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Wood Toxicity Table [This list Fas been cornpiled to gve woodworkers a litle bt ofan sight into the potential healh hazards posed by some of the woods we use You chould chvays check on tho propattice of each nov wood befare you work wth, This ct is ret moant te dicecuraye yeu fram woodworking, It ie instead a guide to help identify some ofthe problems you may have with your heath when working wit the various woods, This infrmation Jsurnmarzes a variaty of saurces some of which may a2 inaccurate or incamplete, Additionally, much is stil a2ing discewerec about the diferent Jwoads. For inctance, a latge number cf woeds thet wete concidored iritants twerty years ogo are now classed alsa ee sensitizers, Adcitionaly, this lable does not acdress the potential damages from the other chemicals that ate fequenl!y assaciated fiom woods and wood products such as glues, plastics, msecticides, heraicides, etc. which ara also Krew to be harmiul to our health 0 Twe Reaction Affected Areas Potency| Source _|Incidence| 1_[Aburafbahia jwornting Dust Rare 7 |Aromosia tant ye, san respraton, spinters go Sere, + [oust Rare inerrous system effects 3 |afzelia/doussie initan dermatitis, sneezing & [agbatola inne skin wrtation 5 [acer rita Eye, sxr, reoprafon, dermatitis, [Bast [Gorman hronchial ects 3 anairabareraonond iene sneeving, eye ination 7 fangatce| ane ye, sar, Respiratoy [Dust Fare o[Avborvtae rita Respiratory = [Dust Rare @ | Ash, Aine (Eucalyptus Imitation 19 nose, eyes & throat, cermatiie dolegatonsis) TO |Ash, Mountain (Eucalyptus [rite [Respratay, destesse flung function, + [Bust leommen egnans) Initaton to nose, eves & throat, headaches, jomting TT [rade rare dernatts, nose bleeds Duet 12 |Ayan’novingul inant ideratitis 15 [Balser Fi Senstizer ves, skin = [craves bark [Former 7 |Basralacusfangelique unspecific fects 16 |Beech, Furonean (Fagus | Sensiizer, nausea Eyes, skin, espiatory, dermatitis, ++ [Dust wood [Gammon syvatica] frasoptstmaeal cancer |ggcrease in lung unction, eye wistion, leaves, bark inasel cancer 16 [arch Sensiier, nausea Respiatoy, demalils on sewing lumber = (Wood dust [Sammon 17 [sack Locust nant, nausea’ yes, skin TH [Leswes, bark [Common WE |Blackbeen (Castanospeium |Iitart Intation fo nose, eyes & throat, dermatitis australe) TE [Blackwood (sas enstizer Dorralilis, asthma, wilation ofnose & + [Dust wood _[Cammnon melanoxploni throat i |aackacon eurnarn senammer ies San = (mistwand__[eoramon 2 [Boxwccd, Europaan (Eos — [Sonctizer Eye, noes, skin, doirvale, respiration, & ++ [Dust wood [Common semperirens) Inroot 2 [Braziian Chery Gatobal Intaiion fo nose & throat [fst wood [amrnon 2 |Bubings rita (dermatitis, skin Tesions possible 24 |Dashen Sensitzer yes, skin == [Duskwood [Rare 7 |Dedar (Amencard nant, sensitz=r alleraic cqntact dermatitis + [Wood dust_[eommnon 26 |Dedar, South American rant, sensitzer Deimalis, asthma, nasal cancer, iriation | -* |Wosd, dust |Commnen [Cedrela spa ) Io nose & throat. Sap may cause blstaring of skin and inflammation of eyelids 75 |Cedar, White (Malia nian, Senaitz=r (Dernaiis 7 [ivbad dust [Samrnon azedatect) 30 |Ohecem nian, sensitizer yes, shin, respivelow =a [Dust wood [Uninewen 1 |Dhesinut (Gormattic [possibly Fom bark tokens) 32 [Seeoo010 nian, Seneitaar Eyes, skin, reopiratoy T= [Dust wood [Camron 38 |Soolivan Gucalypus tant Detatiis micrcthoca) 34 |rows Ash (Findersia rent Deimaliis australia) E [Syprece, Bald Benstizor Respratay = [Bust Fare 3E |Dypress Fine, White (Calitis [Sensitzer Deimalils, swaling eyelids, estima + [Dust rere gisuca) imtation of rose & throat, nasal cancer, furuncilosis| 37 |Dahoma initan Eyes, skin ++ [Duskwood [Gammon SE [Ebony (Uioepy100 «pp rr, Senstzar Italo to nose, eyes Bihoa, cerwatte, | ++ [Dust wood |camrnam Imusous membrane ination, passibly @ shin sensitizer 3H [Elen Eurspoan (Uhrus opp.) _ raat ves, skn [baer Fare 40 ffir, Douslas (ermattis, splinters go eentic, mints, lonchial efiacts a |Fir, Douglas (Oregon rant, nasopharyngeal |Dornatiis, nasal cancer, ination to eyas &| _» [Dust Fare Pseudotsuge menziesi) __[esnoer throat a [Freycsearcia nan, Senen7=r yes, en 4 |Beboan/akourne tare iastama, cough, eye ifaton, dermal fects (anus, eyeids) a [edu nohovednare are lcermatitis = [ust Fae 4 [Soncaic aves: Bensitzer yes, skin 7 [Dust wood [Rare 46 |Sreenheat Sensitzer yes, ski, saliners go senile ardlac and | +> [Dust wood [Common Iniesinal disorders, savere tyoat maton aT [ray Box (Eusalyptue are Eczema, imitation fo nose &.tiroat micioceroa) a [urea Sennen Bes Say aa MUGHUS emerane Wao [+= [DUST Rare 4 [Bum (southern Blue) (dermatitis 50 | Hemlock (western) Nasoshanngzalcancer [Respiratory a [Dust Fare 1 feigho possible mnifant ®2 [re tare yee, skin = [baer Fare 68 |ioxo nitant, sensitize, yes, skin, respiator, bronchial efecs, === [Dust wood [Corrnon pnewinoria ininis 2a Janrah (Eucalyptus marginaia) Iintation fo nose & throat 85 [ator nite Eyes, skin, reopiratoy + [ouet Rare 56 [engwoud tan yes. ski = [bust mond [eornmar 87 [Larch tant iat rash, dormatiis (osolEly fom bark lichens) 26 | auaniherant ant skin wrtaiion 8 |Limba tant ieplinters go sepli, rele rash, nase and jum bleeding, decrease in ung function 0 |wahegeny are dermatitis, ragpratory disorders, mucous membrane initation 1 | Mahogany Gwietenia) sensitizer oneumcits —|skin, resairatoe = faust janine arenes GE |wahogany mirean inant, seneitaar in, Sepia Ta [Duet [Common [Mahogany American Sensitzer Eyes, skin, respitetoy = [Dust [commen 4 fake tant yes, sam, davmatis, Masous membrane + [Dust Fate fane respiratory tract tation, conral nervous eystem and blood efccts © |Mansonie nant, sensifzsr,neuses, [Eyes skin, salinfers go septic, skin ve [Dust wood [Gammon malaise ‘sensitization, iriaion, reskrator disorders, nose bleeds, neadache, cardiac clsorders | anata rane Respiratory + [Dust wood [Camron 67 |iaple Sensiizer, oneumoria [decrease in lung function v= [Dust [commen te |Manie (Gnaned-G coricale — |Sensttzer,oneumania —_|Respiratiry + [Dust [common mel) 2 |Weranii Ghorea spp.) rite Titaiion fo nose, eyes & troal, dermatitis 7o_|Meraniflavan ian skin intation 71 |Mesemate (Eusalyaiue ane (Asthma, mtstion fo nose, ayes & throat, oalique) dermatitis 72 Joins Dresttoan, Want nausea fResniratary ere [Lees wah [Ouro TE [Miva Mahogany [Dysoxylww raat (Congested lings, tation te nose, ayes & mueller) Ithvost, dermatitis, headache, nase bleeding loss of apostite 7H |Mulga (Roacie aneure) 75 |iitle Bensitzer Respiratory +e [Dust wood, [eararnan eaves, bark TE [Dak Senstizer, nasopvanygaal [Bes san, asa, Sneezing, eeTitaion | ++ Dust wood, Fave cancer Ioaves,bare _funlonoen 77 |Dheche nian, Sensitzer {Bes, skin and respiratory Tachinfaton, nee | -+> [Dust wood Common: asi deals, feersh, sneezing, wee TE |Sleander Dvssltown, walaise, Cardiac, aapratoy ae [Dusk wood, [Cammnon nausea leaves, bark 72 |Slirewood nitani, sensitizer yes, skin, respivalow === [Dust wood [Gammon 0 Jonene sensitizer iRespratny, dermars, mucous membrane | + [Dust Rare intaion, central navous system eflocts 0.9 iddiness, visual eects; nose bleeds and blood sniting | orangewooe ant Respratary = [oustnond [Rare 2 |Padauk Bonstize, naLsoa, [Snocios-dopendant ching, ave, shin & T= [Dust wood _[Camrnon malaise resatraion ition, vomiting, sxelling (¢.8 levelds) es |[PauFero Sensnzer ves, a = _[bustwond [are 4 |Peroba tant shin and mucous membrane ritation, systemic effects e.g, headache, nauses ‘stomach cramp, neskness, blisters GE |Perobe Rosa nian, nausea, malaise [Respiratory Te |dust.waod [Unknown 6 |Perobe White nitani, nausea Respiratory ++ [Dust wood [Gomnon e7 [Pine tart ‘Skin ation (may oause ++ [Dust wood [Common ihotosensitization); dectease in lung function [Poplar oa loneezing, oye ination, may cause listers 38 [Pon criord Cedar ant (erraliis, valent ear ache, giddiness, [Chamaecyoaris lawsoniane) stomach cramps, bronchitis, iittion of mucous membranes 30 [Purpreneat iausea IRespratary [fst wood [arena @ |Suehrache nian, mala, Respiratory 75,7 [Dust leevos, bak [Common, nasopharyngeal cence, lanka nausea = [Ramin rita jes, Sn, dermal (possi tom bare [fst wood (Rare 8 |Redwcod Sequoia Bensifzer, nasohanngeal[Skin, eyes, respiatoy, demmaiis Rasta | +> [Dust Frere, sempericens) cancer, pneumaitis lunicrann arenes oF [Riau Caer tare Trtation fo eyes nove cupressinui) 35 |Rosenoons rita, Sensitzer tant SKN, eS, espiatoy, demas Ereds may | rer [DUS Mond [Common lanse tom handing waod GE |Sapele are skin tation 97 |Sassaias Drectioxn sensiizer, [Respiratory =? [Dust wood [Rare nasonhanmgeal cancer, ee E |Sainwaod nian lin, jes, reepiraboy T= [Dusk wood [Sammon 98 |Sequoie rita, nasophanrgeal [Respiratory + [Dust ere cancer To [Bhakewood ane Respraty + [Dust wood [Rare D1 [Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus |Inint Deimaliis maculata Tange Benetizor Rospratay, respiratory dieorcers,passiole | = [Duet wood [Fare iphotosensiizaton 103 [Sieve Wood initan Respiratory = [Dust nood [Rare a8 [Sucupira nant IRespratry = [bust none [Rare 105 fTeak Bensitzer, pneumolis [Bkin, eyes, eapiaton, dermalis (ater even] => [Dust [common alreolats, fer seasonine) rete ces 108 [Teak (Treciona grandis) tant Tetmatiis, conjunctitis, oversensitniy To light, swelling ofthe scrctum,imtation to nose & throal, nausea ian inant skin irtation 198 fRalnut Slack Sensitzor lin, yee, osaing, Fini, dammate vam | + [Duel wood |Camrnan it shells enc roots 109 faint, European Guolans — [Sensiizer ‘Nasal cancer, initation to N05, eyes & ++ [Dust wood [Gorvnon regia) Invest, dermatitis To Pence Benatieer (kin, eyes, reapirtor, soli go Sent; [Dusk wood [Samrnon erat, cenal nerrous system efects €.0. idiness, dowsinass, visual disturaance, laboorinal cramps TIT [Wester Red Cedar (Thuga [Sonstige nascphanygaal Asthma, derrnaiis, nasal cancer, nauosa, | +> [DUSt leas, balk [Common picata) concer ‘hints, nose bleeding, giidiness, stomach pain 112 [White Bac (Picea abies) —_|Witane (Asthma, kin hitaion 113 [Whitewood initan iernats TT [Wil Sensitzar Respratoy = [Dust wood, [Rare loaves, bark 115 |Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus [iitant Tintation of rose & throat lewcovylon Ta Diraitfonn, wifant, nausea |Slin, ojos, carder, eapvaton, Garmaliia, | -+sss [Duct mood [Common malaise, nasopharyngeal. |systemic efects ¢g. headache, blood cancer Iessure dion, cardiac effects THF [Zebrawrood Senstizor Sin, wee 7 [Dust wood [Rave Notes {Woods listed in ied ae known to be divecl toxins meaning go'soncus so should be worked wih considerable care 2_in Australia all wood dust is now classified 2s carcinogenic (able io cause cancer) 3 Tsionaly recemmmend abveys wearing a goad Gual certrdge NIOSH appreved respirator and werk outside whenever working wth weods Known f9 ataxic, an iitent, or a sensitizer. | alsa recommend you always vent Your dust calector or cysione outside when working wn the mare dangercus woods. Actdtionally, realize that the dust you maks wil ake years to broak dow and dissipate, oa if you must work insida, then youl should alays continue to wear your mask untl you have time to clean your siog thoroughly after working with the mote dencerous weeds. Ii you hava to fer, then my respiratory physician recommends you only use ftars which are cavtifed at 33% plus for tering all paticlas sized down to at least 0.6-micrans when ciean and new. Those with known existing health problems should only use fliers certfied ot 92.7% offecive on fitering of particles sized dovin to 0.3-microns again when clean and new (his is the HEPA standarc 4 Disclaimer Please use this information at yout own risk. This fable Is by no means @ comprenenawe Tet also know some felds are incomplete and new reseaich may prove ather fields wrong, I'you know cf additions! woods and their hazerds, ar have suggested changes for this table please email m= Zao References: 1 UK Heath & Sefety Executive - Toxic woods Infornation Sheet - Woodnorking Steet No 30 hit twa hse cov uk/ouonstwis30 pdt 2 Woods Toxic to Man_, author unknown 3. Woods, B,, Calnan, 6.0., ‘Toxic Woods "Br. Joumal of Cernstology_ 1976 4 LO Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safoty_ 198 5 Lame, Ke, Mann, NL, AMMA Hantanok of Poisonnus and injurious Prants_, AWA 138 6 Poisondex_, Micrometix Inc. 1990 7 HEALTH HAZARDS & WOOD (Longest List) table compiled by U-Baaut Neil Elis hit et him. 8 Robert Woodcock, RN, BSW, CEN 9° Minnesota Wood Turners n i n 10 City of Tucson, AZ Health and Safsty in the Aris 1" Ametican Woodturner. June 1990

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