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Reflection 3

The Flag Day: In the Flag Day I went to the KG and I saw
how are children, teachers and colleagues were so excited
from the beginning until the end of the day, and they were
preparing for the activities that they are going to do after
they raise the flag. All the children were wearing the UAE
flag shirts, and all of them brought a flag. I draw on their
faces a flag before the celebration start. Then I attended
the celebration when they raised the flag and start doing
activities with children and asking the teachers questions.
I also participated in a question and my answer was
correct so they gave me a gift.
Students behaviors:
1. Bad behavior:
In these two days I observed the childrens
behaviors. There are two children in the class that
the teacher doesnt like them because of their bad
behavior. One of them called Obaid, he always run
and damage everything and push other students.
Before two weeks he pushed a girl and she felt down
and cried a lot. I didnt know what should I do in this
and the teacher wasnt there. So I tried to calm the
girl and I told Obaid that its a bad behavior and he
will be a good student if he doesnt repeat this. I
think it would be bad if I shouted on him because it
will affects negatively on him, and he might repeat
this attitude.
2. Good behavior:
Children behaviors arent all negative. They also have
positive behaviors but we just need to feel them. I
observed that most of the students are collaborated
and helping each other. For example, a child called
Shamma was crying because she wanted to go
home. All the students were sitting beside her and

trying to make her calm and some of them hugged


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