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CONFIDENTIAL EHIJUN 2014/CHES22/CPE523 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : TRANSPORT PHENOMENA COURSE CODE : CHES522/CPE523 EXAMINATION JUNE 2014 TIME 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of three (3) questions. 2. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permis invigitator. is given by the 4, Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of i) the Question Paper atwo— page Appendix an Answer Booklet ~ provided by the Faculty DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 4 printed pages {© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 2 EHIJUN 2014/CHES22/CPE523 QUESTION 1 (P01, C02, C2; PO1, CO2, C2; PO2, CO2, C3) a) Newton's law of viscosity, Fick's law of diffusion and Fourier’s law of thermal conduction are analogs of transport phenomena. State what is being transported and the driving potentials for each transport which are governed by these laws. (6 marks) b) A Newtonian fluid of density p is flow between two parallel plates with width W separated by a distance B as shown in Figure 1.The lower plate is moved in the positive z-direction with a constant velocity of V, while the upper plate is held stationary. [ L. 7.» Figure 1 Fluid flow between parallel plates. ') List your postulate. (3 marks) ii) Establish the expression for the velocity profile for a Newtonian fluid (of constant Viscosity ») using equation of motion in Appendix 1. (14 marks) QUESTION 2 (P04, CO3, C2; PO2, C03, C3) a) Explain the law of conservation of energy for an open flow system. (2marks) b) Define each term in combined energy flux vector. (4 marks) c) An experiment involved with incompressible viscous fluid in a circular tube of radius R, with velocity v, has been conducted in Chemical Engineering Laboratory. Prove the (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 3 EHIJUN 2014/CHE622/CPE523 following equation of energy by assuming that the flow is laminar. ar), 4uv . a8 (10 marks) 4) Justify assumptions to defend the solution in part (a). (4 marks) QUESTION 3 (P02, CO4, C3; PO1, CO4, C5) Liquid A diffused through a stagnant film of liquid B with a thickness L as shown in Figure 2. The mole fractions of A at z=0 and z=L are known. As engineers, you are interested in the number of moles of species A transferring through the film B under steady condition. fh#— L —H Ay rt Figure 2 Diffusion of liquid A through a stagnant liquid film B. a) Determine the steady state species A molar flux through a 1.5 cm thick stagnant film B. The binary diffusivity of A is 2.09 x 10° cms, the molar density, c is 107.8 cm‘/mol andxag = O15 and xq, = 0.05. (14 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universit Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 4 EHIJUN 2014/CHES22/CPE523 b) Justify all of the assumptions required for the solution of part (a) above (6 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologl MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX 4 EHIJUN 2014/CHE622/CPE523 The Equation of Motion in Term of t [p Dv/Dt = -(V- p)-[V«]+ pe] Cartesian coordinates ( x,y,z): (© Hak Cipta Universit Teknologl MARA CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, APPENDIX 2 EHIJUN 2014/CHES22/CPE523 The Equation of Energy in Terms of q GDI/De= -7-q)~ np /#ln,Dp/DI- (Vl at nly. : ciohia = Clie erates 8,2 sli on BB sn) Be l(a) tet ser ‘Spercl cnn 8, 9 inp) De at, % at] -( 1) 5¥) afer ite [ern taha noe tara ano ‘Summary of Differential operations Involving the V -Operator in Cylindrical Coordinates (1,8,2) -v) = 12 (roy +1 Se ww vs =12 (ra) +1254 Ze ®) GV) = 2) ae na 3% = 2) io va( 2) + xo( 32) bial n(22) at 7(%) © (© Hak Cipta Universiti Toknolog! MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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