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Students Name: _______________

November 2015
Unit: Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages: Christian Kingdoms
Area: Social Sciences;
Sessions/Lessons: 3
Ed. Level: 2n ESO

This unit is aimed at second-year students of Secondary Education (ESO) whose primary language is not English. My unit consists of three
The purpose of this unit is to learn content about the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages and improve the students
English skills.
We will use mainly L2 but also L1 in some occasions. For instance, students will read some original texts written in Valencian language to
introduce some parts of the unit.
The exercises are designed for the students in order to acquire both content and language. For this reason, the unit includes a variety of exercises
using CLIL methodology (see attached on my lesson plan)
Furthermore, students have to complete templates and match dates with facts. There are many activities to help students remember words and
understand facts. They have to listen, identify and correct true or false statements, which helps scaffolding language. And, of course, there are
some HOT (Higher Order Thinking) activities, such as oral explanations and writings related to the topic. Finally, in some exercises, students
will have to create.

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