Exiting The Classroom Redo

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Exiting the Classroom

1. Explain the procedure Exiting the classroom in an orderly and

effective fashion.
2. Rationale (why is this important)-Exiting the classroom is a procedure
that should be done orderly while leaving the classroom neat and clean
for the next class. It ensures safety of the students and leaves the
classroom in a proper manner for the next class
3. Explain and Model the procedure.
How can following the procedures of properly exiting the class help
A. The steps of exiting a classroom gives the student a chance to check
his or her area, lowering the risk of forgetting items.
B. Following exiting procedures ensures a clean environment for the next
class or class session.
Steps for exiting class
A. The teacher will ask everyone to stop their work three minutes before
the bell rings.
B. At this time, the teach will ask the class to look into their desks for
trash, scratch paper, or any other item which can be thrown away.
C. The teacher will walk down each row with a small trash can, while
student put the trash into it.
D. Once all trash is picked up, the teacher will instruct the students to
pack up their book bags.
E. Once the bell rings, the teach will dismiss the class and students will
be free to leave.
F. Student are to walk out of the class. NO RUNNING!
4. Checking for understanding.
In what ways can I can help myself as a student, follow exiting
A. Remembering that the bell does not dismiss class. The teacher
dismisses class.
B. Exiting the class by walking to avoid injuries or trampling.
C. Making sure that all trash in the students area is picked up and thrown
5. Rehearse/Practice

As a class we will go through a simulation of the steps involved in

exiting the class properly. We will go through each step so there is an
understanding each day of what is expected.
6. Reinforcement questions
Things to ask myself when I exit the classroom.
A. At what pace should I exit the classroom?
Answer: students should exit the class at a walking pace to lower
the risk of accidents and injuries
B. Can I automatically leave the class once the bell rings?
Answer: No, students must wait for class to be dismissed
C. Who is responsible for dismissing me from class?
Answer: No, the teacher is responsible for dismissing the class

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