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Microsoft Excel –Basic Calculation

Name: ___________________________________
Class: _______________ Date: _______________
Module 2:
Spreadsheet – Microsoft Excel
Topic 2: Basic Calculation
Task A: Addition
 Open a new MS Excel spreadsheet.

 Save the file as “IT_M2Tp2TKA.xls” in your thumbdrive.

 Type in the following data:

 Click in cell B7.

 Type: „ = ‟

 Click in cell B4.

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Microsoft Excel –Basic Calculation

 Type: „ + ‟

 Click in cell B5.

 Type: „ + ‟

 Click in cell B6.

 Look in the Formula Bar.

 It should read: =B4+B5+B6

TIP: You just created a formula that adds up the per-frog costs
for the tadpole, food, and tank. Formulas always begin with an =.

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Microsoft Excel –Basic Calculation

 On the Toolbar, click the icon to save the file.

 Click in cell D3.

 Type: „ Price ‟

 In the cells below, type:

 Click in cell E6.

 On the Toolbar, click the icon.

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Microsoft Excel –Basic Calculation

 The worksheet should look like this:

 Press the ENTER key.

 The total in E6 should be 3.

 Click in cell E6.

 The Formula Bar should show: =SUM(E4:E5)

TIP: This is just a different way of adding numbers. By clicking the icon, you told
Excel to SUM, or add, the numbers from E4 through E5.

 Click the icon to save the file.

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