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Government System of Mexico


Type of Government- Democratic Republic
Current President: Enrique Pena Nieto
In office since: December 1, 2012

The federal government of Mexico has been established as the central

government governing thirty one states as the central governing body
of Mexico. It was formed in 1917 and modeled itself off the
government of the United States, which its three branches of
government, the judicial, the executive, and the legislative. The
government of Mexico also has a federal district in Mexico City, also
known as the D.F.
Prior to the democratic republic which we know today, Mexico was
engaged in one of the most important revolutions of the twentieth
century that saw the upheaval of dictator Porfirio Diaz.
Political Parties of Mexico
National Action Party

Branches of Government

Author: Conservative party

founded in 1939 belonging to
the Christian Democrat
Organization of America

Location: District Federal

Institutional Revolutionary

The judicial branch of government, similarly to the

government of the United States is intended to keep the other
branches in check. The Mexican supreme court has eleven
judges appointed by the president with congress approval but
each judge only serves for fifteen years.

Author: A center left party, a

member of socialist
international intended to unite
factions of the Mexican

Location: District federal
The president of Mexico is head of state and commander in
chief of the Mexican armed forces. Because of the institution
of the Mexican constitution is new, only implemented in 1917,
the head of state is a revolutionary position. Mexican
presidents serve a single six year term and may not be

Party of Democratic
left presidency
wing party founded
Problems of

Location: District Federal

Location: District Federal
Mexican legislative government consists of a bicameral congress which includes the
senate and the chamber of deputies. The powers of the Congress include the right to
pass laws, impose taxes, declare war, and approve the national budget.

Who to contact: Enrique Pena Nieto , The

current president came into office in
2012 and aspired to bring into reforms
that would end the drug wars that his
predecessor failed to do. However,
despite these bold moves to improve the
state of living and violence he has yet to

2015 GCU 114 Weebly Mexico

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