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UNUM SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Nov-06-2015 11:20 am Case Number: CGC-15-548842 Filing Date: Nov-06-2015 11:15 Filed by: DAVID YUEN Juke Box: 001 Image: 05147168 COMPLAINT MOHAMMED CADI ET AL VS. RYAN RICCO-PENA ET AL 001005147168 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. - sUM-100 sufmons oi SE Sour USE OnLy (CITACION JUDICIAL) * om NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO}: RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and Does 1 TO 20 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXI CAB NOTIGET Vou have been sued. The court may decide agalnat you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. 00 ave 30 CALENDAR DAYS afte this summons and legal papers are served on you to flea writen response at this court and have a copy sevied on the pati Aleter oF phone call wil not pretect you. Your witen response must bein proper legal form you want the court to hear your See pare ry be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information atthe Caforia Courts ie reer non Center, your county [aw library or the courthouse nearest you. Hf you cannot pay the fling fee, ask ate ec foe waver form. Ifyou do not fle your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the cour. Fe der agal requrements, You may want to call an atomey right away. f you do not know an attorney, you may wanto call an attorney referral sanice, you cannat ford an atorney, you may be eligible fr foe logal service from a nonprofit egal services program. You can locate Tree onproft groups ate Calforia Legal Services Web ste (ww, the California Courts Onine Se Help Center (lan Doutthfe-ba gowseiMelp), or by contacting you local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory hen for waived fees and Hose any sellernent or arbitration award of $10,000 or more ina chil case, The court’ fen must be paid before the court wil dismiss the case. JAVISO! Lo han demandodo. Sino responds denio de 30 das, la corte puede decd an su conta sn escuchar su versén. Lea a informacién @ ‘ontinuacion, aac un formulate de orencin de pago de tas Sno presenta su respuesta a lempo, puede porder el caso por Incumplimentoy fa cote fe ‘Bodrd qutar su suelo, dinero y bienes sin mds advertoncia nity doe equlss legates. s rocomendable que lame a un abogado inmedlalaments. Sino conoce a un abogado. puede lamar a un servicio de roritén's abogads. Sino puede pagara un abogad, es posible que cumpla con ios requistos para abtener servicios egales gratutos de un ‘rourama de saves legaes sn fines de luc, Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de luo an e sto web de Calfomie Legal Services, Fran aubsipelfomia or), en e! Cont de Ayuda d fas Cortes do Calflora, (www 0 poriéndose en contacto con la cot oa! elavo de abogados locals. AVISO: Por ly la corte ene derecho a reclama as cuotas y las costa exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre ca rreconeracion do $0,000 6 mas de valor recbice mecdinte un acuerdo 0 una concesin de aire en un caso de deracho cil. Tene que pagar el gravamen de fa. corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. ia ‘The name and address of the cour is: 5 ; (Elnombre y dreccién de la corte es): San Francisco Superior Court 400 McAlllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 “The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff's attomey, or plaintiff without an attorney. is: (Einombro, la dreccion y el numero de feléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): snr oe Philip A. Segal, Esq., 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 474-1900 DATE: Clerk, by DAVID W. WEN Deputy (Fecha) _ NOV 0.6 2015 CLERK OF THE COURT (Secretario) c (Adjunto) (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-070),) V (Para prueba de entrega de esta citation use ol formulario Proot of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). ae ‘TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1 2 an individual defendant. 2. Eas the person sued under the fcitious name of (specify): 3, (J onbehatf of (specify): under: 2} CoP 416.10 (corporation) [cor 416.60 (minor) [J CoP 416.20 (defunct corporation) [=] CCP 416,70 (conservatee) [J CoP 416.40 (association or partnership) [—] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) (1) other (specify): 4. (21 by personal delivery on (dat): aaa ‘SUMMONS Go Paes 3h 5 © 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94109 veuervoneno: 415-474-1900 [EAL ADDRESS (Onto arronvey For asne)_plaintiff MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXICAB _ No. 415-474-0302 PLD-PI-001 [TORY OR PART WNHOUT ATTORNEY gs, Se Ooms a aia Fon couhy eso 1Philip A. Segal, Esq. (137633) SAN Pai or : Kem, Noda, Devine & Segal SUPE eS OgOUNT QE NOV~6 AMI: 21 ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco sraeeraooress: 400 McAllister Street PLAINTIFF! San Francisco, CA 94102 Civic Center Courthouse MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXI CAB RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and oes 170 20 ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [J AMENDED (Number): ‘Type (check all that apply): MOTOR VEHICLE —[_] OTHER (specify) Property Damage [__] Wrongful Death Personal Injury __[__] Other Damages (specify): DEFENDANT: ere ov DAM Wve, A diction (check all that apply): ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE ‘Amount demanded does not exceed $10,000 exceeds $10,000, but does not exceed $25,000 [5 AcTION Is AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) [J ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint (1 from limited to unlimited [trom unlimited to limited ¢ 6C~15-549842 1. Plaintiff (name or names): MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXI CAB. alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and Does 1 TO 20 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists ofthe following number of pages: 4 3, Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult ‘except plaintif (name): MAX TAXI CAB (1) [22 a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) [5 an unincorporated entity (describe): 3) [J a public entity (describe): @) CJ aminor [_] an adult (@) [1] for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (b) [—] other (specify): (©) [J other specity: b. (1) except piaintt (name): (1) [J] a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) FJ] an unincorporated entity (describe) () a public entity (describe): () CJ aminor (—] anadutt (@) [1] for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (b) (J other (specify): (8) (other (specity [= information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. Fam ence OS pupeho o sonery 3071 Damage, Wrongful Death ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Page tot Coie Ouran, § 512 © ° PLD-PL-001 ‘SHORT TLE: eaSEROMDER MOHAMMED CADI, et al. v. RYAN RICCO-PENA, et al. 4. (J Pains (name): is doing business under the fttious name (specify): ‘and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. 5, Each defendant named above is a natural person lefendant (name): UBER TECHNOLOGIES, mic [_] except defendant (name): ‘abusiness organization, form unknown (@) [J a business organization, form unknown @ [J] acorporation (@) [=] a corporation (2) [J an unincorporated entity (describe): {) [J] an unincorporated entity (describe) (4) a pubic entity (describe): (4) (a pubic entity (describe): (©) (J other (specify): (5) [1 other (specify): b. [5 except defendant (name): 4. (2 except defendant (name): (1) [J abusiness organization, form unknown (1) [J] a business organization, form unknown, 2) J acomoration 2) EJ acorporation (@) [J an unincorporated entity (describe): (2) an unincorporated entity (describe): (4) (a public entity (describe): © a public entity (describe): © Cather (specify: (© other (specity [57 Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment 6. 6. Thetrue names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to piaintif. named defendants and acted within the Scope of that agency or employment. Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): 1 - 20 paint. — 7. 2] Defendants who are joined under Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8, This courtis the proper court because a. [1] atleast one defendant now resides ints jurisdictional area, 4. LJ other (specity): 9. 2] Plaintfis required to comply with a claims statute, and [J has complied with applicable claims statutes, or b. [is excused from complying because (specify) OR Rar aay TT ‘COMPLAINT—Persona! Injury, Property Damage, Wrongfui Death Doe defendants (specity Doe numbers): 1 = 20 were the agents or employees of other are persons whose capacities are unknown to the principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association is in its jurisdictional area, sury to person or damage to personal property occurred in its jurisdictional area. Parnas © 9 PuD-o04 ‘SHORT TITLE Case NER MOHAMMED CADI, et al. v. RYAN RICCO-PENA, et al. 10. The following causes of action are attached and the statements above apply to each (each complaint must have one or more causes of action attached): [2 Motor Vehicle . ] General Negigence (I intentional Tor [5] Products Liabtty [1] Premises Liability TJ other (spect): 11, Plaintiff has suffered ‘wage loss loss of use of property cc. CZ hospital and medical expenses yeneral damage property damage loss of earning capacity g. [_] other damage (specify): 12. [2] The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintif tothe deceased are @ [listed in Attachment 12. b. [_] as follows: 413. The relief sought inthis complaint is within the jurisdiction ofthis court. 14, Plainif prays for judgment for costs of suit for such rele asf for, just, and equitable; and for a. (1) CZ) compensatory damages (@) [I punitive damages ‘The amount of damages is (in cases for personel injury or wrongful death, you must check (1): according to proof in the amount of: $ 45. [The paragraphs ofthis complaint alleged on information and belief are as follows (specify paragraph numbers): Date: November‘, 2015, PHILIP A. SEGAL, ESQ. (1¥PE OR PRINT NAHE) brani way 3 TOMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property 7 Faas Damage, Wrongful Death © 9 PLD-PI-004(1) ‘SHORT THLE: ease NER, MOHAMMED CADI, et al. v. RYAN RICCO-PENA, et al. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle (pune ATTACHMENT TO Complaint [—] Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) Plaintif (name): MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXI CAB MV- 1. Plaintiff alleges the acts of defendants were negligent; the acts were the legal (proximate) cause of injuries and damages to plaintiff; the acts occurred on (date): AUGUST 10, 2015 at (place): MARKET AND CASTRO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA MV- 2. DEFENDANTS ‘a. [2] The defendants who operated a motor vehicle are (names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and Does 1 to 20 “The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle in the course of their employment are (names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and [bees 1 to 20 ‘The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with their permission are (names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and Does 1 to 20 ‘The defendants who entrusted the motor vehicle are (names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and TZ does 1 to 20 ‘The defendants who were the agents and employees of the other defendants and acted within the scope of the agency were (names): RYAN RICCO-PENA; UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC; and Does 1 to 20 1. (1 The defendanis who are fable to plantifis for other reasons and the reasons for the iabilly are (1 isted in Attachment MV-2f [_] as follows: 1 Does to Page age Fea geae Oa ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle cote een roege 2 uobheottn ee nay 2001 aed cm.o1 i ao Qo sannon Kens Noda, Deving & Segal 188 Suter Steet Suite 00 - San Francisco, CA 94109 FILED reverone no: 415.474.1900 xno: 415.474.0302. SA CISC” COUNTY _aronney FoR jane plaintiff MOHAMMED CADI; MAX TAXI CAB RVR COURT {SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, counTy oF SAN FRANCISCO, steer aooress: 400 McAllister Street QS NOV-6 AMIN: 21 cmravozpcese San Francisco, CA, 94109 LEK a corns lve Caner Couthouse ay. DAO WUE, y CASE NAME MOHAMMED CADI, et al. v. RYAN RICCO-PENA, et al. ae CASE COVER SHEET ‘Complex Case Designating 6CeTe- 54 Bb42 Unlimited Limited , see ae counter soinder” | — demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant excoods $25,000) $25,000 orless)| (Cal. Rules of Court, nia 3402) | ter ‘tems 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). [= Check one box below forthe case type that best describes tis case" Auto Tort, Contract, Provsionally Complex Cl Litigation ian Fey Srachctconracwaranty (6) (Sal Rules of Coun aes 3400-2409) Uninsured motorist (46) (1 Rule 3.740 collections (08) AnittrustTrade regulation (03) Other PUPDAWD (Personal Injury/Property [| other collections (09) [1 construction detect (10) DamageWrongful Death) Tort [EA insurance coverage (18) I Mass tort 40) LJ) Asbestos (04) 7) otner contract (37) [1 Securities tigation (28) [) Product ability (24) Real Property [1 EnvironmontalToxic tort (30) (J Medical malpractice (45) [J Eminent domainiinverse Insurance coverage claims arising from the ee ee Candemnation (14) Shove tated provsionaly complexes, \Non-PVPDIWD (Other) Tort [J Wrongful evition (33) ‘types (41) TF usinesstovuntairbusiness practice (07) LC] Othe reat property (26) Enforcement of Judgment ) evitrights (08) Unlawful Detainer [1 Enforcement of judgment (20) [J befemation (13) ‘Commercial (31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint Fraud (16) ee ) (1 rico 7) TF intetectua property (19) 1 bags 8) (1 otter compaint (not specied above) (42) = Professional neatgence (25) ical Review Miscellaneous Chil Petition 1 other non-PuPDWD tort (35) 4 ‘Asset forfeiture (05) [J Partnership and corporate governance (21) Employment Petton ro: arbration award (11) er petition (nt a ‘Wrongful termination (36) (1 wrt of mandate (02) 2 other employmant (15) [Ey otra just rviow (39) 2. Thiscase [_Jis [¥Tisnot — complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. if the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management a. 1 Large number of separately represented parties —_d. [_] Large number of witnesses ».[_] Extensive motion practice raising difficult ornovel__e. [__] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts Issues that wil be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court c [] Substantial amount of documentary evidence 1. [] Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (check all that apply): a.[7] monetary _b.[_] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c.[_]punitive Number of causes of action (specify): 1 This case [lis I there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You Date: November £7, 2015 PHILIP A. SEGAL, ESQ. CPE On PRAT AREY NOTICE v + Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (excepf small ciaims cases or cases fled tunder the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to fle may result in sanctions. le this Cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. + Ifthis case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the Califomia Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy ofthis cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding, ‘+ Unless this isa collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only "Seal camatel Cater CNIE Case Coven suey Oa Sonn ul Asmara ae 18 ‘irate say 0) ‘mn carton wste Kons on HowTo compere tHe cOwh sticeT oe To Plants and Others Fiing Fret Paporo you sro Sng 9 et paper (or exe, a complain na cl ase you musk Tpate ana a sng th yout paper te Gu Caso Cove Shoot otaned on page Te oat wi be sede compte Saree aa tie ypes ane mers of case fle. You ost compas ten 1 trough & on te has. Tne you ust chek ow toe ots case ype Pat bot dessrbos te cas. the case Re bata general and amore specie ype f case ited in em Sreaatnov pea one te cace has mule cases of acter, check he box at bet nds the primary case of aton Greta youln completing ine seat samples o he care tht belong under each cae ype mam are provide blown. A cover {ost ud be ed sry wi your el pope atu foe Sver hee wh he et paper fed nae case may sb pay, ieunsl o* pot fo canons under rdee 2.50 and 2220 of he Caoma Res of COM To Pars in Rule 31740 Collections Cases. A"colocon cose under rule 8.740 ie dafined as an acon fo recovery of mney Sans tum sated be cota at ot ore han $25000, excise terest and atomeys fxs, aiing fom a wansacton i stich propery, cawawe or money wat acqureon Cec. A colsctane case oes not nce an actin seating the long (fo Samoges” (pre sarap) rocsey ef eal propsry.(@)Tecoery of personal propery. or (0) 8 pradoment Wo Stocknent The uantbeaon ofa case as ule 740 cofechons cao oni fom meant et til be exempt fom fhe genera hoorservian soqurements and cave ranavorer ues, nlss a dtendan lesa responsive pleading A rue 340 colecons stewabesbjeato to oquromens for sanice and obliga ucgmetn re ‘fo Paris in Complex Cases. In compoe cases ony, priest sso us the Ch Case Cover Shoe to designate whee the Sasi pix pont bere he cas sconce under ule 2.40 of he Calforia Rules of Cou, te mat be nosed by Sinpeing be sppepte bones fme 1 and pla exgnats a case as compl the over hee mu be seve hfe Spat on a poses tote acon. A defendant may fe and seve ro er han the te of st sppeaance a onde nthe suai dedgraton. © cour desgatin tat ne avert compl or # te ain has ade no destnaon, a desgnaton fat the case is complex. ‘Auto Tort “Auto (22)-Personat Inury/Property ‘DamageMrongful Death Uninsured Motorist (46) (ithe ‘0388 involves an uninsured ‘motorist caim subject to ‘arbtraon, chock this item Instoad of Auto) ‘thor PUPDIWD (Personal Injury! Property Damage/Wrongful Death) Tor "Asbestos (04) “Asbestos Property Damage ‘Asbestos Personal Inury! ‘Wrongful Death Product Liability (not asbestos or foxictenvonmenta) (24) Medical Malpractice (48) ‘Medical Malpractice Physicians & Surgeons ‘Other Professional Health Care Malpractice (Other PUPDIWD (23) Premises Liality (2.9, sp ‘and fa) Intenlonal Boal Injury/POMD (e.g, assault, vandalism) Intentional inficon of. ‘Emotional Distress Negigent lnfiction of Emotional Distress other PUPDWWD ‘Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort ‘Business Tor/Unfair Business Practice (07) Civ Rights (2g, discrimination, false arrest) (not chal harassment) (08) Defamation (eg, slander, bef) (13) Frau (16) Inteectual Property (18) Professional Negligence (25) Legal Malpracioe (Other Professional Malpractico (not medics! or legs) ther Non-PUPDAND Toft (35) Employment ‘Wrongful Termination (26) (Other Employment (18) Dane bay CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Contract ‘Breach of ContractWerranty (06) ‘Breach of RentalLease, Contract (not unl detainer ‘or wrongful eviction) Contract Warranty Breach-Seler Paint (not fraud or nogiigence) Negligent Breach of Contract ‘Warranty (ther Breach of ContractwWarranty Collections (.g., money owed, open ‘book accounts) (09) Collection Case-Seller Pisintit ‘Other Promissory Note/Coletions Sie insurance Coverage (nt rovisonay ‘orto (1) fat Stropaton Cine Coverage Comer Conrac(o7) ‘Sarat Fina Sir Contes Real Property a inert Domainiverse Sonsornaton (3). \onght evion ©) Omer Real Property (oat te) 25) Wit of posession of eal Mopar Norgape Force ult Te Siner Rest Property (nt eminent Soran anorsnai or ‘Grocer Unlawt Detainee ‘Cone (1) Reset (32) Drie (02) (Fhe case inate egal “huoe choc ean otentee report as Conmorsa or Restos) Judicial Revo owe Festa (5) Paton Re Asaton Anard (1) iat nat (2) \iieRanissrcive Mandamus WicMendaas on Lined Gout ‘ave Mar ice Linted Court case eve ther Jol Review) avo ot ea Stier Order Nols of ppea-Labor orate Aes CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET rovisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal Rules of Court Rules 3.400-3.403) “Anttrus/Trade Regulation (03) Construction Defect (10) aims Involving Mass Tort (40) Secuniies Ligation (2) Environmental Tax Tort (30) Insurance Coverage Ciains {arising from provisionally complex ‘ca50 type sted above) (41) Enforcement of Judgment Enforcement of Judgment (20) ‘Abstract of Judgment (Out of ‘County) Confession of Judgrnant (non domestic relations) ‘Sister State Judgment ‘Administrative Agency Award {not unpaid taxes) Petilon/Certfcation of Entry of “Judgment on Unpaid Taxes thes Enforcement ef udgment Miscellaneous Civil Complaint Rico en) Other Gompsint rot specied Stove) ta) Pe Declaratory Roe Only Pjnetve Relat Ory thon "haraesmen) Mechanis en Other Commer! Complaint ‘Case on ordnon comple) one ai Miscellaneous Civil Petition Partorship and Corporate Governance (21) tne elton (not spats above) (3) Sea Platstment Wortpiace Vienoe ElsenDependent Adu “Abuse ecto Contest Potton fo Nate Change Pelton fr Rett From ate ‘Sam ‘tnar Ch Petton Paar zoe

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