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M. Guru Vishnu
IX satandard, EGAMS
Manalur, Chidambaram 608001

A man of dreams and vision and one who has converted them to reality who is nothing but our
former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has also explained the most burning issues facing
mankind that is environment and climate change.

In his environmental vision he stresses

sustainable energy, agriculture, save the rivers and save nature. His visualization for human
civilization for 2050 shows the road map for humanity. Humanity is possible through loving
environment. One starts to love environment he slowly starts to love humanity. His firm belief
It can be done instills confidence in all Indians, not only among Indians but also among the
We should not give up
We should not allow our problems to defeat us

Environment is nothing but the natural components water, land, air, mountains, forest etc. We
need healthy environment to sustain healthy life. For healthy life we need one more thing,
peace, it is possible only the humanity presents. Now a day, worldwide, we see lack of humanity
and so no peace everywhere. We could definitely bring back peace by loving and caring nature.
We can show our love and care on nature by planting, gardening etc. etc. Reduce our wastage
and energy consumption is also a method of caring nature. If we follow our missile mans
environmental vision we definitely bring back peace everywhere. Yesterday our ancestors joined
hands with nature they lead a healthy life. Today we pollute our earth for our greediness and so

we affect in all fields, if this extends tomorrow will become worse than now. We thought nature
is one among us, but actually we are one among nature. We say goodbye to nature and joined
hands with artificial world.
Sustainable environment
It is the responsibility of all of us to prevent our environment for our future generations without
further damage. Actually we did not get it from our ancestors; we borrow it from our future
generations. So we return it safely to them. To repair our earth our beloved Kalam sir insists
sustainable environment in his every speech. He stresses, as individual youth, one can contribute
it can be creating awareness; it can be keeping ones house and neighborhood clean and green;
it can be ensuring water and energy conservation in all places; it can be spreading hygiene
messages to people; or it can be launching innovative ideas.
Ten Billion trees
He has a motto, Billion trees for billion people. For that he insists tree plantation in his
environmental oath as I will plant ten trees and ensure their growth. For India alone we should
aim to plant one billion trees. He praises, the lady Prof. Warangi Maathai for her words, the
planting of trees is the planting of idea. Wherever one is, whatever one does green work, one
can certainly make differences to the environment, that is his thought, he strongly believes it.
Wherever he goes he has planted trees in his office and residence. He takes steps to green the
missile range where he works. According to him trees not only give us a healthy environment,
but also take better role to spread peace. He has planted 800 Jatropha plants in Presidential
Water for all
Water is one of the major natural wealth to sustain life in the earth. Now a days water deficiency
is the one of the major factors caused by climate change. Worldwide percentage of fresh water is
declined due to human activities and increase in population. So we have to take proper action to
preserve pure water resources and to save rain water. Saving rivers and rain water harvesting
and recycling of sewage water are the best method to save pure water. Then only we attain our
missile mans dream in our real life. He wishes that every citizen of the civilization will have

access to adequate quantity and quality water for consumption, sanitation and irrigation. As per
his view we need to ensure that the country and the world are free from the effects of droughts
and floods and the agriculture becomes independent of the monsoon. He calls the science
community must evolve a scheme by which we can harness the 300 BCM of unutilized water
and 1500 BCM of flood water which flows into the sea every year. Scientists should also find
simple recycling methods for domestic and industrial waste water. Also he insists to workout
cost effective and feasible strategies which will reduce the demand for water in sanitation and
Organic farming
The main reason for land pollution and also water pollution is over usage of artificial fertilizers
and pesticides. It will damage the health of the soil and one period we do not get yield without
artificial fertilizers.

Due to import of fertilizers the economy is declined.

We forgot the

traditional method of farming, they are nature oriented. For regaining the wealth and health of
the soil it is necessary to follow methods like crop rotation, natural fertilizers like worm culture
and natural pesticides made from neem trees. So that agriculture will enable constant renewal
and enrichment of the soil. He calls farmers and agricultural planners to implement organic
farming or local cost effective solutions for the problems faced by farmers. He stresses to plant
Jatropha plant to neutralize alkaline land.
Energy independence with alternate energy resources
The major reason for air pollution is fossil fuel consumption. So he insists energy independence
for our country. Coal mining and oil mining are the major air pollutants. We in India, can utilize
the suns energy throughout the year. We now utilize the hydroelectricity, wind power and
nuclear power but we should minimize the fossil fuel and increase the usage of green resources.
So that as per his vision there will be an adequate access to energy to all in the world without
polluting our mother planet earth. Due to water deficiency irrigation is not properly takes place
and the farmers sold out their lands because of less rain and the agriculture is weakened. Thus
we face a deficiency in the production of food crops and we export to manage and do the
economy is also affected.

Science revolution
He wants to bring science revolution among children and youth. For that he chooses education.
According to him education will be the tool by which Science and Technology will be delivered
to all, leading to the birth of the global knowledge society backed by value system and a spirit of
Technology revolution
He wants to introduce information and communication technology everywhere in the country. He
says that the ICT will transform into a knowledge system powerhouse penetrating and enabling
to every conceivable field of human endeavor. He wishes that human habitat will be extended to
Earth, Moon and Mars complex. He wishes to develop sustainable science and technology for
humans. We came to know this by insisting space solar system in his research.
Prevention is better than cure
According to him healthcare will witness an emphasis on preventive healthcare and tailored
medical treatments for individual leading a disease free society with increased longevity. Our
artificial and polluted life style is the major reason for diseases among ourselves. We should
change our life style in greener path to reduce diseases. Due to pollution and climate change we
affect many new diseases like dengue, malaria, swine etc. So we prepare medicines more and
more from medical industries, it will lead to further pollution of earth and so other new diseases.
Science and technology is must for us but it is under our control and it should not disturb our
Peace, peace everywhere
According to his vision, minimum guaranteed quality of life will be ensured to every global
citizen. It leads to peace everywhere.

Reducing carbon foot prints

He insists tree plantation to reduce the risk of carbon di oxide. He wishes that the Global Green
House Gas Equilibrium will be achieved and the risk of climate change will be eliminated.
Call for global leaders
He wishes that multi disciplinary global leaders will emerge with a vision for sustainable
What we do
We should follow the green path of our former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for healthy
environment. Creating awareness is the best and first step for any programs success. That is
why he creates awareness among youth and children through his speech. Awareness, awareness
wherever possible whenever possible is his breath. To attain sustainable developments in all the
fields to attain green and clean world, we should create awareness first. Moreover he stresses on
increasing green cover through tree plantation by children. He asked children to plant aleast 10
trees and nurture them till they get matured. When I was in Class I, I wrote a letter to him, he
gave me a reply with his autograph, in which he insists me to dream big. So I have motivated
and have started my green journey from my age of four. To change our mother planet earth
green, clean and full of peace is my motto and my big dream. Till I have created awareness more
than 2,84,650 school children and college students, public in total. Moreover planted and
donated more than 1,50,000 saplings. I have issued about 5000 short term vegetables seeds
packets to poor village people

(website: I spent my school fee

waiver, gift money etc, for my project. My parents, teachers and grand parents also help me a
lot. Everyone should follow his path is the right way of giving salute to him.
We can change our future by changing our habits.
With our involvement we cannot fail
Be active! Take on responsibility
Work for the things we believe in
If not we are surrendering our fate to others

He has a vision that every citizen of India should follow the green oath to attain better human
civilization goal and he firmly believes that India becomes a pace setter for entire world by 2050
because the population of India will be one fifth of the global population. So that he wishes we
should be the role models for others in the world. He has a green vision for Human civilization
in 2050 for a prosperous and peaceful globe. Everyone should try to bring the green, clean and
peaceful world. For that we should follow simple green life style and we should adjust ourselves
little bit for our future generations. His dream of a self reliant and strong India has always been a
strong motivation for the country and citizen. It is our duty to make his dreams come true.
Let us sacrifice our today little bit so that our children can have a better tomorrow.


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