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Name: _____________________ Date: ___________ ICE #1 Gases

1. What temperature scale must always be used when working gas law problems? __________

2. The boiling point of water on the Kelvin scale is __________.

3. 0 K is also known as __________.

4. 40.00 °C is what temperature on the Kelvin scale?

5. -20.00 °C is what temperature on the Kelvin scale?

6. 298 K is what temperature in degrees Celsius?

7. What is the temperature (give in both °C and K) at STP?

8. Convert -145.0 °C to K

9. Convert 20.0 °C to K

10. Convert 252 K to °C

1. A gas sample has a pressure of 800.0 mmHg. What is the pressure of this gas sample in
atmospheres and in kilopascals.

2. A tank of oxygen is under a pressure of about 4.00 x 103 kPa. Express this pressure in
millimeters of mercury.

3. Convert 1.69 atm to mmHg

4. Convert 0.3587 atm to Pa

5. Convert 820.1 mmHg to atm

Name: _____________________ Date: ___________ ICE #1 Gases

6. Convert 689 mm Hg to Pa

7. Convert 725.0 torr to mmHg

65. A container holds three gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide, and helium. The partial pressures of
the three gases are 2.00 atm, 3.00 atm, and 4.00 atm, respectively. What is the total pressure
inside the container?

67. If 60.0 L of nitrogen is collected over water at 40.0 °C when the atmospheric pressure is
760.0 mm Hg, what is the partial pressure of the nitrogen?

68. 80.0 liters of oxygen is collected over water at 80.0 °C. The atmospheric pressure in the room
is 96.00 kPa. What is the partial pressure of the oxygen?

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