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Date, Length, & Description

Introduction To Germs

Monday November 9, 2015

45 Minutes

Formation Of Germs

The Spread Of Germs

I chose to complete the introduction to germs

lesson to start off my germs go away unit. This
lesson introduces students to content on the
classes of germs and what exactly germs are.
The students will create a germ puppet on the
content that they have learned. The puppet will
be graded based on the rubric provided in the
lesson plan, and this will be used as a
performance assessment for the
Tuesday November 10, 2015
45 Minutes
The next lesson I chose to teach is the formation
of germs unit. In this unit the students are
taught how our actions can contribute to the
formation of germs. There will be an inquiry in
this lesson where students observe and record
the formation of germs on four potatoes over
the course of three days. Inquiry sheets are
provided in this lesson.

Wednesday November 11, 2015

45 Minutes
This lesson will begin by introducing how quickly
germs spread. Students will be engaged in an
inquiry about the spread of germs and the best
method to use to stop the germs from
spreading. Student will fill out the inquiry sheet
and explore the best method that can stop the
germs. The students inquiry sheet will be
collected as a formative assessment.

How To Prevent Germs

Thursday November 12, 2015

45 Minutes
This lesson will begin by students learning how
we can prevent germs and why it is important to
prevent germs. Students will participate in
learning about appropriate hygiene and practice
the steps taught in class by properly washing
their hands. The students will fill out a KWL
chart throughout the lesson about proper hand
washing and why it is important to prevent
germs. The KWL chart is provided in the lesson
and will be collected as a formative assessment.
Also students will be assessed based on
demonstrating the proper steps in hand washing.
The hand washing check list will be used as a
formative assessment.

Healthy Habits

Friday November 13, 2015

45 Minutes
This lesson will be the final lesson of the unit. In
this lesson students will learn about the five
food groups, and how they benefit our lives.
Students will be engaged in creating food cards
and then a menu calendar. The calendar will
consist of meals for a week. Each meal will
contain a food from each food group. Students
are allowed to take this home and try some of
the meals with their family.

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