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· For YOU to Pray ~ to Give ~ to GO

· For many people to sign up to go on Brazil & Burundi campaigns. Missions at Windermere Ministries is all
· For God’s financial provisions for short term missionaries to GO and about loving God, loving people, making
make disciples. disciples, and remembering the poor.
Brazil Prayer Requests:
Our mission field starts here in
· Igniting of local churches for a Brazilian church planting movement.
Orange County and expands to Florida, America,
· Brazilians to catch the “Crossing Brazil with the Power of e3” vision by: and throughout the world.
Engaging in Brazil’s e3 training for planting churches. Join us by Praying—Giving—GOING!
Participating in Brazil’s e3 campaigns during the summer.
Starting an indigenous church planting movement utilizing e3 methods.

Burundi Prayer Requests:

· Wisdom and direction for pastors and leaders in developing a strategy for
impacting Burundi by carrying out the:
Great Commandment
Great Compassion Auzelio Santini with Ecuador
Students in Ecuador Moment of Decision
Great Commission
· For Burundi and WM pastors and leaders to be good stewards of the
resources, talents and time that God has allocated for this partnership.
· That through this partnership, indigenous pastors will be equipped to Auzelio Santini New Church Planted in Panama
evangelize and disciple. City

Burundi Karusi Province

FBCW Sewing ministry in
Governor Ndayize Sylvestre,
Gatumba Province in Burundi
John Gibbs & Fidele Mbunde,
Windermere Ministries
at Pastor Joseph’s church
Member of Parliament
First Baptist Church Windermere  Windermere Community Church RAY BERRYMAN - GLOBAL MISSIONS PASTOR
Contact information: Auzelio Santini, Associate Global Missions Pastor -

ECUADOR (Galapagos Islands) BRAZIL (Sao Paulo)
“It rained but God showed up anyway, He did miracles. We visited several houses Leadership Development Conference
and shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with five people and we saw all five Our prayers and vision is to be part of a process of igniting an indigenous Church
accept Christ as their Savior. Praise the Lord! God brought us a few thousand of Planting movement in Brazil so that more churches will be planted utilizing the
miles to reach out to Jose’s father (Jose was a member of our e3 Team) and unite e3 methodology and tools. All e3 campaigns in Brazil for 2010 will be in the
the family as Jose’s father accepted Christ. I shared the Gospel at Escola Delia metropolitan Sao Paulo area. Sao Paulo is the second largest city in the world
Ibarra de Valasco, a school that is just across the street from our church plant and with a population hovering around 17 million people. As such, it is at the very
63 students and 2 teachers accepted Christ as their Savior. God is SO good!” heart of our vision to reach all of Brazil with the Gospel of Christ. For that
Auzelio Santini reason we will be conducting training in several churches in Sao Paulo in the
next couple weeks. We covet your prayers for wisdom, discernment, total
BURUNDI (Karusi Province) dependence on the Holy Spirit and oasis of rest as we will be involved in
“We traveled to Karusi province to visit the site of the future community center. teaching five churches and visiting three other potential partners for the upcoming
We met with the governor and parliament member and visited the site to discuss mission trips in years to come. Auzelio Santini
future plans which will focus on agricultural vocational training and
provide other ministries that will benefit the people of that province. I was stunned New Total
WM Team Prayed to
to learn that 40 hectares were being provided (100 acres) which is twice the Members
Planted Receive
amount that we requested from the President. I am very excited about the Christ

possibilities for this site and local leadership that will help to develop it for
God’s Kingdom.
Total September 2004 through March 12, 2010 731 275 44,979
Prior to traveling to Karusi we visited Pastor Jeremy’s New Life Church to
participate in a lunch program and worship time for homeless women and widows
and their children. Herve and one of the other pastors were led by the Lord to start
this program. It now ministers to about 50 women and children two days per week.
Herve’s vision is to expand this program to provide some vocational
training to the women so they can not only earn a living and feed their children
but to get them off the street and have some dignity in their existence. This would
be an excellent ministry, I believe, for FBCW to partner with Herve on.
We also attended Revival Church in Gitega. Following the church service we
traveled to the Rutana province to see the primary school that FBCW has helped to
construct in a small community near the Tanzanian border. There is an ongoing
need for additional classrooms for this school to continue to operate. It is my hope Date of Trip Country & Mission Site
and prayer that FBCW will continue to support the future development of this 5/28-6/6 Brazil, Sao Jose dos Campos
school. 6/15-6/24 Burundi, Bujumbura
Before heading home we met with Pastor Domitien, whose church has an orphan 6/20-6/27 Burundi Community Center Groundbreaking
ministry that takes care of over 50 orphans. We also discussed other possibilities 7/1-7/11 Bolivia, Cochabamba
such as a sewing ministry similar to the one recently started in Gatumba province 7/30-8/8 Brazil, Santo Andre
at Pastor Joseph’s church.
8/5-8/14 Russia, Ryazan
On my way home, I reflected on the many blessings I had received over the past 8/6-8/15 Brazil, Sao Paulo
two weeks and the future opportunities that FBCW has to minister in many 8/14-8/21 Colombia, Bogota
areas in Burundi. It was a great trip.” John Gibbs — FBCW

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