally controlled, leaving the more Strictly local problems, such ss atrect cleaning and lighting, Bre nd police protection, etc, to be administered by each individeal etn rr t to be a city plan, b id NS report does not purport to be a city plan, but it wou bbe better for transportation and for city planning, if, the two Problems could proceed to 2 solution hand in hand, for itt» fully e°important to” have. plan for the symmetrical and economic development of the city, and district as it is to have a compre: Nensive transportation plan "There are places in the cty where the lack of a comprehensive city plan has left obstacies ia the way of a thoroughly effective Steet raliway transportation system. It will cost more to correct these defects than fo have made them tight in the frat place and T#CALIFORNIA OUTLOOK Ns intriete {Curnbacks in'the business cent ‘There are however, a large number of ‘which Intertere with the car tracks tne eutlete from. the {ha went alone Seco Fitth Strsete and. the diagram mows the Dosstoaitiee of more Oy manne ‘Of tunsele and open cute through these hill ‘Six hundred care during auge Interurban system, Whe CE heer tnt cde act |S es Bie Se Ge gale acs pps on abe sitting fat | age WetgeSchngs Sided gua by pele ama fay decing aot 2 Bee ety ie potog of suk | peg ofthe ok genteess the AyiPe cue ol eliow natural grades. iuitead “of | | Another. center is naturally developing in the. vicinity of devsore iat feel Tele atari ol [At San atu ht wd Se ected tee ia aang whe hecersrd ia ont cesar od; \ tag ue tucton attaege ty abana ea Ct Seer est Pi? abated am ech te rat tendency inthe growth of every community te tortie hls Mond bound a locton simoat eel gt | ve dee homes cena ins Gama eney comme AS TEENS Uae tata ace volo ikl wos coerce Sete EEL Seat Mette fand dk irontle Keaton ar hi sare hose of eee | seen ne dl ean LRG Af Pet Wntetnctng) Rane an anand un eee | GEARY fetal district and sometimes a financial district, Taking| "While the transportation companies are vitally interested in any Savantige of this fact it would seem t0 be the best kind of city| plans which may be made and adopted for the physical develop- Planning to cater to this tendency toward. centralization and I afford Establish centers of amusement, of recreation, of art, and educa- fion, of conventions and assemblies, etc, and then ‘arrange the _Gint, 16 vested in some public body entirely independent of possible prost of prelulice Phere shouldbe a clearinghouse of influence and “feb an open teibsnal witch wovid take account of the various anes afered by the dias of comprehensive plan forthe dire trict. TA Giy and Discs Plan, Comming, should reoreent not only the’ metropolitan distsiets now within the city hits, but 21 aloe The dati within a radian of perhaps twenty-five les at the ciy's centers" Such'a' commission, tts work is to. De Shective, must proceed slong satural lines. Av transportation te {he‘cruchal partof the problem, the fundamental feuiremente for tine tao of both fosenges and Hreigt most be thoroughly Anderston Me isvsatual to expect a plan for an ideal city to include a poril ar asteway in the form'of 9 transcontinental rairoad union BOlton°agproathed by. broad streets, set fm af ornamental open plate ind burtounded by monumental public bulkngs showing the Bia See importance’ ‘From auch a efvie center surface lines sioclaSradiate throughout the city and rap tranait lines through: Sur the daenee inthe most diet ways tbe guy atest car a eat isoald terminate ina park and boulevard belt surrounding AGE mute ‘oe metropolitan strict, thos. giving. all of te city UMellees abundant opportunity for'play and recreation. “Bey ond Ecrostskins of the park zone the fubirban country can best be 225.804" by the interurban system of transportation -aupplemenced Teoh Meet car collecting and dinrbutng systems: AU each BF ikebe ‘oulving’ centers mil be found individual problems of ‘THE “OPEN CUT” METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. ‘Brooklyn Union Elevated Railrond. ‘This is 1 typical “Express” Station. Note the transfer platforms between the outside local tracks and the inside ‘xprets tacks. ‘The ata Shrees unfess Sock acho and seereation facies, While TH#ECALIFORNIA: QUTLOOK \| 1 | Saturday, November 4, 1911. Other parts of this report have been devoted to the discussion of the high speed passenger terminal, to the handling of freight Snd to the probleme of the local street ear system=but if the Stggestions are to become effective, co-operation must be secured between all the influences which ate now separately working for better roads, for the city beautiful and for good government, for elie pid of each individ center andlor the pivte uate” Esty of business enterprise and property ownership. Individuatly fand collectively the people of the istrict must come to realize that the securing of good tansportation and the working out of a'distriee plan is the next great. problem in developing Greater Lor Angeles into an ideal Ipeation for health and happiness, for pleasure and prosperity. COMPREHENSIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE TRANSIT PLAN I is always hazardous to lay down a set program, to meet conditions which are constantly changing, but it ig more dangerous to'proceed in a haphazard manner without an adequate plan. A Comprehensive poligy should Rest. establish ‘certain’ fundamental principles and hen recognize that progress toward the ideal can Snly: be secured by working contistently and constantly along natural’ lines: There are technical, legal, fmancial and political Fequirements to be co-ordinated in securing developments which bill provide passenger and freight transportation at minimum cost. ‘The doctrine of public control, the protection of actual investment, the necessity for adequate service, the demande for future growth, particularly. under Los Angeles’ conditions as they will be Usveloped by the opening ef the Panama Canal, are all factors sigh enter into the problen. ane . step by step programy which it is believed will meet the requirements of immediate and fature needs, and which is. dice Cussed in more detail in other parts of this report may be recapite Slated as follows ‘Main Street Congestion 1. Make every effort to relieve at once. the congestion on Main Street by placing tracts on San Peiro Street and using the reat entrance into the present Pacile Electtie terminal building for the interarban cars. ‘Universal Transfers Inside City Limits 2._Ingist upon a transtes agreement between tie “red lines” Blectne Railway) and the "yellow lines” (Low Angeles Railway)—so a6 to make ft possible to reach any part of the city from any other part hy the payment of one fare 3, Reroute Local. System 3. Secure the re-routing of the local street cars 9 as to do away with the curves in the downtown business districts, This Etncbe done fy running: all the ears throng and making all the lange a) HAMCAMES pat meee at"Section Municipal, Rails 4. Make arrangements fer the Use pf the tracks on San Pedro siseet forthe delivery of freqint im carloads to apne tracks fending St irom these new tracks, sting this a0 the Ast section of the Sroposed ‘umicipal terminal ralfoad g Righeol-WayCiy. to Harber : 5. Seance a rightorevay ft misimum cont between the city limits of Los Angeles and Wilmington. ‘This right-of-way should perdin feet wide fn order to provide for eight tracks ang autonio- | Bhi hls tree Isom grad cronngn on either ides Co-operate weit 'e county highway’ commission to provide an auto speedway and a motor truck highway from Los Angeles to the Sea Hattor Termin 6 Continue with the design of the, Wilmington-San Pedro terminals i conjunction ‘with the development of the harbor plans SSMS mae W posuhie to receive and deliver cars from and 10 ‘ny, transcontinental railroad “The influence of the opening of the Panama Canal upo trans- portation nnd upon the amount and character of thet wih of fhe district must have constant. attention. ‘The opening Port Liss Angeles as one of the world harbors and the focusin, at this point of the present and additional transcontinental railroads and Becan ‘steamship lines will catse a readjustment of the can merce of this entire part of the country. It is too early to predict ‘vith aceuracy the ammount of tonnage which will pacs through the achor and over the tracks of the municipal terminal rallroad—but the frat requirement of all plans shoud be to allow (gr an unkar- pered grow ‘ ‘Permenent Terminal Pacific Flectric System. 7. Encourage the Pacife. Flectrie Company to develop and disclose plans for a permattent terminal for their northern. sowth- term and Santa Sfoniea Divisions, and if these plane require fr Ehlect to enable these high specd lines to he removed entirely from the street grade, the franchisee should he Hberal in their conditions, particularly in tegatd to length of grant, in order to encourage Private capital to invest in these permanent” improvements on Practically private property. team Rallroed Terminale A. Encourage the steam railroads to prepare and submit plans for passenger and freight terminals.” If plans can be made to re- TSCALIFORNIA OUTLOOK 7 RAPID THANSIT DIAGRAM Grester Low Angeles Dlatriet | Uleally shaded segments, of th EAting the growth during the Tost tes yeerm The anal Teprerent $00 persone eho: Ing @ scattered population tnrousné iatret between the incor ‘The transportation problem of the eatin between the. main elty of Loe Angeles and each of tm subway runoloe trict from the Plaza to'about Twelfth Breet, “This subway woul ecelve at ita northern terminal all of cara feom the foothil cities to the orth and of the elty and at the ents from the tom town wation stops, ‘connect with the lines of the pr on Tole tunnel would be Connection ‘to be bullt / lieve Alameda Street of its present passenger and freight trafic holiing compsny—the investment reduced to a minimum and tie ‘aitronds should be treated iveraliy tn securing Other perma: awitehtng actvise secured provasly by electric locomotives at the Ne aa Tewest ponsbie actual cost Interchange Agreement (oh Depot at Plaza. 9. Make an intersiange Treght agreement with all the steam 11. A. movement showld be started: fodking forward to the roads to relice toa minimum the cost of handling freight location of a Union Depot in the vicinity of the Plata, All of the Between the city's industeles and the harbor. The city should be sentiment which develops for the Plaza site will be uselul com= fon equal terms’ or better in patticipating in this agreement and petition for the movement to build a new station on or near the further provisions. should be made for extending these privileges present Arcade depot site and in case the Southern Pacife should to al ate transcontinental oy other ines entefing Lo Angeles be sow, in i plang for am independent depot, pubic opiion in tinder ‘the proper arrangements for sharing the Burden of ie ‘ofa Union Station at the Plaza may become suficiently cost of the terminals. mou to dictate the co-operative ise of this latter location. Spur Tracks ‘Grade Seperation by Means of Viaducts. 10. The city should encourage the building of a comprehen- 12. Prepare preliminary designs for sive apor track system av fast-as necessity demands As these Street f i ‘and: diseuss the uid tracks must be upon grate, if the investment is to be kept within ing"and! hnancing of this viaduct with the property owners affected | Sonable limite, their location should be ‘confined to industrial ant] with both the street and. steam ralroade. ‘ete aed" preferably to iatiete where the. main. thoroug= Double Deck Streets sares for ‘sivect eas and Weielen ean be elevated a0"a8't0, past. 13 ‘Throogh the Sip engineer's office, establish the second over the industrial tacks." All ature apur track permite should itory levels for streets throughout that part of the Industral i Provide for the joint we of the switch track by the municipal trict bounded by Los Angeles Street, First Street the: River-and ‘allroad ‘nd all other railroads entering the city Seventh Street, 4o that new buildings im this section may be de: | Tot unreasonable to expect that eventdaliy: the entice signed to. secure the advantage of double decking the fects ia terminal tacks of the industrial district will be pooled into one this districts nts" te cal “nF = i THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK Saturday, November 4 1911 i Upon whieh earload team tracks, may” be Contract, Ordinance for, Local Lines. eventually pay a rate which will produce a reasonable return upon 14, A contin raigance should Bethe Fens of an agrees fhe'real value at'the pnysica property producing. the service. ment’ between the City and the local surface railway companies "Public control over plane for additional construction and Mihich should attain the following objects: equipment, regulation of contracts, rates and transfers and. com very best possible aren car service at the lowest cost trol of capitalization, accounts and Wansfer of power of ‘operation, maintenance and” depreciation. Ph Right-of the sy to. purchase the property at reasonable bP*The protection of the actual present value of the property intervals and at a fair price which is not to include any ranchise fand better” value and the further right to transfer the property to other agents rents and temporarily (until wat) the in by paying an agreed bonus fangible investment made by. the company, compris io.” Aa result of this contract ordinance the entire surface sys lescence, and other expensts incurred in developing the property; tems should be operated and developed as one single system inside fil of this on the assumption of only a reasonable return on the the city limits and the interurban cars should be displaced from true investment -aving been pa h © aintenanee, ilferent Policies Toward Local and Interurban Lines. sanity increasing efclency of they 18. Different methods should be followed in. determining the 4, "Addtions “and extensions slightly in advance of actual city’s policy on the one hand, toward the Los Angeles. Railway, shih owns a large part of the local street car lines and charges © Ope, ity-one fare—univeral transfers—through routes Z.aniform fve-cent fate an which will include the regulation of the a zone system of far (er'the service, reduce the fares, or surface nes may sor we other font ow ine foal ystem in ty at the ley woul ard expect to ent companies, but repre. purchase the city ter of the larger interurban fystem, hat" the community ‘will Which is being constantly extended into. new ‘territory and. 1s i ontrol of the 0 city ownership of the Senting no real physical propert an T#ECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK already being connected with interurban fines, in_ other distie THOU PSHM cotsperate with the Paine Blettse Campana Sccoring permanent trmal facies adeyuate for ite immeviate and Tuture:neede. “The object to he attuned should be to remove Ug interurson cars entirely from the streets and then console HF Sit ge a he ye One yen minal teen Pacte Elcee Company wil Be the nt anid. operator oi a system of subways and open cits ,| which should be built and onned by the city and rented 25-4 Ki pest icmual upon terms whick ill pay the mterest on the cost {iSconstencton and provide Sinking. Fund to. retire the ‘t's seit bonis,” Ae the rates of fare spon the entre. interirhs Srstemn wil presumably be ander publ contra the city wll Stone the beneit of/ams economies which ean, be Aikchaidng othe fabwdgs am nthe we ofthe cit iy Sate ama tate of Inert Room’ a8 the Sy ete Pao the building ofthe aauedet it should them is experience Ay attention toward this municipal subuay and ie mataral 405 itisricevwalleries for all of the public utilities Now arranged in a hhapiscard manner unicr the paving in the sects. ‘ Tnterchange of Righttot-Wa 17, ‘The foursteack Long Beach line of the Pacific Electric Company’ owe on private rghtcof-way must ‘either be clerate 0 fen Pedro street to be used Felleve Slain Street cone ‘open Cat construction for fapld tranalt Unto Depot nt Pinan conventent io all Overhead Vindwetn for nireet cara and vehtete trate over tracks in th depressed oF abanidoned as a high speed line. If the railroad and the ity can pon terms for the use of a city-owned subway by all 3¢the am lines entering the eit then this fourctrack line located down the center of What promises {0 be the future industrial district, can be Used to good ailvantage as a combined freight and local parcenger ron and the high speed passenger cars canventer aid leave the heart of the ey by means of am pen eat or subway. Parcel and Freight Delivery. IK The focal lines should be allowed and expected to operate a system of light freight and package delivery between the center fof the elty and tlirewhout the city for the purpose of reducing by facilitating the delivery Ot teeny ay comma milk, Tool spplies, ete ‘which are'now istribsted uneconomfeally hy-horce or auto trucks, Aetthe lca fines are grow rae tne moting of foregw canon (eight through the city's resileuce streets wil be impracticable, bat foreign carload movement is possible and should be permitted lover the private rights-of-way ‘of the anterurban. lines ‘and. 0 system of freight spur tracks throughout. the Wet Use of River Bed for Transcontinental Lines 19, Reserve the river bel for. the righteof-way Aanccontinental steam railroads which na doubt wit 2 THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK an entrance to and through the city. All developments along the ‘Hier banks should be at such levels as not to interfere with the for this purpose. future use of part of the iv City ‘and District Saturday, November 4, 1911. Jans for parks, boulevards, subdivisions’ housing, civie centers, Rndustial distacis and mansfactoring communities and secure the co-operation of ail interests in building up 2 district both beautiful Shd Useful around the most efiient transportation system which 20, ‘There is nothing which wil advertise. the city better, can be secured affect the value of real estate more widely and leave a more lasting Finally it must be understood that a, community impression on the entire community than a definite and compre: z hensive City and District Plan, A City and Distriet Plat mission should be organized to replace the present haphazard sys tem of growth with a carefully studied policy for the development ithe disiet into a unified Greater Lox Angeles. The fundamental des of this commission should be to encourage’ central mctro~ politan ‘istrict with "city fegulations surrounded by. satelite Ematier town centers with suburban forms of restriction all com= bined into one centralized government on the borough plan for the contra} of transportation, water, aewer, composite street plana, ‘parks and boulevards but with each communi Zontrol ofits own police, fr 2 focal problems. This commission should ‘comprehensive transit plan which wil be “ont the fequirements of the wonderful and social evolution which is taking place growth and the po B°Sotiher Calman eapectally sa ‘Slaned} BION J. ARNOLD, Consuiting Engineer. FREE—A Fine Portrait MOGNTED, SUITABLE FOR FRAMING of LA FOLLETTE or JOHNSON With each new yearly subseription to THECALIFORNIA OUTLOOK ‘A PROGRESSIVE WEEKLY Subscription Price Until January 1, 1912, Only $1.00 ‘After January Ist, Price Will Be $2.00 Per Year The “California Outlook”? is the organ of the Progressive movement in the State of California. ‘Abiy edited, authoritative, printing the whole political truth without fear or favor, instructive and i teresting. Every voter-—man and woman alike---who desires to vot ‘and State, should read the “California Outlook.”” intelligently and for the best good of City Theodore Roosevelt Says— SERA sGtemn gee ome La Follette Says— | Bsus smn Mayor Alexander Says— comader te California Oink ove of the Sse isc ow ‘Teshookd hare the help and enoaracement od lines Ee (Congressman Stephens Says— Basaran Send $1.00 NOW Use This Coupon [California Outlooic | [Care Tract ed Seriogs Ruitdng, Tom Angeles, Cal. i Please tend the "Califoraia Outlook” for one year to NAME ADDRESS Town F se od ence { Sr foesi0o _—_ Mooey Order | Sedme ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE [7] Sc" Benitee HIRAM W. JOHNSON art

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