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Auditing Fall 2015

Assignment Reflections on the book Extraordinary Circumstances

The assignment is to write about your thoughts on the story told in the book Extraordinary
Circumstances. You are not writing a book report or a book review.
The paper should be approximately 2 to 4 pages in length. Use APA style as to font, margins, spacing,
etc. This is not a research paper it is a paper about your thoughts and reflections. However, if you do
quote, paraphrase, or cite anothers work use the APA citation style and include a references page.
Write the paper in first person. Try to provide specifics and/or examples that support your thoughts.
For example, write The signing of the Telecom Act in 1996 set the stage for (p. 126).
You may want to write about the ethical issues, auditing issues, business issues, regulatory issues,
and/or the career issues raised in the book. Some thought-starters are listed below in no particular
order, but please dont just use my thoughts, write about your thoughts. Of course organization,
grammar, and spelling count.
Due Date
A paper copy of the completed assignment is due November 20.

Coopers struggles to gain respect and resources for the internal audit function.

WorldComs business model. WorldComs growth model.

Role of the independent auditors. Role of the Audit Committee.

Impact of regulatory changes on the industry.

Pressures that led to downfall.

Implications of whistleblowing.

Corporate culture at WorldCom.

The fraudulent reporting and how it was accomplished.

Following is what I will look for when I grade the paper and the approximate weight of each aspect in
the overall grade.

Format (10%) - Paper is prepared in accordance with APA style.

Grammar and Spelling (25%) Proofread your paper, have someone else read your paper. If
you need assistance with this writing assignment visit the Tutoring Center in J105.

Organization (15%) The paper is well organized, thoughts flow in a logical sequence, and it is
easy to read and understand. Dont be afraid to use headings and sub-headings.

Content (50%) The content shows strong evidence of your own thoughts. Reflections are
clearly stated and supported with detail when appropriate. You use your own voice. Say
something. You may even be bold!

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