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OM SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Nov-02-2015 4:24 pm Case Number: CGC-15-548759 Filing Date: Nov-02-2015 1:04 Filed by: DAVID YUEN Juke Box: 001 Image: 05139570 COMPLAINT JOSE PUBILL ET AL VS. DAVID VEUVE ET AL 00105139570 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. [Wchaet 2 Gactor SBN Tsu a Sa rnemow acetone RAINS LUCIA STERN, PC 220 Monigomery Suet, 15th Foor San Francisco, monenero: 415 si 9341 ‘0: 925-609-1690 sro Fon nuns: Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill fsueEnioe couRT oF cauironwa,counry or SAN FRANCISCO stnestazoness: 400 McAlister Street wane aooress: 400 McAllister Street ary wozrcooe: San Francisco, CA 94102 eanne Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ‘Complex Case Designation - 4 [ZY Untwea Cod times cee Unt a ae — Goan, ance | rans rt enpsrace by nda seretacao) SeeShtcroan| "Mauch Coat nae Sat) | oe ems 1=6 below must be completed (a90 instructions on page 2) ‘heck one bax below forthe case type thet best describes this cas Auto Tort ‘Contract Provislonaly Complex Civil Litigation nae Fe ereach of conraciwaranty (00) (Gal Rules of Cour, rubs 3400-3.403) Uninsured motorist (46) 5) ute 3740 cotectons (08) {2 anuirasvtrade regulation (3) ecrramo reneraactrpey [] cow aen (constuction deer (10) Damege/Wrongful Desth) Tort Insurance coverage (18) TE Wass tort (40) FJ Asbestos (04) otner contact 07) (© secure nigaton 28) Product faiiy (24) Real Property Endronmentav Tox tort 0) Most mates 45) CET Erno ceraintvere =] insutange coverage came ring tom re LO) ober Puponvn (23) ‘condemnation (14) above ited roomplex case Non-PVPDIWD (Othor) Tort [1 waren eviction (38) ‘types (41) | [7 ustnes tnt business practise (7) [—] oter eat propery (26) Enforcomont of Judgment | (2) cot ents (08) Unlawful Detainer ( eentorerent of udgment (20) | [Detonation 8 ‘commercial (1) lscotaneovs Cv Compt | Cd Fraud (16) 5 Residential (22) [1] rico@n TE tates! propery (19) 5 brags 8) [5 ot cosa (ot pectod above) (2) [1 Protensona reptence 5) ude Review tscolaneous GW Pettion a Ey onrrecromonan, $=) Pemenetemauntrs 29 cea oe (elf eneeee eas 5 otter petton ot above) (43) [5 one empiomen (16) Tot pet ove (9) 2 Thiscase L_]is Li Tisnot — complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court Ifthe case is complex, mark the factors requng exceptional judicial management 2.) Large number of separately represented parties ¢. [_] Large number of witnesses .[_] Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel. [_] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts [issues that wil be time-consuming to resolve In other counties, states, or counties, or ina federal court c. 1] Substantial amount of documentary evidence 1. (21 substantial postjudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (cheok all hat apply): a.LZ] monetary b.[__] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief ¢.[_]punitve 3a 44. Number of causes of action (specify): Six 5. Thiscase Lis LZ Jisnot aclass action suit 6. If thore are any known related cases, Hla and serve a notice of related case, (You may use form CM.O16) Date: November 2, 2015 Michael E. Gatto > Mad! Cp me STRATA TREC HORST ORDER NOTICE «+ Plaintiff mus fle this cover sheet with the fst paper fled in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases fled ‘under the Probate Code, Family Cod, oF Welfare and insttutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to fle may result in sanctions. le this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local cout rue. «if this case ls complex under rule 3.400 et seq, of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of his cover sheet on al ‘other parties tothe aclon ar proceeding, + Unless this s a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, tis cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes on! Trae IVIL CASE COVER SHEET Se aan ES ORIGINAL F = INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET omoro To Plante and Others Fling First Papers. I you ee fing a fst paper (or example, a camplan Ina ck cas, you must Completa and fe, along vith Your fst paper, tte Gh Caso Cover Shoot contained on page. This fomaton wil be used io comple States abou the ypes ana numbers of ces fed. You mis compli tems 1 vough 6 on the sheet in em s, You must check tne boxer the case ype tet bast describes the cas. Ifthe cae boa general and amor spect ype of cae etd Ine 1, heck ne mote specie one, I tho case has muplo causes of acon, Check tho box that best Indetes the primary cause of acon ‘To asset you m completing ie sheet, examples of te cases tat balong under each cae Ye nom ae provided below. A cover thee must be fled ant win your nfl pepe, Faure to flea cover sheet wth to fst pepe ld Ina case may sutect a party, fcounel, or both to sencons under les? 20 and 2220 ofthe Calta Rules of Court To Parties n Rule 3.240 Collections Cases. A "colecons case* under re 3.740 ls defined 28 an acon fr racovry of money owed in sum stated fo be certain tat snot more than $25,000, exclusive of intrest and atomey’ ees, ring from atransacon i Mich property, serves, or money was acquired on ced. Acalecions case doesnot ncudo an econ seaking the folowing (1 tot amagos, (2) puntve. damages, (3) recovery of real propery, (4) recovery ef personal pope. ot (@) «prejudgment wt of attachment The lenin of case ax 8 ule 3740 cobecors case on is frm means tat til be exempt orn to gota tine foreervcerequremens an case management le, unless a defendant fea responshe leering, A tus 2740 colecons cate willbe abject the requements for sence and obaring a judgment nr 3.740 To Partes In Complex Cases. In complex cases only, pares must sso use the Civ Case Cover Sheet to designate wheter the ase complexe pant balleves the cassis complex unde ue 3.400 of the Calfomia Rules of Cut. te must be indeated by ampaing the appropete boxes in tems 1 and’. Wa pani deagraos a case a8 compek, the cover sheet must be served wih Complaint on al pares tothe acon. A defendant may fie and ser no lator than the tme offs frst appearance a joiner inthe Platts designation, a cunterdestnaton fa tne cae le ot comple, oe pani has made no destaton, a designation tat a (CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES noe = ee eee emery caeeares rosoora canes cate eenmantet teeta mamas Pr rnoatral Susana ‘eas rene re ee Se cy eorenaners counters ty Scien eee Santee ey Sea Ec Sats oes ve ae nears ecru anon ng Se. er wee Pca ‘Collecfions (e.g., money owed, open Enforcement of Judgment oF pcbaton| (04) ‘Book aocounts) (08) ‘Enforcement of Judgment (20) ene See ever ett rete Fete rope oe Sormceerennee a ae es ne ane se Seo tnt co ae toxie/environmental) (24) complex) (18) ‘Sister State Judgment ees een ecco eS cere cine re contents EE eye oe ne Soetietsrr ‘Malpractice | Other Contract Dispule Seeaeeeeeeeaes Judgment as nea st la far PEt marere eae sos coaceers 00 nar anyon wwosga tens See tect cr a we te weit marae, gut. Se neo poeaaaiag Wet et SEES on eines ie conse ome Se eto et eee as ‘Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort foreclosure) nse in ‘Business Tor/Unfair Business ‘Unlawful Detainer n complaint Lond) = at (31) ‘Miscoltar Civil Pati can ED octreson co soto ieee a Sei ee on Sar eatin Ty eae a fantae ee 7 pesmi fam feo a Se wa HEE ag mae Sere oe ETE anne a etter Vermeer nares ee Kioto cr lege Case Watior Pttion for Relef From Cate nen SIS En caer a nn =a cole teed eee a Soares oT Ee eu ieee pial ‘Cm 090 Fy. ty #2007) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ea SUMMONS ool Pata Be ca CORTE (CITACION JUDICIAL) SUM-10¢ NOTICE TO DEFENDAN’ (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): David Veuve; Sidecar Technology, Inc.; and DOES 1 to 100 inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill TNOTIGEI Vou have been aued, The cour may ded against you witout your beng heard ress you respond with 80 Gay. Read to voalion below. "YoU have 30 CALENDAR DAYS afer his summons ard legal papers are served on yout flea wlten response at this court and have a copy served onthe plan. A eter or one ca wll no protect yu. Your wen response must be Ih proper lal form I you want the cour to hear Your tate. There maybe a court form thal you can ule for your espns. YoU ean hd these cout form and mere inorraten at te Calforia Cours Chino Sal Help Center ( govt), your county lw ary, or the courthouse nearest you. if you cannot pay te ing fee, as the court eck for a fee waiver frm. you do nt fe your respons on time, you may lose te case by default, and your wages, money, and property ‘may be taken wut furor warning Worn tho cour. "Tero ere ter lgalreqlernerss. You Tay wat call an alomey ght away. I'you donot know an atlorey, you may want o eal an atlomey referal service. you cannot aford ar attorney, you maybe elle fer Foe legal series from a ronprof loal series program. You can ocala {hove nonprtgroupe al be Calforda Legal Services Web sis (www lawhelpeallomia oy), the Calloria Courts Cre Saltelp Canter (jn courtnfe.c2.gowsethelp, of by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The cout has a saltory fen for walved fees anc zat on any solomon or aritaion award of $10,000 or more In cl case. The courts len must be pal before the court wil dsmiss he caso. {AVISO!1 Lo an demandedo. Sino respond dentro de 30 dis, la cote puede dectdren su conta sin escuchar su versie. Lea a ifommactn @ fonthuacen “ne 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO degpués do quel entrequen esta ctacién y opeleslegales para presenar una respuesta por eset en esta cate y hacer que se enregue una copie al demendarte. Una carta una lamedsfelfbnica no epolegen. Su respuesta por esc ene que eslar fn formal ogo comeco s desea que procasen su caso en a crt. Es posal qu haya un formuaro que used pueda usr para su respuesta ‘uede enconrar ests formulae do core y mds inermacien on el Con de Ayuda dels Cotes do Calon (wow. suorea gov), nf bibloteca de lyes desu condado o en la cote que fe quode nds corea, SI no puede pager la cute do presentactn pide al secretaro dela corte «ue le cb un fomulare de exencién de pago de cunts. Sin presenta su respuesta etme, puede perder al a0 por ncumpimleni yf cae od quite su sveto, rer y Blanes sh mas advertenca. ‘Hay oes requsoslgales. Es rocomendabie que lame a un abogedoInedlatamente. Sino conoce aun abogado, puede Hamar a un sence de romision a abogados. ino puede pagar a un abogado, es pase que cumple con lo rquisos para obtener series logales gral de un ‘rogram de servicios logales sn fines de lar, Puede encontrar estos grupos sh fhes de luc ene tio web de Calera Lage Services, {tr lawtelpcalfomiaomg) ene! Cento de Ayuda de las Cortes de Clloma, (wvn.ucorl.cagov) 0 poniéndose en contacto con la crf oe! ‘olgio de abogados loses. AVISO: Po yl corte tone doreco @ reclame ins cuoia bs costs exentas por mpaner un gravemen sobs ‘ual recaperacisn de $10,000 6 més de valor recbids mediante un scuerdoo una cancestin de arblraje en un caso de derecho ch. hae ager el gravamen de a cote antes de que la core puede desecher el caso. “The name and address of the courts: , (Elnombre y dreccin dla corte os): San Francisco County Superior Court 400 Mcallister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 The name, address, and telephone numberof plaints attorney, or plant without an attorney, is: (Elnombre, a creccién y f numero de teléfono del abogado de! demandante, 0 del demandante que no tiene abogad, os): Michael E. Gatto, 220 Montgomery Street, 15th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104; 415-341-9341 DATE: ‘Clerk, by , Deputy oowNOV 022015 CLERK OFTHE Coup Sort) _ DAVID W. YUEN, ch) (For proof of service Of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (fonm POS-010).) (Para prueba de entrege de esta citation use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). OTE TO THe PERSON SERVES vou wooed 1. [2 asan individual defendant. 2. FJ as the person sued under the fcttious name of (specify) 3, CJ onbehalt of (specify): under; =] CoP 416.10 (corporation) [cr 41660 (mina) CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) TZ CcP 416.70 (conservatee) J cP 416.40 (association or partnership) [=] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) TF ote pent 4, 1 by pareona dtvry on (at) us satt (ose Cn Prowse 422,105 SEE ORIGINAL FAXED =" PLD-PI-001 + rnb a "Michael E Gatto, SBN 18647 RAINS LUCIA STERN, PC 220 Montgomery Street, 1Sth Floor Sen Francisco, CA 94104 veLemoneso: 415-341-9341 ‘1x0. oko: 925-609-1690 em seoness ence: rower ronnune: Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ‘teerazoress; 400 McAllister Street swunc scoress: 400 McAlister Street ‘crvmezrcece: San Franosico, CA 94102 PLAINTIFF: ‘Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill DEFENDANT: David Veuve; Sidecar Technology Inc. TZ oves +70 100 inclusive ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [J AMENDED (Number): ‘Type (check all that apply): MOTOR VEHICLE — [—] OTHER (specify): Property Damage Wrongful Death [Z Personal Injury Other Damages (specify): ‘SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT dus nov-2. PM Ae I | See / | i ote By “Jurisdiction (check all that apply): ( AcTION|s A LIMITED CIVIL CASE ‘Amount demanded [__] does not exceed $10,000 (J exceeds $10,000, but dove not exceed $25,000 [Z7 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) [ACTION Is RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint 5 from imited to untimited TF trom unlimited to timited cee- 157548759 Plaintiff (name ornames): Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill ‘alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names}: David Veuve; Sidecar Technology Inc.; and DOES 1 to 100 inclusive 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists of the following number of page Each plaintif named above is @ competent adult 2. (1) except piaintif (name): (1) [J a corporation qualified todo business in California (2) [J] an uninconorated entity (describ) (6) a pubic entity (describe): (4) [J aminor (—) an aduit 8: 10 (8) [1] forwhom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian a litem has been appointed () [J other (specify): (8) (J other (specify): b, [7] except piaintitt name): (1) Ll a corporation quatod to do busines Calla (2) [_) an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) a public entity (describe) (4) 5 aminor (7) an adult (@) [1 for whom a guardian or conservator ofthe estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (©) [J other (specity): (8) [otter (speci): information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. Tee ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property ‘Gon cman G82 Damage, Wrongful Death ORIGINAL PLD-PI-001 SORTTTE! Sena Jose Pubill, tal. v. David Veuve, etal. 4, [2 Planet ame) is doing business under the fttous name (sped) ‘and has complied vith the tious business nam laws. 5. Each defendant named above ie natural person a. [Z)excoptesiendant (name): See Attachment 1c, [—] except defendant (name: (1) La] business organization, form unknown (() Lo] 2 business organization, form unknown (2) a corporaton (2) 2 e corporation (©) anunincorprated entity (desorbe): (8) LS anunineorporated entity (describe): (4) a public ently descr): (4) 1 a public entiy (scribe) (© Doather (spec: (8) other (spect: b. [7 excopt detondant (namo): 4. (except cetendant (name) (1) [J] a business organization, form unknown (1) [a business organization, form unknown (2) J] ecorporaton (2) 2 e comperaton {2) [J] an unincorporated enity (describe) (©) an unincorporated enty (describe): (4) a pubic entity (sorb): (4) [a public entity (scribe: ©) oer (epecty (©) other (speci \nfermaton about adationsl defendants who are not natural persons is contained in tachment 5 6, The tue names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plintt. 8, [21 Dos defendants (pect Doe numbers): 1 t0 50 wore the agents or employees of aor named defendants and acted win the so0pe ofthat agenay or employnent. 5. (1 Dow defendant (nee oe numbers 51 to 100 are persons whose capscitos eve unknown to pian 7. [7] Defendants who are joined under Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8. This courts he proper court because 2. [1] atleast one defendant now resides in its jurisdictional are, . [the principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated association isin ts jrscictonel area. ¢. CZ injury to person or damage to personel property occured ints jurisdictional are, 4. [other (specify): 9, [] Plaintiffs required to comply with a claims statute, and ‘2 L_] has complied with applicable claims statutes, or b. [1 is excused from complying because (spac) PIS raoi on aaa ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Pears Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-001 ‘SHORT THLE SENN Jose Pubill, etal. v. David Veuve, et al. 10, The following causes of action are altached and the statements above apply to each (each complaint must have one or more causes of action attached): ‘Motor Vehicle (ZZ. General Negligence 5 intentional Tort TS Products Liabitty Negligence Per Se; Negligent Hiring and Retention and Supervision; Vicarious Liability - Respondeat Superior; Loss of Consortium 41, Plant hes suffered LZ) wage loss 1 toss of use of property [Z hospital and medical expenses ‘general damage Property damage [2 ios of earning capacity other damage (spec): Loss of Consortium; Loss of Household Services; All other Damages as the Court may deem Proper. b 4 t @ 12, [The damages ciaimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintif othe deceased are & [J listed in Attachment 12, b. Jas folows: 413, The relief sought in this complaints within the juridlction ofthis court +14, Plain prays for judgment for costs of suit for such reli as i far, jus, and equitable; and for ‘@. (1) LZ compensatory damages (2) (J punitive damages The oat deagee (an cases for personal injury or wrongful deat ‘according to proof @ A tte anounor's 1 paragraphs ofthis complaint alaged on information and belie are as follows (spaciy paragraph numbers): All paragrpahs and attached causes of action. ‘you must check (1): 48 Date: November 2, 2015 Michael E, Gatto » wd/c ‘TPE OR PNT a) (SUTURE PONTE ORATOR) Oa gn dovan 7 ‘COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property ree Damage, Wrongful Death mo-025 ‘SHORT TITLE: ‘CASE NUMBER: : | Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. ATTACHMENT (Number): 1 (This Atachmont may be used with any Jada Cone frm) / 5. Each defendant named above is a natural person except as follows: Sidecar Technologies, Inc., a corporation: (if the item that this Attachment concems Is made under penalty of perjury, ail statements in this Pago 4 of 10 + eee Attachment are made under penalty of pequry.) (Add pages as. 9 [eer “ATTACHMENT mena aos to Judicial Gounell Form PLD-PI-001(1) ‘SHORT THLE CER Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. Ist CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle ‘funbet ATTACHMENT TO. Complaint [—] Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action ) Piaintt (name): Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill (MV. 1. Plaintif alleges the acts of defendants were negligent; the acts were the legal (proximate) cause of ijuries ‘and demages to plain the acts occurred ‘on (dato): November 5, 2013, at (place) 2nd Street at intersection with Minna Street, San Francisco, County of San Francisco, California My- 2. DEFENDANTS “The defendants who operated a motor vehicle are (names): David Veuve TF dows to b. [21 The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle in the course of ther employment are (names) Sidecar Technology Inc. Does 1 t» 100 ‘The defendants who owned the motor vehicie which was operated with their permission are (names) TZ dows 1 to 100 ‘The defendants who entrusted the molor vehicle ae (names): TZ does 1 to 100 “The defendants who were the agents and employees ofthe other defendants and acted within the scope ‘of the agency were (names): Does 1 to 100 1. (1) The detendaris who are liable fo plains for oth (7 sted in Attachment MV-2F [—] as follows: > and the reasons forthe lability are 2 bees 0 Page __5 passers Tippee Oem CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle Com da Pare ahe eee uote amy 207 PLD-PI-001( ‘SHORT TITLE: ASE NER Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. 2nd CAUSE OF ACTION—General Negligence Page _6 Trambery ATTACHMENT TO ‘Complaint [—] Cross - Complaint (Use 2 separate cause of action form for each cause of action) GNA. Plaintif (name): Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill aleges that defendant (name): David Veuve; Sidecar Technology Inc.; [Z dows 1 to 100 ‘was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plant. By the folowing acts or omissions to act, defendant negligently caused the damage to plaintit (on (date): November 5, 2013, at (place): 2nd Street at intersection with Minna Street, San Francisco, County of San Francisco, Ca (description of reasons for lab) Defendant David Veuve was negligently driving his motor vehicle during the course and scope of employment on 2nd street at intersection with Minna Street in San Francisco, CA and pulled in front of the direct path of Plaintiff Jose Pubill in violation of Vehicle Code section 22107, causing Plaintiff to collide with the left rear side of Defendant's vehicle, causing personal injury to Plaintiff, Jose Pubill "Sta Sane Gaara ‘CAUSE OF ACTION—General Negligence ‘Cae ot roe a 2 obit Some 207) ‘SHORT TITLE: ‘CAE MNCER | Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. Mc-025 ATTACHMENT (Number): 4 (This Attachment may be used with any Judicial Council form) ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION - Negligence Per Se By all Plaintiffs against Defendants David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc, and DOES 1-100. At the time of the incident, David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100, and each of them, were ‘owners, operators, entrustors, or individuals responsible for the maintenance of the vehicle involved in the collision with Plaintiff Jose Pubill. In operating the aforementioned vehicle at the time of the incident, Defendants David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100, and each of them, had a duty to follow the applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code. Specifically, Defendants and each of them had a duty to comply with the following provisions of the Vehicle Code Section 22107 which states "No person shall tun a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after the giving of an appropriate signal in the manner provided in this chapter in the event any other vehicle may be affected by the movement.” In operating the aforementioned vehicle at the time of the incident, David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100, and each of them, negligently violated Vehicle Code section 22107 in that the Defendant failed to drive his vehicle so as to not pose a danger to the safety of persons or property. (the tem that his Attachment concems is made under penalty of peru al staterents his Page_7_ ot _10 ‘Attachment are made under penal of peru came z (etd pages 0s required) ay “ATTACHMENT sono to Judicial Council Form Mic-025 SHORT TITLE: SENET | Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. ATTACHMENT (Number): 5 (This Attachment may be used with any Judicial Coun form.) ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION- NEGLIGENT HIRING RETENTION AND SUPERVISION By all Plaintiffs against Sidecar Technology Inc, and Does 1-100 Sidecar Technology Inc. and/or Does 1-100 owed the general public a duty of reasonable care in the hiring, retention, training and/or supervision of Defendant David Veuve who was unfit to be a provider of ‘transportation, and who was not adequately trained or supervised in his driving, The breach of that duty was the proximate cause of harm to the Plaintiff causing him to suffer significant special and general damages in an amount to be proven at the time of trial. (if the item that this Attachment concems is made under penalty of perjury, all statements in this Page 8 of 10 tachment or ace ue rn se nade ner enely oein) (tts page 8 equ) [eee “ATTACHMENT ora Hers oe to Judicial Council Form Mc-025 ‘SHORT TITLE ose MBER [7 Jose Pubill et al. v. David Veuve, et al ATTACHMENT (Number): 6 (This Attechmant may be used with any Judicial Counei form ) ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION - Vicarious Liability - Respondeat Superior (Civ. Code §2295) By all Plaintiffs against Defendants Sidecar Technology, Ine. and DOES 1-100. At the time of the incident, David Veuve was acting in the course and scope of his employment with Defendant Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100. Under the principals of respondeat superior, Defendants Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100 are vicariously liable for the negligence of their employee in connection with the November 5, 2013 accident, This negligence was the proximate cause of harm to the Plaintiff causing him to suffer significant special and general damages in an amount to be proven at the time of trial. (tthe Hem that this Attachment concams is made under penalty of perry, al statements inthis Pago 9 of 10 Attachment are made under penalty of perjury.) (Add pages as required) "parece araciant mewn Bey to Judea! Counell Form SHORT TITLE: ‘os AE |~ Jose Pubill, et al. v. David Veuve, et al. Mc-025 ATTACHMENT (Numbor): 7 (This Attachment may be used with any Juckcial Council form.) ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT SIXTH CAUSE CAUSE OF ACTION - Loss of Consortium By all Plaintiffs against Defendants David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc, and DOES 1-100. (On November 5, 2013, and at all times mentioned in this complaint, Plaintiffs were lawfully married husband and wife. At all time relevant herein, Plaintiff Kathy Pubill benefited from the love, society, comfort, services, conjugal fellowship, caring, shared responsibility and shared finances of her husband, Plaintiff Jose Pubill As a direct and proximate cause of the acts or omissions of Defendant David Veuve, Sidecar Technology, Inc., and DOES 1-100 as alleged in this complaint, Plaintiff suffered physical and emotional injury that has ceased the care, comfort, and society and other benefits of marriage as between Plaintiffs Jose Pubill and Kathy Pubill, husband and wife. Prior to his injuries as complained of herein, Plaintiff Jose Pubill was able to and did perform his duties as a husband, provided income to the home and assisted Plaintiff Kathy Pubill in the care and management of their home and family matters. ‘Subsequent to his injuries as complained of herein, Plaintiff Jose Pubill has been unable to perform necessary duties as a husband, By reason thereof, Plaintiff Kathy Pubill has been and will be deprived of the consortium of her spouse, including her spouse's necessary duties and support and is informed and believes that, as a legal result of injuries sustained as described herein, het spouse will be unable to perform such work, duties and services in the future. By reason thereof, Plaintiff Kathy Pubill has been and will be deprived of the consortium of her spouse, including her spouse's necessary duties and support. (ifthe item that this Attachment concems is made under penaity of perjury, all statements in this Page_10_ ot _10 Attachment are made under, perjury, aa (Add pages as required) cl cone Eater ‘ATTACHMENT ‘econ gor Beir sy Ca) to Judicial Council Form

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