Short A Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template Abridged

(May be adapted based on instructors needs)

Grade Level
(Plus any others
as may be
Formative AND/OR

Bloom's Taxonomy
Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)

Miss Vanessa Hadley
English Language Arts
1st Grade
November 9, 2015 25 minutes
PA Core Standards
CC.1.1.1.C: Demonstrate understanding of spoken
words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)
o Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in
spoken single-syllable words.


Formative Assessment
Observations on how well the students are able to read
and identify short /a/ words from flashcards.
Each student will take a turn orally reading from a story
containing short /a/ vowel sound. The teacher will note
which students have trouble identifying and reading
with fluency.
Summative Assessment
Students will write 4 words containing the short /a/
vowel sound. They will place the apples on the tree to
make an apple tree containing short /a/ words.
Objective Statement:
Given a book with short /a/ vowel sound word, students
will demonstrate the ability to make the short /a/ sound
with 100% accuracy.
Given a cut-out of a tree and pictures of apples, first
grade students will write 4 words that have the short /a/
sound with 100%

Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan
Activating Prior Knowledge
The teacher will start the lesson off by saying, We have
learned about the letters of alphabet. We learned that
some letters make more than one sound. Can anyone
tell me what those letters are called? The students
should answer with vowels, if they do not, the teacher
will remind them that vowels are letters that make more
than one sound. Next the teacher will explain, Today,
we are going to review one of the sounds that a


Big Ideas

Lesson Procedure
Must include
adaptations &
for students with
special needs

makes. We are going to focus on the short /a/ sound.

Lets take a look at this video and see different words
that involve the short /a/ sound. Make sure you have
your listening ears on! These words may help you later
during our activity. Is everyone ready?
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will show the video the The A Song by
KidsTV123. When the read letter a appears on screen
the students are to say the sound along with the video.
Big Idea Statement
A is a vowel that has two sounds long /a/ and short
Short /a/ sounds like aaaa.
Essential Questions
What are vowels?
What sound does short /a/ make?
Key Vocabulary
Pre-Assessment of Students
The students will answer the questions posed during the
activating of prior knowledge and anticipatory set. Since
this is a reinforcement lesson, students should already
have a background on the short /a/ sound and be able to
produce it.
Modeling of the Concept
The teacher will lay out a series of flashcards with
short /a/ words on them. She/he will explain, Each word
has the short /a/ sound. Short /a/ sounds like aaaa. I am
going to read each word in a sentence then I want you
all to repeat the word after me. Ready? Lets begin with
the first word. Ensure all students are able to correctly
say each word before flipping to the next card.
Guiding the Practice
The teacher will go around the circle and have each
student orally read a line from Zac the Rat. The students
will point out which words have the short /a/ sound. If
the students need help, the teacher will be there to
assist in the reading.
Students will open their bags full of materials and lay
their materials out in front of them. They will also get a
pencil if they do not already have on out.
Providing the Independent Practice
After having the opportunity to read short /a/ words from
Zac the Rat, the teacher will give each student a cut out
of a tree and five apples. The teacher will explain, We
are going to be making apple trees. Can anyone tell me
what sound apple has in it? Students will respond with,
short /a/ or aaaaa. The teacher will continue with, On

supplies, etc.)

Other(This area
is to be
determined by
instructor OR
student as
comments and
What would

each apple you are going to write ONE short /a/ word
that you can think of. Think back to our flashcards, song,
and book for help. If you need anymore help, raise your
and I will come over. Once all your words are written,
raise your hand for me to check then you can glue your
apples on your tree.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special
For a student who is hard of hearing:
Use visual formats for all activities
Include visual directions along with simple verbal
Speak very clearly and repeat anything that child needs
repeated (i.e. directions, comments, student response,
The A Song by KidsTV123
Zac the Rat by Starfall
5 cut outs of a tree
20 apples
Summary & Review of the Learning
The teacher will review what vowels are and what sound
short /a/ makes. The students will provide feedback on
what they thought of the lesson. Finally, students will
take turns reading aloud the short /a/ words them came
up with for their apple tree.
Take home your apple trees and read your short /a/
words to your family!
**This lesson is designed for small group instruction (around 56 students) and a reinforcement/mastery lesson**

The short /a/ vowel sound lesson went extremely well. Both
the students and myself enjoyed the hook song. The students
loved being able to sing along with the video through the use
of repetition. The flashcards were a great modeling of
concepts for the children. Students enjoyed reading the words
and even challenged themselves to creating sentences using
the words. Zac the Rat was a great book selection even
though it is a simple short story containing mostly short /a/
sounds. The interactive pages were a great way for students

to get into the book. The trees were a huge success. Students
loved having the opportunity to find words that had the
short /a/ sound. This lesson was very informative and
beneficial for the students. At the end of the lesson the
students were able to point out different words that had the
short /a/ sound just through hearing the words. I would
definitely teach this lesson again, without making any changes
expect for aspects to fit specific classes.

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